Putting the 'Thieves' back in Sea of Thieves

  • Piracy's not rewarding or fun. It takes far too long to find a target, and when you do, they'll either have no loot or run away. Sometimes you can swim over, but then you'll have to sink a ship without using a ship, a difficult task. There's almost never enough treasure to warrant the time put in, I can count the number of times I've found someone else with a fort's worth on my fingers after 2 years.

    To encourage piracy, hoarding loot, and actually fighting attackers, I suggest this:

    1. As many have suggested, treasure should gain value the longer it's on a ship. This will encourage hoarding loot, which makes the game more exciting for everyone. I'd also like a Golden Flag, which marks you on the map, gives off a brilliant mark, and makes the treasure gain value faster.

    2. Ships should drop a nameplate when sunk. The nameplate can be sold to any faction, the amount it's worth is equal to 10 times the total level of everyone on the ship combined. This encourages fighting your attackers, ensures there's always a reward for winning, and it encourages players to attack experinced ships, not new players. It could be absurd though, so some careful balancing is a must.

    3. Ships leave a wake that makes any other ships that sail into it go 50% faster. This discorgaes running away, and it adds an extra depth to ship combat. Imagine baiting your enemies into smashing into a rock by making them go faster.

    4. Fix the number of ships per server. It's supposed to be 6, but it's not. It should be 8, what with the Roar, but if there were always 6 ships that would still be good enough. Right now it takes about 45 minutes of searching to find anyone, which is way too long.

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  • @wilbymagicbear said in Putting the 'Thieves' back in Sea of Thieves:

    To encourage piracy, hoarding loot, and actually fighting attackers, I suggest this:

    1. As many have suggested, treasure should gain value the longer it's on a ship. This will encourage hoarding loot, which makes the game more exciting for everyone. I'd also like a Golden Flag, which marks you on the map, gives off a brilliant mark, and makes the treasure gain value faster.

    I think allowing players to take a higher risk and higher reward would be a nice touch. A nice neutral layer of cause and effect added to enhance the player's choices. But I could see this being abused in full alliance servers where it would not work as intended and would only serve to farm stuff at a higher rate.

    1. Ships should drop a nameplate when sunk. The nameplate can be sold to any faction, the amount it's worth is equal to 10 times the total level of everyone on the ship combined. This encourages fighting your attackers, ensures there's always a reward for winning, and it encourages players to attack experinced ships, not new players. It could be absurd though, so some careful balancing is a must.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm all about some PvP. But equally I understand that it's not the sole purpose of the game. This particular suggestion I feel gives the player too much encouragement to behave in a hostile way, where the game should actually never influence the way we choose to interact with another player.

    The Seas would be wrought with hostility because the game design is telling them to, and also there would be allied ships taking turns sinking eachother to farm nameplates. Giving ships inherent value to being sunk is not a good idea I don't think.

    1. Ships leave a wake that makes any other ships that sail into it go 50% faster. This discorgaes running away, and it adds an extra depth to ship combat. Imagine baiting your enemies into smashing into a rock by making them go faster.

    But why should a ship be penalized for running away? Again, just as I get to choose to attack another player if I want to, they should be able to choose to make their escape from that conflict if they want and not be penalized for that. It is a Shared World of tools, not rules (or influence)

    1. Fix the number of ships per server. It's supposed to be 6, but it's not. It should be 8, what with the Roar, but if there were always 6 ships that would still be good enough. Right now it takes about 45 minutes of searching to find anyone, which is way too long.

    I'm not sure about this, maybe once the map gets larger they should look into it, but I think ship count is fine for now.

    This whole post makes it sound like you just want everything to fall in favor of PvP. It should not because the game thrives on a balance of unpredictable hostile and friendly player interactions, which should not influenced by the game design in any way.

    I would say the same sort of things to someone requesting PvE servers. This game was not marketed as a PvP or PvE only game. It is an unpredictable blend of both.

  • Any ship sunk should drop some loot, perhaps random loot like a skele ship but based on the average rep le el of the crew. And I like the nameplate idea. But the chase is part of piracy, there is no reason to give a speed advantage to an attacker. Either you can outsail your opponent and deserve the loot or you can't and they do.

  • @wilbymagicbear I understand your reasons but disagree with your suggestions to tamper with game's inherent values in such a direct way as you propose.

