Hello i'm new

  • Hello first of , sry for my english as it is not my primary language.
    Quick question (it is not to flame rly , just to know if this game is for me )
    From what i'v seen , it seems like the progression system is only about achievements and customisation. What will be the "end game goal". Adventure is nice and all , but without clear goal except "reputation" and "achievement" i feel like we are lacking something in the progression path of our character. Can we buy better ship ? upgrade them as the game goes ? buy better stuff ? find loot (equipement for our character or ship) in treasure and stuff ? Do my character will feel stronger 1 year after playing the game ? or just a different look and more achievement point ? How are we gonna feel unique compared to all other guys in few month after the start ? Different skill / class ?
    This game looks amazing tho.
    Cheers for the explanation folks have a sweet day.

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  • There is quest progression and such, but a lot have not been shown off yet. Welcome aboard!

  • @silvrereys1372 The game is going to have a horizontal progression system, so after a year the only practical advantage you will have over someone new will be experience. There will probably be a few additional weapons that you don't start with, but their benefits will be situational and I think you'll be able to buy most of them relatively quickly.

    After that it's all about adventuring and building your pirate's legend by completing voyages for one of three (to begin with) trading companies. This will increase your reputation with them which will grant you gold, titles and access to higher level items and voyages.

    The gold will allow you to buy items to customise your pirate and your ship to make both unique, but all will be purely cosmetic.

    As for any 'end game' content, we really don't know about that yet. Sea of Thieves is going to be a 'serviced' game though, so the game will be updated with new content added for several years to come!

  • Your question is a tricky one to be honest, as i know a few others are trying to figure that out aswell including myself.

    Rare are a paradox of a company in the sense that they are very open with there development, but at the same time incredibly secretive. So im not sure what the answer to your question is currently.

    So far from the progression stream we know you will be able to spend your gold on Outfits and Ships customisation options and a few other things like equipment ect..

    Other then that im not really sure and its got me a little worried as im personally not really one for custimisation, i will just strip down to my pantaloons and fight naked. So it kind of has me wondering what i will be working towards myself in game.

    But like i said Rare are a paradox so time will tell and hopefully we will find out soon, i would be very shocked if they didnt have things in the works. :)

  • Aye guys ! thx for the quick answers.
    Indeed this game look hella fun , and thoses waves/storm are just mindblowing.
    I know that as we said " There is no path to happiness. Happiness is the path"
    I guess i'm just concerned about the fact that the treasure hunting (if its only gold) would just be repetitive after a time and u won't have this "Omg moment i found this wonderful item". But yeah kinda too early to be worried anyway , time will tell !

    Cheers .

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