Could Rare change the scuttle mechanic?

  • After all the posts over the years of complaining about being spawn trapped and killed over and over from players in this game asking for suggestions and all we tell them is get good, scuttle and try again or quit and switch servers. Scuttling is ok but it is so underwhelming in the regular view of the mechanic. How about if the ship blew up with the force of a mega keg? The players scuttling would get some satisfaction of killing their attackers and it would be an interesting sight to see. Just a change of pace that could be used in PVP attacks as well. What do you all think? Any other suggestions that could make it a little bit more exciting?

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  • Retooling the "forfeit" mechanic as a last resort attack...

    Not sure how I feel about this, especially since people can do it with a huge loot stack on board and possibly introduce a new level of loot denial: ram and scuttle to blow up your opponents and prevent them from getting your stuff too. Would be a little too powerful in the wrong hands.

  • @nex-stargaze said in Could Rare change the scuttle mechanic?:

    Retooling the "forfeit" mechanic as a last resort attack...

    Not sure how I feel about this, especially since people can do it with a huge loot stack on board and possibly introduce a new level of loot denial: ram and scuttle to blow up your opponents and prevent them from getting your stuff too. Would be a little too powerful in the wrong hands.

    They mechanic could be placed to blow towards the back of the ship to help the situation you make think of but as I stated in my original post that this could be also used tactfully in PVP as well. There are always players better or luckier than you or I on the seas and I can accept skilled tactical gameplay.

  • alt text

    ram strat best strat

  • ship blew up with the force of a mega keg? The players scuttling would get some satisfaction of killing their attackers

    No thanks. Mainly because people would use it “to often” just to get free kills. And with how rowboats are…
    Suicide car bombs anyone? No thanks

  • No.

    Leave it as it is.

    If you want to surrender scuttle normally like everyone else.

    We don't need a nuke to go off. It doesn't help anything, it just inconveniences the victors because you don't want to lose.

  • @ottyman8687 Losing is part of the game. I just think it it would look more spectacular with something other than the ship falling apart for no reason. As for being an inconvenience to a winner or loser is negligible. Everyone playing on a given server is an inconvenience on any game.

  • @inboundbomb said:

    The players scuttling would get some satisfaction of killing their attackers

    But why should they have that satisfaction?

    Reminds me of the martyrdom deathstreak from CoD back in the day. You kill someone fairly in close quarters & they get a free one on you, just because. No thanks.

  • @burnbacon said in Could Rare change the scuttle mechanic?:

    ship blew up with the force of a mega keg? The players scuttling would get some satisfaction of killing their attackers

    No thanks. Mainly because people would use it “to often” just to get free kills. And with how rowboats are…
    Suicide car bombs anyone? No thanks

    To be fair we already have keg ramming strats that are in play already. Rob Raven uses them a lot in his gameplay. Also it's not like these stats can't be stopped. I just want the scuttle mechanic to look better than the ship just falls apart for no reason.

  • @theblackbellamy said in Could Rare change the scuttle mechanic?:

    @inboundbomb said:

    The players scuttling would get some satisfaction of killing their attackers

    But why should they have that satisfaction?

    Reminds me of the martyrdom deathstreak from CoD back in the day. You kill someone fairly in close quarters & they get a free one on you, just because. No thanks.

    Why not? No different than sinking a ship that just spawned in or sitting at an outpost for no reason other than to attack. Everything in this game is "just because" because it is a sandbox. In the end victory is still claimed unless you made a mistake and then you need to be at fault for your mistakes.

  • @inboundbomb said:

    Why not?

    Because it is unearned.

    No different than sinking a ship that just spawned in or sitting at an outpost for no reason other than to attack. Everything in this game is "just because" because it is a sandbox.

    Lol not what I was getting at.

    When players used marytrdom, they got a free kill just because it was a mechanic. No other reason. They did nothing other than die and self-detonate close to the person that killed them.

    I'm not saying players shouldn't be allowed to do things just because. I'm saying they shouldn't get free kills just because. Even attacking a fresh spawn, although low effort, requires some effort.

    I don't think a player should have the power of inconveniencing another crew for the 30-or-so seconds that their crewmates are on the ferry, rewarded for their inability to take an L with some sportsmanship. You're already denying them supplies by scuttling. That should be enough satisfaction.

    I'd rather see back-spawning introduced as an actual feature. This would give players the opportunity for a real comeback. One that requires effort on their part.

  • The problem there is it will be abused by sailing your ship right up to another crew scuttling which would cause the blast doing big damage to the near by ship why the other crew is in a row boat nice and safe and swings in to finish them off …at lest if crews try that with boom kegs the other crew has a chance of setting them off before they get in close ….the scuttle is a way of getting out of a losing fight or away from crews that are just spawn killing for the sake of it

  • @inboundbomb 🤣 could be fun. Could be abused 🤔

  • Another way to abuse this: Park your ship at an outpost in the hopes someone passes by, and when they do, just scuttle, blow their ship up, and sell all of their loot.

  • @inboundbomb said in Could Rare change the scuttle mechanic?:

    I just think it it would look more spectacular with something other than the ship falling apart for no reason.

    Well, then let's take out any utility and go solely with spectacle.

    In Sunset Overdrive, one of the things you could unlock was respawn animations which were pretty funny. What if we could do something similar with our ships.

