PVP tryhards in the adventure

  • I've noticed a massive influx of tryhards playing in adventure mode. Most are decked out with the arena cosmetics or cloaked in black to hide aboard ships. The vast majority I've witnessed solely do pvp. Perhaps a new update requiring teamwork from start to finish would calm this down? Something that can't be swiped at the last minute by some 1000 hour arena player would be nice to see.
    It's increasingly frustrating to go against a crew of players that have 0 interest in playful battle or anything similar. The seas are composed of crews that run and crews that chase. The alliance flag only attracts trouble and attempting any new content is a joke. I would love to see something like a leveling system implemented. Players with high arena hours lumped with other players with high arena hours. It would be pretty funny to see the high tier streamers all in one server tucked on the same island waiting for the other crews to play the rest of the game for them.

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  • @craftin248
    There shouldn't be matchmaking. This game is about unpredictability, and limiting who you play with removes some of that. Also, camping is a way to play the game. Watch out for mermaids.

  • Don't be a lazybeard! Pay attention or you just might miss something vital to your continued existence upon the seas.

  • @craftin248 said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    I've noticed a massive influx of tryhards playing in adventure mode. Most are decked out with the arena cosmetics or cloaked in black to hide aboard ships. The vast majority I've witnessed solely do pvp. Perhaps a new update requiring teamwork from start to finish would calm this down? Something that can't be swiped at the last minute by some 1000 hour arena player would be nice to see.
    It's increasingly frustrating to go against a crew of players that have 0 interest in playful battle or anything similar. The seas are composed of crews that run and crews that chase. The alliance flag only attracts trouble and attempting any new content is a joke. I would love to see something like a leveling system implemented. Players with high arena hours lumped with other players with high arena hours. It would be pretty funny to see the high tier streamers all in one server tucked on the same island waiting for the other crews to play the rest of the game for them.

    I bolded my favorite part. Playful battle is me sinking you. get over it and get better.

    other advice:
    cash out often
    head on a swivel
    fire first
    learn sails set to stupid

  • ...And?
    I'm not seeing a problem that needs to be fixed. Why is it such a problem the way people play this game? This is like saying your, "Your way of fun, that breaks no rules, is wrong." I get it, some people don't big on the ol'serious type of fights.

    Not our problem some people refuse to improve or have a problem with people who enjoy a more intense type of playing.

  • you heard it here folks. time to gut the entire game so that this guy never has to lose loot in a game about stealing loot.

  • @craftin248

    Hey, I really like your post and I do agree with your points. Sadly, you will rarely find people who agree with this sentiment on this forum. Most forum members are serverhopping, doublegunning PvP tryhards and will tell you, that this is the best way to play this game.

    Your idea with a system to bring PvP happy players together would be a good solution in my opinion. Another idea would be a matchmaking option for adventure where you could choose a "PvP preferred" queue but that will never be implemented because that would make Arena mode absolutely useless (eventhough it's a bad mode that nobody plays anymore anyways).

  • @belyaevfox said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:


    Hey, I really like your post and I do agree with your points. Sadly, you will rarely find people who agree with this sentiment on this forum. Most forum members are serverhopping, doublegunning PvP tryhards and will tell you, that this is the best way to play this game. (...)

    I was not aware of a survey that would lead to a conclusion like this. Please, stop lying.

  • @belyaevfox I do not server-hop, I do not engage in PvP unless I have to, and I almost always use a cutlass over 2 guns.

    @Lem0n-Curry is right - don't spread misinformation or fake news. Back up your claims with actual substantiated facts and evidence.

  • @acetemanophen said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    you heard it here folks. time to gut the entire game so that this guy never has to lose loot in a game about stealing loot.

    "A game about stealing loot."

    I mean, maybe the problem is that too many people have this narrow definition of what the game is "about". Besides that, its not its really about the loot. If it was about loot you wouldn't have had the griefer squad on here moaning about there was no loot during the tall tales while there was more ways to get loot in the game than ever... for most its about defacating on someone elses experience and the loot is just window dressing.

  • @oakenkhan90088 sagte in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    @acetemanophen said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    you heard it here folks. time to gut the entire game so that this guy never has to lose loot in a game about stealing loot.

    "A game about stealing loot."

    I mean, maybe the problem is that too many people have this narrow definition of what the game is "about".

    *looks at the game's name
    *grabs dictionary

    (noun, plural thieves)
    a person who steals, especially secretly or without open force; one guilty of theft or larceny"

    No one says that this game is only about stealing loot. But it IS a part of it.

  • @belyaevfox said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:


    Most forum members are serverhopping, doublegunning PvP tryhards and will tell you, that this is the best way to play this game.

