Release Notes -

  • Release Notes -
    Read our release notes for today's release to find out more about the fixes and improvements that this build introduces.

    Release Notes -

    Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

    Xbox Club
    Verified Discord

  • 18
  • Now we just wait for the servers to come back up.

  • No fix for main captaincy feature feels really bad. Saving cosmetics is crucial to the feeling of ownership. Super frustrating.

  • "Provisions Sold to The Hunter's Call – Ship and Pirate Milestones"

    Why was this disabled? All I do is fish :(

  • I'm sad that the shipwright at the Glorious Sea Dog Tavern now has a cooldown. I know that it is a good change and totaly agree with it but it was the only good and quick way to get enough bait to fish for more time than 15 mins even less if you have a bigger crew. I think that either bait should be capped at like 3 or 5 buys at the time or the amount of bait increased to 25 of each type.

  • @eragonarget said in Release Notes -

    I'm sad that the shipwright at the Glorious Sea Dog Tavern now has a cooldown. I know that it is a good change and totaly agree with it but it was the only good and quick way to get enough bait to fish for more time than 15 mins even less if you have a bigger crew. I think that either bait should be capped at like 3 or 5 buys at the time or the amount of bait increased to 25 of each type.

    People should just be able to buy as much bait as they want with ease imo

    it doesn't interfere with balance, it doesn't harm others, it's their gold to use

  • @meroviel fastest and easiest finished adventure so far for me...made good, but when everybody does his own thing you don’t get into much of the fight

    Edit: didn't get the title...I wait until saturday, then I write a support ticket if I still didn't get it

  • So basically nothing was fixed... Great

  • The main problem touching the main add of this season is not fixed, no refund for all the gold lost investing in a buggy feature, multiple milestones stopped because it's obviously a mess... At least, the translations seem to be correct now. Yay. And I didn't played enough to see if the "[HL1].....[HL/1]" thing appearing in reward texts is gone, i'll see tonight.

    Rare, you just can't do that. You can't take 2 weeks of delay, release a completely buggy update, wait 2 more weeks with minimum communication then release a 5GO update that fixes almost nothing. Not after Cyberpunk 2077. CD Projekt Red showed to everyone what NOT to do, what is unacceptable now for people buying your game and your Emporium Cosmetics, what kind of bad work can break a long time trust link between players and devs/editors. I'm a real big fan of SoT, we all here are I guess, but such a mess is unacceptable for a lot of people. Why did you just release your update in such an alpha state ?!? You should have said us "well, we're encounting a lot of troubles with some new key features and we don't want to break our game, your game, with a buggy update, we're working on it, we'll take the time needed to release something great, please be patient..." and we all would have understand that and wait until september for the new season to come ! In any case, we'll probably have to wait september for all the bugs to be fixed, so... that would have changed nothing, but we wouldn't have played a game that seem to be broken. I hope you'll find a way to fix that very quick and also find a way to reward players for their patience and make them trust you again.

  • The Adventure is bugged.
    First try, we were teleported back to the overworld when entering the portal.
    Second try, both mine and my friend's clients crashed. (he uses the Microsoft Store client, and I'm on Steam)

  • I am really upset about this update. The main thing I do a lot of times when sailing alone is fishing. Now I can't even get milestones for cooking the massive fish haul and turning it in. Not to mention season 7 was postponed a while month and is still broken, can't even save my ship set because I know once I do the next time I log in it won't be saved. I hope you guys are Rare give us a refund for all the money we spent thinking it would only happen once, AND THAT WAS ONE OF THE BEST FEATURES THAT WAS ADDED AND IT DOESNT EVEN WORK!

  • @bpwoods97 same here. was trying to max it out and get good gold. I can also understand making supplies limited at the sea dogs tavern but come on, its bait, make at least bait unlimited or give us more at a time.

  • @chimeraepidemic

    Simply being able to buy whichever bait you want, up to 30 total, instead of being forced into 10 each would be nice.

  • @bpwoods97 agreed!

  • @hegemon3 for some reason the main sails save for me but the rest of the ship keeps losing the cosmetic saving except for the ship name, i would have to keep paying gold to redo it and lose the setting again.

  • @stormycoire ive spent around 150 k resaving. My bad🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️

  • Is there PVE only yet?

  • @zedny3434 no escape from the sea of thieves

13 out of 18