Worst ship type? How to buff it?

  • Hey all, been experimenting with the ships recently and trying to find the limitations of them

    Personally, I detest the brig. It has the weaknesses of the sloop and the weaknesses of the galley all smashed together.

    I wish it would be a happy middle but it’s really just weaker. With the galley, you’re slow, but you have intense firepower. With the sloop, you can out maneuver both. Can’t really do either with 2 cannons and 2 sails.

    But your thoughts?

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  • @grilledcheese10 the brig has the best acceleration and because it's really easy to sail and keep afloat with 2 people, you have 1 boarder without downsides...the brig is maybe the most dangerous ship...also it's the fastest in crosswind and the best to bail water out of it...the whole ship-balance altogether is maybe the best balanced thing in the game

  • I actually think the current ship/crew balance Is spot on.

    Dare I say perfect, the best balance in any game I’ve ever played.

    They all have strengths and weaknesses. Giving the scenario/situational/circumstances they can all be the most powerful or the weakest.

    That being said I personally think the 2 Man sloop with A “Good to excellent” crew is The deadliest thing in the game.

    Been sunk by more sloops then all the other ships combined and I sail exclusively on Galleons.

    People who haven’t played much assume “Galleon” is the most powerful cause it has 4 cannons. In reality I can count the number of times on one hand 3-4 cannons were manned simultaneously.

    Almost always just had one Cannon in use.

    1 Driving, Sailing, assisting
    1 Boarding
    1 Repairs
    1 Cannons

    Brig is a “Glass Cannon” has insane maneuverability and speed and can be easily solo sailed and repaired by one player and that one player can out sail and out maneuver 2 men “sailing” a galleon.

    Allowing double boarders or 1 Cannon, 1 Boarder.

    Drop and Anchor on a Galleon and it’s church. The wheel of pain takes forever. Brig and Sloop anchor is a minor inconvenience at best.

    Sloop can be solo’ed, Brig can be Solo’ed. 2 man Brig is still insanely effective. 3 man Galleon is a Floating Coffin ⚰️

  • @schwammlgott sagte in Worst ship type? How to buff it?:

    @grilledcheese10 the brig has the best acceleration and because it's really easy to sail and keep afloat with 2 people, you have 1 boarder without downsides...the brig is maybe the most dangerous ship...also it's the fastest in crosswind and the best to bail water out of it...the whole ship-balance altogether is maybe the best balanced thing in the game

    Nothing to add
    Fully agree @Glannigan too

  • The thing about ship balance is that it has to held against balancing of crew sizes.

    Which is to say that in order to say sloops and galleons are equal, something about galleon has to be bad enough that being 4v1 isn't actually an advantage. That premise extends to all matchups. A crew of 1, 2, 3, and 4 need to all be made equal via ship design.

    What that means more directly, is that being able to do more things at once needs to somehow not be an advantage. A solo slooper can only do one thing at a time. A galleon crew can do all the things at the same time (repair, maneuver, board, and man cannon).

    Let me take a second here to plug that I've always wanted Rare to add another ship actually designed for solo, since sloop can't simultaneously be balanced for both 1 and 2 crew members.

    A lot of people say ships are very well balanced. I honestly don't see it. I've been playing on/off since beta and don't remember ever feeling like ship designs managed to cancel out the variance in crew size. I still see galleons as best and sloops as worst not because of any ship detail but because 4 beats 2, and as long as the galleon crew doesn't suck I expect them to win every fight no matter how good the opponent is. To be clear, I have sunk galleons as a solo sloop, but my response to doing that has never been "I pulled off the thing", it has been "wow they failed really hard at the thing"

    It's a side note but I will say it feels weird to me that only galleon allows having the whole crew on cannons at once. I'm not sure I follow why cannon counts are 1, 2, and 4 instead of 2, 3, &4 or 1, 2, &3

  • @the-song42 agree mostly too here,

    in the end more pirates, more eyes on the horizon, more hands to do things, be it sails, cutlass swings or whatever.

    MP sandbox like games are never balanced and also need not.
    Organize more players and thats it.
    And compared to other open PvP sandbox games this one is very forgiving.

    one last thing, never understood when people brag they won fights against others, very often its imbalanced from player count and this is allways the biggest advantage or if vice versa it is the others struggling so hard you cant call it a fair fight.

    PvP in this game need not to be taken that serious, we would all profit from it.

