What is the End goal in sea of thieves?

  • 28
  • There is also an ever evolving story and world. There are new bits of content and features added. There are Commendation challenges to accomplish. There are Achievements to shoot for.

    As for an end goal, it is whatever you set for yourself. It is a Game as a Service model, so it isn't really concerned with a real end game cause there is more game coming for the next roughly 6 years (as it was planned for a 10 year development cycle when launched and we have done 4.5).

  • @kauh6805 There is no end goal in an adventure game that has no end, besides the goals you set up for yourself.

    SOT helps many of us to realize for a few hours our fantasies about pirates, navigation, battle on the high seas and exploration. Wealth to me is the feeling of fulfillment and joy I get every time I play SOT.

    The rest just comes with the territory.

  • connection through community

    individual compatibility with people that share a passion for adventure

    to many they have created a family of friends through the interaction opportunity that this environment creates

    the unknown of adventure to where every day can create something that someone might not even know they needed or were looking for

    escapism from the harshness of reality

    laughs, weirdness, oddities, unpredictability

    It's a game but the effects of piratical adventure and fantastical escapism are reality, real friendships formed, true connections discovered

  • @kauh6805

    It's fun to play.

    The act of playing the game is fun.

    Engaging in the activities presented by the game is enjoyable.

    It's an amusing and stimulating pastime that I am always pleased to experience.

  • Yarr. Pirates gunna pirate

  • It's not about the gold, it's about the glory!

  • Simple answer is to complete all commendations, participate in events/seasons and just keep improving your personal skill level at pirating.

  • have fun

  • ...to become eternal matey, that people may remember the legend of Hijack Hayes long after he has hung up his hat and gone back to a life of solely raising two little girls.

  • My only goal these days is to hope to be online during update days and join as soon as possible, and hope that I land on a server that will become an alliance server so I can just waste my day collecting buckets of salty tears and false reports as they attempt to chase me off the server, or group report me for playing a game as was designed whilst keeping chat respectful throughout 🙃

  • There’s no end to the adventure. Not knowing what lies ahead. The freedom. And you never know what new stuff you’ll have to spend gold on in the future…. No amount of gold is enough.

  • The end game is to find and secure the sacred chalice of course ;)

  • @kauh6805 the end goal is to go an adventure and have fun stop over thinking it

  • From what I've surmised it's just spawn-camping 🥁

  • Player interactions. Gold is a byproduct of just playing the game, but the truly memorable moments are usually created by other players, be they friendly or violent. Sometimes both at once!

  • The Glory!

  • It's a sandbox game where the lore keeps getting updated. I don't think theres an ''end'' just like there is to most games today...

    You as an individual make the ''end'' by feeling burnt out and/or feeling like the game has ran its course for you personally...
    Sure you can achieve 100% completion in your commendation that will signal an ''end'' but even the hardcore completion'ists that keep playing, player interaction and the community is where it's magic holds...

  • @kauh6805

    Sea of Thieves is a Sandbox, it doesn't end when you cap all the companies, do all the Tall Tales or buy all cosmetics, the game ends when you stop having fun or have no more intrinsic motivation to play the game. It's like Minecraft: sure, when you kill the Ender Dragon you get the credits, but you can still build and explore as much as you please.

    I think there's an issue in the current gaming market: many players see games as products to consume, they download a game, ask it to give them an overall goal and then they go to the next game as soon as they reach that goal. Maybe it is because the high quantity of games and the accessibility (game pass etc...) we have today, I don't know, I guess it's subjective but I don't think games should be played like that, people will enjoy them less and will easily burnout.

    I personally think people should play the game because they enjoy doing so, I often take a break from it as I've many many hours, but I still come back as I like to go around doing World Events as a Reaper, hunt emissaries and interact with other players. To me getting gold to earn cosmetics was never the point, I also had people contact me after I sunk them asking why I need money if I have the Dark Adventurer sails lol, can't someone be playing the game just for fun? I genuinely enjoy naval fights and World Events, do I have to need money in order to gave fun? I understand that some people need a reason to play like something to spend golds on or a leader board to be first in, etc... but games can't last forever in that sense. I too enjoy giving myself my own goals like capping all the companies, getting all the top 25% rewards from ledgers and buy all the PL shop cosmetics, but at the end of the day the end goal of a sandbox game is to have your own fun, for me it's naval combat and interacting with other crews, if you need a reason to play and can't log in for the sake of fun because you are not enjoying the game enough maybe it's time to play something else that you enjoy more :)

  • @kauh6805 it's just plain old silly fun.

    Nothing wrong with that. Not every game needs to involve builds and chasing better stats.

  • Be careful using certain words on this Forum , a word like endgame / endgoal is one of them...A True Pirate can get an instant heartattack when he/she hears those words ...Personally , a red vail has come over my eyes now ...We don't want an end , we don't need an end , we just need Our Sea...

  • @kauh6805 I'm lucky enough to be sitting on a few million. There is no end game just, play to enjoy.

  • What is the end goal in the simple act of play? To have fun. To experience escapism. To make friends. To tickle the part of the brain that yearns for adventure.

  • Whatever you set it to be, tbh. It's a sandbox game. It's true that the only progression you have is gold, ranks and achievements, but you could care not about any of those. Which means if you get inmense satisfaction for raising levels, amassing resources and expecting to feel more powerful for it like many RPG games for example, SoT is a bit limited in that regard.

  • Have fun.

  • To get the feeling like your life is being wasted away trying to enjoy a game where other players then come in an make your time investment a waste and meaningless.

  • It's not about the gold it's about the glory

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