Pvp is ruining SOT

  • @savagetwinky said in Pvp is ruining SOT:

    @cotu42 said in Pvp is ruining SOT:

    The design requirements... you mean the Game Design of the game. Why people like playing it, yes it meets those requirements. I have also never stated that the Game Design as it is now is perfect either or not up for discussion on how to improve.

    Ok so we agree that if the game meets some requirements doesn't mean its good. Or that the requirements make any real sense. So we can also come to an agreement that using "it meets requirements" to counter an argument is pretty meaningless?

    What matters is describing the requirements and the benefits of having them.

    If you make claims, back them up. As we do not see eye to eye on what you are claiming.

    I did back them up. You didn't counter it with anything meaningful... your own perspective on the community or the issues they are having. The usage of claiming someone's opinion and perception is anecdotal without providing hard facts to prove them wrong. This is a forum and the conversion heavily revolves around perception and opinion... so we shouldn't be mistaking statements as facts, and calling something anecdotal again is another pretty meaningless argument. Because that would suggest playing the game and interacting with the community produces unreliable information...

    Concede? We were battling? I thought we were having a reasonable conversation about the game, but clearly you are only interested in winning.

    How is conceding "losing"? That's what happens in a conversation if you argue against something that you might be wrong about..

    Btw. I am not conceding as there are always design flaws in every single game in the world. Video Games and especially multiplayer games are always able to improve.

    World of Warcraft, which was an amazing game when it was released but had so many flaws within its game design. Though still millions of players played the game and it has dominated an entire genre for a very long time. Extremely flawed and shattered records. Having flaws in a game is not the same as: All the veterans are leaving, All the good PvPers are leaving, etc. Games and especially like how this game is setup are a never ending cycle of change, with the goal to improve.
    Like I have stated, I do not have the same point of view as yours.

    Wow! way to concede while also trying to walk it back... Unlike WoW rare stopped reporting their numbers. All games have flaws but let's not pretend WoW and SoT flaws are even remotely in the same league. One game went to crush records... the other game is a massive deflation of player engagement and discontent. Community engagement, widespread and reoccurring complaints... are all evidence to suggest the reality is closer to the way I describe it. There is some real potential with this game, but the only people who are finding it are the ones that really are forgiving and willing to slog through the game's flaws to find the masterpiece underneath.

    Well, we disagree on this as I believe that Athena voyages actually fit the bill from a design perspective.

    This is pretty much the PvP scenario, which I try to illustrate in my story that you so kindly called dumb.

    1. People starting an Athena's claim themselves the Defenders and holders of the loot
    2. People can analyze your movement and realize you are doing an Athena's
    3. People can decide that they want to be the Attackers and are after the loot
    4. Engagement happens one side loses the other wins
      4.1) Defender is victorious and keeps all the loot.
      4.2) Attacker is victorious and grabs the loot
      4.2.1) Cages are left behind as they have no value
      4.2.2) They took the cages
    5. Attackers/Defenders rush back
      5.1) If Attackers decided to come back go back to 4.
      5.2.1) Defenders rushed back and engage Attackers - head back to 4. If 4.2.1 - Cages were lost and Athená's quest failed.
      5.2.2) Defenders rushed back and head to where they sunk. If 4.2.1 Cages are recovered and they continue on their way, else they might still try 5.2.1 or Athena's quest failed.

    This is a way to look at it as a design centered around contested loot. If you do not agree that this is contested loot our definitions clearly differ, as for me contested means out on the open waters and can already be in the hands of other pirates or only obtainable by them (requiring one to analyze the ships movements before striking). There is just one major problem with this design as this is one of the scenario's where the engagement actually took place at a right time in the voyage. Be too early and the attackers get nothing and might even ruin the fun for the defenders (loss of crates). Same thing goes with being too late. There usually 3 sweet spots timing wise: before they head to one of the three outposts stops most groups have: Merchant 1, Merchant 2, Athena delivery.

    Ok... just because it's in the open sea doesn't mean it's contested. It can be.. but that's not the same thing. To be contested requires 2 people fighting over it to make it. That's why you can do a fort uncontested... because no one showed up to stop you. It doesn't become contested until someone decides to do point number 4 and that means departing from what your doing now, to get take their loot.


    1. A struggle for superiority or victory between rivals: England's contest with Spain for domination of the seas.
    2. A competition, especially one in which entrants perform separately and are rated by judges: a spelling contest.

    Now let's take a look at Athena's... if 2 people are doing an Athena... the prize is at the end of the voyage. No one has any strong feelings over the loot half the time, many players just leave it on the island because of the time investment... If the loot is unimportant to both of them until the end... what is the point of contesting someone elses? Its mostly just because its boring and people dislike athenas...

    Whats the result of this? Well if someone acquired the athena crates than someone else lost something of significantly more value. The value of the crate as part of an objective for someone else and had absolutely next to no value for the thief.

    The game in its current form is being able to contest everything, including someone's ability to finish a timed event or finish a long voyage. It completely relies on players to contest loot though... and when thats not a FUN experience they just kill everything. It has nothing to do about rewards really.

    This causes a big risk that even in victory the attackers receive nothing and if victorious as a defender you currently just get to keep what you already had... A bounty system is something that would be something to reward the victor.

    And it's still a band-aid for building an incentive to get to 4. In order for the PvP to be fun and not a gank fest, you have to build some structure in for contesting loot without relying on players to do it.