  • @the-song42 I agree, I play sloop almost exclusively and I regularly sink all the variety in ships. However, if a well seasoned crew on a Brig or Galleon face a sloop they will win because of the difference in crew size. As long as each boat has a guy scooping water they will never sink, so you must board them and kill the scooper/repairer. This means a Galleon can potentially send over 3 boarders to a sloop which is pretty hard to defend if they are all experienced players. Not to mention if you leave your sloop while fighting them you leave a big vulnerability to your sloop.

    To balance it, people have recommended making all crews have the option of having 4 crew members but this would make the sloop way too over powered given its maneuverability.

    A better balance would be to adjust the amount of possible holes on ships/the rate water enters ships/the rate of fire on the cannons of a ship.

    Currently, it's pretty rare to encounter a fully functional Gally/Brig crew so I don't mind the current balance. However, my opinion could change in the future if more experienced Gally/Brig crews start sailing the seas.

  • I believe that every ship has its pro's and con's. I also dislike the Brigantine but it's juste a matter of personal taste.

  • Also the Sloop and Brig have the ULTIMATE equalizer.

    The Dreaded Ballast Ball....the Widow Maker.

    This cursed ball is specifically designed and included for the purpose of sinking Gally’s

    Doesn’t even have any effect on the Sloop or Brig.

    Deadliest thing in the game!

    If your not carrying one in your inventory at all times then you are a noob.

  • Oh God if they buff Brigantine more, they going have to renamed it to a Destroyer. That thing already is crazy deadly. There is a reason why most of the reapers run Brigantine. Its a sloop with two sails and 4 cannons. I solo brigantine a lot because of the speed.

  • @grilledcheese10

    I think a well crewed Brig is the most dangerous thing you can find on the seas...

  • @Glannigan

    Doesn’t even have any effect on the Sloop or Brig.

    The ballast ball certainly does effect the sloop and brig. It causes the small holes in the back of those ships to act like the large side holes. i.e. they constantly take on water for the duration of the ballast curse instead of spraying a bit every few seconds.

    However I do agree it is a huge coffin nail for the galley. Most galley crews prioritize other tasks over upper hull repairs but a few seconds of ballast can make the upper hull hole a permanent problem.

  • @grilledcheese10 lllllooooooollllll the brig is the best, its the fastest, it has more firepower than the sloop, better turning radius than the gal, it can cross the entire map in 4 minutes

  • @rtl-saint ...the only downside with a brig is that it's as clunky as a galleon to turn/move.

    So buff a brig would be to ad another cannon on the sides.

  • @reapinglegion lol. its waaaayyyyy better at turing than the gally. i thin the gally needs one less cannon because none of the other ships can have all players firing a cannon.

  • Why do people keep saying Brig is the fastest ship....

    Sloop is fastest headwind, Galleon is fastest tailwind, and Brig is fastest sidewind.
    None can actually be labeled fastest.

  • @rtl-saint said in Worst ship type? How to buff it?:

    @reapinglegion lol. its waaaayyyyy better at turing than the gally. i thin the gally needs one less cannon because none of the other ships can have all players firing a cannon.

    I do conaider it almost equal by my experiance.
    But on the other hand, i rarely do bigger ships so maybe you're right.
    However, alot are using all four cannons....from what i've seen.

  • @the-song42
    The brig with cross has a sizeable speed advantage over any ship with any other wind condition. The brig is .23m/s faster in a crosswind than the galley. While the galley is only .02m/s faster with a tail wind.

    Brig with cross wind - 2.3 m/s
    Galley with cross wind - 2.07m/s
    Sloop with cross wind - 1.53m/s

    Galley with tail wind - 1.71m/s
    Brig with tail wind - 1.69m/s
    Sloop with tail wind - 1.39m/s

  • @the-song42 Brig is faster than sloop probably 90% of conditions, Brig is slower than galleon only when wind is between 90-270 degrees and granted galleon crew can swing 3 masts quickly enough which is rare occurrence.
    hence brig can outrun pretty much all other ships
    ..., and can maneuver like a sloop, and it has two masts (a fallback if one gets hit with chain shoot) and it has two cannons, and it has two flat decks easy to run between them.

  • @the-song42 said in Worst ship type? How to buff it?:

    Why do people keep saying Brig is the fastest ship....

    Sloop is fastest headwind, Galleon is fastest tailwind, and Brig is fastest sidewind.
    None can actually be labeled fastest.

