[MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback

  • @troubled-cells It is, but it was brought up earlier that 7% is not very useful unless we know what the 7% is based of off. Is it the total lifetime amount (10M) or the concurrent active users per day/week/month ( 7% of X players = ??? ).

    I assume it's based on the active playerbase, which would make it a very small number of players.

  • @d3adst1ck said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback:

    @troubled-cells It is, but it was brought up earlier that 7% is not very useful unless we know what the 7% is based of off. Is it the total lifetime amount (10M) or the concurrent active users per day/week/month ( 7% of X players = ??? ).

    Considering it's technically impossible to measure it legitimately by any user count previous to its implementation.

    I'm pretty certain it's based of active players since the update dropped.

    Otherwise rare would just be flat out providing false statistics, considering a fair portion of that 10 million are inactive players.

  • @d3adst1ck Only time will tell. I would like to know as well on the true amount of players are active. Minimum play of 3 times a week is what I would consider or maybe 16 hours for a minimum a week.

  • Previous arguments used:

    • "All xbox players will return with crossplay opt out!" ~7.5%
    • "All xbox players want crossplay opt out!" ~7.5%
      This took about a year to get coded, implemented, tested (Arena, Insiders) for roughly 7.5% of the community.

    Imagine the **** you could've coded in that time period besides reskinned chest. Holy ****.

    That said, this is only the first statistics of the first week it has been implemented with an unknown number of players.
    Player base could be 10.000, 50.000, 500.000 or 10.000.000 players according to Rare.

    I still think Rare is doing the wrong thing by splitting the community in 4 parts (Adventure xbox/PC + Arena xbox/PC).
    Too many variables regarding game popularity, active player count, peak times, server stability, server merging, hardware etc.
    I would've opted for giving the xbox players a little bit of aim assist like pretty much any other FPS game does that's crossplay with a PC pool and no PC player would even think about nagging on that subject if implemented well but you do you man.
    Then again seeing as how Rare tweaks combat, xbox players would probably end up with a dead on skeleton sniper aim 2 islands away aim assist so perhaps this is the best route after all.

    We don't know and we probably never will so I'm looking forward to the next mega thread on this subject.

  • On today's dev update, it's not about how many users prefer or not to have crossplay.
    Joe (thanks Joe) said that only a small percentage chose to move away from other users of the xbox ecosystem. Ok, but the options must also be available to everyone, on console and on PC.

    It is a statement of intent, that Rare treats all platforms in the same way, add the filter option between input devices also on PC.

  • @quietrobot said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback:

    On today's dev update, it's not about how many users prefer or not to have crossplay.
    Joe (thanks Joe) said that only a small percentage chose to move away from other users of the xbox ecosystem. Ok, but the options must also be available to everyone, on console and on PC.

    It is a statement of intent, that Rare treats all platforms in the same way, add the filter option between input devices also on PC.

    Or remove the input filter all together.

    In the end that would also provide us all with the same options and make the opt out option about xbox only.

  • @cotu42 hit the feedback forums and request it there that's what the feed back forums are for you want input method on mixed pool end that's where to request and see how much supports you get

  • @captain-taben yep even tho I played with my son he was not opted out turned it on in his setting now I known a few others who now need to turn it on also

  • @troubled-cells said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback:

    @realstyli said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback:

    @d3adst1ck said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback:

    According to the latest dev update video, only 7% of people have opted out. Seems like it's not a big problem at all and only affects a tiny minority.

    I heard that but my initial question would be whether that is based on the "10 million players" number we were given recently or the actual active playerbase?

    Seems too low to support full opt out servers. So, if it's based on the active playerbase, I would expect quite a lot of those servers are actually still merging with crossplay servers to keep the population up.

    I'm pretty certain the 10 million players is how many users have played since release, not recent concurrent players, say over a monthly or quarterly period which would be a more honest indicator.

    It is, 100%

  • @rsb5663 fine as is works well enough my only issue is it's a preference and not a hard opt out

  • @tak225 said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback:

    @cotu42 hit the feedback forums and request it there that's what the feed back forums are for you want input method on mixed pool end that's where to request and see how much supports you get

    Did that, got locked and I was sent here after it was created. So... I am not going to go spam the forums with duplication topics and get banned for it. Apparently this is the area in which it is to be discussed.

  • @cotu42 ok thought the feedback forums was the place for it even tho think your the only person on the mixed pool.sidw.asking for matchmaking input there via anywhere I have seen be very doubtfull you will get this unless other players are vocal on this but I would imagine most pc players to be playing with mouse and keyboard regardles

  • @tak225 personally I'd prefer input based matchmaking, as opposed to having a platform based one.