    Instead, a new way to play could be introduced to accommodate your desire for piracy. As many have suggested before me - NPC trade ships (that one could protect or steal from)

    To incite protecting NPC ships one could gain faction points, reputation and special prizes.
    To make people rob NPC ships they would receive great rewards in the form of the loot stolen.
    Give NPCs trade ships brigantines, autoaim of skellies and maybe even allow them to bail at certain rate.
    Possibilities are endless and imagination is limitless, with that I leave it to RARE to explore these fantasies.

    It could be a 'triggered event' like athena but with full visibility to everyone. That is, once players vote to escort a trade ship on its course to various islands the convoy becomes globally visible to everyone on the server.

    Of course, the biggest and the hardest question to address is the just balance of all things in the world of SOT.

  • @wilbymagicbear Ghost ships have everything you ask for. Drop loot, don't run away and are easy to find. :)

  • @turtle-time3220 Fighting ghost ships makes me want to die.

  • @bumbumbac I take no pleasure in robbing NPCs. I don't think most people of my play style do. I only feel satisfied taking loot from others (that doesn't sound very good, does it?)

  • @william-flint But this is outsailing! Running away isn't out sailing, running away is going in a straight line, turning once every 20 minutes. But here, the chasee can rock their ship to mess up the wake, use the wake to slam chasers into rocks, that sort of thing.

    1. Ships should drop a nameplate when sunk. The nameplate can be sold to any faction, the amount it's worth is equal to 10 times the total level of everyone on the ship combined. This encourages fighting your attackers, ensures there's always a reward for winning, and it encourages players to attack experinced ships, not new players. It could be absurd though, so some careful balancing is a must.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm all about some PvP. But equally I understand that it's not the sole purpose of the game. This particular suggestion I feel gives the player too much encouragement to behave in a hostile way, where the game should actually never influence the way we choose to interact with another player.

    The Seas would be wrought with hostility and equally there would be ships sinking eachother to farm nameplates. Giving ships inherent value to being sunk is not a good idea I don't think.

    I kinda like this idea, but ONLY if it's unique. If you sell the nameplate once, you can't sell it again in the same session. This would mean that you get your reward from sinking a ship, but it doesn't reward overaggressive behavior, and maybe encourages a ship that's dominating the seas and only interested in doing so to move to another server. I feel like this could be tied to a Sea Dog commendation/progression as well.

  • @chronodusk 2. I'm not so sold on the nameplate idea, but actions can be taken to prevent farming. This thing where 80% of fights end with the winner getting nothing sucks.

    1. They should be punished for running because running is so boring. With this new system, either they actually fight, or they have to be more skilled than their oponent to escape. Either way, both parties have fun, as opposed to neither.

    2. I'm just as annoyed as you are! I bought a PvPvE game, just for it to be a PvE game! There's never any figthing anymore. Whenever I do meet a ship, maybe once an hour, they're either friendly or noobertons.

  • @wilbymagicbear you sound like my perfect match, I don't even sell my loot anymore. Instead I decorate my ship with it and usually end up giving it away to someone or sinking with it. lol

  • My ideas for harvesting merchant goods makes ships carry more loot of lesser value, and tweaks to how players get maps with chests making them more “endgame” would be good imo, i like all the suggestions except the wake shouldnt increase by 50% more like 10-15%

  • @bumbumbac this is an excellent idea,

    Perhaps before leaving port you have to signal what your intentions will be during the event, e.g. Escort Ship or Attacker... and get different Reputation and cosmetic awards based which we choose and succeed at. Would be an Amazing Adventure especially if it is a group of two or three NPCs that are sailing. Would also be nice if the Event wasn’t so frequent... I truly miss the Skull fort hoppers of olde Win Forts were every 3 hours or so and. That had crews hopping servers to find a fort making it almost an endless chain of Galleons on the horizon to defend your fort claim against... it was truly glorious.

  • I think that you are using a sledgehammer for needle-work.

    What this topic comes down to is that "Pirating" isn't a time efficient way to gain wealth because players tend to not "hoard" much treasure on their ship. Making it easier to catch your "prey" will only serve to increase this problem as players start selling quicker and quicker before they lose it.

    The right way to do this is with a carrot, not a stick.

    What Rare should do is encourage hoarding through a crafting system. For example; combine 4 sailors chest to make 1 Marauders chest. Or 4 Captain's Chests to make 1 Admiral Chest. And then change the value of chests to make it very tempting to do this. Say 1 Captain's Chest = 1000gps but 1 Admiral's Chest = 8000gps.

    This way you encourage players to hang on to their Loot for longer without making a bunch of drastic changes to the game. And Pirating becomes a viable way to earn a living again as players are encouraged and rewarded for hoarding.