    The exception is heading north west, where you are also sailing against the waves. In this scenario, a good brig crew can make significant ground up on a sloop - which only has a +0.05m/s diffence in speed into the wind with straight sails anyway (which means the sloop is only gaining 3m/min).

    The advantage the sloop has is in maneuverability, and this is what good sloop sailors use to their advantage against brigs.

  • @glennyatta said in Worst ship type? How to buff it?:

    The brig with cross has a sizeable speed advantage over any ship with any other wind condition. The brig is .23m/s faster in a crosswind than the galley. While the galley is only .02m/s faster with a tail wind.

    Brig with cross wind - 2.3 m/s
    Galley with cross wind - 2.07m/s
    Sloop with cross wind - 1.53m/s

    Galley with tail wind - 1.71m/s
    Brig with tail wind - 1.69m/s
    Sloop with tail wind - 1.39m/s

    Keep in mind I’ve seen more Sasquatch than two crewman adjusting sails on a Galleon 😬

  • @glannigan said:

    Brig ... has insane maneuverability



  • @the-song42 said:

    What that means more directly, is that being able to do more things at once needs to somehow not be an advantage. A solo slooper can only do one thing at a time. A galleon crew can do all the things at the same time (repair, maneuver, board, and man cannon).

    While a galleon's crew can do more, it can't do them as effectively - angling sails, raising anchor, turning the wheel, getting supplies, etc. It all takes longer or is harder to do without help. Furthermore, a galleon's capability is hampered even more when 1 or more crew leave the ship.

    It's a side note but I will say it feels weird to me that only galleon allows having the whole crew on cannons at once. I'm not sure I follow why cannon counts are 1, 2, and 4 instead of 2, 3, &4 or 1, 2, &3

    Because firepower is its key advantage. It doesn't have to follow a linear formula. On a sloop, only 1/2 the crew can man cannons on a side. On a brig, 2/3 can. The galleon gets the full monty with a potentual 4/4 on a single side. If a galleon was only granted 6 cannons with 3 on each side, it would only be 75% as effective compared to the 66% effectiveness of the brig - a marginal gain. If you've ever encountered a defensive galleon turning to keep you in its full broadside with all 4 cannons at 100% effectiveness, then you know to be afraid of it. It's truly a terrifying sight.

  • @piratecrob said:

    As long as each boat has a guy scooping water they will never sink, so you must board them and kill the scooper/repairer. This means a Galleon can potentially send over 3 boarders to a sloop which is pretty hard to defend if they are all experienced players. Not to mention if you leave your sloop while fighting them you leave a big vulnerability to your sloop.

    This is patently false and even a bit laughable. It's incredibly easy to kill repairmen and bailers if you're an accurate shot and can hit the same spot multiple times. They're also surprisingly predictable.

    Also, defending ladders is 1 of the easiest things to do in the game. If a galleon were to shoot 3 boarders towards my ship, I would either outmaneuver them or kill them or knock them off as they attempt to climb my ladder. With only 1 person left on their galleon, my sloop would wreck it due to its inability to defend itself. 4-6 shots at the top deck + 1 ballastball and that ship is sunk in seconds. I know this because I actually did it - not to 1, but to 2 galleons in about 5 seconds.

    Boarding is NOT the best way to win, and never has been. It's just always been the most fun.

  • @rtl-saint said in Worst ship type? How to buff it?:

    @reapinglegion i thin the gally needs one less cannon because none of the other ships can have all players firing a cannon.

    That's because no other ship's strength is its firepower. The galleon's potential ability to
    decimate other ships using its entire crew on cannons is what makes it a standout.

  • @the-song42 said in Worst ship type? How to buff it?:

    Why do people keep saying Brig is the fastest ship....

    Sloop is fastest headwind, Galleon is fastest tailwind, and Brig is fastest sidewind.
    None can actually be labeled fastest.

    Actually, they can - the galleon is the fastest because it literally is the fastest moving forward in terms of top speed, but only with the wind. The brig is more versatile, as it's fastest of all 3 ships with the sidewind, but even then it doesn't overtake a galleon moving at full speed. The sloop is the slowest in virtually every category except for going against the wind, where its fewer sails create less drag. It's therefore not even a contender in regards to top speed.

  • @jadescissors32 said:

    ..., and can maneuver like a sloop

    Yeah, how about no.

  • @galactic-geek brig is faster than thr gallu with full crosswind. Check your information before checking somone.