    A bounty system.. will create a gank on-site mentality. You're still trying to fix a lopsided opportunity cost of going out of your way to kill someone... because they might be doing an Athena's and leaving everything behind or doing some commendation event... they might not have loot because its unimportant. Your not solving the problem of unimportant loot, your not creating incentive to contest loot, or build a scenario/voyage that constructs contested loot... What you're doing with bounties, is skipping any important loot had as an incentive for PvP and rewarding ganking.

    I know! The solution to ships either not having loot because its unimportant or someone just hasn't picked it up yet... is to not need it!

    Jimmy - So what will we be pirating?

    Salt and tears my boy!

    The fact that you called my experience dumb, while I was using it as an illustration. Came over as disrespectful to me. Especially 'cause you base your words on your own experience. Therefore this will be my last response and is the reason I did not engage on all the talking points. Hope you enjoy the seas and may the wind be firmly in your back.

    The "fact" that I called your experience dumb? Care to substantiate that claim?

    @savagetwinky said in Pvp is ruining SOT:

    @cotu42 said in Pvp is ruining SOT:

    • snip * dumb story about something interesting that happened.
      // Adjusted by you, as I had an illustration of my point by sharing one of my experiences, the story.

    Nobody is suggesting interesting things don't happen....

    See the bold part! Dumb story, my story, my experience.

    Actually I agree with one aspect and never denied it. That games can be improved over time and like all games has flaws and areas to improve. I however totally disagree if you state this game is badly designed and that the core design is flawed. I for one support RARE in their mentality towards the game and believe the core mechanics are actually extremely solid and actually is main consensus go read reviews and people cracking down on the game: Solid foundation, Much potential are the up sides, lack of content and variety in feedback loops are the main criticisms. Haven't I been the one suggesting actual in-game adjustments to improve something I believe could be improved... I by no means concede to your view.

    Contested loot according to you will always be non-contested till someone decides to do PvP and since RARE cannot control what people do...No way to do what you want, unless if you are talking about forced PvP in PvE voyages we totally disagree on where this game should head. I already have some issues with the 'other crew' requirement for bilge rat adventures, as it's forced: Skeleton Ships patch did a better job at it though, so they are already improving.

    Btw. the World of Warcraft vanilla issues were way bigger than that of Sea of Thieves, it is clear you didn't play at launch or did not do Vanilla Raids or smaller group 5/10 man instances. Go read their old patch notes if you want to know or look at role restrictions disregarding that you had multiple talent trees for different roles.

    Sea of Thieves has done very well, minus the CCB patch, to deliver high quality work. The foundation of this game is extremely solid and has been handled properly for the majority.

    Whether it can captivate a player base as large as World of Warcraft, no I don't think the market for this type of game is that big at the moment. Do I believe it can be large enough to survive and maybe even boom once it gets more content, for sure.

    Though why I am trying to explain, it is clearly that you are not interested in moving your point of view. You are still even unwilling with me explaining that your valid experience gives you a valid opinion that it still isn't therefore true, but it remains based on anecdotal evidence till you get evidence that you can show. Though you wanted the proof and and a fact to prove my claim. So, thought I would show you the adjustment you made to the post when quoting me and therefore the evidence to back-up my claim.

  • @genuine-heather said in Pvp is ruining SOT:

    @lucky-13-x said in Pvp is ruining SOT:

    @luckydaddy0731 said in Pvp is ruining SOT:

    I think the pvp is perfect. Keeps you alert and ready fo battle at any time. I’ve spent hours getting ready for skelly ship battles just to be sank on my way there by another crew and I told them great job cuz they did an amazing job taking me out and I started over. It’s an open sandbox game where anything can happen. It’s definitely a huge point of the game to have pvp

    Yeah, I say things other than "great job" when that happens to me. Again we need a roaming NAVY to keep PVPers on their toes and give us PVEers a chance the PVPers's attention will be directed elsewhere.

    While I get your intention, a roaming AI navy would be out of place in Sea of Thieves. If you read the lore, you find Sea of Thieves is its own little world that exists outside from normal civilization. There are no nations, therefore no navies. It’s a cursed world. That said, if players wish to form their own fleets of “pirate protectors,” there’s nothing stopping them. We have all the tools we need! I’ve seen some crews do exactly this, in fact.

    I think ultimately it will be up to players to decide how or if there should be any PvP justice on the Sea of Thieves.

    I created a thread of how I have rethought the Navy idea and how it fits within the SoT lore. Let me know what you think!

  • Thats why u need a person on the crows nest.
    Sot is boring with no pvp.
    Whats the point playinng a game that does not give tension fear of losing stuff?
    Whats the point of sailing with ur friends just to catch chicken

  • @cotu42 said in Pvp is ruining SOT:

    See the bold part! Dumb story, my story, my experience.

    Clearly, you also have an issue with your sense of humor. I called the story dumb not because your experience was dumb, it just wasn't necessary and I'm not sure what the point was. Plus in the same quote, I literally state the contents are interesting... Why would you think I meant your experience was dumb?

    Actually I agree with one aspect and never denied it. That games can be improved over time and like all games has flaws and areas to improve. I however totally disagree if you state this game is badly designed and that the core design is flawed. I for one support RARE in their mentality towards the game and believe the core mechanics are actually extremely solid and actually is main consensus go read reviews and people cracking down on the game: Solid foundation, Much potential are the up sides, lack of content and variety in feedback loops are the main criticisms. Haven't I been the one suggesting actual in-game adjustments to improve something I believe could be improved... I by no means concede to your view.

