Arena Fixes

  • There are things in the arena that still need a ton of work
    -long wait times just to launch a session
    -ships teaming up actually lost a match today due to this
    -glitches that allow pc and m&k players to get into sessions that say xbox and controller which there us still massive lag issues every time pc players come near me
    -as well as hitreg in the arena is god awful

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  • @blatantwalk4260 said in Arena Fixes:

    There are things in the arena that still need a ton of work
    -long wait times just to launch a session
    -ships teaming up actually lost a match today due to this
    -glitches that allow pc and m&k players to get into sessions that say xbox and controller which there us still massive lag issues every time pc players come near me
    -as well as hitreg in the arena is god awful

    Your opt out is a preference, it doesn't guarantee anything in any way shape or form.

    Otherwise it would have been a hard opt out.

    I agree that arena matchmaking is way too long, I think a part of this is the poor merging system SOT has.

    As for the PC player lag, you can get Xbox players with equally if not more lag, it's just poor optimization, not a PC Vs Xbox thing.

  • The queue times is because no one plays arena anymore, a low % got 3 other friends they can play with since everyone knows open crew isn't something you wanna be doing.

    With sloop arena coming soon i think it will revive arena for sure.

    Like Troubled Cells said; it's not a bug where you can still go against PC players, if you had checked patchnotes, dev-streams or dev-updates you would know it's only a preference that makes the game try to match you with other Xbox players and if that's not possible it will take PC players aswell to avoid insane queue times.

    Not sure what you mean by "massive lag issues every time pc players come near me" since that doesn't make sense at all.

    Hitreg is bad in all the modes Sea of Thieves has to offer and should be a priority for Rare to fix ASAP.

  • PC queue times have gotten really bad after this most recent patch. I often wait for 30 min for a match. While I wait in open crew I have several people join and leave as they hop to try and find a server with more people.

    Sloop arena is not what I want to play, and it will only dilute the player base even more.

  • Arena matching is long because most of their playerbase doesnt play it. It might be time to abandon it or are least shrink down the number of ships. People dont even sail Galleons in adventure mode no less Arena.

  • @xshadovvhunterx It's probably why they're bringing in sloops so it can fill lobbies quicker

  • @thisiseuan said in Arena Fixes:

    @xshadovvhunterx It's probably why they're bringing in sloops so it can fill lobbies quicker

    It will have opposite effect

  • @eratikstorm said in Arena Fixes:

    PC queue times have gotten really bad after this most recent patch. I often wait for 30 min for a match. While I wait in open crew I have several people join and leave as they hop to try and find a server with more people.

    Sloop arena is not what I want to play, and it will only dilute the player base even more.

    I wonder why, i wonder why.

    They thought that the community is bigger than it is and that it has more active players than it has. - I knew it would come to this.

    The arena is unpopulated already as it is, i have switched to XboxOne when i do Arena to get easier wins because most of the guys i play against are awful at the game.
    And i know it gets you PC players if it's not full and stuff but this is from my own experiance when i have been on Xbox on Arena then went from Xbox to PC Arena. :P

    And im waiting for Sloop Arena, maybe you can get a full PC match there. who knows.

  • Honestly, Arena was a failed experiment. They wanted SoT to have a e-sport/streaming present but its just not that.

  • @eratikstorm That sucks, is it just one day or has it been constant?

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in Arena Fixes:

    -ships teaming up actually lost a match today due to this

    How do you prevent players interactions exactly? Crews are already separate and cooperation doesn't favor anyone, you can't even keep the same opponents every match since all crews get cycled up, you can't have friends in a separate crew to throw the game for you.

    -glitches that allow pc and m&k players to get into sessions that say xbox and controller which there us still

    2 months later and the preference concept is still totally lost on him...

    massive lag issues every time pc players come near me

    This kind of willful ignorance and accusations are ridiculous at this point. Are PC players responsible if you stub your toe on the side of the bed in the morning as well?

  • @bloodybil

    How do you prevent players interactions exactly? Crews are already separate and cooperation doesn't favor anyone, you can't even keep the same opponents every match since all crews get cycled up, you can't have friends in a separate crew to throw the game for you.

    As of the games we recently played, crews do transfer over to the next match. We played against the same crew at least three rounds in a row before they left.

    However, during the server merge, new crews will replace those who left. Regardless, their is nothing stopping ships from teaming, it also remains a valid strategy. If a two teams want to work together to knock down the leader, why would that be a problem? That in of itself is just smart playing. If someone can make truces in Adventure, it wouldn't be far off to apply that logic to Arena.

    This isn't directed at anyone in particular, just ranting.

    This kind of willful ignorance and accusations are ridiculous at this point. Are PC players responsible if you stub your toe on the side of the bed in the morning as well?

    The Saga, that is BlatantWalk, continues. His dedication to nonsense is to be admired.

