For those that dislike PvP, or anything involved with interplayer interaction

  • Heya there,

    After all the posts of people disliking PvP or something in that region, sorry i have seen too many different types of posts to count.

    The things I want to state first is this:

    • This isn’t meant as a “git good” topic whatsoever
    • No matter what stance you have please stay respectfull to the other side of the coin, no profanities or the like please.
    • This topic might be long but please bear with me

    Then another important point, i have a light form of dyslexia and english is not my first language so any spelling/grammar mistakes or missed letters somewhere can be attributed to that.

    Now to the core idea behind this topic:

    When i was but a scrub of a pirate, not worthy of sailing on my sloop i severely disliked PvP and anything involved with it, i hated the fact i lost that chest i could have earned some gold for...

    Then it clicked in my head, i started seeing everything in a different light, my mindset was wrong and blocked me off from a significant amount of fun that can be had in this game.

    I opened up to the fact that geinding out voyages is not the complete story in the game and in fact in my mind its not even the most important part of it, i tell you once you start looking at it like this you have way more fun.

    Try to make an adventure, of course you can do that by doing voyages but make sure you have fun whilst doing so, if you do it like that your fun was allready had and cant be taken away from you whatever happens in the future and if everything goes your way that fun just gets a rep and gold kicker at the end.

    By changing my mindset i wasnt afraid to lose loot anymore, i didnt like it (i was still a pirate that needed money for whatever there is to buy) but i didnt mind it as much.

    This also made it so that i wasnt afraid anymore to take a challenge if someone came up to me cannons/guns blazing, of course i wanted to win, of course i wanted the loot BUT i made sure i was having fun beforehand and made sure i tried to learn from each loss i suffered.

    -sniper & pistol combo took me down, hmm how can i stand a better chance at that.

    • hmm someone blocks my sword constantly and consequently takes me out, how can i counter that.
    • how can i outsail that sloop/galleon/brigantine, how do i outmanouvre them

    You get the idea, theres more but this post shouldnt just list all of that stuff, by getting involved in said challenges i got better and better at defending myself, my ship and my loot and not long thereafter i tried taking the fight to them, each time having a couple of chests aboard to have a risk to fighting, something like that made me more determined and was a payoff to the guys if they bested me (see it as payment for them training me)

    Now i am a true PVPVE player, hoarding a lot of loot aboard my ship (especially if me and my crew gets together dont we @Nessiroj, @DarkMage613 and @mark147258 ?)
    I mean 100k is something we regularly risk to lose at any given point.

    It is not like we run from challanges, we do forts, skellyships, pvp encounters anything the game can throw at us... now this isnt meant as ego stroking just showing a change in the mentality.

    Now i am not saying everyone should drop pve for pvp, not at all, i am trying to share my perspective with people that its not all about the gold, its not all about the rep, its not all about getting that pirate legend title in game.

    The experiences you can have with random encounters as long as you just try and have fun at any point during the game if its collecting chests or sailing around make sure you take it all in, that experience can never be taken away from you by whatever object, be it cannonball or sword, is thrown at you.

    And if you arent afraid of losing that chest, yet still determined to make sure you still have it aboard the next time you arrive at an outpost youstart getting better and better at pvp even if it will never be the main way you want to play the game, remember the best offense is a good defense.

    And for the people saying that one Cursed cannonball can end a ship battle, this is only somewhat true, you can watch some of @Nessiroj ‘s past sea of thieves streams (we speak dutch amongst eachother however) you can see we have taken the upperhand even though we got hit with anchor,rigging and weary balls.

    Do ccb’s have to power to change the battle, yes of course they do but so does a boarding action, a regular cannonball towards the cannoniers or that one gomepowder barrel you keep in your crowsnest.

    Everything comes down to tactics and communication, and especially for solo sloopers AWARENESS.

    Make tactics, try them out the next occasion re a***s the tactics and change them where needed and anybody, yes i say EVERYBODY can be a force to be reckoned with.

  • 12
  • @callmebackdraft Thank you for reminding me why I fell in love with this game in the first place. I fell in love with the adrenaline rush of action-packed battles, not grinding and selling as many chests as you can. You should post this to Reddit too. The community needs to hear this.