    You have to make up your mind, you either see my view as potentially valid or you don't. Your taking a wishy-washy stance to backpedal arguing against this game has some big flaws that have led to a fairly obvious negative response... and trying to explain it as well all games have flaws.

    And yes, there is a consensus that the gameplay mechanics are solid.. not the entire game design.

    Contested loot according to you will always be non-contested till someone decides to do PvP and since RARE cannot control what people do...No way to do what you want, unless if you are talking about forced PvP in PvE voyages we totally disagree on where this game should head. I already have some issues with the 'other crew' requirement for bilge rat adventures, as it's forced: Skeleton Ships patch did a better job at it though, so they are already improving.

    Contesting something means fighting over it. If someone has something and your choosing to fight them for the fight your not contesting the thing your just fighting.

    I've never once talked about forcing PvP.

    What is a fact is that in a game about piracy, it fails to deliver loot as a meaningful goal during the moment to moment gameplay. It started out that way because everyone needed it... and that was when it was the most fun because people would do voyages and attack each other when the opportunity arose.

    Btw. the World of Warcraft vanilla issues were way bigger than that of Sea of Thieves, it is clear you didn't play at launch or did not do Vanilla Raids or smaller group 5/10 man instances. Go read their old patch notes if you want to know or look at role restrictions disregarding that you had multiple talent trees for different roles.

    You obviously didn't play vanilla at launch... because the game was a massive hit due to the incredibly well-designed theme park that nailed the reward structure... WoW, hooked people because of its polish, its story, the depth of the mechanics, the sheer amount of content... and they made the content feel meaningful for 100s of hours. Its not like raids/instances had heavy roles until much later in WoW's lifespan for the vast majority. If you had actually played wow since day 1 you would have known that. Not being the most convenient for putting together a group for side/late game mechanics was an inconvience or something you never worried about until you were months into the game.It is a @#!$ing insurmountable difference compared to lots of people hitting a wall after an hour and saying 'that's all there is, 3 fetch quests and a lot of sailing and some really great core mechanics!'

    Sea of Thieves has done very well, minus the CCB patch, to deliver high quality work. The foundation of this game is extremely solid and has been handled properly for the majority.

    Oh got any proof on the claim that the game has been handled propertly by the majority? Joe Neat has already apologisied for the low quality buggy builds they keep releasing...

    Whether it can captivate a player base as large as World of Warcraft, no I don't think the market for this type of game is that big at the moment. Do I believe it can be large enough to survive and maybe even boom once it gets more content, for sure.

    Just no...

    Content isn't going to save this game. The core game loop needs to be figured out into something that is either meaningful or can keep players engaged for the time commitment sailing requires.

    They'll need to redesign the game for PvE... they need a deep and meaningful progression.. full stop. And they can build it on a theme park or a sandbox both requiring a lot of redesigns. For a themepark... thats not happening, so the next best thing is a sand box... they need much more depth/complexity in how you can express yourself in the game world. This is really where the major complaints with the game came from... it wasn't a direct conflict game like fortnite so people see it as more of a MMO/sandbox of sorts and were looking at the lack of content/meaningful progression as the problem.

    Or they can embrace the PvP side, where everyone agrees the core mechanics shine and try to build a more complex version of capture the flag where loot is paramount and the game is a rat race for loot and build on emergent voyages with PvPvE... which is what we have now technically speaking, its just poorly designed not fully realized and the value of loot is diminished greatly by certain design choices. Loot is the only thing that engages PvP apart from blood thirst and trolling.. And bounties build on blood thirst/trolling behavior.

    Though why I am trying to explain, it is clearly that you are not interested in moving your point of view. You are still even unwilling with me explaining that your valid experience gives you a valid opinion that it still isn't therefore true, but it remains based on anecdotal evidence till you get evidence that you can show. Though you wanted the proof and and a fact to prove my claim. So, thought I would show you the adjustment you made to the post when quoting me and therefore the evidence to back-up my claim.

    It's not anecdotal. Its a 66 on Metacritic. There was a massive uproar in about content that forced rare to pivot their plans to push content out. Which Joe Neat already admitted that there have been some issues with the quality of releases, or some ideas that weren't fully fleshed out like the new UI because of the rush. And even with the updates.. there hasn't been any added depth to the content.

    Not to mention I can count the number of players in the discord communities playing the game right now vs when they had 100s of active crews in the reddit discord and many active communities... you can count the crews on one hand... and there aren't as many active communities or they are expanding into other games. I've mentioned discord already which you seem to not think is evidence... are you going to try to suggest all these players that disappeared are using the Xbox app LFG tool primarily now? Also another point you should take a moment to check, how many PLs are there in game? If you say plenty... that means there is a high propability you'll be matched with 0.46% of the player base... so where are the other 99.54%?

    So sure you can say lots of people play, but its hard to argue that the communities didn't nose dive, especially since alliances were released. Again I don't have hard numbers and couldn't tell you if it was a 40%, 60% or 90% reduction of the community but its definitely not insignificant. And discord populations is not anecdotal. There are enough people in there to show what's happening at a higher level to the community. I don't believe the game is designed well... I'm using the communities initial reaction and subsequence reactions to point out something isn't resonating with players... it's becoming a niche title... and the greatest ship mechanics we've seen in a while is going to be relegated to extremely monotonous fetch quests with trolling PvP behavior create some excitement.