  • @nabberwar said in Arena Fixes:

    However, during the server merge, new crews will replace those who left. Regardless, their is nothing stopping ships from teaming, it also remains a valid strategy. If a two teams want to work together to knock down the leader, why would that be a problem? That in of itself is just smart playing. If someone can make truces in Adventure, it wouldn't be far off to apply that logic to Arena.

    That is what should be happening. What actually happens is that the crew with 100 points is constantly attacking whatever ship is nearest instead of going after the one with the most points and then they complain that the team "doing pve" won instead of them.

    If you're not winning you should be teaming up with the other crews to bring the leader down, not fighting each other in the mud.

  • @nabberwar said in Arena Fixes:


    How do you prevent players interactions exactly? Crews are already separate and cooperation doesn't favor anyone, you can't even keep the same opponents every match since all crews get cycled up, you can't have friends in a separate crew to throw the game for you.

    As of the games we recently played, crews do transfer over to the next match. We played against the same crew at least three rounds in a row before they left.

    Is that so? I guess they changed it back or maybe a lack of crews around made it so that the same crews ended up pitted against one another multiple times?

    However, during the server merge, new crews will replace those who left. Regardless, their is nothing stopping ships from teaming, it also remains a valid strategy. If a two teams want to work together to knock down the leader, why would that be a problem? That in of itself is just smart playing. If someone can make truces in Adventure, it wouldn't be far off to apply that logic to Arena.

    This isn't directed at anyone in particular, just ranting.

    No you are totally making sense, if multiple teams are low in points and one is far above the others, it's a perfectly valid reason to want to take them down a few notch during an impromptu truce against a bigger foe.

    This kind of willful ignorance and accusations are ridiculous at this point. Are PC players responsible if you stub your toe on the side of the bed in the morning as well?

    The Saga, that is BlatantWalk, continues. His dedication to nonsense is to be admired.

    Latency seems like such an abstract and eldritch concept, to this very day.

  • @bloodybil

    Latency seems like such an abstract and eldritch concept, to this very day.

    Ahhh, but didn't you know? That has evolved into this now.

    Next frame rates make it to where pc players can see everything we do clearly while on xbox it appears as of they are teleporting the way they move around.

    It's the frame-rate now. Their is no explaining things to him. As your link demonstrates, even when people dog pile and tell him what is happening, it is completely ignored for his own twisted interpretation.

  • @nabberwar said in Arena Fixes:


    Latency seems like such an abstract and eldritch concept, to this very day.

    Ahhh, but didn't you know? That has evolved into this now.

    Next frame rates make it to where pc players can see everything we do clearly while on xbox it appears as of they are teleporting the way they move around.

    It's the frame-rate now. Their is no explaining things to him. As your link demonstrates, even when people dog pile and tell him what is happening, it is completely ignored for his own twisted interpretation.

    There's a real simple solution, and it isn't to blame PC players.

    Instead blame rare for not optimising SOT on console for higher frame rates at 60 FPS.

    This is why a performance mode for console is a great idea.

  • @troubled-cells

    There's a real simple solution, and it isn't to blame PC players.

    ....and that is where you lose him. You're telling him he can't blame PC players? That's when the selective hearing kicks in.

  • @nabberwar said in Arena Fixes:


    There's a real simple solution, and it isn't to blame PC players.

    ....and that is where you lose him. You're telling him he can't blame PC players? That's when the selective hearing kicks in.

    I'm begining to think it's all just a massive troll lol

    But back on topic, it could be suggested that the opt out preference is the catalyst for exposing arenas population and matchmaking flaws, based purely on the notion of the extra filter , one that also tries to take platform variables In to account.

    Remember when many pro opt out users would insist it wouldn't have a effect ?


  • @troubled-cells said in Arena Fixes:

    Remember when many pro opt out users would insist it wouldn't have a effect ?


    Yup! End result: PC arena queues are longer and xbox still can have PC players in their matches anyway. 👌

  • Aye, que times are insanely longer on pc now, they need to do something. I don't want to play against xbox players, but I also don't want to wait 30 years

  • @mc-leggers said in Arena Fixes:

    Aye, que times are insanely longer on pc now, they need to do something. I don't want to play against xbox players, but I also don't want to wait 30 years

    One would have thought that PC players would have been given the same courtesy of being matched with whatever opting pool (if matching pool not available) to ensure queues aren't too long and opponents/crewmates always available.

    I can't say for sure if it is or not the case, but I am starting to have my doubts. I also enjoy playing my matches the same day I entered the queue.

  • To be honest, I haven't played Arena in over two months because I've been too busy doing the monthly commendations. Most of the commendations in this month's set seem to be going much quicker, but the "stolen" ones are going to take awhile since I rarely find anyone else near Shipwreck Bay and no one leaves crates behind.

    I suspect that most of the reason Arena is having longer queues right now.

