Clothing/Vanity Chest (Steam)

  • The steam build of the Game has a massive framerate drop (from 60 fps down to 10fps) any time I access the Clothing or Vanity chests to change my appearance, this doesn't happen on the Microsoft store version.

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  • Has anyone else encounter this as well or is there a fix I am missing?

  • I have the same problem but sadly no fix yet... when I let it open just now my game crashes and says that a ran out of memory. But that cant be because in the microsoft version I never had the problem and I have the GTX 1080. I cant find a solution in the internet, I cant even find many people with the same problem.

  • @iceman-plys Oh wait! I did some testing and found a solution for me! Are you playing in native resolution? Because I wasnt. I played in 1440p on my 4k monitor. There are two fixes:

    1. You can play windowed if you are not using the native resolution.

    2. You can switch (everytime you start the game) to native resolution, wait a bit and then switch back to your desired resolution. Then you got no lag anymore!
      I think you can also switch to windowed and then to fullscreen again. You can test what works best for you.
      Also a monitor with the "right" resolution would fix it i think.

    I really hope you read this and it helps you!

  • @haldhamir said in Clothing/Vanity Chest (Steam):

    @iceman-plys Oh wait! I did some testing and found a solution for me! Are you playing in native resolution? Because I wasnt. I played in 1440p on my 4k monitor. There are two fixes:

    1. You can play windowed if you are not using the native resolution.

    2. You can switch (everytime you start the game) to native resolution, wait a bit and then switch back to your desired resolution. Then you got no lag anymore!
      I think you can also switch to windowed and then to fullscreen again. You can test what works best for you.
      Also a monitor with the "right" resolution would fix it i think.

    I really hope you read this and it helps you!

    Yeah I found out last week sometime that if you are running Fullscreen at non-native resolution it drops the FPS in the listed chests.
    If you run in Fullscreen on a 4k monitor run Sea of Thieves at native resolution and then scale it down with resolution scaling 65 is about 1440p and 50 is 1080p. This should resolve the FPS drop, don't know why this is specific to the Steam version though.

  • @iceman-plys Ah I didnt try the resolution scaling, thanks for the tip! Might make it easier than always switching back and forth on every startup. :D

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