Overachiever Sails

  • @sprungnickel427 @s0nicbob said in Overachiever Sails:

    Players that complete ANY of the newly rebalanced achievements in their new unlock criteria by the 14th December will earn the Overachiever sails. (Any player who was close to completing the original unlock criteria will only have to hand in 1 item to tick them over and unlock the achievement).

    (This is purely my understanding so don't take it as the complete Gospel truth!)

  • @shamanmclamie I agree 100%, there was a lack of information and communication on this. I feel the same way, I prioritize what my game tasks are, based on this information. Never was there mentioned of a reward or a deadline. If so, I would have prioritize differently. I "overly" played this game to get to pirate legend first against all my friends. I have a few hardcore dedicated friends who play this with me and I totally get everyone's frustration and angry over this, and rightly so...

    Dedicated players like to collect and grind for all the in-game content, especially any time limited content... we would put this first on our list with our mindset. To earn the sails they should of kept the numbers the same with no deadline. They are trying to do right by the extension of Dec 14th. date..., even though their Dev. update videos are very informative,... which I look forward to watching, they messed up on this and again, they are trying to make it right... they could have done better IMO.

    Their last update returned a lot of players and they did right by the current content, hate to see something like this affect the positive reviews coming from the last update. As i'm typing this, my crewmate texts me his frustration on this and states" Change of plans for SoT tonight, we need to grind for the sails before 12/14 Deadline, after this we can't acquire them... "Yea, I see the frustration for those dedicated players affected and now my session tonight for SoT has changed its focus for sure ..

  • @slayer-of-cats I saw the video but I'm guessing its the xbox Xbox achievements and not in-game?

  • @s0nicbob said in Overachiever Sails:

    Hey All, seeing some questions around the recent change to how we are going to be awarding the Overachiever sails.

    We've heard your feedback that players were frustrated that we didn't communicate our plans for this upfront and allow them to push on and complete the achievements prior to the rebalance. With that in mind we've decided to loosen the criteria for who is eligible for these Overachiever sails and give players a small window now to earn them.

    Players that complete ANY of the newly rebalanced achievements in their new unlock criteria by the 14th December will earn the Overachiever sails. (Any player who was close to completing the original unlock criteria will only have to hand in 1 item to tick them over and unlock the achievement).

    We feel this is the right step to inform players of our plans and give you the opportunity to unlock these unique sails.

    Just a clarification, I have multiple Grade V achievements unlocked, Check marked, in the newly rebalanced achievements so does that mean I qualify for the Over Achiever sails?

  • @sprungnickel427 the Grade V's are the commendations, correct? check the Xbox App/Achievement section on Xbox and see if you have unlocked it.

  • @triheadedmonkey I don't think this is related to Xbox at all. It's the Grade V achievements in all the factions of Gold Hoarder, OOS Merchants that max out at Grade V (5) IE: 360 Villainous bounty skulls. Previously, before rebalancing these were at 1000 Villainous skulls to reach grade V, and such very difficult for anyone but truly committed players to reach.
    The Xbox gamer points achievements similarly matched these in game achievements but that is not what I believe is the topic.

  • clarification would be nice, cause i am very confused now.
    do i have to have 360 villainous skulls delivered or 1000?

  • @coyote4711 It's 360. Joe states if you get the REBALANCED achievement by the 14th, you'll get your sails.

  • @chronodusk it is you get ANY achievement grade 5 V per a n other post by Rare. 90 foul or 180 hateful also qualify.

  • @chronodusk sagte in Overachiever Sails:

    @coyote4711 It's 360. Joe states if you get the REBALANCED achievement by the 14th, you'll get your sails.

    i hope its true, even though it makes sense, i am still sceptical, i guess we'll find out.
    cheers mate

  • @sprungnickel427 Source? Those particular commendations don't give you an achievement, so I didn't think they would be eligible. Not calling you wrong, I just want to see where that was officially said.

  • @sprungnickel427

    This is not for all the commendations, it's for the following Xbox Achievements: Black Powder Merchant, Merchant Voyager, Merchant Forager, Voyager of Lost Souls, Golden Voyager, Hoarder of Barnacled Gold, Hoarder of the Captain’s Gold and Master Hunter of Villainous Skulls.

  • @chronodusk said in Overachiever Sails:

    @sprungnickel427 Source? Those particular commendations don't give you an achievement, so I didn't think they would be eligible. Not calling you wrong, I just want to see where that was officially said.

    Players that complete ANY of the newly rebalanced achievements in their new unlock criteria by the 14th December will earn the Overachiever sails. (Any player who was close to completing the original unlock criteria will only have to hand in 1 item to tick them over and unlock the achievement).

    Posted earlier in this thread by Rare Employee. Have there been more than one rebalancing? I've received Grade 5s on several achievements in each faction since then by handing in one more of these items and completing the requirement.

