I wasn't able to play Sea of Thieves today...

  • I was working on this ship instead

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  • @surveyorpete

    Awesome! What a beautiful day too!

    My questions would be what, where and why??

  • @katttruewalker

    I recently started as a volunteer crew member on Melbourne's tall ship, Enterprize. It is a replica of the small ship that the first settlers came on to found this city in 1835. It is used to give locals and tourists short sails in the bay, and goes on the occasional longer voyages.

    Enterprize is a two masted topsail schooner, about the size of a brigantine in the game. :-)

    Today wasn't a sailing day. We were doing maintenance.

  • @surveyorpete
    Is quickly googling... she looks absolutely beautiful!

  • @surveyorpete that's so cool

  • Want to sit in my Boat?

    Bild Text

  • @stundorn no mate his boat is better

  • @closinghare208 for sure it is :D

  • that's not a ship....THIS is a ship! :D

    rocked up in my vicinity....it's a bit big! :D

  • We have a Spanish schooner come into port carrying a load of surly Spanish sailors every now and then. Thing is beautiful.

  • @surveyorpete Fantastic!! You lucky ole sea dog, you! :)

  • @surveyorpete
    Yeah, yeah, yeah. Rub it in Pete. lol

    May I suggest that you DON'T practice your sword lunge with the tourists onboard... unless it's the Westcoast Eagles football team. lol

    The photos you showed me of the vessel a while back showed a mini cannon and tourists packed on it like sardines. Aren't they all supposed to wear life jackets?

  • https://youtu.be/mrfEQ4hIya8

    I was lucky enough to be able to tour this beauty while anchored in Alexandria, VA a couple years ago. She's a true scale reconstruction of a 16th century Spanish galleon, called El Galeón. https://youtu.be/mrfEQ4hIya8

    EDIT: I've forgotten how to embed a video. Hmm.
    EDIT: Never mind, I got it! :)

  • @cptn-quickdickn said:

    Did they give you funny looks when you asked about acquireing 4 cannons?

    and, @Admiral-RRRSole said:

    The photos you showed me of the vessel a while back showed a mini cannon

    Yes, she does indeed have a small swivel gun that they bring out and fire for special occasions; although I have yet to see it.

    No one needs to wear life jackets when sailing in the bay, or even in good conditions, offshore. This is a SHIP after all - not a dinghy. We carry both "coastal" and SOLAS life jackets which are used, when appropriate.

  • @genuine-heather
    Dang! What a big beautiful chunk of driftwood.
    Watching the video one can't help but pick the differences between it and the in-game galleon. :o)

  • @triheadedmonkey his ship is better mate sorry!

  • @katttruewalker said


    Awesome! What a beautiful day too!

    LOL Perhaps to folks from the U.K.
    That is a miserable overcast looking day by Australian standards. Skies are usually blue, not 50 shades of grey. ;o)

  • @admiral-rrrsole Any day when it's not raining is a good day in the UK :D

  • @katttruewalker
    Yeah I figured as much. lol

    Can't talk, we have a thunderstorm coming over. It happens a lot after a hot day in Queensland. Humidity goes through the roof.

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