  • The griefing in this game is the most disgusting thing about it. Pirate Legends seem to think it's okay to bully sloops and hunt them down constantly to just keep sinking them. Apparently "The game is PVP", if the game was mainly focused around PVP I wouldn't have bought it. It's hard to even lvl at this point because there's always a galleon or a brig filled with sweaty pirate legends that are on PC. Most people are already at a disadvantage because of them playing with a controller on console. There's no balance at all when it comes to the crossplay feature of the game. I always feel as if my shots don't even matter when facing one of these PC pirate legends because I'm always getting 1-2 shot and they never seem to die. This is ruining the game for me at this point. Multiple days in a row I've had to deal with this. Just trying to lvl and get commendations but when the legends shows up hours of progress is just lost completely. Then the legends like to say that the meta of the game is PVP. They have nothing to do so they decide to grief and bully lower lvls because they're bored. Even though they get nothing out of it they still pillage and ruin everything in their path. They've found this new thing where they no-scope one shot off and then hit you with a sword and you die almost instantly. Somehow they manage to drop my health to nothing with every shot they let off with their blunderbusses. Don't even get me started on the EOR.....They can effortlessly snipe you because of the easy mouse control, while on console it just isn't that easy. Plus with no keyboard and mouse support on the Xbox there's nothing we can do about it. There's no aim-assist or anything. There's nothing that even hints to something that Rare tried to balance the scale between console and PC players. I even consider myself a pretty good player as long as I'm not facing some sweaty nerd who has been playing FPS PC games for his entire life. It's just not even fair at this point. There's no balance whatsoever, and something needs to be done or I think I will eventually lose my passion and love for this game, inevitably quitting it.

  • @erison-kyle PVP and griefing are 2 different things

  • @enf0rcer

    Players should start using the alliance flag.

  • @rainn-flutterrs said in Pvp is ruining SOT:

    @erison-kyle PVP and griefing are 2 different things

    Then explain ur ideal Pvp scenario then?

  • @rainn-flutterrs I like how you have to label everyone who is better than you as "sweaty". Sound to me like you are the one sweating .

  • @trickrtreat01 $300 is not actually free if I say the game was included will you please shut up?

  • People act like this game has a fanbase the size of something like Fortnite... There are 494 people watching this game currently on Twitch, and another 116 watching it on Mixer.

    Compare that to other games, and that works out to about 500 people playing right now. Not millions, not thousands...

    Compare that to a few weeks ago when Twitch alone, for Sea of Thieves, had about 1400 viewers at this same time of day. That will likely (hopefully) go up as the day progresses...but that is not a good number and is indicative of a game that is beginning to flounder.

    Older titles like Subnautica are sitting at 3300 viewers right now.

    The "numbers" we can see for this game have not gone up since launch. They also have not "remained the same" since launch. They have gone down immensely. If that is not a good indication that what is being done is not working, I can't help you at this point. You are lost in a delusion that is likely going to disappoint you severely.

    What I can tell you is that the reason for that decline has absolutely nothing to do with PvP. It has everything to do with the PvE component of this game. PvP has had very little wrong with it up to this point. Cursed Cannonballs totally break the "level playing field" promised by Rare by throwing RNG into the mix in a much larger way, but those cursed cannonballs are not that game-changing unless the crew using them are just terrible and spam sleep or jig balls until you sink. That is no different than a galleon crew of four people boarding a sloop because they have failed to sink it 3 times (that happened to us the other day with our sloop).

    If you do not want PvP, then choose to avoid it... but requesting it be somehow "gimped" or removed from the game is just silly, and would drive the last nail into the coffin of this game. Saying that it is the cause for the decline in this game's player population is also just as silly.

  • 174 posts so far! If that doesn't tell you guys something is wrong here you are oblivious and nothing we say will change anything. I know I'll play a bit longer but Rare nice game but your losing gamers because of this inability to separate these playing STILES. Destiny here I come my love!

  • Well, it’s a pirate game mate! NO MERCY!

  • @aod-fluid said in Pvp is ruining SOT:

    People act like this game has a fanbase the size of something like Fortnite... There are 494 people watching this game currently on Twitch, and another 116 watching it on Mixer.

    Compare that to other games, and that works out to about 500 people playing right now. Not millions, not thousands...

    Compare that to a few weeks ago when Twitch alone, for Sea of Thieves, had about 1400 viewers at this same time of day. That will likely (hopefully) go up as the day progresses...but that is not a good number and is indicative of a game that is beginning to flounder.

    Older titles like Subnautica are sitting at 3300 viewers right now.

    The "numbers" we can see for this game have not gone up since launch. They also have not "remained the same" since launch. They have gone down immensely. If that is not a good indication that what is being done is not working, I can't help you at this point. You are lost in a delusion that is likely going to disappoint you severely.

    What I can tell you is that the reason for that decline has absolutely nothing to do with PvP. It has everything to do with the PvE component of this game. PvP has had very little wrong with it up to this point. Cursed Cannonballs totally break the "level playing field" promised by Rare by throwing RNG into the mix in a much larger way, but those cursed cannonballs are not that game-changing unless the crew using them are just terrible and spam sleep or jig balls until you sink. That is no different than a galleon crew of four people boarding a sloop because they have failed to sink it 3 times (that happened to us the other day with our sloop).

    If you do not want PvP, then choose to avoid it... but requesting it be somehow "gimped" or removed from the game is just silly, and would drive the last nail into the coffin of this game. Saying that it is the cause for the decline in this game's player population is also just as silly.

    But but but... this is all anecdotal evidence, twitch isn't good to gauge because the game is boring to play for large swaths of time, so equally boring to watch! Use the youtube where you can get highlights of fun moments!

