Sailing with the community - who have you crewed with?

  • Who have you sailed with?

    Legends of the Sea and Community

    Well the title says it all, there are some fairly famous (or infamous) characters on these Social Media outlets that we use to discuss the Sea of Thieves in all of its glory.

    Personally I have been very lucky during my time on the Sea of Thieves, having sailed with many greats from this forum and Twitter, with another tick on my list of Pirates I want to play with this weekend when I finally got to sail with @Clumsy-George himself. Now this gentle giant of a man, well known on the forum BL (Before Launch) has slowly raised his profile again recently, but his notoriety is there for all to see at the George and Kraken Tavern and as such I wanted to meet this mystery man of many words!
    Needless to say the reality has not disappointed, nor has it with any of our other famous faces I have sailed with here (won’t name drop them all as they would all get fed up, especially if I missed anyone!)
    So who have you sailed with out there who you never thought you would? Is there anyone that you want to shout out who you would like to sail with from these hallowed forum pages perhaps?
    Answers in the discussion below!

    Feel free to ask!

    IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE - I was reluctant to start sailing with people form the forum when the game launched as I was always concerned that some of the big names out there had their own little cliques that were formed during the Alpha and as such I would not be able to “fit in” or become a part of the wider community – how wrong I was!
    Being a decent Pirate both here and on the Seas always pays dividends and I have many, many more crewmates now as a result than I ever did before launch!
    Moral of the story – speak up – send a friend request or a drop a message if you see someone online – if there’s room, you may well get your chance! 👋⛵️💀💰

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  • I'm going to add into my comment here actually a couple of Pirates who have managed to hide from me so far!

    @KattTruewalker and @lizalaroo I am looking at you two fine Pirates! I have yet to sail with you and would love the opportunity to do so! @Musicmee can keep you all to himself! :D

  • Now you are legend they are bound to want to sail with you ;D

    It has been a pleasure to sail with so many actual real-life legends!

  • @sshteeve Many more adventures and Pirates to come across, loved every moment sailing with you, but you need to sort your hideout skills before next time.. Jokes, I'm very blessed to have been able to sail with many people, like yourself, all positive and happy to enjoy the game.

  • Quite a few actually, its always great to meet new and interesting people, it’s nice to be able to put a voice to the name.

    I find it’s good sailing with people from the forums because you can get a really goo conversations going about ideas with the game and feedback.

    I’ve sailed with people where haven’t necessarily agreed on a lot of things, yet when we was playing we were able to put our views and ideas out there easier and explain them better or more clearly. :)

  • @knifelife absolutely - text is only so informative when it comes to tone and emotion - speaking to someone lets you hear their intentions more clearly, plus the sea makes for a beautiful distraction and diffuser!

    Putting a voice to the forum as well I can agree with - I am sure my nasally tone is not what some expect (or maybe it is - do I whine enough on the forum?! ;P ), neither was the extremely low deep voice of @FishSt1ck , the American tones of @PersonalC0ffee (always thought he was a Brit!) or the wonderfully in-Yorkshire dialect of Donny-lad @Musicmee!

  • @sshteeve Putting voices to names is great, back in the TA days before i was invited, be and @J4dio started playing Siege, and from his forum humor and shenanigans, I expected to hear a youngster as immature as myself and was surprised to hear a grumpy old man ;) haha

    I personally have sailed with a tonne load of pirates, it's a great way to meet new pirates and make friends, in fact we as The Old Salts all met up for the first time at EGX in 2017 and had a blast, and this year i met even more people that id sailed with at EGX, like Thor Von Blitz!

    Best time was having @Musicmee and @Smurftastic23 in a crew together and hearing the most yorkshire conversations ever!

  • @dumy2008 don't believe the lad, @Musicmee flatters to deceive he isn't really Yorkshire! Sounds far too posh! ;P

  • @sshteeve Ay up lad!

    Tha's Yorkshire born 'n bred! Donny has been my hometown since birth, I just always put my telephone voice on and best manners!

  • @musicmee by 'eck tha's nowt like gettin' tha' knickers in't twist is there?! XD

    In all seriousness though, folks, please do share your best memories of anyone "famous", whether from these forums or not that you have sailed with, there are so, so many that I could mention here.

  • @musicmee

    I'm I right?
    alt text

    My brother lives Selby direction,
    Yorkshire... a lovely part of the world!!

    edit: As for "Who have I sailed with"... no one famous :)
    Have a few friends that I basically met up as randoms, will meet up now and again, the list continues to grow.

  • @piratecraggy Aye, there's nowt finer than a Yorkshire lad or lass!

    It's a lovely place to live, well, we do have some stunning countryside!

    (I don't live far from Selby myself)

  • Oh I see... not legendary enough for you ey?... lol, I've had the great pleasure of seeing @PersonalC0ffee at his most bloodthirsty, also sailed with @Banana-Bandlt aka The FrostE, and probably some others I'm forgetting about, like @FishSt1ck (also I just assume I'm tagging the right people and certain O's aren't 0's etc)

  • I have had the distinct honor of sailing with several people from these forums and can say none have disappointed. Sailing with @KnifeLife and @Admiral RRRSole were genuine pleasures. I have many more on my list of people I hope to sail with as well. Even having @PersonalC0ffee in a party chat having game discussions while sailing around on a full boat was a good time.

    My list for hopefuls to sail with is long, so I won't list them here. But I do hope to sail with each and everyone of you. Even those of you that I have not always agreed with in these forums.

  • @musicmee Manners?!?! they obviously haven't hear you when we stream together... theres none of that haha

  • @nofears-fun And we will have to do it again soon! It was a blast :)

  • @reedski my original Legend Reed!
    Didn't name many people at all! You Pixie and Fake are all on there!