    The problem with your #1 idea is that it will encourage "friendly servers" where players can just sit on their treasure and farm.

  • I'm with @Chronodusk on their response.

    I find that both the nameplate and wake ideas would be not good for the game, and this is coming from a fully pro-Aventure Mode PvP pirate. If you want to guarantee to steal treasure from a ship, you should either scout it or stalk it first so you know is has something worth your time. Introducing systems to simply reward players for blind hostility only does disservice to the game.

    The same thing with 'running away'. Players who know they can't compete in a fight or have something serious to lose are of course going to flee and that should always be a plausible option for everyone. Pirates don't need or deserve an in-game system to help them catch ships that are fleeing. They should have to outsail or zone them to catch them. The one thing I can think of that I would like to see them add that could help with a chase is making tacking an actually effective way to sail faster. Right now it doesn't really give a benefit and actually slows you down if you're not flawless at it. Crews that can tack well (whether chasing or fleeing) should be able to sail faster than those who can't. The thing to be careful about is preserving the sloops ability to sail dead upwind faster than the other ships. A well tacking ship should be able to slowly catch up to a ship one size smaller, but a galleon should never be able to gain on a sloop sailing dead upwind and a well tacking sloop should never be out paced dead upwind except by an even better tacking sloop.

    The only thing I would possibly disagree with @Chronodusk on is the server ship count. Server resources permitting, I would like to see that upped to 8 on the current map as to increase the rate of player encounters, and then possibly see it increase even further once it expands.

    EDIT: Allowing Tall Tale items to be cashed in by thieves for some amount less than the Tall Tale reward (without giving Tale progress or rep) would be a reasonable way to increase the plausibility of piracy

  • @wilbymagicbear Eunning is boring to you. I think the search for and chase of prey is one of the best parts of the game, and one of the things that is so lacking is arena. You are not obligated to let pve players go, but likewise they are not obligated to stay and fight you. If you wanr them, hunt them. They shouldent be put at a disadvantage just because you don't want to invest the time to capture them.

  • @william-flint This doesn't put runners at a disadvantage. This puts them on equal footing, now we both have to fight.

  • @wilbymagicbear if you don't think giving a speed boost to a pursuer puts the chase at a disadvantage than I suggest you go look the word up in a dictionary. And they are not obligated to fight you if you can't catch them, so as I said, there is no reason to put them at a disadvantage.

  • @william-flint It's not hard to catch them. It's boring. I don't want to spend an hour going in a straight line, just to find out they had 2 marauders chests. (Or nothing, that happens all the time for some reason (

  • @ambiguousmonk If you want people to outsail each other, then this is it. Going in a straight line for an hour, like we have now, is not outsailing.

  • I find that disabling a ship and stealing bait / fish can be quite lucrative.

  • @wilbymagicbear So don't chase people for an hour?

    It is boring being chased most of the time but if someone decides they want to follow me, I'll happily just do laps whilst fishing from the back of my ship.

    In the same way that people are free to steal loot as it is 'not yours until you cash it in', it is also not anyone else's until they are able to take it and cash it in.

    If you are willing to chase my empty ship for an hour then you are free to do so but I wouldn't expect to find anything!

  • @wilbymagicbear that's what tacking is supposed to solve and it does it better than some catch-up mechanic that literally forces people to fight. Simply waiting until you are artificially boosted up to the other ship isn't outsailing. Even as things are now, anytime that the wind changes (which should be more often imo) or they have to turn to avoid an island, you have an opportunity to gain on them or zone them out.

  • @ambiguousmonk Point is, you can mess with your chasers artificial boost for your own advantage, boosting them into a rock for instance.

    You know, a reverse of this wouldn't be bad either. Say there's a fast wake zone directly behind the ship, and a slowing wake zone to the sides of the fast wake. Now the pursued can use the system to their advantage as well, so it's even more about outsailing.

  • @triheadedmonkey Exactly. If I were chasing you, we would both be bored. That's a system in need of improvement.

  • @wilbymagicbear not only is it less organic than tacking, but it also puts the emphasis on the fleeing crew to outsail the pursuing crew. And beyond that, the ability to use it defensively relies on the attacking crew making a rather rookie mistake. It's actually detrimental (allowing the attackers to gain distance) unless the attackers make that mistake. That emphasis should be reversed. If an attacker crew wasn't able to produce a favorable initiation or otherwise prevent the fleeing crew from taking off, then it should be on them to salvage the situation.

