Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.0

  • Devil's Roar Rebalancing - Based on player feedback and data analysis, The Devil's Roar has cooled off a little. Volcanoes will now erupt less frequently and volcanic rocks will hit players and their ships less frequently. Yey!!!

  • @c3dpo

    Sloops are just in the encounters / battles not free range / roaming :)

    That's very disappointing. I was really looking forward to fighting those smaller ships as someone who primarily uses a sloop. Are there plans too let them roam free in the future?

  • @d3adst1ck dijo en Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.0:

    @jagnew92 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.0:

    • Cannonball Radial - When docked to a cannon, players can now select which type of cannonball to load from the nifty new radial menu.

    Does this also let us use the cannonball key to cycle through the different types or do we have to use the radial?

    • The moon no longer appears in front of the clouds.
    • Commendation pop-ups no longer appear twice.
    • Players' titles are now still displayed in the escape menu after they've died.


    Using a keyboard it is the "Q" key

  • @guepard4 Yes I know that - I'm wondering if I can just press 4 instead to cycle through the cannonball types like I can while not on a cannon.

  • @betsill said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.0:


    Sloops are just in the encounters / battles not free range / roaming :)

    That's very disappointing. I was really looking forward to fighting those smaller ships as someone who primarily uses a sloop. Are there plans too let them roam free in the future?

    I sure hope so.

  • A fine update indeed! 👍🍻

    Nice, the achievements now align with the commendations. So in the xbox app, should the % complete line for each achievement go up?

  • I was happy with the way Devil's Roar volcanos acted. I often play solo on a sloop and dare to adventure there, while most seem to avoid it, so it ends up being a solo player heaven if you want to avoid PvP.

    You just have to circle the island from a relatively safe distance and wait for the volcano to calm down. Then you can approach the island. It requires patience and caution with the way you maneuver your ship, it's not the games fault that some players are just impatient and try to rush to the volcano island in a straight line...

    This reminds me of one time when I played with a friend, he decided to jump off to the water and left me alone on the ship steering it. He got killed by the boiling water trying to reach ground and soon after I got killed by a flaming rock. With no one on the ship to repair it, it sank. Was it the games' fault? No, it was ours...

    As for the rest, amazing changes and add-ons! Always had the idea that the Megalodon couldn't be defeated (as in, killed), just shooting him until he gave up on our ship.

    +1 for free roaming skeleton sloops - they could act aggressive against you if you play on a sloop, or passive if you are playing with a brig or with a galleon.

    Now just add whirpools and Harmonicas to the game :-)

  • @raen-yrtham said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.0:

    I was happy with the way Devil's Roar volcanos acted. I often play solo on a sloop and dare to adventure there, while most seem to avoid it, so it ends up being a solo player heaven if you want to avoid PvP.

    You just have to circle the island from a relatively safe distance and wait for the volcano to calm down. Then you can approach the island. It requires patience and caution with the way you maneuver your ship, it's not the games fault that some players are just impatient and try to rush to the volcano island in a straight line...

    There were long posts detailing the problems with the frequency and accuracy of the volcano eruptions in the feedback thread. Not everyone was "rush(ing) to the volcano in a straight line".

  • Wow so many things! I'm actually excited. Can't wait to play after work :D

  • Where is our cannon picking banjo!! Just pulling on your peg leg Rare. Great job and I do have a question that someone may be able to answer. Now that we have several forts in play is the frequency of them spawning going to increase or are we still having to sink the fleet between each one or will it be random? Aka fort, fort, ship, fort, ship.....etc. Thank you.

  • @raen-yrtham I like that they decrease the explosion rate but the hit rate could stay IMO.

    I don't want the region made easier, I just want to be able to explore it. It was so annoying waiting outside the eruption radius just to have ~2 minutes to explore an island before it erupted again.

    The region isn't even challenging. Galleon crews can take hits all day and sloop and brig just need 1 person below deck at all times if they aren't waiting out the eruptions. Nothing actually rewards skilled players.

  • Since the new Keg can be pulled from the Skull Fort Loot pile, does it chain from normal kegs detonating outside the treasure room? Can it be shot through the grate above the room like the other kegs?

  • @nabberwar The notes said that kegs in the treasure room don't detonate from explosions outside so it shouldn't but it will probably need to be tested. I imagine that shooting through the grate it should still work?

    If there is a Gunpowder Barrel explosion inside a Skeleton Fort keep, it will no longer cause Gunpowder Barrels within the vault to explode.

  • @nabberwar
    In the patch notes the explosive barrels in the vault will no longer detonate when exterior explosions happen.