  • @dashingshail thanks for the positive feedback and glad i could remind you. :-)

    As per your request i also put it on reddit

  • @callmebackdraft Spot on mate.
    Although I am PvE minded I totally agree with every word you've said.

    It's sound advice. Thank you.

  • @callmebackdraft I would not even have brought up dyslexia, spelling, or grammar... when people bring those things up, they automatically lose. It is way beyond obvious that they have no argument to make at that point. You just do you. :)

  • @aod-fluid it was just a fair warning if stuff would be hard to read ;-) i know my weaknesses lol

  • @callmebackdraft said in For those that dislike PvP, or anything involved with interplayer interaction:

    @aod-fluid it was just a fair warning if stuff would be hard to read ;-) i know my weaknesses lol

    I get that, it has just been a last-resort in polarizing topics lately for people to start nit-picking about grammar, vocabulary, and spelling... if they pull those arguments out, they are basically admitting defeat. ;)

  • @callmebackdraft This is the most beautiful post I have ever seen..I honestly started to cry a little..thank you for your time! Thank you so much! :D On a real note..everyone that plays this game needs to read this now!

  • 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  • @averageheroz you are very welcome, i honestly love this game and care about it and hope to share the love in any way i can.

    This is such a hot topic on so much occassions and i have replied to alot of them i just decided to make this one big post, i just hope that like you people see what i am trying to convey here.

    Fair winds on the seas fellow pirate

  • Let me first state, that i'm in the same boat as @CallMeBackdrafT (not only when we sail but mindset wise) i HATE pvp in general, in any game i boycott pvp, cause i really hate it, even tough i knew SoT whould be a pvp game, the setting and the actual looks of the game made me buy it.

    In the first few months of the game i really hated it when we got jumped and lost, but the pvp part slowly started to grow on me (it also helped that we we're reaching 40+ in each rep so losing something was more like ow c**p that was 4+ hours off loot, but heej i learned that i could do x from this encounter so next time i'll try that same trick on that "aggressor".)

    @callmebackdraft said in For those that dislike PvP, or anything involved with interplayer interaction:

    And for the people saying that one Cursed cannonball can end a ship battle, this is only somewhat true, you can watch some of @Nessiroj ‘s past sea of thieves streams (we speak dutch amongst eachother however) you can see we have taken the upperhand even though we got hit with anchor,rigging and weary balls.

    I presume you refer to a few weeks ago (can't find the vod atm) when we got jumped by 2 legend brigs (with CCB's etc), we outsailed and outgunned them eevn with maggie occasional visiting us, till they eventually both sunk? But yeah that was alot off fun and hope we get those encounters more often.

    Running abit from battle (if your a good/great sailer) is also a valid tactic as show on the stream @CallMeBackdrafT is referring to. We sailed away several times, tried to find angles / weaknesses and even used the storm in our favor. But we prevailed.

    Encountering a PL does not mean you have to be scared, everyone becomes PL by doing PvE, with some getting some loot from PvP keep that in mind, fighting a wintered crew who are on voice (disc/ts/mumble) is a whole other thing offcourse.

    CCB's are really common atm due tot event, offcourse (like with all previous events) the amount will drop (i presume when FS launches), so having a CCB's can really make a difference then, so you still need to plan carefully when to use the CCB('s) cause you prob only have 1 or 2 (instead of 50+ now)

    Anyway having CCB's and or the first shot does not guarantee you will have the upperhand, think what happend, react and if possible be "the aggressor " to them instead of trying to be "the receiver", after they opened.

    Most crew's fire the majority of there CCB's in the start of the fight, survive that and your good to go ;-)

    In short, learn from your mistakes but most importantly learn from the mistakes that your oppontent makes (are they strong in sailing or in hand to hand combat).
    Exploit their weakness and you will be the winner.

  • @callmebackdraft greeting shipmate! You make some very good points...indeed.

    Sometimes I find myself getting caught up in the loss versus gain of a particular situation and I have to step back and remind myself that for me Sea of Thieves is about the pure joy of exploration and the game itself and to not buy into a "I'm gonna get 'them' for that! attitude."

    I sent you a PM with another thought. I mention it here as I rarely check my PMs and have missed some great communications recently! :-D

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