    Now that is just childish. No, we're people who love the freedom to choose your own adventure by playing however you want to play. Calling others "PvP tryhards" is pretty thinly veiled salt.

    And yup, freedom is the best way to play.


    @oakenkhan90088 said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    "A game about stealing loot."

    What else is it? I'm begging for an answer. The whole game is built around being a pirate doing pirate things.

    I mean, maybe the problem is that too many people have this narrow definition of what the game is "about". Besides that, its not its really about the loot. If it was about loot you wouldn't have had the griefer squad on here moaning about there was no loot during the tall tales while there was more ways to get loot in the game than ever... for most its about defacating on someone elses experience and the loot is just window dressing.

    I will only defecate on your experience if I think you have loot I can steal.

  • alt text

  • @l4chsfps said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    @oakenkhan90088 sagte in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    @acetemanophen said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    you heard it here folks. time to gut the entire game so that this guy never has to lose loot in a game about stealing loot.

    "A game about stealing loot."

    I mean, maybe the problem is that too many people have this narrow definition of what the game is "about".

    *looks at the game's name
    *grabs dictionary

    (noun, plural thieves)
    a person who steals, especially secretly or without open force; one guilty of theft or larceny"

    No one says that this game is only about stealing loot. But it IS a part of it.

    Thats a whole lot of words to basically say "ItZ CalLEd SeA OF THIEVES!!!1111!!"

    Get out of here with "nobody says" because that dude literally just did, and hes really not alone in that.

  • @craftin248
    Well, i want to play a PVP mode but since Arena is trash and devs dont care about it i play adventure and tryhard in Adventure.

    And i believe 95% of the players that play arena are playing it for the 240 wins cosmetics.

  • @oakenkhan90088 said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    Get out of here with "nobody says" because that dude literally just did, and hes really not alone in that.

    Of course it's not literally about "stealing loot" and you pretending that that's the argument is not a good look.

    The game IS about loot (since it's the only mean of progression), and about the various ways of obtaining said loot (e.g. stealing a chest someone buried on an island or stealing it from someone who dug it up).

  • @naamar1 said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    @oakenkhan90088 said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    Get out of here with "nobody says" because that dude literally just did, and hes really not alone in that.

    Of course it's not literally about "stealing loot" and you pretending that that's the argument is not a good look.

    The game IS about loot (since it's the only mean of progression), and about the various ways of obtaining said loot (e.g. stealing a chest someone buried on an island or stealing it from someone who dug it up).

    The dude said what he said, and he clearly meant from other players.

  • @oakenkhan90088 said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    The dude said what he said, and he clearly meant from other players.


  • @naamar1 said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    @oakenkhan90088 said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    The dude said what he said, and he clearly meant from other players.


    And I guess I can lead a horse to water but I cant make it drink.
    Oh well.

  • @oakenkhan90088 said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    And I guess I can lead a horse to water but I cant make it drink.
    Oh well.

    Yeah, take that condescending tone :D

    Let's go backwards a bit.

    What else is it? I'm begging for an answer. The whole game is built around being a pirate doing pirate things.

    The game IS about loot (since it's the only mean of progression), and about the various ways of obtaining said loot (e.g. stealing a chest someone buried on an island or stealing it from someone who dug it up).

    You're skipping very important parts like they don't merit a reply. What is the game about if not progressing by obtaining loot (which directly translates to XP) by pirate-y means?

  • @naamar1 lol I didn't skip them. I just didn't go back and look for your edit.
    Now that I've read them. I'm skipping them, lol.

    Nevermind. You cant get it. That's ok. Have a nice day.

  • @oakenkhan90088 said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    Now that I've read them. I'm skipping them, lol.

    You're right, that's such a professional level dodge that it's clear I can't compete with you.

    EDIT: Oh, also the second one wasn't an edit. You quoted it but still dodged it. Again, such pro.

  • Sea of Thieves is a sandbox game. It's about whatever you want to make it be about. If you want to be a navy vessel on a mission to kill every pirate on the seas, you can. If you want to be a laid back, friendly pirate (by definition of living off of your ship rather than a country) who is all too happy to share a grog or an adventure with another crew, you can. If you want to be a vicious cutthroat who sneaks on board a ship and waits for the opportune moment to help out another force trying to sink them, so you can escape with their treasure, you can. If you want to be a crew of one that gets the work done for one of the trading companies or other organizations without interference from other crews, you can. Pretty much anything you want to be, you can be if you put forth the effort required to last in that form against other crews and players who also do whatever they want to be doing.

  • @lem0n-curry

    This thread being the survey you asked for.


