Make it easier to get hit by lightning in storms

  • OKAY so after all this time, I still am unable to die by lightning to get the white lantern. I have spent hours in storms, blowing through planks and getting attacked by megs.

    Just now, I spent 40 minutes in a storm. My crew only saw 3 lightning bolts but they never came close to the ship. The last lantern we needed on our boat to get the commendation was the white one. And for the third time (diff server every time) we were attacked, killed, and the ship was sunk (also lost all the loot we had).

    We always get snuck up on bc we all end up going afk from waiting so long to die to a lightning bolt, just to get killed by other pirates.

    Please for the love of god let me die to the storm.

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  • Wielding a sword should make you attract lightning easier, because you know, metal things do that. Im having the same problem, spent some time sailing storms with no luck at all :/ It's my only commendation left for the Festival of the Damned.

  • @nahvie no need to change the storm/lightnings...
    But here's what I found out when doing the same thing... go to an island during storm instead and sit on a rock or something :D for some reason I always get hit when on an island.

  • Make sure you have very little health while waiting, so it only takes one strike.

  • I find holding onto a gunpowder barrel while in the crow's nest seems to attract lightning, plus it guarantees you die when you do get hit. :)

  • @nahvie

    Now if they gave us this kite in game... by my reckoning we must get hit.

    I want one... in RL.

  • Let's take a second to think about this. The only reason you need to get hit is that lantern light. Now imagine that Rare would increase the chance (which is already high enough imo) and so you would get hit to get the light… and then again, and again, and again, again - zappy - zappy - zap - zap - zap - and don't forget about those gunpowder barrels. It's already quite stressful when the storm hits the fort while you are looting it. Your suggestion would cause suffering to many players.

  • Oh man, I remember when the Festival of the Damned first came about. They greatly increased your chances of being struck by lightning so you could get that commendation. I couldn't even walk an outpost during a storm without being barraged by lightning strikes. I was being killed by lightning while trying to buy voyages and new cosmetics. It was funny but irritating, and I do not wish to experience that again.

    Maybe they should make lightning target you a bit more if you go up to the crow's nest?

  • No, its fine as it is now

  • @piratecraggy That thing is both freaky and awesome at the same time.

    My lord and Saviour Cthullu damands one!

  • go to an island inside the storm, hold your sword out and walk in circles and its easy to get killed by it. also remember to put yourself on minimum health so it kills you one shot

  • it really isnt hard to get struck

  • Equip admiral belt then go into storm 😙

  • @nahvie Did it last night wearing the Admiral Belt. Ensure you have a sliver of life and just sail to the middle of storm and anchor. I stood near the wheel and after a long long time of sailing and anchoring it happened.

    My other crew mate sadly never got hit after 60 min of storm chasing.

    Annoying achievement that is actually and achievement :)

  • @nahvie Was trying to get this done for a friend, we spent 45 min in the storm and went through over 100 planks.

    One day a storm rolled in on us on an island and I was getting struck left and right. Told him to get off the ship and get low on health, he got it that day and so did my other friend. It seems you get struck more when on an island.

  • @aglasgowthing said in Make it easier to get hit by lightning in storms:

    Equip admiral belt then go into storm 😙


    Didn't work for us. Stood on the boat in an admiral belt and never once got stuck. however the gun powder in the crows nest did lol.

  • Not sure if this is completely true but it seems lightning is more frequent on the outskirts of the storm.

  • Walk around with TNT that will help out. Everything wants to kill you in the game just need to find the right method.

  • I usually go up to the crows nest and hold out me sword with a sliver of health and hold block. Works for me every time.

  • I found it for the few people I've played with that it's easier to get struck land but it can take a long time

  • Please for the love of god let me die to the storm.

    There was a time when you would get struck every few seconds; it was ridiculous.

    If you want to get nuked by lighting climb up in the mast and curse the gods or something, but don't bring that curse down on me again, it was truly absurd.

  • @nahvie I don't know how but I was getting hit by lightning even through the main deck.

  • At first, there was a complaint that you were too seldom struck by lightning. Then there were reverse complaints, one was struck too often by lightning. Now again one is too seldom struck by lightning... I mean, it just depends on whether you need the white flame, doesn't it? Then the lightnings are too rare for you, but once you have the success, they annoy you.

    Who said that success is always easy? It is quite OK, as it is.

  • @zormis sagte in Make it easier to get hit by lightning in storms:

    @aglasgowthing said in Make it easier to get hit by lightning in storms:

    Equip admiral belt then go into storm 😙


    Didn't work for us. Stood on the boat in an admiral belt and never once got stuck. however the gun powder in the crows nest did lol.

    Hm, what could have been the difference between you and the gun powder keg. Very difficult to find out... Hint: at school, you use X, Y and Z to decribe three dimensions.

  • @goedecke-michel Maybe if there was only one strike in the area per 15 minutes. First strike Keg, second, third etc everything but me. The Belt didn't work :(

  • @zormis sagte in Make it easier to get hit by lightning in storms:

    @goedecke-michel Maybe if there was only one strike in the area per 15 minutes. First strike Keg, second, third etc everything but me. The Belt didn't work :(

    OK, here is one more hint: hold a keg in your hands and climb up to the crowsnest... but don't tell anyone, it is a secret.

  • @goedecke-michel if you it strikes you holding a keg you don't get the white light, at least it none of us got it.

  • @zormis ah, as you are killed by the keg, not the lightning, I see. What if you stand top of the keg.

  • @aglasgowthing said in Make it easier to get hit by lightning in storms:

    Equip admiral belt then go into storm 😙

    Came here to say that, though I belive it to be a myth, still with this game I wouldn't put it past rare to do somthing like this for an Easter egg

  • @clarionz Thanks for the tip, I will be sure to try that out!

  • if anyone wants to get struck by lightning, the best way to do it is to go onto an island inside the storm and walk in circles while holding your sword out. also you need to make sure one strike will kill you so jump off the top of your crows nest 2 or 3 times to get you low enough.

  • @br0crastinat0r said in Make it easier to get hit by lightning in storms:

    I usually go up to the crows nest and hold out me sword with a sliver of health and hold block. Works for me every time.

    I do that but with a shovel. To die by lightning, you need your health as low as possible. Jumping off the crows nest is the fastest way to get your health down. I have also been killed at the helm and on a rowboat too. Standing in the crows nest may be the best way but I’m not 100% if that’s true. All I do know is that lightning does almost no damage to you.

  • Go on a island on low health and wait there in storm that is how i get hit.

  • You can't have more than a sliver of life, it does very little damage. It tends to strike more on the outskirts of the storm for sure. No apparel, weapons, or pose matter.

    Also there's nothing wrong with people complaining about an achievement being tough to get and no amount of complaining is going to bring back the amount of lightning we used to have. So maybe just answer the question instead of voicing opinions. =)

  • Lemme say this now - lightning is VERY selective.

    It often hits me when I don’t want or need it to, and when I was trying to get the “party boat” commendation or whatever, I literally chased a storm for a solid 2 hours. Then someone told me:

    “Stand in the crows nest”

    It worked. After maybe 3 or 5 minutes.

    Crows nests help! 0-0

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