  • I must say, this would be the bighest content drop yet in Sot and so far im really impressed 300 and something dabloons?! Whelp at least merchant grinding wont be a problem for me anymore. I cant wait to play it when I have time

  • Hey Guys,

    Awesome update thanks!!!

    However us PC users have had the FOV reduced and quite frankly I hate it.

    Everything is far to close is there a reason for this?

    I feel like everything got closer.

    Can you give us to 100 not just 90 it use to be 100 its very close now honestly makes me dizzy

  • I am so pumped about this update! And with 355 more dubloons to earn, Pirate Legend is finally within reach! Should be able to hit it by this weekend since I’m sitting at 50/46/50.

    wipes tears of joy from eyes

    Great work though Rare. Expanded customization options, new commendations to chase, fog, improved emergent gameplay and incentivization, a host of fixes and QoL improvements....well done!

  • Allow me to throw in my praise as well, very well done Rare, an amazing change list that I can't wait to dig into!

  • Amazing update. Period.

    I love it. Can’t wait to play!

  • I can't wait to play! Might not get too today though.. Built a new PC and have to re-download the game on a slow internet connection. Wish it could grab files from my old one!

  • finally!, hope i can now go toe to toe with the kraken and feel the urge to take it out rather than get out!!!

  • @archangel-timmy said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.0:

    Achievement Rebalancing - We've listened to feedback and adjusted the requirements of some of the achievements related to cashing in items. These are: Black Powder Merchant, Merchant Voyager, Merchant Forager, Voyager of Lost Souls, Golden Voyager, Hoarder of Barnacled Gold, Hoarder of the Captain’s Gold and Master Hunter of Villainous Skulls. Players who earned those achievements before the rebalance will receive an exclusive in-game item to mark their prowess over the next couple of weeks. If you find you now meet the requirements, just cash in one more item to trigger your achievement!

    I feel these "exclusive" items should be obtainable after anyone hits the original 1000 threshold. If it was known that there would be a reward there would be a lot more people actively trying to grind this out rather than leaving it a distant goal.

    Yes just make them "Legendary Commendations"

    but all in all a wonderful gift of fixes and content and a huge QoL improvement over all. Not only is there new Meg skins but a RARE spawn to hunt. reminds me of hunting rare mobs in WoW and was one of my favourite pastimes.

    Sad there was no fixes to the Server migration issues (like maybe removing the "feature" altogether) but there's enough here for me to turn a blind eye to it. Can't WAIT to get in and explore the fog.

    Anyone have any idea if there were new fog shrouded chests too? I remember them hinting at it. Or is that just all the new kinds of loot in other areas of the game?

    Happy plundering everyone!

  • I really like the new gems that drop from the mermaid statues, but why didn't that philosophy carry to the meg and kraken? Big miss on that aspect. Hopefully they get proper drops in the future? Also a miss not to roll those reward into there own unique turn in. Would be a much more interesting if I could use the gems to color my lanterns or imbue gear rather then just being another lame turn in for gold.

  • @archangel-timmy sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.0:

    Achievement Rebalancing - We've listened to feedback and adjusted the requirements of some of the achievements related to cashing in items. These are: Black Powder Merchant, Merchant Voyager, Merchant Forager, Voyager of Lost Souls, Golden Voyager, Hoarder of Barnacled Gold, Hoarder of the Captain’s Gold and Master Hunter of Villainous Skulls. Players who earned those achievements before the rebalance will receive an exclusive in-game item to mark their prowess over the next couple of weeks. If you find you now meet the requirements, just cash in one more item to trigger your achievement!

    I feel these "exclusive" items should be obtainable after anyone hits the original 1000 threshold. If it was known that there would be a reward there would be a lot more people actively trying to grind this out rather than leaving it a distant goal.

    Yeah same here :(

    Hope everyone will get access to them when some time has passed.

  • @zormis Temporarily install your old hard drives and clone them onto your new drive(s) with Samsung Magician or similar software. As long as they are SSDs this doesn't take long.

  • i'm looking very forward with a smile upon those new additions and the truckloads of fixes that have been pushed through...Unfortunately...Work comes along to throw some Chimney dust in my soup ...But Saterday...Aaargh , you beloved Saterday, Old George will be roaring like a madman filled with joy from top to toe , in order to enjoy all those new riches ...

    Rare , i love how you keep working forward, even if some weren't that patience , as you ask them to be....Keep going forward because you are making one of the most beautiful Pirate games since decades...Thank you ,very, very much...Have fun, Loyal Pirates.

  • HDR brightness slider!!! Yesss!!

