Festival of Fishing Voyage

  • Where can I buy the Festival of Fishing Voyage for "Complete a Festival of Fishing Voyage within The Shores of Plenty" in Festival of Fishing?

  • 54
  • @subtlelace31709 Ahoy matey!

    Just speak to Larinna she will offer you the quest you need :)

  • Really wish they would have put that step first on the event pages. I completed all the other steps then realized I wasnt finish because I had to go got the voyage. Lol. Guess I'll be fishing tomorrow too!

  • please keep the voyage available after the event.
    Like it to fish this way.

  • @stundorn said in Festival of Fishing Voyage:

    please keep the voyage available after the event.
    Like it to fish this way.

    I agree! I like having the option to get fishing voyages. I hope it gets moved to the seaposts after the event, but love that I can take a fishing voyage instead of just sailing around aimlessly fishing.

    Would also be neat to see them expand upon it and offer meg hunting voyages or kraken voyages.

  • It seems that the voyage "Catch Fine Fish in the Shores of Plenty" is no longer available.

  • hello, it is now impossible to make the voyage "Catch Fine Fish in the Shores of Plenty" ?

  • Is it an error that the Shores of plenty voyage is now not available and only the ancient isles one??

  • @nomis3040 It sems not...

    Luckily if you complete all the fishing challenges and miss the "weekly" voyages you will still, however, be able to earn the Fishing Rod cosmetics.

  • A friend of mine still had the voyage. Unfortunately, the day before the new voyage became available, I had removed my own voyage from the inventory.

    Still waiting on a reply from the support team if this is intended or not.
    alt text

  • Gotta be honest if that is the intended way events work now i won't care about them anymore. Just learned about this one today and want to complete it to get the titel as i liked the hunter's call a lot and am trying to coplete all of it. Missing out of said event titel because you were too late but still being able to do all other tasks doesn't seem fitting anyways. Hope one will be able to purchase the sop voyage again soon...

  • @daddy-helmut
    I had written to support and they told me they only handle "in game issues" and that I needed to go to the forum for my answer.... I'm so confused now! How was this NOT an in game issue?!?! Has anyone heard anything yet? Did we just miss out on it completely? If we did then why does the events page says it's "still available" for some odd days still.

  • I also wanted to get all commendations for the event, but now it seems impossible... :(

  • @sundhaft said in Festival of Fishing Voyage:

    I had written to support and they told me they only handle "in game issues" and that I needed to go to the forum for my answer.... I'm so confused now! How was this NOT an in game issue?!?! Has anyone heard anything yet? Did we just miss out on it completely? If we did then why does the events page says it's "still available" for some odd days still.

    The support team seems to be a bit confused.

    The first agent just skimmed my ticket and told that they can't recover this voyage in case you accidentally discarded it.
    I then reopened the ticket stating that my question had not been answered.

    The second agent pointed out that all the information can be found on the event page.
    Because this statement is incorrect I opened the ticket again with the remark that I have already read the official event page and there is no information about my question provided on that page.

    Let's see if the third agent can make a competent statement.

  • I have a voyage for shores of plenty in my inventory, i'll probably be on around 9.30pm g.m.t tonight,
    if enough people are available at that time i can setup a galleon invite three of ye drop voyage and leave u can invite the fourth person.

  • @frankzappa-fan I'm up for that. shoot me a pm or invite over the x-box thingy if yer around

  • @FrankZappa-fan Did you already do it? I would also be interested if not.

    I really hope the devs fix this. I think this is a bad behaviour with that voyages.

  • No not yet, @Ravenheart-A @IGaLaXyI1337 i'll check on this post over next few days if anyone else replies we can arrange a time that suits once there is 4.

  • @FrankZappa-fan I'm hoping the voyage will become available again, but in case it's not I would like to join as well if possible.

  • I'm up too, in case you need 1 more @FrankZappa-fan

  • I'd like to join your galleon for the voyage too please, if there is space? I wasn't able to get the first weeks voyage from Larinna in time.

  • Since the Ancient Isles week started, we haven't seen the Shores of Plenty voyage either. Will try to open a ticket and see what I get.

  • I would love to join anyone who has the Voyage. If you have the voyage msg me in game so we can set up a time to complete it! Thanks!

