Adornments and Ornaments: New wearable and displayable Loot idea.

  • This idea was inspired by @ClosingHare208 post Can we have King Crowns and was suggested by @Starship42

    The idea is we want a new assortment of loot that can be worn Like a Kings Crown or be put on display on the ship like a portrait. These can etheir be used as decortive items or could be sold to the Gold Hoarder at a fair Price. This could also be used to facilitate trade amons't Pirates as these will have Flat Values.

    So far.. There are 3 types of items being discussed here.

    Jewelry: Things that we can wear Maybe it could be put on by holding LT byitself or by also pressing X. These item become unstealable while worn.


    Voodoo items: Things we can put items on to add effects

    Voodoo doll
    Skull necklace
    skulls dangling from belt

    Furnishing: Stuff we can add to the ship by holding LT and moving to a context space then pressihg x to place it.


    All items could be sold at ethier gold horders or the seapost trader. Perhaps a new Fence NPC for stolen goods.

    Question that need to be answered.

    What should these items Cost?
    Should there be perminate version of these?
    Should all these item also have an effect?
    What other kinds of Items should their be?

  • 21
  • The idea seems like a fun little add-on, but is it worth it- or should it just be another buy-able item from the store?
    A big thing about this game that you have to think of is the audience- and honestly I'd say that probably around 40% of the players in sea of thieves at the moment are kids. I'm talking like 8-11 year old kids. And while this definitely would be fun to have, I cant even imagine the arguments over "who gets to wear the crown" that these children would have. Just about every time I join an open Galleon within the next ten minutes there's already arguments about who gets to dig up the chests, who gets to fire the cursed cannonballs, which one of them has the better lantern color, they even bicker about which one hit the opponents ship more. "No it was me," "NuH Uh I dID" it gets to be very annoying, that's why at this point I never do open Galleons or Brigs anymore. (I've experienced kids arguing about all of these things multiple times now)
    Not saying it's a bad idea at all, just one that could definitely get annoying and after a couple weeks of it being around no one would probably even wear it even as it lost it's excitement. Just some things to think about

  • I think it should be a cosmetic piece given for obtaining level 50 in the Gold Hoarders. Those who are already level 50 would receive it. In addition I feel like there should be jewelry such as rings and pendants/necklaces. Essentially a way to boast about one's gold hoarders prestige in style. Would also be nice to see similar items for the other factions. For the merchants it could be in the form of more elegant items or perhaps unique hats with exotic plumes/feathers or outfits with fine silks. For the Order of Souls it could be piercings and perhaps voodoo adornments (one idea is like two skulls that could dangle from a belt).

  • I like the idea of collectibles and trophies in the game. Mentioned some of my ideas on that before. Same for jewelry like necklaces and rings.

    Could be random drops off the skeletons, especially the metal ones. They have all kinds of gold melted and hardened in them. Some of them even wear crowns.

    Would be nice to have sought after items that are tradable. For variety maybe sell these items to the traders at the seaposts. Let them be fences for stolen goods, maybe we could have a chance to steal some these tradable items, and “pawn shops” to sell such goods.

    Could be fun to have a crouch and sneak with a lock pick mechanic to steal from a display case on the ship. Would have to be hard to pick it, but possible.

  • @sargent-sully Great idea! I think idea should be added to the master list @ENF0RCER

  • @sargent-sully said in Adornments and Ornaments: New wearable and displayable Loot idea.:

    I think it should be a cosmetic piece given for obtaining level 50 in the Gold Hoarders. Those who are already level 50 would receive it. In addition I feel like there should be jewelry such as rings and pendants/necklaces. Essentially a way to boast about one's gold hoarders prestige in style. Would also be nice to see similar items for the other factions. For the merchants it could be in the form of more elegant items or perhaps unique hats with exotic plumes/feathers or outfits with fine silks. For the Order of Souls it could be piercings and perhaps voodoo adornments (one idea is like two skulls that could dangle from a belt).

    Adding voodoo would be fun and hilarious! Imaging finding a pirate or skeleton looking voodoo doll as a random item in the world. It would have limited uses, perhaps three.

    You would use an emote to attune it to a target. Then you could have options to stick a pin in it, hold it over s campfire to give them hot feet making them dances, or do spontaneous emotes similar to a curse cannonball.

    We definitely need more OoS mysticism!

  • @x-crowheart-x I think you're on to something! What if there was a way to upgrade mystic abilities/ choose a role (Witch/Warlock, Warrior, Gold seeker)
    With witch you get upgraded magical abilities, such as a voodoo doll with cooldown and some spells you could use- warriors get increased health and extra ammo, and gold seekers can dig up treasure faster and run/walk much faster as well.