    Unlock and equip a "Scuttle Effect" just like we do for the cannon flashes now. Everything would behave just like the ship was scuttled and sunk, but it would be stuff like fading away like a ghost. Being pulled under by tentacles. Erupting in continuous fireworks. Transforming into cheese with rats chewing the holes out of it.

    Whatever Rare could think of. Nothing about the mechanic would change, but it would be another thing we could customize and might make scuttling just a smidge more fun and interesting.

  • Want to to go down in a blaze ?

    Bring kegs.

  • @brunokuz said in Could Rare change the scuttle mechanic?:

    Another way to abuse this: Park your ship at an outpost in the hopes someone passes by, and when they do, just scuttle, blow their ship up, and sell all of their loot.

    Not gonna count this one. I can do the same thing with Kegs all day long. You can sit at an Outpost with about 30 kegs and just to blow up ships that spawned in at the outpost before the players even got in the game. Even if players do this it's a tool they want to use to sink you if they want to go that route.

  • @vacahombre said in Could Rare change the scuttle mechanic?:

    @inboundbomb said in Could Rare change the scuttle mechanic?:

    I just think it it would look more spectacular with something other than the ship falling apart for no reason.

    Well, then let's take out any utility and go solely with spectacle.

    In Sunset Overdrive, one of the things you could unlock was respawn animations which were pretty funny. What if we could do something similar with our ships.

    Unlock and equip a "Scuttle Effect" just like we do for the cannon flashes now. Everything would behave just like the ship was scuttled and sunk, but it would be stuff like fading away like a ghost. Being pulled under by tentacles. Erupting in continuous fireworks. Transforming into cheese with rats chewing the holes out of it.

    Whatever Rare could think of. Nothing about the mechanic would change, but it would be another thing we could customize and might make scuttling just a smidge more fun and interesting.

    I can concede and get behind this being a visual effect since everyone else doesn't seem to like a cause and effect type of scuttle.

  • I like the explosion idea.

    Being able to explode could stop me from red sea dumping 😆

    I like the idea of a cosmetic effect too.

  • I would be okay with the cosmetic effects, but a massive megakeg explosion that kills everyone and damages everything nearby? That just sounds like someone flipping the table when they are losing a game.

    alt text

    The other crew earned the victory. If you want to keg them then you should do it before they take control of your ship.

  • This will play under the motto" In defeat, try revenge".

    Kamikazeing your way out of a bind is acceptable only if you bring your own keg.

  • Honestly what is it about this game that has so many people feeling entitled, as if they are owed something for loosing? Like I understand loosing is a hard pill to swallow when time devoted to a game is lost in a sense but I've seen games that have implemented a steep punishment for players loosing, and yet I haven't seen the amount of complaining that players make here. Is it just my luck that I see so many posts like this? This hasn't been around as prominent as when the game started, has it?

    In any case (and more specific to OP topic), a better scuttle isn't one that punishes those that sink others but one that provides a better transition to giving up, like waiving the white flag in a way that allows you to jump servers with a small punishment for doing so.

  • What if all of your fireworks in the cannonball barrels automatically fired off as your ship sank, giving the opposing crew quite the victory display (and alerting other nearby crews of potential loot)?

  • @v@ca-hombre said in Could Rare change the scuttle mechanic?:

    @inboundbomb said in Could Rare change the scuttle mechanic?:

    I just think it it would look more spectacular with something other than the ship falling apart for no reason.

    Well, then let's take out any utility and go solely with spectacle.

    In Sunset Overdrive, one of the things you could unlock was respawn animations which were pretty funny. What if we could do something similar with our ships.

    Unlock and equip a "Scuttle Effect" just like we do for the cannon flashes now. Everything would behave just like the ship was scuttled and sunk, but it would be stuff like fading away like a ghost. Being pulled under by tentacles. Erupting in continuous fireworks. Transforming into cheese with rats chewing the holes out of it.

    Whatever Rare could think of. Nothing about the mechanic would change, but it would be another thing we could customize and might make scuttling just a smidge more fun and interesting.

    I wouldn't even limit it to scuttles, any type of sink.

  • I tend to disagree I think it is best how it is. Perhaps they could make the button easier to access but I don't think exploding ships would be a good idea because it has the potential to generate many exploits. I don't want the PVP in this game to be transformed into some sort of suicide bomber run where no skills are needed anymore.

  • If this were implemented, the meta would immediately become "Ram, Scuttle, Boom, Profit."

    How about "Defend yourself?" I like that mechanic way better.

  • @mintharp184509 said in Could Rare change the scuttle mechanic?:

    Speaking of scuttled ships, can there be an aerial and aquatic marker for sunken player ships.

    Different birds, flotsam, anything to help find the location of the sink.


    Can all loot sink at the same rate? 10 minutes would be great.

    I'm fine with a natural marker, like the Seagulls flying overhead, but 10 minutes is way too long. It will only result in numerous ships who have already sunk trying to get all of their loot back, negating their loss entirely.

  • Normally I would say no because it would get abused, but since 9 out of 10 times when I get attacked it comes with tons of racist hate, swearing, and mother insults, so since that's the norm I think it's a great idea.

  • It is unsportsman-like to not accept defeat.

  • @ottyman8687 said in Could Rare change the scuttle mechanic?:


    Leave it as it is.

    If you want to surrender scuttle normally like everyone else.

    We don't need a nuke to go off. It doesn't help anything, it just inconveniences the victors because you don't want to lose.

    Ship proceeds to do a Kamikaze

  • @inboundbomb Just do it!

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