Limit the explosive barrels that float with normal barrels.

  • I understand the addition to having explosive barrels amongst the other barrels. It give a bit more game play, but please limit them to just 1 per lot.

    I was standing near the front of my boat when I ran into floating barrels which had 2 explosive barrels. The first explosion knocked me into the air and off the ship and the second killed me in the water. By the time I got back to my ship, it was already sunk.

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  • @stroro use your eyeballs and a spyglass. Stupid easy to avoid if you pay attention. No need to remove something that has been in the game for a year because you were too lazy to pay attention one time.

  • “Standing in front of boat”
    And how did you not notice the two barrels or barrels in general. You never sail into them. Heck. Ever leave the helm.

  • Am I the only one who finds hitting them fun?

  • @stroro
    So your takeaway from your encounter with floating boom booms is "please nerf" instead of reflecting what you might have done wrong or what you may could do better next time?

    I don't mean to be rude, just take this as a learning experience and move on.

  • @combatxkitty said in Limit the explosive barrels that float with normal barrels.:

    Am I the only one who finds hitting them fun?


    They should add more GPBs to them 😁

  • @combatxkitty said in Limit the explosive barrels that float with normal barrels.:

    Am I the only one who finds hitting them fun?

    No, I play Barrel Roulette a lot; though I choose to stand at the aft of the ship.

  • Just spot'em, then harpoon'em.

  • Apparently they can kill you while at the helm, are they actually programmed to act more like stronghold kegs? What's the radius on these things?

  • @scytheg5188 said in Limit the explosive barrels that float with normal barrels.:

    Apparently they can kill you while at the helm, are they actually programmed to act more like stronghold kegs? What's the radius on these things?

    Just 1 won't kill you near the helm, but 2 or 3 might - I have reason to believe it's not the radius of the explosion that kills you, but rather the time it takes for the explosion to end as your ship's forward momentum carries you into it.

    BTW, as experienced as I am, even I lost a ship to these just earlier today - I was gathering supplies after cannoning over to a nearby island, and I hear my crewmate scream through the microphone as he got blown to kingdom come. He lamented his mistake for well over an hour afterwards, but we didn't give up, and we earned well over 300k in gold for our efforts and I also finally got my MA level to 75.

    It's not about falling down; it's about how you pick yourself up after.

  • COLREGS Rule 5 states:

    Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper lookout by sight and hearing as well as by all available means appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions so as to make a full appraisal of the situation and of the risk of collision.

  • @combatxkitty said in Limit the explosive barrels that float with normal barrels.:

    Am I the only one who finds hitting them fun?


  • Wow, lots of triggered people here. All the dude was asking for is the reduction of something that adds little to nothing to the gameplay other than funny boom boom haha. Chill people.

  • @foxywiththemoxy said in Limit the explosive barrels that float with normal barrels.:

    @combatxkitty said in Limit the explosive barrels that float with normal barrels.:

    Am I the only one who finds hitting them fun?


    A woman of culture :)

  • @kommodoreyenser It's amazing how many of you people are just rude because your life sucks. "Just pay attention". [mod edited]

  • @surveyorpete I'm new to the game. I put in a lot of work to study and get decent at it. I defeated a pirate ship and went to cash in. Randomly 2 barrels spawn in front of me destroying my ship. For you people that say "just pay attention" you're the idiots that kill this game. As a newer player you think I'm going to enjoy playing when all my hard work went down with the ship? It's about game quality, just because you have played forever doesn't mean everyone else views things your way. It's absolute nonsense that I should lose all my loot over a random barrel. I'm here to enjoy the game not be the greatest pirate on the sea.

  • @thor-von-blitz It shocks me how many of you [mod edited] just say learn and pay attention. Game quality is what matters. This is what gets new players to quit. You don't need to be [mod edited] hurt because people don't like the idea of their ship randomly sinking because they "DIDN'T PAY ATTENTION EVERY SECOND OF THE GAME".

  • @iloveponies15 i don't think barrel explosions will make you quit the game. how much wealth can you lose as a new player anyway?

    Besides, "idiots", "moron", "clown" and resurrecting a thread older than 2 months just for this... is bad karma, mate.

  • @iloveponies15 clearly you are lacking even the attention of the forum rules about necro threads.

    If you are too busy doing something else outside the video game to watch where you are sailing so you see the birds in the sky or the items floating in the water, you might want to focus on that and not a video game.

    It’s not being rude or mean to say pay attention when sailing your ship as that is exactly the action required to avoid hitting them. These changes happened, people adjusted, and life has been fine ever since.

  • @Deckhands

  • Locking this thread not only because of the bickering but because is it a necro :)

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