TallTale Key in The Devil's Roar?!!

  • Made this find today, while exploring Ashen Reaches. It's a Tall Tale keystone with no connection to any current quest. Possible future plans Rare??

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  • @simmonszore Ahoy matey!

    Aye, a very interesting find indeed... I have also found another in the Devil's Roar recently too... a Sun and Eagle totem location...

    Very interesting!

  • Yea, I certainly haven't received a eagle or sun totem. This is exciting! Hopefully we get some dangerous volcanic caves... =)

  • @hisdarkestfear @Musicmee With the chance of the volcano going off, it is going to make being trapped in those vaults that much more stressful!

  • @simmonszore
    Very interesting...

  • I was thinking that a Devil's Remnant could unlock this secret cave. It kinda looks like a vault key. I will test this then report back.

  • Ashen Chests of Ancient Tributes would make that area significantly better

    Devil's roar ghost ships that reward ashen ghost loot would be awesome too

  • Ahoy maties!

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