    I wonder why you guys think I am talking about you. Might there be some truth to what I said? :)

  • @belyaevfox your assumptions that we are all server hopping, double gunning, pvp tryhards is just funny.

    I'm not gonna like about being a try hard, why would I? I dont double gun. I server hop to find outposts I like. I'm not ashamed of any of those. I am also a firm believer in crossplay and not segregating the servers at all, be it console vs PC, controller vs kbm, or pvp vs pve. These all belong together in this beautiful sand box.

  • PVE tryhard spotted 🤦🏽‍♀️

  • @belyaevfox said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    I wonder why you guys think I am talking about you. Might there be some truth to what I said? :)

    I mean... You say "most forum members" and when you're called out you make this defense. Come on.

    No, there's zero truth to what you're saying.

  • @belyaevfox said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:


    This thread being the survey you asked for. > (...)

    I click and click and click, but nothing happens; should have expected another lie I guess.

  • @naamar1

    I mean... You say "most forum members" and when you're called out you make this defense. Come on.

    Not a defense. I am insinuating that you are excactly the person I was describing which is why you are going in full defense mode.


    Click some more then.

  • @belyaevfox said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:


    I wonder why you guys think I am talking about you. Might there be some truth to what I said? :)

    That's blatantly absurd. Stop trying to fit things into your narrative - we cited ourselves as examples because it lends support in disproving/discrediting your statement.

  • @belyaevfox said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    Not a defense. I am insinuating that you are excactly the person I was describing which is why you are going in full defense mode.

    Exactly. And your insinuations are not appreciated. Even if I was the player you're talking about it's irrelevant and not really an argument. It's the same childish drivel, year in, year out. Everyone who beats you is "serverhopping" or "doublegunning" or "griefing" or "tryharding" or "afraid" or "bad at the game because they can't get loot without stealing".

    We've heard it all and we're still not impressed. Focus on the arguments that for years have explained why this game hasn't gotten a PvE mode. Rare also knows why, and that's why it's still not implemented.

    "Most forum members here are child molesters"
    "Whoa, that's a pretty harsh statement"
    "Oh you're getting defensive so I'm right"

  • @naamar1

    We've heard it all and we're still not impressed.

    Didn't know you're the representative. Good to know!

    Focus on the arguments that for years have explained why this game hasn't gotten a PvE mode. Rare also knows why, and that's why it's still not implemented.

    Where is this coming from? 🤔

  • @galactic-geek

    That's blatantly absurd. Stop trying to fit things into your narrative - we cited ourselves as examples because it lends support in disproving/discrediting your statement.

    It would only disprove my statement if the description fit partially. So atleast that's a given, huh? :)

  • @belyaevfox said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    Didn't know you're the representative. Good to know!

    Never said I was. But you joined the forums a month ago so I might have a better grasp on what's been going on for a couple of years.

    Where is this coming from? 🤔

    From those aforementioned couple of years worth of seeing these threads.

  • @craftin248 said in PVP tryhards in the adventure:

    I've noticed a massive influx of tryhards playing in adventure mode. Most are decked out with the arena cosmetics or cloaked in black to hide aboard ships. The vast majority I've witnessed solely do pvp. Perhaps a new update requiring teamwork from start to finish would calm this down? Something that can't be swiped at the last minute by some 1000 hour arena player would be nice to see.
    It's increasingly frustrating to go against a crew of players that have 0 interest in playful battle or anything similar. The seas are composed of crews that run and crews that chase. The alliance flag only attracts trouble and attempting any new content is a joke. I would love to see something like a leveling system implemented. Players with high arena hours lumped with other players with high arena hours. It would be pretty funny to see the high tier streamers all in one server tucked on the same island waiting for the other crews to play the rest of the game for them.

    You think pvpers only play arena? I rarely play arena and am just as much of a sweat as any arena player you'll meet boy.

    You think an alliance only event would solve this? These events distract tryhards like me for up to three days tops, then we are back on our usual playful fighting which you seem to hate. Remember the Hungering Deep? It required groups of players to get along. And guess what? My boys went in to play "protect the meg" instead of teaming up to fight her we fought everyone else. Your alliance only idea wont work because groups of sweats will team up to fight everyone else doing the content because it is what we enjoy. So instead of 1 ship making you angry it'll be 2 or more.

    And in regards to players wanting others to play the game for them, wanna hear something? We already completed the new monthly stuff hence why we went back to what we enjoy most, fighting.

    And as a major stealth player, what makes you think all we do is camp islands? I usually swim to where people like you are and get onboard for my fun. Camping isn't needed in the slightest.

31 out of 73