  • @rtl-saint said in Worst ship type? How to buff it?:

    @galactic-geek brig is faster than thr gallu with full crosswind. Check your information before checking somone.

    I wasn't wrong, and you're still correct. I specifically said that the galleon was the fastest going FORWARD with the wind. Going with the crosswind is sideways, not forward....

  • @galactic-geek There is no difference in Sloop, Galeon or Brigantine turning radius. Its forward speed that makes the difference. Therefore if you set your sails to equivalent of the sloop you can make galleon turn like sloop.

  • @jadescissors32 said in Worst ship type? How to buff it?:

    @galactic-geek There is no difference in Sloop, Galeon or Brigantine turning radius. Its forward speed that makes the difference. Therefore if you set your sails to equivalent of the sloop you can make galleon turn like sloop.

    Of course forward speed is a factor! It's what makes their turn wider! The larger ships can't turn as quickly as a smaller one without losing speed, and doing that leaves them incredibly vulnerable to the smaller ships. 🙄

  • @galactic-geek

    Actually, they can - the galleon is the fastest because it literally is the fastest moving forward in terms of top speed, but only with the wind. The brig is more versatile, as it's fastest of all 3 ships with the sidewind, but even then it doesn't overtake a galleon moving at full speed. The sloop is the slowest in virtually every category except for going against the wind, where its fewer sails create less drag. It's therefore not even a contender in regards to top speed.

    This is untrue. The brig with crosswind is faster than any other ship under any wind condition. In fact all of the ships are at their fastest possible speed with the side wind. A galley with cross is faster than a galley with back wind.

  • When talking PvP only I think the ships are balanced but the crew size still matters a lot on its own, bigger crews SHOULD always be stronger. This said, in the actual game all the ships feels perfectly balanced for a simple reason: the sloop is veary easy to use compared to galleons that require a lot of coordination, making it harder to use; this means that since the majority of sot players aren't very skilled you don't really notice the difference as "average crews" on galleons can't play around galleon's weaknesses/strenghts nor coordinate enough to maximize its power; on the other hand even new players can operate a sloop as their mistakes are not that impactfull. In an hypothetical universe were 80% of crews are experienced and coordinated players, galleons would always have the upper hand.

    Basically, as the ships are technically unbalanced it still isn't a problem because them are balanced for SoT's player base average skill level. I also think that it's still fine and make sense that defeating a big crew as a small one is harder.

    This said I think the brig's problem is not the balance but its desing: the fact there's nothing behind the helm, the staircase position, the map position. It just feels vey weird, like if stuff were out of place.

  • @galactic-geek Laughable? I think you are missing my point. I am talking exclusively about 1-2 experienced players vs 3-4 experienced players. I highly doubt that you are regularly sinking 4 man crews of experienced players that are coordinated with one another.

    Another scenario, they shoot you while you're on your single cannon and they hit your single scooper with their 3 cannons. You cant hit all 3 cannons and their scooper at the same time. Unless you can hit them and stay out of their cannon range at all times you don't stand much of a chance. Like you said its easy to predict where they are, its easier to predict where people are on a sloop given it is smaller.

    Being on a sloop, your advantage is your maneuverability and that is it. You don't have the option of having someone steering, on cannons, scooping, and boarding at all times.

    I know boarding isn't the best way to win but I was giving an example of a possibility on a Galleon vs a Sloop. They can send over a single boarder and force you to choose between scooping/repairing, firing cannons, steering your ship, or killing the boarder. Obviously you have to take care of the boarder which leaves you vulnerable to whatever the other 3 gally crew members are doing.

    I will admit, it is highly unlikely for any of us to encounter a 4 man crew of experienced players coordinating together, that is why we find it easy to sink the larger boats while in a sloop.

  • @realstyli said in Worst ship type? How to buff it?:

    @the-song42 said in Worst ship type? How to buff it?:

    Why do people keep saying Brig is the fastest ship....

    Sloop is fastest headwind, Galleon is fastest tailwind, and Brig is fastest sidewind.
    None can actually be labeled fastest.

    The exception is heading north west, where you are also sailing against the waves. In this scenario, a good brig crew can make significant ground up on a sloop - which only has a +0.05m/s diffence in speed into the wind with straight sails anyway (which means the sloop is only gaining 3m/min).

    The advantage the sloop has is in maneuverability, and this is what good sloop sailors use to their advantage against brigs.

    Not in my experience...it doesn't matter which way I'm going, a brig never catched up to me on a sloop when going against the wind...

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