    (I agree)

    Except for saying there is nothing wrong with PvP. There is nothing wrong with PvP mechanically... the game has an amazingly solid foundation. The problem is the game puts too much emphasis on PvE/sandbox that is shallow and relies solely on players to go out of their exploit the glorious PvP. The PvP component is poorly structured.

  • @savagetwinky said in Pvp is ruining SOT:

    @enf0rcer said in Pvp is ruining SOT:

    @genuine-heather said in Pvp is ruining SOT:

    @captain-pyrite said in Pvp is ruining SOT:

    It's called Sea of Thieves not Sea of Friends and is literally a pirate game.

    That's true, but we're not actually pirates. Some folks seem to forget that there are human beings on the other side of the screen. I've heard many people use, "but we're pirates," as an excuse for simply being jerks. Besides, real life pirates didn't just wander the seas randomly sinking ships and murdering people. They were in it for the gold, and the freedom of living beyond the reach of the law.

    Of course, things are a little different in Sea of Thieves. We're all pirates here, and cursed pirates at that. There are no merchant vessels to prey upon, so we have only each other to plunder. We must always be leery of our fellow pirates.

    @Genuine-Heather is correct here. Your abilty to chase down, sink and murder random crews over and over agian for no monitary gain does not make you a skilled pirate. Your ability to Find, Steal and Defend Loot does. Saying your a pirate doesn't excuse indiscriminate attacking of ships. But this is what S.O.T has degraded to. Cause the loot has been rendered meaningless. Espically for the merchant ships which is the role takin up by fellow players which should be the core conflict. We now have a cat and mouse style PvP conflict where all the fun of PvP comes from catching the mouse. This is most harmful to the reciving players. Priates are supposed to treaten merchants to give up some of their loot and let them go so they can collect more. Force is only used if merchants refuse to comply in other words, they have to choose to fight.

    If there were really merchant ships vs pirate ships than that really needs to be encapsulated into something functional.

    I agree as for right now the only ship you can most effectivly go after loot is OOS as Skulls glow allowing to detect that the ship has loot without having to board it and skulls typicaly give you more gold then both their chest and animal counter parts. This is clearly the reverse of how this relationship should function.

    What we have now is a race for loot with too many objectives making PvP a nonessential part of that gameplay loop. And because PvP becomes nonessential then the PvE is being played like it should stand on it's on... when people reach the top there is nothing to do... because people weren't playing a game about fighting over loot, but reaching PL.

    Yep. One of the greatest concerns about this game is being played out right now. This is the area that is the single greatest treat to the spirit of this game as more and more player leave the grind out out of etheir bordom from compltion of their grind or out of frustation from the constant hunting from the same ship. Till all that is left are the pure PvP player who will for a short will soak up any new contant in a matter of hours then have huge ship battles for the rest of the time and those who like the sandbox will form private servers to make there own event and the loot will be completely meaningless. At that time the game will has lost it's core idenity. That is the fate of this game if actin are not taken now to stop the degrade cause no amount of new content will bring the farmers back.

  • @savagetwinky said in Pvp is ruining SOT:

    @aod-fluid said in Pvp is ruining SOT:

    People act like this game has a fanbase the size of something like Fortnite... There are 494 people watching this game currently on Twitch, and another 116 watching it on Mixer.

    Compare that to other games, and that works out to about 500 people playing right now. Not millions, not thousands...

    Compare that to a few weeks ago when Twitch alone, for Sea of Thieves, had about 1400 viewers at this same time of day. That will likely (hopefully) go up as the day progresses...but that is not a good number and is indicative of a game that is beginning to flounder.

    Older titles like Subnautica are sitting at 3300 viewers right now.

    The "numbers" we can see for this game have not gone up since launch. They also have not "remained the same" since launch. They have gone down immensely. If that is not a good indication that what is being done is not working, I can't help you at this point. You are lost in a delusion that is likely going to disappoint you severely.

    What I can tell you is that the reason for that decline has absolutely nothing to do with PvP. It has everything to do with the PvE component of this game. PvP has had very little wrong with it up to this point. Cursed Cannonballs totally break the "level playing field" promised by Rare by throwing RNG into the mix in a much larger way, but those cursed cannonballs are not that game-changing unless the crew using them are just terrible and spam sleep or jig balls until you sink. That is no different than a galleon crew of four people boarding a sloop because they have failed to sink it 3 times (that happened to us the other day with our sloop).

    If you do not want PvP, then choose to avoid it... but requesting it be somehow "gimped" or removed from the game is just silly, and would drive the last nail into the coffin of this game. Saying that it is the cause for the decline in this game's player population is also just as silly.

    But but but... this is all anecdotal evidence, twitch isn't good to gauge because the game is boring to play for large swaths of time, so equally boring to watch! Use the youtube where you can get highlights of fun moments!

    (I agree)

    Except for saying there is nothing wrong with PvP. There is nothing wrong with PvP mechanically... the game has an amazingly solid foundation. The problem is the game puts too much emphasis on PvE/sandbox that is shallow and relies solely on players to go out of their exploit the glorious PvP. The PvP component is poorly structured.

    PvE or PvP? :P

    It is not even shallow. It is so small and so insignificant in my experience that it is really more of a puddle... its just 100 miles across.

    Speaking of PvP, have you done the skeleton ships since the event ended? We did the other day for the first time since the event. Completely not worth doing. Not worth even considering doing.

  • @aod-fluid I have done the ships but its mostly just to get the skull fort back. Currently they are just in the way.

