the new facepaint

  • [mod edit]

    I just want to know rare why after waiting for 4 years and litteraly no one was begging as a begar as i was and u hit me like that.

    OK a recolor or a redesign but why both?? it already looks different then the original why make it like its dipped in ear wax or honey,

    Just leave it black and white its already different plz rare i beg u change this like u changed the scorched forsaken ashen pegleg when we got the feedback.

    I literally beg all of u in this comunity would that be a problem if this facepaint was black and white while its already redesigned and doesnt look the same :
    EYES are different NOSE is smaller UNDERLINES are not pointy and Under CHeek lines are not even there , There even is a line under the right eye.

    Give this facepaint just the honney dipp color on the lips and remove it from the white or just make the lips black and remove the yellow.

    PLZ make it black and white and put that color on the lips or make the lips black We dont need a redesign and a recolor on the same time plz rare im rly getting even more depressed i beg u like a dog all of u plz

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  • just when we thought it was over you pulled a John J Rambo and said "nothing is over"

    sorry it didn't work out for you

  • @wolfmanbush srry i swear i hate myself for this but i wish i could be just as normal as a person as all of u

  • @muarembossi said in the new facepaint:

    @wolfmanbush srry i swear i hate myself for this but i wish i could be just as normal as a person as all of u

    we all have our things
    you have things
    I have things

    it's just how it goes, don't get down on yourself, we just do the best we can. You're unique, that's a great thing

  • @wolfmanbush yee uniquely dumb.... i hate myself that i got atached this much to this game and that item and after 4 years they redesignet it completely and it looks good just they didnt need to recolor it thats the prb

  • @muarembossi

    I am definitely not a normal person 😂

    Longest shot question...have you sent a request to support via a ticket? They have access to stuff 🤞

  • @muarembossi said in the new facepaint:

    @wolfmanbush yee uniquely dumb.... i hate myself that i got atached this much to this game and that item and after 4 years they redesignet it completely and it looks good just they didnt need to recolor it thats the prb

    everyone that posts here regularly is passionate about something in the game, things they regularly post about. It's alright to like what you like.

    It's like The Stones sang

    "You can't always get what you want
    but if you try sometimes you find
    you get what you need"

    lean into positive thoughts about yourself and others and keep looking around for something to enjoy. Might find something in the game that makes it all worth your effort.

  • @pithyrumble about the new facepaint?? if thats so its not like they care a iasked about the original one 2 yrs or so ago and they just said to post here not there but thank u for replaying

  • @wolfmanbush thank u a lot my dud

  • hopefully it gets what u want Cuz I swear I feel sad for u mate have seen your posts about the recolor rerelease or redesign more then 10 times

  • @muarembossi said in the new facepaint:

    @wolfmanbush thank u a lot my dud

    alt text

    it's always a pleasure and a privilege dude

  • @bigkitten251047 thank u very much my dud i just dont understand why a time limited item as the pirate legend curse can be brought back the same as it looks and a facepaint which is not even that famous cant be redesigned in the same color black and white....

  • nice at lv 25 i can cosplay as winnie the pooh

  • @muarembossi not gonna lie, me and my mate thought it looked better than the OG. We took some time to compare as well. They are different and I will use them for different moments. But this new one is more of an old bone color than a bleached bone color.

    I'm sorry you don't like it, I was genuinely happy for an obtainable skull painting for you.

  • @muarembossi that curse was never meant to be limited time, unlike the facepaints.

    Sorry to say but if it took them 3 years to make this facepaint I don’t see them making another one anytime soon.

  • @ninja-naranja mate no one is askin for a new one just remove the yellow from this facepaint cuz they already redesigned it and put black lips or put that yellow on the lips instead of above the white

  • @ninja-naranja mate no one is askin for a new one just remove the yellow from this facepaint cuz they already redesigned it and put black lips or put that yellow on the lips instead of above the white

  • @captain-coel thank u very much for the kindness my dud but it looks to yellow if it would just be black and white that would be perfect since its already redesginted

  • @muarembossi To me it looks like a skull that is bone colored, rather than a skull face. Again, I think its nice. Good Luck mate!

  • @captain-coel said in the new facepaint:

    @muarembossi not gonna lie, me and my mate thought it looked better than the OG. We took some time to compare as well. They are different and I will use them for different moments. But this new one is more of an old bone color than a bleached bone color.

    I'm sorry you don't like it, I was genuinely happy for an obtainable skull painting for you.

    Same hahaha the first thing I thought after I saw the skullface was about muarembossi. Damn Its a shame its not to his style...

  • @captain-coel it is nice its completely redesigned but it should be just black and white its not to much to ask after 4 years of begging and @FaceYourDemon thank u aswell my dude

  • Never saw ur post works i dont think this will change it either

  • @freakazoidalb yeah ur probably right and im going to continue feeling misserable I guess and since it took them 4 years they wont make it anymore its so damn sad .I wasnt this sad for years now thank u rare very much u just like to get me out of depression to throw me harder at it

  • @muarembossi Hey man, Rare isnt trying to put you in depression. They made another great makeup. You prefer an older one that isn't available, but at the end of the day its just a cosmetic. You really ought to seek help if this one cosmetic is putting you in such anguish. I really do hope you find something to cheer you up.

  • @captain-coel i know they dont cuz they wouldnt do this facepaint for on person only and yes i would prefer the old one but this one would work too just to leave it black and white .The form of it is already completely different from the old one it just needs to be black and white u already can see its another facepaint even with the bandana mask on

  • I was very happy for u when I saw it but after seeing this post and seeing your logical points of view I rly don't understand Aswell why they had to recolor it after redesigning it hopefully they change it or smth wish the best for u my dud

  • hopefully they remake it I feel bad for u from seeing all the post u made in the past and they added it but as Ur explaining Ur point is pretty good, they already redesigned it they didn't need to recolor it

  • @cpt-inkedon thank u my dud i dont understand this believe me cuz when it came to ppl braging about the legendary curse they added the same and pretty ez to get i see ppl with it and the ghost curse every day in matchmaking and they couldnt make this facepaint how i begged foer it 4 years

  • @muarembossi just to play devils advocate. They did add the legend curse back, but season rewards were announced to be returning. Year 1 cosmetics have remained exclusive. Rare re-released 3 of them during an anniversary event and got roasted for it.

    This new skull make up, looks more like a skull than the old one. Again, im sorry it doesn't please you, but there is a difference in why they didn't bring the old one back.

  • @captain-coel but im not askin to bring the old one back my dud im just sayin to remove the yellow stuff from this one and leave it black and white the shape of the paints is already completely different

  • I feel sad 4 u my mate as I saw your posts every time and was really waiting Aswell for this face paint just to get disappointed Aswell I was on a holiday and just left this post on bookmarks so I can upvote and comment here Cuz I hope this change could make into black and white and black lips and it would be the best face paint that is obtainable there and wouldn't even look the same as the original one.

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