    It just makes more sense to me given the options that are available to rare, the arguments made, as well as foreseeing other variables In the future.

    I mean to get it done its not like rare needs a majority to convince them is it.

    About 7% should do nicely i think.

  • @troubled-cells nah platform and controller opt out is good but you can request what you like and it 7.5 percent be 15% in a few week

  • @tak225 said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback:

    @troubled-cells nah platform and controller opt out is good but you can request what you like and it 7.5 percent be 15% in a few week

    I will thank you very much, just as you did.

    Although im affraid im going to have to take your prediction with a ton of salt as it seems pretty baseless to me considering you provided no evidence with it.

    alt text

  • @tak225 Aye, most PC players use mouse and keyboard, which is why I bought a crossplay game where I can play with controller with more controller players.

    All I am asking for is that Rare gives us all any requirements to combat balance that they deem required for a good controller experience. If that means input based match making, then it should be provided to the entire player base and not just those on xbox. If it isn't required, then there is no need to limit xbox users to use the support that the xbox provides for mouse and keyboard when they opt to not face PC.

    Rare promised that we would all be given the same options if possible. I get that a xbox only environment as added, cannot be offered to PC players as that would kind of defeat the purpose. The input on the other hand has the ability to be offered to the crossplay environment, with some development.

    May I add, I have never claimed or stated that the opt out would "kill" the game. If the game is fun, people will play. It is about gameplay!

  • Well I'm one of the 7%, first thing I done was flick that switch as soon as I logged on.
    This week's dev update screen cap is Joe doing the boo hoo thing, now is for the people the people that wanted the opt out, or the people saying the opt out would kill the servers?.

  • @captain-taben yeah, when I rando now, first thing I do is ask what server we are on.
    If they reply crossplay server, because this guy is on PC, I am out.
    I am seriously enjoying the game in much more fair seas.

  • @troubled-cells Rare is smart enough to see what is happening here.
    Some of you have been arguing against optional crossplay for years.
    Now that you have lost the debate, you think you can force Rare to split the PC community.
    Everyone who ever played a PC game understands all the hardware differences except people who play SoT.
    What other games have separation of m/k from controllers?
    I have been gaming longer than most of you have been alive. I can't remember a single title that separated m/k from controllers.
    Ya'll are grasping for straws and frankly. Not a single developer will ever buy into your argument.
    Everyone I have played with is ecstatic about the option. The server's are full, and people are coming back to the game.

    Try fighting for more content in game. You are wasting your time here.

  • @captgraykid Modern warfare 2019 and Fortnite say otherwise mate.

    2 of the biggest games out there.

  • @troubled-cells I don't play on PC anymore. My son is telling me that you are correct. Except, controllers get aim assistance.
    Nothing like SoT. I can only imagine the cries if we get aim assistance.

  • @troubled-cells said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback:

    @captgraykid Modern warfare 2019 and Fortnite say otherwise mate.

    2 of the biggest games out there.

    Hi there, they say what?.

  • @captgraykid I mean Technically it's not limited to PC either, you can use K+M on console and it will match you with other K+M players across all other platforms.

    Aim assist is a pretty common feature amongst console games.

  • @snowfire lol, nice contribution.

  • @captgraykid said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback:

    @snowfire lol, nice contribution.

    Ok what?, I asked someone else a question.

    Edit, my bad I read wrong my apologies @CAPTGraykid.

  • @troubled-cells if SoT gets aim assistance for controllers, then I could see your side of the issue.
    It appears as though the only reason for separation of m/k and controllers on PC is because of aim assistance.
    However, I really hope aim assistance is never offered in SoT. Now that I am on xbox only servers, I actually get to see bullets hitting around me. It's much more immersive.

  • @rsb5663 said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback:

    Previous arguments used:

    • "All xbox players will return with crossplay opt out!" ~7.5%
    • "All xbox players want crossplay opt out!" ~7.5%
      This took about a year to get coded, implemented, tested (Arena, Insiders) for roughly 7.5% of the community.

    Imagine the **** you could've coded in that time period besides reskinned chest. Holy ****.

    That said, this is only the first statistics of the first week it has been implemented with an unknown number of players.
    Player base could be 10.000, 50.000, 500.000 or 10.000.000 players according to Rare.

