Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL Community Competition) Best 'Crow's nest' Screenshot

  • Me and my Crew happened to find a Galleon who wanted to get a bit Tipsy on the Yardarm, the guy standing in the Crows nest doesn't seem happy about it.

  • A scout's worst nightmare!!!
    (In the event that we win BiunderBomb will get the Obi 6 Pack and I will get the Obi Capstan)

  • Getting caught in the Crow's Nest, trembling in fear!

    Capstan for me
    Six Pack to @YukonGA

  • Crows Nest Destroyer

    alt text

    Capstan for me
    Six Pack to @YukonGA

  • Devil's Shroud Crow's Nest....come join me....

  • Here you go!

  • Living dangerously!

  • @luke-bot19 thanks man

  • Cheers me mateys for all the fantastic screenshots this time.

    Dropping anchor for now, but remember I’ll be back tomorrow with the winning screenshot and another mission..... should you choose to accept it!

105 out of 119