  • @skulliah said in Overachiever Sails:


    This is not for all the commendations, it's for the following Xbox Achievements: Black Powder Merchant, Merchant Voyager, Merchant Forager, Voyager of Lost Souls, Golden Voyager, Hoarder of Barnacled Gold, Hoarder of the Captain’s Gold and Master Hunter of Villainous Skulls.

    not according to what i read from @s0nicbob

  • @sprungnickel427 said in Overachiever Sails:

    @skulliah said in Overachiever Sails:


    This is not for all the commendations, it's for the following Xbox Achievements: Black Powder Merchant, Merchant Voyager, Merchant Forager, Voyager of Lost Souls, Golden Voyager, Hoarder of Barnacled Gold, Hoarder of the Captain’s Gold and Master Hunter of Villainous Skulls.

    not according to what i read from @s0nicbob

    Read again his post, it's clearly said in it ;)

  • @skulliah he changed his post since I read it. I see it includes specific achievements.

  • Please ignore all my Posts. It's indeed related to Xbox achievements and not faction achievements.

  • Do you think they will ever add under achievers sails xD

    That’s about where I’m at currently, I just always get distracted lol

  • @knifelife said in Overachiever Sails:

    Do you think they will ever add under achievers sails xD

    That’s about where I’m at currently, I just always get distracted lol

    Luckily I get distracted by shipwrecks, so the Hoarder of Barnacled Gold title is mine (not near a 1000 though); I was hoping for an Overachiever Wannabe sail ;) but I will not turn down a free sail even though I think the ones that got a 1000 really deserve the Overachiever sails.

  • @s0nicbob said in Overachiever Sails:

    Hey All, seeing some questions around the recent change to how we are going to be awarding the Overachiever sails.

    We've heard your feedback that players were frustrated that we didn't communicate our plans for this upfront and allow them to push on and complete the achievements prior to the rebalance. With that in mind we've decided to loosen the criteria for who is eligible for these Overachiever sails and give players a small window now to earn them.

    Players that complete ANY of the newly rebalanced achievements in their new unlock criteria by the 14th December will earn the Overachiever sails. (Any player who was close to completing the original unlock criteria will only have to hand in 1 item to tick them over and unlock the achievement).
    For clarity the newly balanced achievements are;

    • Black Powder Merchant
    • ⁠Merchant Voyager
    • Merchant Forager
    • ⁠Voyager of Lost Souls
    • ⁠Golden Voyager
    • ⁠Hoarder of Barnacled Gold
    • ⁠Hoarder of the Captain’s Gold
    • Master Hunter of Villainous Skulls

    We feel this is the right step to inform players of our plans and give you the opportunity to unlock these unique sails.

    Glad you guys are giving players the opportunity to try and obtain these sails. I think it is always a good idea to give players a heads up when there is going to be a chance to obtain an exclusive item.

    I would also like to make a suggestion. The idea for these sails was to reward people who went above and beyond. Does that necessarily have to be time limited? What if a group of commendations were added in game called "Over Achiever Commendations." These commendations could simply be the original eight achievements (at least to start with). Completing any of the eight would unlock the sails. Afterwards, completing more commendations from the set unlocks more ship cosmetics fitting the over achiever theme. In time, you could potentially add more commendations to the list and other unlockable items.

    I should (hopefully) be able to complete at least one of the achievements before next Friday to get my set of sails but it feels kind of stinky that someone later on down the road might complete the original achievement and have no reward for such a tremendous accomplishment.

  • @s0nicbob said in Overachiever Sails:

    Hey All, seeing some questions around the recent change to how we are going to be awarding the Overachiever sails.

    We've heard your feedback that players were frustrated that we didn't communicate our plans for this upfront and allow them to push on and complete the achievements prior to the rebalance. With that in mind we've decided to loosen the criteria for who is eligible for these Overachiever sails and give players a small window now to earn them.

    Players that complete ANY of the newly rebalanced achievements in their new unlock criteria by the 14th December will earn the Overachiever sails. (Any player who was close to completing the original unlock criteria will only have to hand in 1 item to tick them over and unlock the achievement).
    For clarity the newly balanced achievements are;

    • Black Powder Merchant
    • ⁠Merchant Voyager
    • Merchant Forager
    • ⁠Voyager of Lost Souls
    • ⁠Golden Voyager
    • ⁠Hoarder of Barnacled Gold
    • ⁠Hoarder of the Captain’s Gold
    • Master Hunter of Villainous Skulls

    We feel this is the right step to inform players of our plans and give you the opportunity to unlock these unique sails.

    That is good know. While I wouldn't have minded working towards the old goals, I would just have to do Gold Hoarders like mad. This will at least mean I can focus more on hunting Krakens and Mermaid Statues this week.

    Despite what all the haters say it's great knowing you guys do keep up with communities thoughts and concerns and address them.

  • @triheadedmonkey so if I deliver 100 gunpowder barrels starting now by the 14th I would get the sails?

  • @stormbr34k3r Yes, but I believe they have to be part of a Merchant Alliance contract as it states "on time". Finding and cashing in random Boom Boom's won't cut it I don't think.