    The PvE shallow. But PvP while simple has a bit of depth from ship mechanics, planning, positioning, cannon shots, boarding, teamwork...

  • @savagetwinky said in Pvp is ruining SOT:

    @aod-fluid I have done the ships but its mostly just to get the skull fort back. Currently they are just in the way.

    The PvE shallow. But PvP while simple has a bit of depth from ship mechanics, planning, positioning, cannon shots, boarding, teamwork...

    Was wondering because at the end of your post you said: "The PvP component is poorly structured."

    Though, I kind of agree with that too... Ship to ship combat is great... would be better without cursed cannonballs. Hand to hand combat is just lame. Gunplay is pretty bad as well, probably because of server lag. Hit registration leaves a lot to be desired.

  • @aod-fluid said in Pvp is ruining SOT:

    @savagetwinky said in Pvp is ruining SOT:

    @aod-fluid I have done the ships but its mostly just to get the skull fort back. Currently they are just in the way.

    The PvE shallow. But PvP while simple has a bit of depth from ship mechanics, planning, positioning, cannon shots, boarding, teamwork...

    Was wondering because at the end of your post you said: "The PvP component is poorly structured."

    Though, I kind of agree with that too... Ship to ship combat is great... would be better without cursed cannonballs. Hand to hand combat is just lame. Gunplay is pretty bad as well, probably because of server lag. Hit registration leaves a lot to be desired.

    I mean the design of the game that the combat mechanics is nestled in... I'm completely fine with the gunplay/cqc/ship combat, the combination of the 3 provides a rewarding experience. It's how 2 ships get together to do that and how reliable it is for players to stand and fight. There is no PvP that naturally occurs in the game outside of forts... everything depends on a player feeling like going out of his way to gank someone, and that someone not running for 3+ hours.

  • LOL

    You'd ruin SoT in a heartbeat if you had your way, which is really where the irony lies.

    It's a pirate game... and one of the very BEST things in it is that when PvE is getting lame, someone shows up to remind you that anything you have is preciously temporary.

    Should have been keeping a sharp lookout, and should have parked in a better defensive position.

    Will you learn? Or, will you make excuses?

  • @nofears-fun said in Pvp is ruining SOT:

    @enf0rcer Very well spoken there mate. I am on the fence for rewarding PvP. But you have definitely given me something to think about as you made your point much clearer than any argument I have seen on this topic. Well done.

    Thankyou, I only wish to highlight a glaring flaw that is only made obvious to those who have played enough and early enough to understand. As the intent of this game was confusing to most players including myself till it was directly explianed to me by Rare. This is why i often question some of their design disicions.

    What are your thoughts on toxic behavior becoming a thing as a result of rewarding PvP? How would that fit into a reward system as you have described it? I am interested in your thoughts on this as that has always been my biggest reason to argue winning in PvP was the reward and everything else (loot) was just a bonus.

    Glad you ask i have spent alot of time as you may be aware on this very topic in forum discusions. So i will lay out my findings from others and my personal thoughts.

    First I would like to point out that Toxic behaviour will always exist in a multiplayer game the goal of game design should be to mitigate this and not to encourage this.

    So i do understand your concern. But the Question you should be asking is not weather we should we reward PvP? but instead How we reward PvP. Why do i say this? Because the mechnics of this game by it's nature as in any other game has an inherant incentive structure. It can be broken down to Risk vs Reward or Carrot vs Stick. Take the brig for example, with no way to outright kick a greifing player it forces the whole crew to greif back, in order to get the griefer to leave. This there by punishes the whole crew by etheir wasting time waiting for the player to leave or forced to play a man down rewarding the griefer with loot they did not earn.

    Every mechnic has this. In terms of PvP there are 3 styles of PvP. That are directed thru risk vs rewards in persuit of a Goal. There the Classic Objective based Combat where you engage an oppent in a test of skill over an objective in order to reach a Goal. There is Cat and Mouse style or Hunter vs Prey. Where 1 side is playing a game where the goal is survival while the other side play a game in which the goal is the thrill of the hunt. Finally we have Sandbox style Mayem where it's purely focus on Style of killing and blowing stuff up, like GTA. Now frist of all there is nothing wrong with any of these styles as many player like different one or like all 3. This game started as an objective based game to find and steal loot. As of now since the game has no reward for playing the objective it has devoled to favor the Cat and mouse style game play as the goal has shifted to the thrill of the hunt. This however heavily favors the preditor over the prey causihg the prey to ethier leave or become preditors themeselves the reaper flag commandations was a bandaid for this issue as it temporarily rewards the prey. Once there is no prey left the Goal would be just for the pure fun which will devolve agian to favor pure Mayem style PvP with is so far removed from the games original intent.

    This reply post is getting too long so ill make a part 2 soon if not a full tread.

    On another note, my views on PvP continue to evolve the longer I play the game. My first several months I tried to live in a shell, avoiding other ships at all costs, for many reasons. Even without having loot on board my ship, I didn't want to lose crates or the supplies I had stocked (wasting valuable game play time on stocking a ship just sucks). And this was before the new UI. I wasn't (and still am barely above average at best) very good at PvP, so any PvP would always result in my ship sinking. In fact, if I saw PvP coming, and could not escape it, my reaction was to simply leave the server and start over, on purpose to deprive that person seeking PvP from getting their thrill through me. But over time as I got a little more confidence, learned how to defend better, my views have changed and I now welcome PvP. Win, lose or draw, I enjoy it. So my views went from wanting dedicated PvE servers to now seeing that the platform we have now is best, just needs tweaks to make it better. And as such I am trying to see things through everyone's eyes to better help my own evolution in the game.

