3rd person view when at the wheel or other stationary spots like sails, cannons...

  • I'd like to be able to see my pirate more often.
    I agree that 3rd person would be bad for combat bc of the overview etc. but as long as it is stationary like laying down to sleep to observe what others do there is not that big problem.

    So it would be really cool to see oneself when at the Wheel, Sails, Anchor and Cannons when pressing the emote button, what then doesnt show the emotes but a 3rd person camera view, that can be rotated around you.

    I would like to make cool screenshots of myself steering, at sails and such.
    Would like to create some sort of picture story.

  • 13
  • @bugaboo-bill why not a parrot cam could be used for that

  • @bugaboo-bill Nerp. The difference is that, while in an emote, you can't do anything - and, so, are at a disadvantage. So, I don't believe they should add this.

    You could just hop on a cannon, fire on an enemy ship and look for boarders in the water. Not good.

  • @entspeak sagte in 3rd person view when at the wheel or other stationary spots like sails, cannons...:

    @bugaboo-bill Nerp. The difference is that, while in an emote, you can't do anything - and, so, are at a disadvantage. So, I don't believe they should add this.

    You could just hop on a cannon, fire on an enemy ship and look for boarders in the water. Not good.

    i dont want you to be able to do anything but turn the camera round you and take a pic.

    the moment you use it, you cannot steer, shoot, hoist sail anymore

  • The problem I see is when combat is happening and how far back the camera can pan. Whenever you grab wheel, you would be given much more information than you normally would have. Being able to look behind you as well as looking at the sides of the ship. This is usually information you would need fed to you by other players. Seeing the side of the ships makes spotting boarders easier without actually having to release the wheel and look. Seeing what a crew is doing behind you in a chase gives a lot of information away. Is the camera far back enough to see around sails that are in front of you? For me I like the fact that Captains rely on input from other players. I quite enjoy this immersion, this makes me feel like a well oiled machine when the crew is on point with the communication. The third person perspective feels like it takes that away.

    I see what your asking for, but I'm unsure how to tackle that without effecting other avenues in the game.

  • @nabberwar

    can make it also the way you cannot pan out that much and also make it only 270° degrees and not a full 360° view.

    I just want to be able to take pics when i grabbed the wheel, adjust the sails or pull the anchor.

    Or make the camera very slow so it is more of a disadvantage to look around because its so slow.

  • @bugaboo-bill said in 3rd person view when at the wheel or other stationary spots like sails, cannons...:


    can make it also the way you cannot pan out that much and also make it only 270° degrees and not a full 360° view.

    I just want to be able to take pics when i grabbed the wheel, adjust the sails or pull the anchor.

    Or make the camera very slow so it is more of a disadvantage to look around because its so slow.

    In that case... Make a friend, and have them take those pics and send them to you via discord!

    I would recommend the spyglass from the "Stars of a Thief" tall tale, it's basically the best spyglass in the game, more FOV, and less edge-distortion... Perfect for taking pictures!

    Here's a couple of pictures i took of my good friend Square Glint using that spyglass!



    Here's a picture he took of me using that spyglass!


    It's really quite amazing. :)

    These are just intended to be profile pics though, hence the emphasis on the faces.

  • @Sweltering-Nick
    I have Friends and the spyglass, but i want also do it by myself and immerse when solo.
    And i also dont want to harass them with taking pick of me all the time :-P

  • @bugaboo-bill said in 3rd person view when at the wheel or other stationary spots like sails, cannons...:

    I have Friends and the spyglass, but i want also do it by myself and immerse when solo.
    And i also dont want to harass them with taking pick of me all the time :-P

    Well that just sounds like a whole lot of personal problem! We can't implement a third person mode into this game and give people more field of view than they are intended to have, just because you're afraid of asking your friends to take a picture.

    However, what could be possible, but take a whole lot of work on rare's part, like ludicrous amounts of work, is allow us to record short snippets of gameplay in a sort of editor where you can explore recorded scenes in full 3 dimensional glory, rewind and forward the footage and find the best poses and POV's to take the most glorious screenshots a fabulous pirate could possibly want! No ingame FOV advantage, but even better screenshots and movies... Everybody is happy.

    Again, implementing such a system would take A LOT of work and development time... So even if rare decides to add it, we wont see it until a year later, or even longer. xD

  • @bugaboo-bill said in 3rd person view when at the wheel or other stationary spots like sails, cannons...:

    I have Friends and the spyglass, but i want also do it by myself and immerse when solo.
    And i also dont want to harass them with taking pick of me all the time :-P

    Well no offense but thats a more realistic solution than them focusing on design allowing selfies lol, there are 100 if not 1000 other things/bugs they should be developing/fixing first.

    That said just one time where someone can even slowly turn around and use the view to watch even 270 degrees on either side of that angle, and gain info unfairly isnt worth any number of screenshots to me.

    It cripples a major aspect of the game to cater to a want that has nothing to do with gameplay, and i dont see any way for us to have the best of both worlds, except someone else taking the screenshot.

    Edit: nicks theater mode idea would be cool, but as he said a year or more and thats if they push it up in priority, which imo they shouldnt do.

  • @entspeak said in 3rd person view when at the wheel or other stationary spots like sails, cannons...:

    @bugaboo-bill Nerp. The difference is that, while in an emote, you can't do anything - and, so, are at a disadvantage. So, I don't believe they should add this.

    You could just hop on a cannon, fire on an enemy ship and look for boarders in the water. Not good.

    THIS!!! When someone is on a cannon they can't see someone sneak up on them so the 3rd person pov would negate that tactic so no, do not add this option!

  • @bugaboo-bill There is how you want to use it, and how it will be used. Unfortunately, this is easily abused.

    I’m not against the idea of taking pics of oneself, but you have to consider how it will be used.

  • The Devs have thought of 3rd person view before, and they (rightfully so) decided not to do it. Here's Gregg's take on it:

    A Photo mode or something likewise would be great but seeing as there's things that we might not be supposed to see or take advantage of (hiding behind a rock and scouting the whole island with freecam) I can see rare having trouble balancing that in a way to satisfy everyone.

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