Questions for the Dev Team? New Tavern Talk - post your questions! 4th Jan 2018

  • Post below or head on over to Twitter!

  • 149
  • Do you have any plans to let players deal with trolls & griefers aboard small ships, like giving the brig-voting power to the crew member who has been aboard the longest?

  • @katttruewalker Do you have any plans for more ships? If so, what sizes/types?

    (Personal question for you, Katt. :D )

  • There was a post like this a while ago (after the last Tavern Talk was released) and I asked a few questions there, but I've forgotten what they were and I can't find it now. :/

  • Will the matchmaking lobby stay the same as it is (a static menu where you choose your crew size, matchmaking then hop into the world)? And related to this question, what do you think of the ability of creating or breaking a crew directly into the world?

    @ever-reddy haha exactly the same!! I tried my best to ask the same question as I remember it

  • bit late aint it? i assume they would've already finished filming it by now

  • @whenkoalasattak I'm not part of the Dev team! I'd love to know the answer to that one as much as you :D

  • How much diversity (in terms of quests, enemies, animals, items, clothes) do you think the game will have from 0 to 10 in its final state if in the current state it has, let's say 3? q8)

  • @unfound
    I've noticed they have been posting to YouTube on Thursdays. Seeing as they just got back from holiday this week, the next TavernTalk may very well be released next Thursday.

  • The almighty question probably everyone is asking...Any insights to when the closed beta will start? :D

  • @katttruewalker Ok, then I guess you can pass it off to them for Tavern Talk. :P

  • @katttruewalker said in Questions for the Dev Team? New Tavern Talk - post your questions! 4th Jan 2018:

    I'm not part of the Dev team!

    I thought you were possibly Katie Tarrant, Audio Intern. This clears that right up.

  • Will more items see secondary uses/secondary interactions?

    Like how you can hold a treasure map infront of you or turning it around for others to see, for example.

  • @nos37 Aaarghh... I be naught but an adventurin' pirate, searchin' fer waters to call home....

  • Is the stun lock in sword combat going to be in the final release? As its not the most popular of features, if so why? :)

    How much content are we not aware of will be launching at release? I wanna see what your hiding in that hull of yours! :P

  • @wdsnav91 said in Questions for the Dev Team? New Tavern Talk - post your questions! 4th Jan 2018:

    The almighty question probably everyone is asking...Any insights to when the closed beta will start? :D

    What this guy said :P
    Other than that, how will the forums be used from here till release? Anything planned? I think it's an important question to ask as well.

  • Will game have subscription,DLC, or just microtransactions

  • Are the developers planning on creating an API for the game?

  • Ship varieties, sizes and customisation. Future sealife.
    Multiplayer crewing; ship locked or open choice

  • When will @khaleesibot have an everything bagel?

    On a more serious note, is there still more development going on with the hand to hand combat mechanics (especially sword fighting)? Right now it feels somewhat clunky(?) and unfinished.

  • What's the purpose of your ingame gold? Can you just buy cosmetics with it or are there other purposes?

  • @sappyelephante said in Questions for the Dev Team? New Tavern Talk - post your questions! 4th Jan 2018:

    When will @khaleesibot have an everything bagel?

    Asking the real questions SappyElephante! I don't know, I'll have to find an American deli..

  • I'm keen to learn how big the actual world size will be, for instance how long will it take to sail from one end of the world to the other end...

  • @khaleesibot said in Questions for the Dev Team? New Tavern Talk - post your questions! 4th Jan 2018:

    @sappyelephante said in Questions for the Dev Team? New Tavern Talk - post your questions! 4th Jan 2018:

    When will @khaleesibot have an everything bagel?

    Asking the real questions SappyElephante! I don't know, I'll have to find an American deli..

    Just make them send you to Redmond for a "business trip"!

  • some of the questions posted on the older look-a-like thread were still valid. I hope they took some notes from that thread.

  • Are there any plans to make the ocean floor more interactive - right now we can get to the sea floor in close proximity of the isles only. Maybe some sunken islands, ancient coral covered wrecks, a sunken city that could be reached with a divers bell?