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in Arena Fixes:

    There are things in the arena that still need a ton of work
    -long wait times just to launch a session
    -ships teaming up actually lost a match today due to this
    -glitches that allow pc and m&k players to get into sessions that say xbox and controller which there us still massive lag issues every time pc players come near me
    -as well as hitreg in the arena is god awful

    Agree wait times are insane.

    Ships teaming up is smart, it's tactical, nothing wrong about it

    Usually pc players stick together I have a xbox friend I could try to play with to see if the invite against xbox players is true.

    Hit reg is a multiple problem. Meaning it's not just one thing causing your hits to register. Your ping, server refresh rates, and hit box designs play a big role in this.

    If your ping is 120, and someone else is at 60, and you shoot at the exact same time while, he will hit you before you hit him. If two of you are moving and you see a hit marker after a shot, but it doesn't do any damage the frame is out of sync with the time it took the information to be sent to the server and back because the person on the recieving end is not actually in the spot you shot him at on your screen anymore. This is why alot of shooter games use rerouting techniques and use higher refresh rate servers to send packets back and forth alot quicker to get more accurate results in combat. If your game is using a 60hz refresh rate on the server side like many and most competitive games do,you have a much better hit detection as the information is being sent and recieved faster. This actually even helps when your ping is slightly higher than average, because in this scenario if you are faster with response times than even if the other player has a lower ping, he has milliseconds to respond to you or it will register your response against his. You have a thing also called peekers advantage, in this game it would he who is moving while shooting verse who is sitting still. You'll get the movement advantage always.

  • @mc-leggers In other game modes similar to this if two teams were caught teaming the accounts would be banned. Just like teams caught working together in any battle royal mode

  • @blatantwalk4260 This is closer to playing Mario party then a battle royal. If I'm not in first place then I'm probably going after who is to knock them down some. Doesnt mean I'm always teaming up with someone else I'm just making the smart play for my crew. Once again this game is not some competetive shooter.

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in Arena Fixes:

    @mc-leggers In other game modes similar to this if two teams were caught teaming the accounts would be banned. Just like teams caught working together in any battle royal mode

    I don't think people are teaming up in this game from the get go, what I've noticed is people seem to look at it like, "ok this team is 5k ahead of everyone else", we need to take them out as there is no other way to combat this large of a margain without them losing 1k per sinking. That's another issue that plagues arena, if they lowered the gap between points, they wouldn't see people automatically wanting to stomp out one particular player, as it would not feel like no one has time to catch up. I've been in plenty of pick ups where the lead team was so far ahead that it was literally impossible to catch up in the time frame needed. Ships sink, they require time to reprep, raising anchor, lowering sails, moving back to where you were before, all that is time consuming, added on top the time that you sunk at. They could solve this issue by removing or adding points.

    Killing someone is worth 50 points a kill
    Digging up a chest is worth 50 points
    Turning in a chest is worth 500
    Hitting a ship with canon balls is worth 15 points.. etc

    This gives people the idea of ok, I can keep up with the ship that decided to run the entire game, or was right by the best island from the start, or even had a full crew and we didn't.. etc..

    People would not feel as much to get rid of the top tier team as the numbers would be closer together, they would not feel the need to work together.

  • @d3adst1ck
    Let's say that 3 teams are left, those include Red Blue and Green. Blue just steamrolled everyone, I am talking like 10k point lead. I would have zero problems if Red and Green talked in the post game about making a truce to take down Blue during the next round. Regardless, if I was Blue in this scenario I have no problems with this. At the end of the day we are playing a Pirate game, where pirates are known for fighting dirty. Some people are taking this game mode way to serious.

    Just the other day we had 3 teams left ours and two others. The one crew only had a single guy left on his ship. We did everything in our power to ensure he got second just for the hell of it. Another time, we just picked a team and sunk every ship that got in their way simply for the fun of it. Arena, to put it frankly, is dull. Putting limitations to stop creativity like teaming up just limits the fun players can create. This isn't some super cereal mode.

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in Arena Fixes:

    @mc-leggers In other game modes similar to this if two teams were caught teaming the accounts would be banned. Just like teams caught working together in any battle royal mode

    But this ain't battle royale


  • @muzackmann yea but there two crews managing to stay in the same session oftening trading of wins by helping each other. This still so you have a party of 8 just dominating an arena match

  • @mc-leggers I think i probably should clarify its a party of 8 staying in arena lobbys together

  • Where does it state crews can’t work together in Arena?

  • @blatantwalk4260 id be surprised to see player cooperation last longer than a match. Only one ship can win after all.

  • @muzackmann they were swapping off who would win and who wouldnt to farm wins. One ship was even loading chests on to the other guys to help speed up the point gains

  • Teams are supposed to be shuffled properly every match to avoid exploits or to avoid unbalanced teams.

    This is indeed something that should be looked into.

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in Arena Fixes:

    @muzackmann they were swapping off who would win and who wouldnt to farm wins. One ship was even loading chests on to the other guys to help speed up the point gains

    Good for them

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