  • @ant-heuser-kush I’m kind of the same, I’ll jump in if I get invited but most of the time I sail alone.

    Now and again I’ll send a message and invite but it’s quite few and far between. I should probably be abit more sociable aha

  • @knifelife said in Sailing with the community - who have you crewed with?:

    @ant-heuser-kush I’m kind of the same, I’ll jump in if I get invited but most of the time I sail alone.

    I am the same as well. These days though Red Dead is running my life so not much multiplayer stuff till the online portion gets dropped.

  • @lifewcoke Yeah Red Dead has been a huge time strain on my life lol and I swear I haven’t even done anything substantial, I just get distracted and lose hours! xD

  • @nunoazuldimeter Hahaha... a ship of Deckhands AND Musicmee :P

  • @nunoazuldimeter Discussing your Pioneer experience outside of the Pioneer Forum is not permitted according to the NDA you agreed to when joining the programme.

  • @sshteeve said in Sailing with the community - who have you crewed with?:

    I'm going to add into my comment here actually a couple of Pirates who have managed to hide from me so far!

    @KattTruewalker and @lizalaroo I am looking at you two fine Pirates! I have yet to sail with you and would love the opportunity to do so! @Musicmee can keep you all to himself! :D

    No hiding here!

    Let's try and make it happen, I tend to sail mostly on Friday evenings and the weekends because of work now, but we should do this :D

    Just to add here also that if anyone would like to sail with a Deckhand just send us a message, I know we're all happy to jump in and sail with anyone in the Community!

    I've been really lucky to meet and sail with so many great pirates on the seas from the days of the alpha til now, including a good few who're posting in this thread!

  • I've been very lucky to sail with @Musicmee @KattTruewalker @lizalaroo @PersonalC0ffee @KHARITES @CodeName-Jenova
    @II-Mikez-II @Clumsy-George
    So many great sessions guys

  • @sshteeve I messaged u

  • @personalc0ffee because of the times you play and your bulldog nature of not letting a topic go that you are passionate about! ;P

  • Hello Mr Sshteeve, you made a beautiful , community knitting Topic. And it's real fun to read eachothers messages . But...There's always a but ( * As long as it isn't your butt then things won't be that bad...moron)...i think you made a little mistake. No offence , as a Boatswain you must have sailed with hundreds of different people and it is more than understandable that you start to mix personalities with a different Gamertag...You should dive into your memories and put the right name towards that person you described because he certainly isn't me...
    Now that being said ...
    i would like to tell that this is a very hard Topic actually...You won't say it if you see my Dead Skin Mask of a face but i really enjoy all those different people i have played with...As some of you know , i sail regularry with a crew that contains my Best Friends of the Sea .
    Putting all the names of people i hold in my Heart would outreach more than 100 and some would become afraid that they are in my Heart , because they may seem to misunderstand the meaning of it...

    You know , this game , This Pirate game that may have so many trollic oppertunities after a first fast glimpse ,has something hidden under it's Sea Surface...i have made so many Friends , in the past two years ...In the beginning of this Forum it seemed hard to be able to play with someone. There was no SOT yet , not even Alpha's . It was also very hard for me to try to make a connection, i have never been a social guy, i'm more the wallflower type of guy that looks at all the people and would desperately join the game or conversation ,but is way to afraid to ask if i could join...

    That and the fact i can hardly write English , certainly in the beginning ( * Beginning?....Seriously? ...You still can't write , moron!) gave me a hard start but many ,well almost 100 percent of the Forum of the beginning , were very welcoming and Friendly...Even before the game i started to feel that something special could be happening for me...

    The First Alpha came and Rare ,who needed the opinion of the European Champion of Stupidiy, included me...There were three sessions and i played all three of them...Never did a game trigger such a warm Tsunami filled with adrenaline in my veins, those people who were and still are Forum Legends gave me such a welcome and such a great game that that moment will never be erased out of my head...
    i will propably be looked upon with judging eyes but when the server closed i sat shaking in my attic and tears were rolling over my cheeks...
    It was seven years , seven since i had talked with people that i didn't knew...

    They had gotten me out of my prison...i have been opened purely because i got accepted , after so many years of feeling not good enough...The mental Darkness that had pushed me more than once to...extreme thoughts and handlings ,had finally found an opponent i couldn't subdue...

    Every person i meet, even now , that i seem to be a rattling machinegun that never shuts his mouth , still makes me stronger and adds to my inner happiness...i would call out all my crew that i'm in, all those i play regurally with but also all those that i have only played once , even the "enemies" , because every person has contributed to the fact that i really enjoy this game...But you know me and my faulthy brain ( * Oi, puke face , keep a lid on it , what do you expect of two braincells, be glad with what has been given to you....moron) , trying to name them all and forgetting one or more would be a crime...So i won't...This time...

    i love the Old Forum, have seen it almost destroyed after the release and the following months ,but now i see that the Real Pirates who love the Sea , who love and respect the work , no tremendous work of Rare, are slowly but certainly retaking this Forum...

    i am nothing and certainly don't have much to say since on a dark moody day i erased my account , but i love how " Old " and " New " Pirates are working together to repair what was almost broken...

    Sorry for long text ( * You liar , you love to hear your inner voice ,you egocentric moron ...But listening to my advice ...Oh no, then puke face George is deaf...) but nah , wait i ain't sorry...i would like to write even more ( * If you could write ,that is , fruitcake)

  • @ant-heuser-kush @KnifeLife I generally have been sailing solo lately, as well. I often am goal oriented in the game, and as such, find it easier to sail alone sometimes. That and for the most part my normal crew are busy with Red Dead or other games right now. Not sure what Rare has in store in the future, but I do hope they come out with some more magic to draw back interest for those that are no longer around. I do know that most of my friends like the game and most likely will come back once more content is added.

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