  • Will 4 be the largest crew size available?? If not, what is??

    Will you be able to invite another ship/crew onto your server/instance?

    Will the animals have any other uses apart from the merchant quests??
    Can we farm them? Can we get resources from them (meat,eggs & poison)? Can they be fired out of cannons?

  • @katttruewalker will you release a Deluxe editions for the game? and if you do could you make it to where we get a ship that is a like Captain Salazars ship!

  • @logansdadtoo said in Questions for the Dev Team? New Tavern Talk - post your questions! 4th Jan 2018:

    [...] Can they be fired out of cannons?

    Oh please, this has to be a thing! 😂

  • @khaleesibot real bagel come as seeded or non seeded.

  • @erikinthebakery said in Questions for the Dev Team? New Tavern Talk - post your questions! 4th Jan 2018:

    @khaleesibot said in Questions for the Dev Team? New Tavern Talk - post your questions! 4th Jan 2018:

    @sappyelephante said in Questions for the Dev Team? New Tavern Talk - post your questions! 4th Jan 2018:

    When will @khaleesibot have an everything bagel?

    Asking the real questions SappyElephante! I don't know, I'll have to find an American deli..

    Just make them send you to Redmond for a "business trip"!

    Ahh, for research? To.. better... err.. understand the US community members? By golly, I think you're on to something!

  • Will Treasure Trove Cove be an island in the game?!

    For those that don't know, Treasure Trove Cove is a pirate inspired island level in the RARE game Banjo & Kazooie.

  • @MaximillianZeus
    Lots of Captain Blubber References please!
    alt text

  • First off this must be said, Congratulations Rare for making an absolutely fun game which is truly unique and exhilarating! Now for the questions...

    1. Crew size- it would be amazing if we could sail with crews of at least 6 maybe up to 8 that way our friends aren’t left out of the fun, 4 just seems a little small.
    2. Customization- from your very own pirate to the ships you sail, it would be awesome if no pirate or ship looked the same. Different types of cosmetic additions and functional additions like possibly a harpoon gun on a ship, or a deep sea fishing chair, rod and reel, a battering ram for the front of your ship, different styles of sails, cannon placement, maybe areas to put “trophy items” to show off to your crew mates that you have collected that can be mounted on the ship.
    3. Combat- so far so good but it would be cool to see maybe a way for your pirate to learn new skills. Like say when you start out you don’t even hold the sword correctly, but the more you sword fight, the more moves you can learn and become more experienced.
    4. Fishing- I know I just mentioned a deep sea fishing chair above, but how about hunting whales, orcas, man eating sharks, Megaladon, giant squid, the Kraken... everyone has seen those old pictures of sea captains with a 15 foot tiger shark hanging up as a trophy on the dock.
    5. Stealing ships- so far in the technical alpha, we could steal another pirates ship until he respawned back on his boat. Maybe if somebody boards your ship and kills everyone, make the owners of the ship respawn on a random island with another crew members unique looking ship and you have to either go get yours back or leave the server to get it back... I guess my way of explaining this is... in a crew of 4 you start on one of the crew mates ships. So essentially your crew has “4 lives” if you will. You can take back your own ship or wait till all four ships are sunk to start over in a new server.
    6. NPC ships- will there be any npc ships sailing around, this would be a cool way to begin your armada. If there is a crew of 6, you could put up a friendly traders flag to the npc ship. They let you board to trade, then that’s when your inner pirate comes out, you take the crew prisoner or throw them over board and take their ship, now your crew has 2 ships and an extra “life”.
    7. Other enemies besides Skeletons- killing skeletons is cool, but there could be more types of enemies.
    8. Weapon types and fighting styles associated with them- possibly add different types of swords, axes, spears, muskets, hook hands that function...

    Anyway so far this game is great, I can’t wait to play the beta, speaking of the beta... When is the beta?

    Thanks again for a great game Rare!

  • When will the The " The Parrotheads Inaugural Cliff Diving Extravaganza" take place? I was thinking Smugglers Bay would be a great location for the event! Maybe have a caged pirate and a caged skeleton commentating?🙂

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