  • Holy goodness me. I feel a sense of adventure coming.... Thenk you so much Rare! This is so much stuff and I have a never-ending sense of respect for you guys. At this point I’m just so excited I’m ranting. Cheers!

  • @betsill Kraken and Megalodon Rewards - Loot can now be found bobbing on the surface after defeating a Megalodon or Kraken.

  • Fantastic update!! Lots to do and achieve for everyone.
    One issue I had is with the kraken attacking solo sloop. I had a bunch of treasure and there was literally NOTHING I could do to prevent losing it all. This isnt a challenge its just getting $%#@ed over.
    I suggest that when someone is SOLO the kraken cant grab and hold them forever (30 seconds++) and also cannot grab onto your sloop blocking the stairs, preventing you from getting below decks to bail.
    Its plenty difficult when youre alone to try and fight off the kraken, repair and escape at the same time.

  • I love the addition of loot to the mermaid statues but it really punishes solo players, its not just more difficult, but rather impossible for solo players to get the gems from the toughest statues if they're not lucky enough for the statue to be close to the surface (for powder kegs.)

    Other than that I'm super hyped to play this after work today!

  • @raen-yrtham said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.0:

    I was happy with the way Devil's Roar volcanos acted. I often play solo on a sloop and dare to adventure there, while most seem to avoid it, so it ends up being a solo player heaven if you want to avoid PvP.

    You just have to circle the island from a relatively safe distance and wait for the volcano to calm down. Then you can approach the island. It requires patience and caution with the way you maneuver your ship, it's not the games fault that some players are just impatient and try to rush to the volcano island in a straight line...

    This reminds me of one time when I played with a friend, he decided to jump off to the water and left me alone on the ship steering it. He got killed by the boiling water trying to reach ground and soon after I got killed by a flaming rock. With no one on the ship to repair it, it sank. Was it the games' fault? No, it was ours...

    Thats not the issue, it was the fact that players often would wait for it to stop erupting, bring their ship in ASAP to get as much time as possible... only for it to be useless because the island erupted within 5 seconds of stepping ashore, even if you rush to the island and park with godlike speed. There was just no cooldown, and sometimes you would end up getting 4 eruptions chaining one after another forcing you to circle the island for literally 20 minutes (I know because it happened to me once.)

  • I'm little disappointed about the legends commendation, so an Athena 10 then has to grind again for unlocking some pirate legend item cosmetics?

  • This is all great and will add a lot, just wish there was more ship customization than their currently is, was really hopping for a forsaken ashes cannon set, could’ve had a really cool glow, but otherwise good job rare, truly

  • Since the update on PC, my audio output is switching from 7.1 Surround to Stereo when I launch the game. This is my global Nvidia Control Panel setting which controls my entire system's audio output!

    I confirmed before launching the game for the second time that the Nvidia audio settings in the Control Panel had been changed by the game to Stereo, so I changed it back to 7.1 Surround where I always have it. But a second after launching the game again, I saw my AVR's audio output display change from indicating a 7.1 Surround audio output to 2 Speaker Stereo! And once loaded into the game, there was indeed no audio coming out of any of my surround speakers including my SubWoofer. Only front Left and Right.

    Since there is no audio output settings in the game for forcing the game to use 7.1 or any other audio format, I am basically stuck without my 7.1 surround system working in the game after this update. Literally nothing the player can do since there are no settings for Surround. I always wondered WHY?

    I figured that as long as the 7.1 works I don't need in game settings for it, and prior to this, the 7.1 was working perfectly fine in Sea of Thieves and sounded awesome!

    When I exit the game and recheck my Nvidia audio settings sure enough, the output has been changed from the 7.1 Surround setting I left it at prior to launching the game to Stereo. I have to manually change the audio output setting for my entire system back to 7.1 in order to get 7.1 enabled again. Without my intervention, my audio output stays in Stereo for all audio coming out of this PC since the setting in the Nvidia Control panel is a Global Setting that impacts the entire system.

    All other games work fine and do not change my root audio output setting like this. And I frankly have never seen a game do this before now, but Sea of Thieves with the 1.40 update is doing precisely that. I also tried a different set of Nvidia drivers, but that had no impact on this bug.

    Hope you can fix this annoying BUG ASAP. The game without 7.1 surround is far less immersive, and I would rather wait for a patch than to play it in Stereo with not even my SubWoofer working. Not to mention that I have to manually go in and change my audio setting back to 7.1 Surround after I am done playing the game.

    P.S. I tried a game reset in Windows, but that made no difference. I doubt a reinstall would either since this was obviously introduced in the 1.40 patch and was not an issue prior to this update.


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