    I still think Rare is doing the wrong thing by splitting the community in 4 parts (Adventure xbox/PC + Arena xbox/PC).
    Too many variables regarding game popularity, active player count, peak times, server stability, server merging, hardware etc.
    I would've opted for giving the xbox players a little bit of aim assist like pretty much any other FPS game does that's crossplay with a PC pool and no PC player would even think about nagging on that subject if implemented well but you do you man.
    Then again seeing as how Rare tweaks combat, xbox players would probably end up with a dead on skeleton sniper aim 2 islands away aim assist so perhaps this is the best route after all.

    We don't know and we probably never will so I'm looking forward to the next mega thread on this subject.

    Percentage of players completing even the 1st Tall Tale 1.2% -1.6%
    By your reasoning, let's not have any more Tall Tales. Complete waste of development time.

  • @captgraykid Personally i cant get immersered in the xbox version as it is.

    It performs horribly in my opinion for the settings applied to it.

  • Are we all happy now?
    Everyone using opt out are enjoying themselves, not complaining about low server populations..
    And now we know the crossplay servers are all in a very healthy state too.

    Case closed. And time for this thread to shut also.

  • @troubled-cells said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback:

    @captgraykid Personally i cant get immersered in the xbox version as it is.

    It performs horribly in my opinion for the settings applied to it.

    Apart from the fps, how does it perform horribly?.

  • @snowfire said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback:

    @troubled-cells said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback:

    @captgraykid Personally i cant get immersered in the xbox version as it is.

    It performs horribly in my opinion for the settings applied to it.

    Apart from the fps, how does it perform horribly?.

    So you agree that the console version doesnt hit a consistent frame rate? just seems a bit strange that you needed to jump in and point out FPS.

    Load times are awful as well, naturally a SSD will remedy this, but who am i to tell you what to buy. The other solution would be to offer another mode in performance or adjust them down at base pernamentally to stabilise the above issues.

    Either way it clearly indicates the game is punching up for the hardware it is using at the settings it does.

  • @troubled-cells said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback:

    @snowfire said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback:

    @troubled-cells said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback:

    @captgraykid Personally i cant get immersered in the xbox version as it is.

    It performs horribly in my opinion for the settings applied to it.

    Apart from the fps, how does it perform horribly?.

    So you agree that the console version doesnt hit a consistent frame rate? just seems a bit strange that you needed to jump in and point out FPS.

    Load times are awful as well, naturally a SSD will remedy this, but who am i to tell you what to buy. The other solution would be to offer another mode in performance or adjust them down at base pernamentally to stabilise the above issues.

    Either way it clearly indicates the game is punching up for the hardware it is using at the settings it does.

    Its 30 fps, but for me a smooth 30 I'm on xbox one x, it's still a beautiful game.

  • @snowfire said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback:

    @troubled-cells said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback:

    @snowfire said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback:

    @troubled-cells said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback:

    @captgraykid Personally i cant get immersered in the xbox version as it is.

    It performs horribly in my opinion for the settings applied to it.

    Apart from the fps, how does it perform horribly?.

    So you agree that the console version doesnt hit a consistent frame rate? just seems a bit strange that you needed to jump in and point out FPS.

    Load times are awful as well, naturally a SSD will remedy this, but who am i to tell you what to buy. The other solution would be to offer another mode in performance or adjust them down at base pernamentally to stabilise the above issues.

    Either way it clearly indicates the game is punching up for the hardware it is using at the settings it does.

    Its 30 fps, but for me a smooth 30 I'm on xbox one x, it's still a beautiful game.

    Funny that, becuase i have a one x as well, and the count on my FPS benchamrk says otherwise, as it drops from 30.

  • @troubled-cells said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback:

    @snowfire said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback:

    @troubled-cells said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback:

    @snowfire said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback:

    @troubled-cells said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.11 - Adventure Cross Play Opt Out Discussion & Feedback:

    @captgraykid Personally i cant get immersered in the xbox version as it is.

    It performs horribly in my opinion for the settings applied to it.

    Apart from the fps, how does it perform horribly?.

    So you agree that the console version doesnt hit a consistent frame rate? just seems a bit strange that you needed to jump in and point out FPS.

    Load times are awful as well, naturally a SSD will remedy this, but who am i to tell you what to buy. The other solution would be to offer another mode in performance or adjust them down at base pernamentally to stabilise the above issues.

    Either way it clearly indicates the game is punching up for the hardware it is using at the settings it does.

    Its 30 fps, but for me a smooth 30 I'm on xbox one x, it's still a beautiful game.

    Funny that, becuase i have a one x as well, and the count on my FPS benchamrk says otherwise.

    Nothing funny about it, its smooth for me, xbox one x, 4k monitor.

  • @snowfire Nope there defenitly is, still doesnt change the fact the game dips on a one x.

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