  • @alexspk13 There could be a radius in which the witch has control of the individual and for a limited amount of time can use a voodoo doll on them and make them do things such as emotes and then it has to have a cool down, can you imagine how great the feature would be though! "Crow! you're gonna have to steer, a witch has control of me!"

  • @x-crowheart-x Ohh I like that idea. Would also be fun to see voodoo dolls. To prevent them from being "overpowered" perhaps something such as dousing the controller with sea water would be enough to un-attune oneself, such as it were to "dilute" or wash away the blood/hair/etc used to link the individual to the doll.

    Would also make for a unique skeleton if given to unique voodoo-inspired skeletons. I do think I recall seeing a tribal/voodoo skeleton lord design in the book.

  • @alexspk13 said in Adornments and Ornaments: New wearable and displayable Loot idea.:

    @alexspk13 There could be a radius in which the witch has control of the individual and for a limited amount of time can use a voodoo doll on them and make them do things such as emotes and then it has to have a cool down, can you imagine how great the feature would be though! "Crow! you're gonna have to steer, a witch has control of me!"

    I love the doll idea! As a session limited item you could find. Little dolls that have a hat or a coat, etc. If you find a pirate with the same cosmetic, you could pull out the doll and make him dance, sleep, etc. Then it's a comic race to watch him try to get to the clothes chest to change.

    I'm also fond of the wearable loot idea, mainly because it's non-stealable gold you can carry around on you. Sort of insurance against a session in which you otherwise get trashed and lose everything. If I spend an hour on my sloop collecting chests and chickens, then get wiped by a dastardly galleon, at least I'll have my rings and crown to turn in.

  • @captain-arcanic Hmm actually in the case of the rings/crown. Keep them cosmetic (maybe not the crown), but as for that non-stealable gold thing. Perhaps to prevent abuse of it, it would require the players/crew in question to find one of the keys that gold hoarders have. Perhaps through defeating a skeleton captain. It could have limited uses before breaking. I guess if anything once a chest is open, the crew in quest could do one of two things:

    • Pocket a portion of the loot, this would take from a limited amount in the box. It would also sell for less to the gold hoarders (Chest feels lighter than usual), but everyone would get a reduced payout.
    • Pocket the entire contents of the chest. Doing so would split the gold in the chest evenly amongst the crew from the same limited amount (EX. Ashen Captains gives about 2k, that is 500 per crew of full galleon crew, 667 or so for full brig, 1k per for full sloop, 2000 for solo). In turn the chest would be unable to turned in. This emptied chest could, however, be used to fake out other crews. Swap out their treasure with the empty chest.
  • @alexspk13 yeah I do not think they do enough with the Order of Souls. There is a lot sadly missed without more supernatural and mysticism. I am working on more ideas on those things.

    Back to this post and idea we need items like this. Crowns fit well as there are appearances of them. Just as necklaces, earrings, and rings.

    Loot should have more value than just gold and rep. Being tradable allows for more player interactions and socializing. Items should also serve purposes to unlock and trigger even, bigger and better rewards by using them in parts of the game instead if just turning them in at a vendor.

    Other uses can bring more encounters with each other and offer more reasons to be out sailing all around in the effort to seek them.

  • @alexspk13 said in Adornments and Ornaments: New wearable and displayable Loot idea.:

    The idea seems like a fun little add-on, but is it worth it- or should it just be another buy-able item from the store?
    A big thing about this game that you have to think of is the audience- and honestly I'd say that probably around 40% of the players in sea of thieves at the moment are kids. I'm talking like 8-11 year old kids. And while this definitely would be fun to have, I cant even imagine the arguments over "who gets to wear the crown" that these children would have. Just about every time I join an open Galleon within the next ten minutes there's already arguments about who gets to dig up the chests, who gets to fire the cursed cannonballs, which one of them has the better lantern color, they even bicker about which one hit the opponents ship more. "No it was me," "NuH Uh I dID" it gets to be very annoying, that's why at this point I never do open Galleons or Brigs anymore. (I've experienced kids arguing about all of these things multiple times now)
    Not saying it's a bad idea at all, just one that could definitely get annoying and after a couple weeks of it being around no one would probably even wear it even as it lost it's excitement. Just some things to think about

    I can see your point. Unfortunately i don't think there's anything that can be done. Kids just make thing annoying. This is also why i avoid open crews.