    It's interesting you choose the word evolve. But yes i know excatly what you mean as i myself went thru the same process as this is quite normal. Infact i rembered their was and old post on this forum that got made into a youtube video which beautiful discribes this trasnformation from Chicken to Pig to Snake it was a nice metaphor for this metamorphorsis. I congratulate you on becoming a pig as your now hungering for battle. I await the moment when you reach the snake stage as we you will learn to speak my language fluently and begin to experiance this issue frist hand. I'm sure you will make a fine snake.

  • @biter-wylie said in Pvp is ruining SOT:


    Players should start using the alliance flag.

    They already do and alot I don't understand your point. If you even have one. Can you ellaborate on this.

  • @trickrtreat01 You probably play on PC. I call people sweaty when they are being toxic and griefing, trashtalking, etc. Plus when they abuse broken game mechanics ya knowwwwww. You don't agree because you're probably one of those people. They don't even have to be Legends it's more general than that. I've fought with Legends before and enjoyed it even when they had the upper hand.

  • @treefittymonsta A situation where it's balanced and I have a chance. Also I don't really like being hunted down while in a sloop to where I can't even do anything, even after I don't have anything they still do it to be scummy. I just don't like griefing.

  • I love PVP in the game when it's not associated with toxic behavior and low balance. I would never wanna see it removed in all or anything irrational like that. The big thing I have against PVP is the 0 balance with controller to keyboard and mouse. That's like playing CS:GO on PC with a controller, it's just not a level playing field. Most of the Pirate Legend community is toxic from what I've encountered and heard from other people. They all need to get off of their high horses and realize they're not gods. I've been following this game for over 2 years since the very beginning and I feel my opinion is just as valid as anyone elses. I feel that I have a more less-biased opinion because I've experienced the game on both sides. Those sides being Xbox/PC. I realized that there was no balance when playing on PC. I was effortlessly just destroying everyone. As you all probably know by now I've been on the other end of the blunderbuss while on Xbox seeing as I mainly play on Xbox. All of that in mind I just think before you go writing your insult filled/condescending responses you experience PVP in the game from both sides.

  • @rainn-flutterrs said in Pvp is ruining SOT:

    @treefittymonsta A situation where it's balanced and I have a chance. Also I don't really like being hunted down while in a sloop to where I can't even do anything, even after I don't have anything they still do it to be scummy. I just don't like griefing.

    There is no way to know u have nothing without sinking you. I have sunk many people who exclaiming but we have nothing. Then when I sink them 5 skulls and couple chests float up.

  • @treefittymonsta Yea but when they purposely keep chasing you down knowing you don't have anything that's when it becomes griefing.

  • @enf0rcer haha. There are days when I am the snake as well. Lol. But I do draw the line with what I perceive as griefing.

  • Ok @nofears-fun ready for part 2:

    If you wish to learn the lessons of a snake i must warn you it's a very deep rabbit whole and this will be a very long post.

    Frist you need to understand what drives player behavior both the good and the toxic.

    The Basics:
    At the very basic level this game appeals to our primal hunter/gather instincs. We start off by learning to forage for food, then we progress to scavanging and finaly to hunting. We by going out to find and gather loot then we learn to scavenge loot from others and finaly we start hunting but we lose a taste for the loot and instead feast on the chicken . The Loot is no more then chicken feed after a while. If you want to have the focus be on the feed and not the chicken or i your case the pig then you have to make the Loot more intising then you. You should want rewards. Not for killing the player but for the loot.

    Good Player Behaviour:
    Is driven when all sides can derive Fun from good game mechanics a feeling of fairness regardless of winning or losing. To parahase a great philosopher. "The joy of life comes from the journey not the destination." Players should have fun weather they win or lose. The Joy of losing comes from learning what you did wrong and coming up with ways to improve then going back to the game to test there theroies. Player who win get joy from the sense of accomplishment knowihg how muched they progress and the confidence boost
    to take on greater challanges. Players who win are therefore happy to help out less skilled players in hopes they will provide them with a challange next time while lose will work together to face pass the challange.

    Toxic Behavior:
    Comes from 1 the player own character flaws. But mostly from unfair or broken game mechnics and low stilumaltion from boredom or just an overuse of negitive reinforcement. If a player feels he lost unfairly with no recourse he will become Salty and explode in a backlash. The problem Sea of thevies has is for the winners as when they succeed there is no real direction for progression of loot so they seek out challanges but because it's hard to find ships to fight they often resort to kill anything they see out of pure bordom. There no fun for them left except for the hunt and the kill. So with a lack of stimulation the satisfaction comes from fighting others and poking them in hopes they learn to fight or till they leave. This is detremental to both parties. The snakes are being forced to bit there own tail just for the stimulation. This i futher made worst as the outside observer does not understand the justification for this behaviour and wittles it down to griefing. Griefing comes from the pure joy of greifing not out necessity.

    PvEvP Balance and perception:
    When i talk about PvP being broken and needing rewards People have to frist understand. what i mean as people incorectly percive PvP as killing or Combat. While these are a part of PvP that is not the whole. Also some people make the argument that you should not view PvP and PvE as seprate Elements. As if PvP or the core conflict between players ceases to exist and in stead magicaly turned into somthing else. A PvEvP enviroment simply allows PvP and PvE to share the same space with no barriers. This however means the change in one effects the other both positively and negtively. And a lack of good gameplay in one negtively effects the whole. Some have made the argument that simply impoving PvE will somehow fix the problems with PvP this is plain nonsense.

