Penny Dreadfuls, the Perseverance Rover, and things that make you go Hmmm...

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    This thread is my message in a bottle
    inspired by and dedicated to those that I am thankful for
    the loss, struggle, and lessons in life that fuel my effort and focus on appreciation, encouragement, and consistency within self improvement
    a piratical lifetime of adventure
    I hope you find something here that brings optimism to your day, your story, your adventures
    I hope you find encouragement to keep on keepin' on

    Adventure photos

    Adventure album

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    screenshotjust for fun
  • @wolfmanbush 😂 Love that pic! A true"What the heck?" moment.

  • Grace under fire

  • Seems I need to up my fishing game! 😆

  • Not sure which one is the more impressive sight......a meg on a skelly ship or the box of wondrous secrets?! 😯

  • @kumokiri said in Penny Dreadfuls, the Perseverance Rover, and things that make you go Hmmm...:

    Not sure which one is the more impressive sight......a meg on a skelly ship or the box of wondrous secrets?! 😯

    Mark my words

    I will slay the elusive pale predator and bring evidence of her demise to this thread one glorious day.

  • So majestic......

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    Hi folks. I was out there minding my own business again just listening to old art bell tapes while pondering stuff and things when I caught digital evidence of UFO activity. This makes Commander Fravor's tic tac look like a milk dud in comparison. I would go on Rogan's podcast to discuss my sighting for 3 hours along with the stoned ape theory, the short faced bear, and elk meat recipes but I am not a fan of spotify so maybe I'll just tweet it to eddie bravo and let him look into it.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Penny Dreadfuls, the Perseverance Rover, and things that make you go Hmmm...:

    Hi folks. I was out there minding my own business again just listening to old art bell tapes while pondering stuff and things when I caught digital evidence of UFO activity. This makes Commander Fravor's tic tac look like a milk dud in comparison. I would go on Rogan's podcast to discuss my sighting for 3 hours along with the stoned ape theory, the short faced bear, and elk meat recipes but I am not a fan of spotify so maybe I'll just tweet it to eddie bravo and let him look into it.

    you're full of boloney lol that the north star there's no such thing as ufos lol

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    Hi ladies and gentlemen and everyone here.
    Was out there keeping the seas safe from ancient terrors and other prehistoric teeth riddled threats during double gold weekend and I harvested what turned out to be a 100+ thousand gold trophy. This meg provided 4 ancient bones.

  • Friday night dead man's party

    who could ask for more?

  • This server was thicker than a snickers

    speaking of snickers my dad bod is showing something fierce in that photo

  • Fort of Fortune ancient skelly

    highly aggressive, make sure to double tap

  • They thought sinking me would stop me

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    little did they know it was arm day anyway

  • thanks for the hostilities

  • I look like I ride a mechanical horse from Hell and script out long winded diatribes on toilet paper against Ferrero for changing the butterfinger ingredients. Ironically I also look like I would dedicate my life to stealing that very recipe.

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  • " was the Law of the Sea, they said. Civilization ends at the waterline. Beyond that, we all enter the food chain, and not always right at the top...."

  • Update on my shrouded ghost hunt statistics

    Current shrouded ghost kills - 0


    The weekend is upon us and once again I will be hunting ghosts. I wish you well on your own ghost hunts. I can feel it in my bones, our time is near.

    Been a good couple weeks out there. Lots of positive experiences and interactions with fun and interesting people.

    I lost an ancient skelly early yesterday morning due to it spawning during a moment of chaotic combat. It made me think of all the tragedies I've read by the great tall tale teller ClosingHare but positivity and perseverance once again paid off as one spawned last night and I was able to procure those piratical coins and everything was alright alright alright.

  • @wolfmanbush holy great Davy Jone's beard that is a lot of Giant shark encounters! I wish you well on your hunt this weekend Sir. Should you meet the White one, send it to hell for all of us!

  • @wolfmanbush Your stats actually update? Mine seem to be frozen in time.

  • @danbeardluff said in Penny Dreadfuls, the Perseverance Rover, and things that make you go Hmmm...:

    @wolfmanbush Your stats actually update? Mine seem to be frozen in time.

    the site doesn't update for you? I haven't had many problems with site recording/updating

    are you looking at the xbox stats for the game? those often have issues as far as I've seen

  • @wolfmanbush said in Penny Dreadfuls, the Perseverance Rover, and things that make you go Hmmm...:

    @danbeardluff said in Penny Dreadfuls, the Perseverance Rover, and things that make you go Hmmm...:

    @wolfmanbush Your stats actually update? Mine seem to be frozen in time.

    the site doesn't update for you? I haven't had many problems with site recording/updating

    are you looking at the xbox stats for the game? those often have issues as far as I've seen

    Looking at the site stats. Haven't checked the xbox stats, i'll give that a look.

  • Was out there minding my own business with a few friends I made while on the seas. After a fun gold hoarder haul they wanted to turn in some gifts so we did that and before logging off I convinced them that I could pop us a meg within a few minutes (because I am the meg whisperer and they wanted to do the daily deed) and we set out for a few minutes of meg hunting

    Sure enough a few minutes later ole Meg rose and my lovely crew was excited to finish out a session on a high note.

    but fellow pirates had other plans for us. A brig and sloop alliance had just finished their FOTD and they were feeling frisky. They sailed up and did what pirates do they begin firing.