  • @wilbymagicbear right, because going in a streight line isnt outsailing them. Attack from a direction in which you will have the wind advantage. Tack for a speed advantage before resuming course. Attack from a direction where they wont have much room to run, or where they will have to eun past you if they want to get to an outpost. Cut closer to rocks and islands than they do. Pay better attention to keeping your sails trimmed than they do. I have never ran into another crew where one or the other of us were not better sailers. If you are just pointing your ship at them and waiting to catch up of course you are not outsailing them. And if you want a fight without a chase that us pretty much the only thing Arena is good for, so go there. But there is no reason to screw up the hunter/hunted balance just because it dosen't suit your interest or attention span.

  • @william-flint What balance? The hunter has to chase the hunted for a solid hour just to get a fair fight. That's balanced?

    As for all your advice, I'm very grateful but I've been doing that for a year. That's why I ever catch them.

  • @ambiguousmonk Good. The attacked credit should either have to outsail or outfight the attacking crew. They even get to choose which one.

    As for the wake thing, I think there's a lot of depth there. Many ship manuvers could be done to throw your chaser off. You could wiggle the ship, make sudden turns, feint a turn, suddenly stop and 180 so they blow past, leave gunpowder in the good wake, etcetera. Meanwhile, the pursuing crew has to try and outsail you with diligent turns, steady lookout, and calling your bluffs. It's more interesting for everyone.

  • i like your first concept in the case that it is optional and voids out pvp from pve to certain areas of the map, like skull forts where you are more likely to meet another crew. this is only in the case that all ships do not passively have their loot rewards increase for hoarding. rather, loot rewards only increase when the flag is equipped, which would be a nice addition for the reapers mark.

    but players have a role of just being one of the many encounters of the game in adventure mode. there is nothing saying that one needs to hunt other players and there is nothing that says how often you should encounter these players. there is no guaranteed reward for winning fights and there is no in-game achievements for doing so. the game just reminds you that players are forever present and that they have as much freedom as you do in the world.

    this is just one of the core aspects of adventure mode. its just easier to call it "PvP" than what i have just explained.

  • @mysticdragon297 Sure, but my and many others play style is getting obliterated. It's not fun to spend north of an hour finding and chasing down some people to have a 2 minute fight and find out they had nothing. It makes me want to stop playing.

  • @wilbymagicbear said in Putting the 'Thieves' back in Sea of Thieves:

    @mysticdragon297 Sure, but my and many others play style is getting obliterated. It's not fun to spend north of an hour finding and chasing down some people to have a 2 minute fight and find out they had nothing. It makes me want to stop playing.

    if you want to spend many minuets chasing other players, than that is on your time. if other players want to spend theirs finding treasure, defeating monsters, sinking skeleton ships, trading goods, or simply explore, that is on their time.

    its called sea of thieves, but why do you think they called it adventure mode? maybe its just not you mode.

  • @wilbymagicbear said in Putting the 'Thieves' back in Sea of Thieves:

    @triheadedmonkey Exactly. If I were chasing you, we would both be bored. That's a system in need of improvement.

    It's only in need of improvement if you are the "chaser" not the "chasee." Your presumption is that you must have a way to catch a ship that has already out-sailed you and is rightfully getting away. But that wouldn't be fair to crews who competently avoid pursuers. As it stands, a ship with a competent crew can get away from a pursuer, as long as they don't make any mistakes and nothing goes unexpectedly wrong (kraken, meg, etc.). Likewise, a pursuer can almost always catch a less experienced crew that makes mistakes. Escape must always be possible. It should never be a foregone conclusion that if you pursue a vessel long enough you'll eventually catch them. That would tip the game in favor of the pursuer.

    There's already plenty of strategy involved in these types of chases. It's already possible to outmaneuver pursuers and run them aground, without adding any type of wake mechanic. And since the Anniversary Update, you already have new tools at your disposal, like the harpoon guns. The new ship damage system can also be used to advantage (by either party).

    I think the game is fairly well balanced already. If anything, I think it may be tipped a bit in favor of the PvP-oriented folks, since most players don't have the skills needed to avoid them.

    I think your ideas are creative and well-intended, but I don't think they're needed.

  • @wilbymagicbear you are correct that there should be some form of loot dropped from every ship.

  • @wilbymagicbear

    1. For this, it would need to be a slow gain, but it seems cool
    2. I had an idea like this a while ago, and I think this is how bounties should be implemented. If you turn a nameplate in that wasn't for a crew with a bounty, you get one for a set amount of time
    3. This might unbalance it. Maybe +25%

    All in all, I like pvp as it is, but these ideas could be interesting.

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