  • @frankzappa-fan is it possible that I can be on this voyage! Would love to complete this!

  • @frankzappa-fan It would seem you have the requisite crew but if you have a laggard I would happily join this adventure.

  • @FrankZappa-fan: I have to say many thanks. This is super kind of you!

    Anyways, I just found randomly guys on the sea and asked if they still have that mission in their inventory - and well I got lucky on the second ship I encountered. So he added me and helped me and my friends to accomplish it. Therefore I would suggest to anybody to just ask other people if you see them. Maybe you get lucky as well. So my place on @FrankZappa-fan 's ship is free.

    Just to note: I also bought the recent mission for the ancient isles. So if anybody later needs this still, just contact me and I can gift it to you.

  • @daddy-helmut
    have you had a reply from them as it still says you can complete it but the voyage is not available

  • Hmm concerning the Plantifin voyage, I got this reply today:

    Thank you for contacting Sea of Thieves Support.
    The 'Shores of plenty' voyage for the Festival of Fish was only available for week 1.
    Do not hesitate to contact us again should you have any other questions or concerns.

    Too bad all the news outlets got that wrong and reported you can play the voyages whenever within the three weeks once they're unlocked :(

  • No prob @IGaLaXyI1337 i added you to a group message yesterday on xbox app, not sure how to remove from it, @Red-Harridan i'll add you to group chat on xbox app and you can organize a time that suits between you @Momentopolis @Ravenheart-A and @Arbruti

  • @oatmlk well at least someone got an answer!

    I'm very disappointed with how they ran this event and how the timer even still shows that the Shores of Plenty event can STILL be done on their event page.

    I guess we can all learn one of two things from this....

    1. Try to stay on top of these kinds of things amidst having to adult.
    2. These just aren't worth the time if ALL aspects of said event can't be done in the allotted time frame for the entire event.
      "Support" actually argued with me that the question WAS answered in this thread. I'm sorry, but the only moderator that said anything didn't even answer the question. They just said to go complete the fishing challenges, and even if you miss the weekly voyages, you can still earn the fishing rod cosmetics"

    And thanks to that mod for actually saying something... but THAT was NEVER the question asked.
    We don't need smoke blown up our pantaloons. More direct answers will be appreciated in the future.

    As for me and my rant, sorry to the rest of you that missed out on it too... this really sucks.

  • you should fix this by re releasing all missions from larinna on the third week, it only hurts completationists who care about this details, so you're hurting the people who will stick around longer in your game

    kinda like the stash of powder couple of months ago when you had all regions to choose from

  • Also disapointed of that ! Can't buy the shore of plenty voyage, so won't be able to complete the festival :(

  • @thelonewren Just got an official reply today:

    alt text

  • I'm not angry. Based on past events it's obvious these events are a "you snooze you lose" deal. I'm just disappointed. I'm disappointed it was never explained the voyages would only be available for a week. There was never even an indication they would become unavailable DURING the event and I am unaware of past events being like that. I'm especially disappointed that it took the support team several days to answer a very simple yes or no question, which they managed to get confused about. It took 4 days for them to answer me and I got the same reply today as the rest of you.

    I genuinely love this game. I like it so much I'm willing to ignore a lot of choices Rare has made that I personally think are rather egregious. However, every time they make one of these choices it deeply disappoints me. I often don't feel like playing afterwards.

  • I reached out to support and was told that, "The issue of the incorrect end date for the 'Lured In' challenge has been identified by the dev team and will be fixed soon". I asked them for a little more information if they had anything, but got the same copy and paste, "This voyage was only available for Week 1" answer. I'm frustrated because I actually thought each challenge was only available for one week, logged in, saw the end date as the 18th, and thought that I was incorrect. "I don't have one week to do the Shores Voyage, I have three!" Now I see that I was right, and that I should have done the first week's voyage. I don't know what the support guy meant by "the dev team will fix the issue soon," but I'm afraid this just means making the challenge's end time correct, which doesn't do much good for us now. Hopefully they do the right thing and give everyone another opportunity to do these voyages. It's hard to get motivated to finish the other fishing challenges knowing the counter's gonna stay at 20/21.

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