    Knowing that my friends just wanted the meg and not a war I decided to respect their wishes.

    "We are just trying to kill this meg for the daily deed" I say and type.

    To which they responded with more hostility. Pow bang pow pow bang.

    When the the dust settles Meg is gone and she isn't coming back. Such a tragically unfortunate occurrence.

    How will I ever make up my failure to my crew?

    I guess one of these pretty looking chests that I found will have to do.

    some pretty chest pic

  • Not all treasure is silver and gold. I loved that donkey

  • One good thing about the spawn rates is that I have a lot of opportunities to act like I'm The Tall Man from Phantasm running around with my deadly pet sphere

  • The story behind the rowboat you may have found.

    There you are. Sailing the seas as you normally do in the general area around Devil's Ridge.
    You spot shiny lights in the water. A LOT of shiny lights in the water. Behold, it's all in a rowboat.
    "Goodness gracious great balls of fire" you say to yourself. "What have we here?"
    As you begin to sift through the piratical lottery that you just won you see that there is an entire ashen winds on that rowboat as well as what you gather must be about 6 skelly ships and more! Sitting beside that glorious rowboat is an order of souls grade 5 flag.

    That rowboat once belonged to me. The captain of the one night sail. The solo seasquatch. Captain Wolfmanbush
    That treasure was earned with this blade.
    You see, I was out there enjoying the freedom of the sea bringing in tremendous amounts of treasure when the power to my piratical immersion headquarters decided to go out for about 10 minutes. Just long enough to lose access to my booty. An unfortunate happening to a fortunate pirate.

    Here is the important part.
    I'm glad you found it. I don't need to know who you are to enjoy knowing that your day was just a little bit better because of it.
    You don't owe anyone anything as we are pirates but if you appreciate how lucky you are I ask a favor from one scurvy dog to another. Pay it forward when an opportunity arises for you.

    Until next time,
    Yo Ho
    A pirate's life for me

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    Skeleton ship board clips

  • The tale of N13

    I'm out there minding my own business solo sloop as I do.
    Running order of souls emissary just taking down ghostly and ghastly threats of the sea.

    I'm near N13 and I notice a sloop. "probably doing a tall tale" I think to myself.
    A few moments later I see a brig park up next to them.
    "uh oh the sloop may be in trouble"
    I sail over and do a slow sail by like a rent-a-wolfcop. Everyone appears to be peaceful so I continue on my way.

    A few moments later I get a meg and slay it.

    As I am loading the loot I look behind me and see another brig approaching N13. A reaper ship it turns out to be.

    I abandon the path forward and head back to play hero for the tall tale crew. Not on my watch!

    Pow bang pow pow bang bang. The reaper has been slain. The tall tale crew can continue their adventure.

    I head to galleon's grave no real plan in mind I just do whatever

    There is a sloop there. I fire a warning shot to get the attention of anyone that may be there and wait to see what happens

    on the mic I hear "we haven't even got our supplies yet man please don't sink us"
    to which I respond. "as you were" and I sail away

    wouldn't ya know it a few seconds later these piratical boogers threw up reapers and came right at me.

    To rob me is fine to hunt me is even better but to beg for mercy only to throw salt in my eyes like an 80's martial arts movie is unacceptable.

    I turn and light them up for a few minutes and they are in bad shape when I get hit off the boat and thanks to a 4 minute blackscreen from the mermaid we lose her.

    I spawn in and kill the one in the water and board them and kill the other and send their boat away.

    I'm not one to waste my time on revenge but in this case I make an exception. I have to sail pretty far but they are reapers so I track them. I want blood and I will have it. Another battle ensues and I sink them. They come back while I'm loading the loot and I get them again with their own keg that was left from sinking the last time.

    Thanks to tall tale people taking a hundred years to do what they do everyone was still at N13 and I took the loot and the flags and gave it to them.

  • Killed my 99th kraken today.

    Let's try it out

    wish me luck, I'm going in

  • Hit 100k today entirely through solo and open crew. No regular crew, no joining alliance servers.

    When I started I wasn't good at anything other than losing. I couldn't find treasure on dig maps. I was terrible at sailing. I got sunk and robbed by myself over and over and over. At every island doing every type of voyage. People tucked on me for who the heck knows how long. I lost forts when that's about all there was over and over. Pirates and krakens and megs and everything between has sunk me many many times.

    If you're new to the game or struggling with your current experience level it's important for you to know that anyone can eventually reach their goals on the seas. It takes commitment and consistency and efficiency but you are capable.

    The currency is just a perch to reflect on, to reminisce about the tales you've earned. There is a freedom that comes with the unwillingness to be defeated even in loss. Set realistic piratical goals and reach them, then set more. Onward.

  • When I was young I would hear whispers from widows and widowers. Tales of tragedy about those lost at sea. They would curse the one known as bucketface. They say he sails on the roar of the Devil.

    Today we met.
    He told me a tale that began with "Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name"
    apparently he's been around for long, long years.

    Seems nice enough. I'm sure I'll be fine. I kinda have sympathy for him.

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