    @sargent-sully said in Adornments and Ornaments: New wearable and displayable Loot idea.:

    I think it should be a cosmetic piece given for obtaining level 50 in the Gold Hoarders. Those who are already level 50 would receive it. In addition I feel like there should be jewelry such as rings and pendants/necklaces. Essentially a way to boast about one's gold hoarders prestige in style. Would also be nice to see similar items for the other factions. For the merchants it could be in the form of more elegant items or perhaps unique hats with exotic plumes/feathers or outfits with fine silks. For the Order of Souls it could be piercings and perhaps voodoo adornments (one idea is like two skulls that could dangle from a belt).

    Not a bad suggestion to add a permenate version of these for the different factions. Althou i doubt the GH will actualy want to give you actual treasure.

    @x-crowheart-x said in Adornments and Ornaments: New wearable and displayable Loot idea.:

    I like the idea of collectibles and trophies in the game. Mentioned some of my ideas on that before. Same for jewelry like necklaces and rings.

    Could be random drops off the skeletons, especially the metal ones. They have all kinds of gold melted and hardened in them. Some of them even wear crowns.

    Would be nice to have sought after items that are tradable. For variety maybe sell these items to the traders at the seaposts. Let them be fences for stolen goods, maybe we could have a chance to steal some these tradable items, and “pawn shops” to sell such goods.

    Could be fun to have a crouch and sneak with a lock pick mechanic to steal from a display case on the ship. Would have to be hard to pick it, but possible.

    I definitly agree with some of your ideas here and are worth further discussion.

    @alexspk13 said in Adornments and Ornaments: New wearable and displayable Loot idea.:

    @sargent-sully Great idea! I think idea should be added to the master list @ENF0RCER

    I thankyou for your support. Also i have added to the Master List ofcourse.

    @x-crowheart-x said in Adornments and Ornaments: New wearable and displayable Loot idea.:

    @sargent-sully said in Adornments and Ornaments: New wearable and displayable Loot idea.:

    I think it should be a cosmetic piece given for obtaining level 50 in the Gold Hoarders. Those who are already level 50 would receive it. In addition I feel like there should be jewelry such as rings and pendants/necklaces. Essentially a way to boast about one's gold hoarders prestige in style. Would also be nice to see similar items for the other factions. For the merchants it could be in the form of more elegant items or perhaps unique hats with exotic plumes/feathers or outfits with fine silks. For the Order of Souls it could be piercings and perhaps voodoo adornments (one idea is like two skulls that could dangle from a belt).

    Adding voodoo would be fun and hilarious! Imaging finding a pirate or skeleton looking voodoo doll as a random item in the world. It would have limited uses, perhaps three.

    You would use an emote to atune it to a target. Then you could have options to stick a pin in it, hold it over s campfire to give them hot feet making them dances, or do spontaneous emotes similar to a curse cannonball.

    We definitely need more OoS mysticism!

    I would agree and is an ineresting topic.

    @alexspk13 said in Adornments and Ornaments: New wearable and displayable Loot idea.:

    @alexspk13 There could be a radius in which the witch has control of the individual and for a limited amount of time can use a voodoo doll on them and make them do things such as emotes and then it has to have a cool down, can you imagine how great the feature would be though! "Crow! you're gonna have to steer, a witch has control of me!"
    @sargent-sully said in Adornments and Ornaments: New wearable and displayable Loot idea.:
    @x-crowheart-x Ohh I like that idea. Would also be fun to see voodoo dolls. To prevent them from being "overpowered" perhaps something such as dousing the controller with sea water would be enough to un-attune oneself, such as it were to "dilute" or wash away the blood/hair/etc used to link the individual to the doll.

    Would also make for a unique skeleton if given to unique voodoo-inspired skeletons. I do think I recall seeing a tribal/voodoo skeleton lord design in the book.

    I think this idea requires it's own topic tread as it seem to be becoming it's own Topic. If one of you guys would like to make and spin off of this so we can have a further discussion that be great. I just ask if you could also add a link back to this post there.

    @captain-arcanic said in Adornments and Ornaments: New wearable and displayable Loot idea.:

    @alexspk13 said in Adornments and Ornaments: New wearable and displayable Loot idea.:

    @alexspk13 There could be a radius in which the witch has control of the individual and for a limited amount of time can use a voodoo doll on them and make them do things such as emotes and then it has to have a cool down, can you imagine how great the feature would be though! "Crow! you're gonna have to steer, a witch has control of me!"

