New Faction: "Circus of Blood"

  • (Cross posting from reddit: )

    Circus of Blood

    A new faction that comes with 2 "types" of voyages to choose from. The name is based off the idea of the ideas of "tension", "PvP", and "mayhem" all happening at once. Players will fight, and it will be an absolute circus when multiple people come to the same locations for the loot.

    Thirsted Fangs Chest

    An item bought from the npc for 8k. You can immediately sell back to them for 5k, making a 3k loss to do a "server check" by spinning around with the chest. Perhaps the eye glows more brightly the "bigger the loot" it sees is. It could even flash special colours when it spots someone doing an Athena journey or another chest of its kind.

    Its "sell value" will go up when it experiences bloodshed nearby. On the front of the chest are 3 orbs, that fill up one by one as it "sees" bloodshed nearby. If 6 unique players die nearby the chest, all 3 orbs are filled, and the chest will sell for its 8k price.

    Buying the item and having it nearby will automatically curse your crew with a debuff as long as the voyage is still undergo. Cancelling the voyage will still apply debuffs as long as the chest is in play.

    Other crews can yoink the chest; if picked up, your crew will now be affected by the curse (while the curse persists for the original owners for a little longer)

    The curse fills your boat quicker, makes respawns 10% longer, and makes your health 60% of its original value, making you a glass cannon that PvEers have a decent shot against if they choose to fight back.

    The intention of this is to make players who bet on their PvP skill find loot and interactions more quickly. It also adds an incentive for players with loot to fight back- PvPers often risk absolutely nothing by going for random ships, but with this they'll have to put their money where their proverbial mouth is.

    Voyage of Mayhem

    You will be attracting the whole server to you if you choose to do this voyage. You are NOT allowed to be in any alliances during it. You are on your own and at the whim of every PvPer.

    The idea of the "ruby compass" and fragments are contrived; I just wanted it to be a little more unique than an Athena journey. Ruby fragments glow quite a lot, so they're easy to spot on ships. A sound is played when the compass is formed, and at this point your ship is marked on the map consistently, similar to the Reaper flag.

    Each fragment sells for some coin, but very little (to no) reputation in this new faction. Therefore the greatest way to increase reputation in this new clan is by taking the compass or the chest that the compass finds.

    The intention of this is to give the same feeling of tension as Athena chests in their final stage do. The feeling of panic, mistrust, and knowing people are pursuing you for your precious loot is exciting. Giving a bigger window of opportunity for PvPers to "find" you and engage makes it a somewhat more engaging version of the Athena voyage. (although a lot quicker in general with less quest locations to complete)

  • 11
  • I really like this already! Giving us players more challenges while doing pvp and with a thirst for more blood on the seas!

  • @aurarusx Saw your post on Reddit, very nice work.

    I have been extremely hesitant about PvP updates because I fear incentivizing PvP too much will harm the PvE community. Your suggestions seem to bring QoL for the PvP community without making PvP a dominant source of income that would make PvE irrelevant. Very well thought out. Not sure if Rare will get on board with the % increase/decrease mechanic though.

    Also, nice artwork. It's great to see well thought out ideas coupled with quality, high effort work. Hope to see more from you in the future :)

  • voyages that encourage PvP...

    Stopped reading there. I'll give your deserved upvote for effort, but I just cannot bother with PvP centered voyage companies when the game clearly hasn't properly addressed the dull repetitive PvE voyage companies.

  • @urihamrayne Maybe with this faction having players seeking out others it would spice up PvE making it a more cautious journey.

  • I really like this idea! A PvP faction is definitely something the game needs! It's almost been a full year and PvP players have still yet to see any content but we're still hanging in there hoping for an update like this! Good work lad I hope Rare sees it!

  • @aurarusx Awesome post! I must have this on the Community Idea's Master List. Please allow me to add your post to the list. This Faction would also make an awesome addition to my Rogue Wave project.

  • This sounds like a great way to bring PvP focus off of those who enjoy PvE. I dig it.

  • @enf0rcer Go for it :)

  • @aurarusx said in New Faction: "Circus of Blood":

    @enf0rcer Go for it :)

    Thankyou for your contribution. Your post has been added under "Circus of Blood". Plz if you have any updates to this post be sure to annonce it as a reply to the MasterList to keep your link updated.

  • @aurarusx

    This is a great suggestion! I would love to see where this goes.

6 out of 11