    My Argument: The Loot has ceased being the goal as it doesn't provide a path to a reward that clear signify you accomplishments in skill. Instead is replaced by the success of catching a ship. Sinking a ship and killing it's crew. The loot if it means anything is just a nice added bonus but for people who have ton of gold or every cosmetic they want which you get mostly with bilgerat daubloon now anyways. the loot is pointless even more so now as they have dropped the commendation requirements. If you want gold you farm if want fun you PvP that how the game functions now. As it takes a long time to stock a ship just to go find a ship with no garranty it even has loot. Just a waste of supplies time and supplies to find out. Before you would camp out of a skull fort or now the skelly ships but they nerf the loot hard so no one bearly does them. It's pointless to PvP for loot as gold is worthless and can be gotten real quick by joining an alliance you don't even have to put in any effort at all.

    Rewards: Now that i've laid the ground work let me address the heart of your question. How should we reward PvP to encourage positive behaviour? The problem is two fold.

    1. PvP Players need loot to become the Goal to strive for and for that they need to feel rewarded for stealing the loot and outwiting there oppent. This can be done in muiltiple ways but the quickest and easiest solution is unique titles and comandation althou this is just a temporary solution. A bandaid.

    2. Their needs to be a long term goal for loot with clear direction of progression. The fact that PvP tries to share the same progreswion as PvE doesn't work cause the cosmetic rewards do not reflect your improved skill in stealing loot thus not given you that sense of accomplishment. This game advocted making you mark on the seas but by ignoring if not avoiding PvP. I belive PvP needs it own reputation system with rewards thats reflect feats of skill and cunnin and all tied to the theft of loot. This is why i advocate a notority system as it will make clear to both you and every one you encounter your accomplishments and skill as well as allow a path clear path to finding your next challange in stead of leaving it up to random chance.

    Avoiding Toxic Behaviour:
    The greatest treat. hear that we will have to address is Fairness. As people have rightfully pointed it out someplayers have some unfair advantages in the game when it come to PvP. Most notably the keyboard and mouse issue. If Rewards are given to PvP will just hightlight more flaws to PvP, This ofcourse will only happen till people learn the ways of the pirate ninja. We should definitely not reward mindless killing, but instead direct positve PvP. Sink a Legend boat full of loot on board. Absolutely.

    Ideas: There have been many good ideas proposed by the community to solve these issues. Having stolen loot on your boat will be worth more.

    Adding a sperate PvP NPC to cash in stolen loot with it's own reputations,Commendation , Titles and unque unlockable cosmetics.

    Difrerent factions for hoarding loot. With secret stash locations.

    And many more but the most requested is a Bounty/Nortority System. This requres your ship having a name thou.

    My thoughts: I want the games PvP to be in line with there marketing. I want to be More Pirate. I Want to Become Legend. I want to Live the Pirate Fantasy. I want to be the Hero of My Story and The Villian in other Stories. I want to earn my own ship and make a reputation for myself In Game. We need the ability to Name our ship, Costumize every detail, Be annouced on the server every time we arrive on the sea as legend. Be able to be spotted miles away with a. title card or somthing when you look at the ship thru a spyglass. With a reputation level that resets each session or whenever the ship sinks. And a hideout worthy of storing all our ill gotten gains. And items that reflect the skill needed to earn them after outwitting all our foes.

  • Everyone wants easy mode. Don't sink me, don't chase me, make it easier to get PL and achievements, make it balanced so I can take on the best PVP'ers or bigger ships, make pve servers....and on and on and on. Anyone who attacks me is toxic. Anyone who chases me is toxic. Anyone who sinks me when I have no loot is toxic.

    PVE minded players and their demands have destroyed this game. I find it hard to believe there are any PVP'ers left to "grief" you. My crew and most of the people i know have stopped playing.

    9 people online on my friends list ( all who I met in SoT) . Not one of them playing SoT.

  • Rare: Lets make Game about pirates in which we all can be free and do whatever we want.

  • @trickrtreat01 You seem to be on every one of these PVP related threads

  • @szawel123 That meme is still relevant? Also the PVP is ruining the game for a lot of people. I would never have the game without it but it needs to change. My biggest problem with it is the imbalance between Xbox and PC. Most of the PC players who will disagree have one sided opinions and are too mule headed to listen to reason.

  • @enf0rcer

    The one thing I think you're a bit wrong about in part2 is that PvP needs progression. It doesn't. It needs a ranking system, that goes up/down depending on your rank. This is mostly for matchmaking. PvP generally stands on its own when the gameplay is engaging and there are a clear objective players fight over. Currently, its kind of loot. It's kind of not though which is the problem. As this is an equality based game the PvP is more similar to an arena than sandbox games like dayz/ark. Your not building anything or trying to progress your character in any way, your just running loot back to outposts until someone tries to stop you. The game is just to shallow in the PvE/Sandbox for anyone to make the claim it's a "make your own adventure". And the PvP lacks focus on a clear goal for players to fight over, and the way the PvPvE mix is built it kind of undermines people doing PvE/Athenas/Events.

    If you put a progression system on PvP then loot will have an EOL and we'll end up with what we got today. It's not about rewarding PvP... it's building a rewarding experience for both sides to keep engaging in it and building that experience around loot. This game isn't a skinner box, rewards aren't going to cut it.

  • @revanjstone I get it we need PVP in the game. But sometimes I just want to chill and sail the 7 seas.

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