    I love the doll idea! As a session limited item you could find. Little dolls that have a hat or a coat, etc. If you find a pirate with the same cosmetic, you could pull out the doll and make him dance, sleep, etc. Then it's a comic race to watch him try to get to the clothes chest to change.

    Thats a good idea but this deserves it's own Topic.

    I'm also fond of the wearable loot idea, mainly because it's non-stealable gold you can carry around on you. Sort of insurance against a session in which you otherwise get trashed and lose everything. If I spend an hour on my sloop collecting chests and chickens, then get wiped by a dastardly galleon, at least I'll have my rings and crown to turn in.

    Thats actually an interesting use of these items. I belive them to be stealable while in there Holdable mode but to make them a saveable item by wearing them is an interesting thought since clothes seem to go with you when your sent to the ferry. This maybe more useful for Merchant Pirates then i thought.

  • @ENF0RCER I will start the voodoo topic.

  • @x-crowheart-x

    • Tradable items so that crews can interact and people can trade with other crews so that they can benefit and level up in whichever thing they need most
      (This has inspired me to log how much every item in the game gets you so that objects can become more trade-able (expect a post for that in the coming future and dm me if you want to collab)

    But also what do people think about the idea like when you start or while your game is loading in you could choose a role such as warrior/witch/gold seeker so that things are more accessible for what you’re skilled at?

  • But yeah great let’s make a thread about it- also @x-Crowheart-x are you open to get on tonight? I think this idea could really get formed into something if we extend the idea

  • @x-crowheart-x said in Adornments and Ornaments: New wearable and displayable Loot idea.:

    @ENF0RCER will start the voodoo topic.

    Thanks a please dont forget to mention this topic and post a link back here.

  • @alexspk13 said in Adornments and Ornaments: New wearable and displayable Loot idea.:

    But also what do people think about the idea like when you start or while your game is loading in you could choose a role such as warrior/witch/gold seeker so that things are more accessible for what you’re skilled at?

    I think I'd rather see session based items you can find/buy to fill the same niche. A pistol with six shots instead of five, A voodoo doll, a shovel that digs faster. Nothing too outrageous and nothing that persists between sessions of play, but little boosts that reward exploration and time spent in a session.

  • @captain-arcanic makes sense! Thanks for the output

  • One of the things I'd also like to see is great piles of treasure in secret chambers where one has to bring empty chests, or crates, use ones shovel and bucket, to fill the chests/crates to take back to our ships. In a previous post I expressed interest in a greater diversity of loot in general - but loose loot - that has to be shovelled and packed for transport.

    In pirate lore virtually all these stories describe massive piles of loose loot; mostly coinage, dubloons, but also candle sticks, crowns, jewelry, cutlery, even valuable paintings and busts/statues... diverse varieties of loot that can potantially be damaged, but also are challenging to transport.

    I specifically like the idea that we must bring empty chests and shovel loot into them, then carry them to our ships. This can be done via shovel/bucket mechanic like we do with water. Paintings in gold/silver frames, and sculpted busts, need to be treated with care as they can be damaged by water or by just being dropped or shot/blown up.

    I have this hilarious vision of a crew of pirates stealing Michelangelo's 'David' and placing it on the bow of their ship as they sail to an outpost to cash in, then getting it blasted by cannon ball and blown to bits.

  • @starship42 said in Adornments and Ornaments: New wearable and displayable Loot idea.:

    One of the things I'd also like to see is great piles of treasure in secret chambers where one has to bring empty chests, or crates, use ones shovel and bucket, to fill the chests/crates to take back to our ships. In a previous post I expressed interest in a greater diversity of loot in general - but loose loot - that has to be shovelled and packed for transport.

    In pirate lore virtually all these stories describe massive piles of loose loot; mostly coinage, dubloons, but also candle sticks, crowns, jewelry, cutlery, even valuable paintings and busts/statues... diverse varieties of loot that can potantially be damaged, but also are challenging to transport.

    I specifically like the idea that we must bring empty chests and shovel loot into them, then carry them to our ships. This can be done via shovel/bucket mechanic like we do with water. Paintings in gold/silver frames, and sculpted busts, need to be treated with care as they can be damaged by water or by just being dropped or shot/blown up.

    I have this hilarious vision of a crew of pirates stealing Michelangelo's 'David' and placing it on the bow of their ship as they sail to an outpost to cash in, then getting it blasted by cannon ball and blown to bits.

    I like this idea would go great with the Labyrinth idea on the master list as the reward.

8 out of 21