Weaponizing the Red Sea

  • Hey Rare,

    I've seen other people post similar stories on social media, but I wanted to give my own feedback on Season 8 and some loopholes people are exploiting. I was matched with someone with the 'Shores of Gold' tall tale activated. They had their sloop parked in the middle of the Red Sea and I couldn't do anything to defend my own ship from being within the Shroud. I couldn't get close enough to their ship to get a name so I could formally report them, nor did I get their Gamertag when the battle began, but whoever it was, they had obviously been there for a while as they were faction champions. (So including me, they had sunk no less than five ships using the Red Sea).

    My experiences with Season 8 have been overwhelmingly great and I really appreciate all the work that was put into this season! I just wasn't sure if this exploit had made it onto your radar, so I just wanted to bring it to your attention.


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  • it's clever but it also should be patched out from happening

    this is something that completely goes against the idea of competitive matchmaking and (hopefully) entertaining fights imo

    I think including pve as a clever strat is within the spirit of adventure but not the red sea.

  • It saddens me that we are coming up on 2 weeks of this update and they have been silent about all the issues surrounding these exploits. I set sail again after every match. Since doing so I haven't run into another person exploiting the shores of gold. The first day I stayed logged in and just kept diving to the next battle and I got a message saying my skill ranking increased. So logging out seems to reset that. So as long as you go for 1 win at a time and just relog you in theory shouldn't run into anyone exploiting who has a high kill streak.

  • @magus104 said in Weaponizing the Red Sea:

    It saddens me that we are coming up on 2 weeks of this update and they have been silent about all the issues surrounding these exploits. I set sail again after every match. Since doing so I haven't run into another person exploiting the shores of gold. The first day I stayed logged in and just kept diving to the next battle and I got a message saying my skill ranking increased. So logging out seems to reset that. So as long as you go for 1 win at a time and just relog you in theory shouldn't run into anyone exploiting who has a high kill streak.

    Imo they aren't going against transparency before the first patch.

    If they were to come out with a patch and none of the major concerns are addressed or talked about then it could be something to criticize or be discouraged about.

    My guess would be is that they are going to be looking at feedback and data and making changes (hopefully) for the better.

    I don't watch a lot of partner content but even I have noticed that they appear to be trying to take in feedback from their audiences so that they can relay it to devs. More so than in the past.

    Do I love the partner system or that it's used so heavily for gathering feedback? not really, I think it results in a lot of misses but it's better than nothing.

    Imo people should give them until the first major patch before getting too critical. Then we can can have a much more accurate picture about what is going on behind the scenes.

    If everyone sticks with it and doesn't abandon ship early on then this content can consistently be as enjoyable as it has been some of the time for many of the participants.

  • @wolfmanbush
    Just adding on to this, I feel fairly confident this will be fixed soon; I'm hoping they'll say something during Rare's next podcast. (In that regard, I like the fact that the Partners are trying to organize feedback so they can send it to Rare)

    I had a seven-ship sink-streak last week and I never received the 'Skill Rank Increased' message. (I'm not sure how many ships you need to get that notification) My only problem with logging out is losing my supplies. I think that's my one and only complaint with the ship battles: they're like a Nerf War. You load everything up, have a twenty-minute fight, and then have to spend the next hour cleaning up all of the foam bullets (or in the case of Sea of Thieves, find more cannonballs, planks, or food).

  • How is it weaponizing?

    If this was pre season 8, nobody would bat an eye. But suddenly it’s a crime?

  • @burnbacon If this was pre season 8, nobody would bat an eye, because nobody gets stuck in a zone with the Red Sea-er permanently. Before, if you chased someone and they ran to the shore's of Gold, you had minimum three options:

    • Also put down the Tall Tale, and follow them.
    • Go to Morrow's Peak and get the Tall Tale, follow them.
    • Leave them to it, and go do something else.

    With Season 8 and subsequently this exploit, you have none of these options. You can't put down the Tall Tale, nor can you go and do your own thing. You are stuck in a small space with an enemy you cannot sink. Only options are waste your own time to waste theirs, or scuttle, giving them a hollow victory. It's a cheap trick, and honestly needs dealing with, imo.

  • It’s a massive oversight by Rare. Well, I say oversight but they most certainly accounted for this, but there’s a way that people found to do it anyway soo, yeah

    Just curious, can you even put down a Shores of Gold checkpoint during the battle? I assume not

  • I am in a match like that right now. I am just chilling and watching stuff. If they want to ruin MY streak, I will prevent theirs from getting any higher.

    And if they come to end me, I will just have their gamertag to report. (A certain humble streamer said that this is bannable and you should get their tags and report them)

    They should just let us swim to The Shores Of Gold honestly (I know, I know, waahhh, spoilers) They are immune because I can't even get their gamertag. Recently played with is not enough proof either.

  • @thorumsu

    Clip it even f you can't see the name. The system matched your so they can figure out your opponents.

  • @pithyrumble said in Weaponizing the Red Sea:


    Clip it even f you can't see the name. The system matched your so they can figure out your opponents.

    I found a ship that wants to help. I am even taking footage of it. This will be funny lol.

  • @thorumsu said in Weaponizing the Red Sea:

    @pithyrumble said in Weaponizing the Red Sea:


    Clip it even f you can't see the name. The system matched your so they can figure out your opponents.

    I found a ship that wants to help. I am even taking footage of it. This will be funny lol.

    Nice! Good luck! 🤞

  • A quick and just fix would be: If you spawn on them and they are exploiting the red sea they automatically sink, awarding you the victory

  • @burnbacon
    @Silentkiller646 described it better than I could. Your hands are tied if your opponent decides to host the battle in the Red Sea. You don't have access to the Shroudbreaker and the Red Sea will eat your ship alive before you ever have a chance to get within reasonable cannon range of your opponent.

    I'm all for the philosophy of "Tools not Rules," but given the unfair advantage of the Red Sea exploit, I don't think it should be the community's expectation of the attacking player to simply deal with the consequences of their opponent parking their ship in the Shroud. I refer back to what Silentkiller646 said: "[The] Only options are waste your own time to waste theirs, or scuttle, giving them a hollow victory."

    There's piracy, and then there's farming a sink-streak to increase your allegiance. It's inappropriate to keep this exploit in the game.

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