Lost loot due to server merge

  • Hey so we did two athena runs and thanks to a rowboat I found I chose to go to thieves haven while the rest of the crew did the other islands.

    When they got krakened I returned to them because krakens can be rigged with a galleon. When we got back the server merged. Not only were we at full speed so we crashed into the side of the island we also lost 3 athena mega kegs along with an assortment of other athena loot and gems.

    That is complete bull. Fix this because that was a huge waste of time. Especially since things like the athena villainous skulls and mega kegs are annoying to collect.

    So don’t force treasure to disappear and don’t server merge when ships are at full speed. Just dumb all over. Preferred merges when they happened with the anchor

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  • Out of curiosity, where were you located when it happened? You were coming to an island, so was it around when the banner popped? I try to stay up to date on the triggers for a merge.

    I agree that merges can be annoying, and we have lost our share of loot because of them. I also understand the need for them and the reasoning for their changes to trigger them outside of an anchor drop. That said, we are used to them and accept our losses when we are unable to avoid a merge and lose loot.

    If we break our crew up and have loot stashed, we become a bit more wary of a merge if we do not see any other ships nearby and keep one of the crew off the ship at all times until our loot is secured. Sometimes you have to go back for an event like the Kraken, but then have someone jump off right as it is completed if not a moment before.

    We have noticed that a merge seems require that all crew members be on board the ship and the server in a merge state. These two things are checked when certain triggers are fired.

    • Enter/Leave the bounds of an island (banner distance)
    • Complete an event (Fort/Fleet, Kraken, Meg, Skeleton Ship)
    • Crew member boards the ship (player state changes from land/water to ship)
    • Anchor Drops

    After one of these triggers, if all players are on the ship and the server is in a merge state, a merge occurs. Not as easy to avoid as in the past, but still possible.

    Was doing a basic Athena in the Shores of Plenty a week ago for example. Going from Smugglers Bay to Cannon Cove for a Riddle, I dropped off in a rowboat just north of Cannon Cove to cut over to Rapier Cay for our bounty. Completed the bounty and was lucky to score Skull of Ancient Fortune along with a Villainous Skull of Ancient Fortune with a couple Hateful Skulls. I brought them to the rowboard to bring back, but I magically got blackscreened while climbing the rowboat and triggered a server merge when I loaded in as the other 2 of our crew were on the ship loading their haul from Cannon Cove. Lost the skulls; not too big of a deal since we are done with those commendations, but still stings a little.

  • One thing I would like would be for your ships position to remain during a merge so that it is not free to crash into things as it is out of the players control.

    Travelling at full speed, or turning in place; just freeze the ship in its current place like it does the players.

  • @archangel-timmy @archangel-timmy we were coming in to thieves haven. I finished digging majority of the final chapter so we had around 90% of the loot sitting on the island in one place.

    I quickly got back to our ship because on its way over the kraken spawned.

    We were coming in from the south end of the island to get the loot. I was about to lift sails to allow my friend to harpoon the loot when instead we got merged. Our ship went crashing into thieves haven within the skeleton in the middle shooting cannon balls at us. We orientated the ship and noticed that all the shining loot that was once there was gone.

    We use to keep up with the basic merge triggers but they don’t tell us in game at all and when they stopped the anchor merges we didn’t quite know what caused them.

    I mean in the future we will be more careful but in this instance an issue like this needs to be considered. Even to merge the surrounding grid you’re in. Because it’s not lack of skills, it’s not a legitimate sinking, it’s the game deleting your hard work right in front of your face and that is wrong. I need 10 more kegs and we lost 3 due to the merge and then got screwed over due to lag when a sloop attacked us. Within second we were teleporting around the ship and 3 of the 4 of us got kicked.

    I love this game but lately especially it really feels like the game itself has been against us. Hours just being wasted away because reasons... They need a system in place to know that if you’ve got loot ready to pick up that you have freshly dug up it shouldn’t merge.

  • i agree, loot dug or touched by players should persist between merges. i also lost a big portion of a thieves haven run because somebody had the smart idea to stash the loot even when i told him it didnt despawn. smh

  • Happened to me with a couple chests of legends on board. I lagged out, my ship was still moving, sank, and just when I got back in and realized I sank, the servers merged.

  • I agree it's so dumb im going to upload a video on it i done a athena steal on fort of the dammed i had no ship so i swam so far and put it on a rock i get a mermaid to my ship and boom server merged and i was already like no it's going to despawn i go to my location and athena is gone nice one game!

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