  • Apparently, after delivering one Keg on contract last night. I got the Black Powder Merchant done. Achievement banked and documented. Let's see if that makes me an overachiever.

  • woohoo, I have a few of these!

  • Here you go most dedicated players, we hope this rectifies removing the exceptionally difficult progress you all made by giving you this unique and exclusive item.

    Wait, never mind. This is just as common as the useless titles that are now awarded after the rebalanced achievements.

    It would have been better to add nothing at all because you just betrayed the veterans again.

    Does no one else see the irony in this?

  • @scallywagmango The difference is..that figurehead you don't have will be coming to the game at some point..the exclusive sails will not be..I am glad that they fixed this problem..if you are going to hand out a limited 1 time item that will never be avalible again in game..there needs to be a heads up..that is the difference..you will get your figurehead when it enters the game..the sails are limited..so your point does not stand. Also like I said 100 times..it would of been ok if they would of said something beforehand..then there would of been nothing to complain about..but because they just come out and lowered everything most of us were robbed of a long term goal and punished for not being at..a LONG TERM GOAL. It would of made all the difference in the world if they would of said something before the patch. but that figurehead that you don't have is not exclusive like these sails..it will be in the game at some point..so that is not a fair comparison at all..

  • @Kat-Truewalkerr I have already achieved the border of captains gold last month does that mean I qualify for the sails or will I need to complete another one

  • @j0k3rs-r3v3nge you only need one of rebalanced achievements to qualify, so your good for receiving Overachiever Sails whenever there released.

  • @stellarsacia kinda... I agree that the threshold is pretty low and you are going to see those sails quite a lot

  • @frankzappa-fan awesome thanks shipmate

  • @stellarsacia said in Overachiever Sails:

    Here you go most dedicated players, we hope this rectifies removing the exceptionally difficult progress you all made by giving you this unique and exclusive item.

    Wait, never mind. This is just as common as the useless titles that are now awarded after the rebalanced achievements.

    It would have been better to add nothing at all because you just betrayed the veterans again.

    Does no one else see the irony in this?

    This is why I originally suggested they make it possible to get indefinitely from here on out, but the Original Achievement Goals(1000) be the requirement. People who did it would be rewarded and people who didn't get it would be able to get it, but still have to put in the same amount of work.

    Also not all dedicated and veteran players go after and complete achievements right away. I've been playing quite regularly(probably more so than any game I've owned) since day one and hadn't finished any of the rebalanced achievements original goals, but I've dedicated myself to collecting all the in game items and spent a lot of money doing it. I've never at any given moment had more than 500 K in in-game gold because I'm always spending it.
    I like many others simply just want a heads up when a special item will be given out so we can work to meet the requirements on time.

    Although the Over Achiever Sails are time limited. So it will probably only be available to those that have been playing regularly for the past few months, or even day one, or those willing and able to grind the hell out of it the next week.
    There was never any clarity on this, but it may have been the case that anyone over the the new rebalanced achievement goals(360) before the update may have still gotten them. Now all they've done is given a couple extra weeks to get there. So if you had 700 Captain's Chests turned in before the Update you would be eligible for the Sails regardless. Now someone who has 340 Captain's Chests turned in has an opportunity to get the last 20 this week. Someone playing the game for the first time this month probably won't be getting those sails.

    My biggest hope is that this will get the Dev team into a habit of giving advanced warnings for any special items they're handing out and offers they're doing.

  • @shamanmclamie I 100% agree that making them a long term achievable goal would have been the preferred way to go because I'd argue that now there's a stigma attached to the sails and to me personally a reminder of having thousands of hours of dedication be dismissed.

    No one knows if you turned in 1000 captains chests/villainous skulls etc, or the bare minimum, negating the initial intent of the item rewarding those amazing achievements with something distinguishing and prestigious, worthy of the title "overachiever".

    My interpretation was this item was to reward those that went above and beyond, and Rare acknowledging the players that were dedicated enough to finish those original astronomically time consuming commendations and achievements. Id also argue the intrinsic value of the reward is positively correlated to the rarity of the item as well (regardless of what it looks like).

    Those two specific aspects therefor make an item that should show a commanding status of those using it null and void by the nature of its commonality and ambiguous message defeating the purpose of it's initial intent.

    Just thinking to myself now that Rare might have been better off not adding any "reward" at all, as in the end I just end up feeling disappointed because the sails will represent a participation trophy now.

    I can appreciate where Rare was coming from but I've just got a sour taste in my mouth from the whole situation.

  • @shamanmclamie agreed. this would have made quite a few of you grinders happy.

  • @stellarsacia @ShamanMcLamie I agree. I think a new in-game commendation that is not time limited but requires the original thresholds is the way to go.

    I'm glad that they are doing this week heads up thing because it will allow me to get the sails that I otherwise wouldn't have been able to but I honestly rather put in the effort to meet the original requirements without a time limit and have to wait till I get the sails than to get them for much less work in this next week.

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