Order of Souls Quest Idea: Dark Ritual Skull Voyage

  • Proposal:

    A third Order of Souls voyage type that matches the multi-step complexity and rewards of new voyage types for other trading companies (e.g. Treasure Vaults and Lost Shipments), and aimed at experienced players.

    These voyages can be purchased from the Order of Souls representatives at any outpost.

    Part One

    Finding the Dark Ritual Skull

    On starting the voyage, the crew receives a parchment of paper displaying the memories gleaned from a skull by the Order of Souls.

    Similar to one of Sudds’ modules in the Legend of the Veil, these memories are displayed as vague images of an island that give a clue to its location.

    Travelling to the correct island, the player will be met by a Skeleton Captain encounter with a difference. The Skeleton Captain will be a dark variant, a Dark Captain, and his crew hardened fighters, they will take more hits to vanquish than normal. On defeat the crew will drop Dark Relics whilst the Captain will drop a Dark Ritual Skull.

    This skull looks similar to the negative of a Ritual Skull - black with a glowing soulflame-esque teal paint across it. The Dark Ritual Skull can be sold back to the Order of Souls for nice sum of gold (around 2-3K), ending the voyage, or the crew can use it for the next step…

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    Rough edit to illustrate (original Ritual Skull image was sourced from the Fandom Wiki)

    Part Two (Optional)

    Performing the Dark Ritual

    The second part of the voyage, should the crew wish to endeavour on it, requires finding an “altar” on another island. These altars look like a large stone with a basin on top and strange runes around its base.

    To locate this second island will require observing the Dark Ritual Skull as you sail. Unlike other loot that remains static as you sail, the Dark Ritual Skull, as if possessed, will always try to face the altar when it’s not held or confined in a chest. However, like a Wayfinder Compass needle, its movement will be erratic the further away you are from the destination island*.

    On reaching the location of the altar and placing the skull within the basin, the final encounter will begin. The skull will ignite within the basin with a Soulflame fire, and pull spectral skeletons from the Sea of the Damned to our world. To make the skeletons physical and fight them, the crew must take the Soulflame from the altar and shine it on the skeletons. The skeletons will each drop a Skull of the Damned and the captains will each drop a Captain Skull of the Damned.

    Once the ritual is complete, the Dark Ritual Skull will transform into an Infused Dark Ritual Skull - glowing bright with Soulflame energy it gathered from the defeated skeleton enemies. The crew can now retrieve it once more from the altar.

    It's value to the Order of Souls has now increased, netting the crew 5-6K gold should they successfully turn it in (in addition to the other Damned skulls).

    alt text

    *Alternative idea to having the Dark Ritual Skull lead the way to the altar that, I think, would be more straightforward is to have one of the Dark Relics be a Dark Wayfinder Compass.

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  • Is taking on a ghostly fleet not good enough for you? That's the OoS equivalent to the Lost Shipments and Vault voyages. How conveniently you seem to have forgotten that.

  • @mintharp184509 True, but most of it seems rather redundant to me when compared to the other voyages... It's basically a combination of a veil voyage, a vault voyage, and a standard OoS bounty voyage.

    I also worry about making the dark relics more common - those are powerful, lorewise, and should not be trifled with!

  • It's not bad...but I wish it was taken one step further... something that would ignite all the flames of the FoTD.

  • @galactic-geek said in Order of Souls Quest Idea: Dark Ritual Skull Voyage:

    Is taking on a ghostly fleet not good enough for you?

    That's just an easy version of the Flameheart event, something I soloed... a lot.

    That's the OoS equivalent to the Lost Shipments and Vault voyages. How conveniently you seem to have forgotten that.

    I haven't forgotten anything. But those other two trade companies have 3 voyage types, the Order of Souls currently has 2.

    Also, the fleet, while it does have the same level gating, isn't equivalent in complexity to those other two voyages. It's a simple "sail to this island and fight a bunch of ghost ships" voyage. It's not challenging in any way for experienced players.

  • @sweetsandman said in Order of Souls Quest Idea: Dark Ritual Skull Voyage:

    It's not bad...but I wish it was taken one step further... something that would ignite all the flames of the FoTD.

    We already have a means to do that though. Why add another that requires a voyage?

  • @realstyli said:

    But those other two trade companies have 3 voyage types, the Order of Souls currently has 2.

    Whoever said they had to be equal? You're imagining an issue where there is none...

    Also, the fleet, while it does have the same level gating, isn't equivalent in complexity to those other two voyages. It's a simple "sail to this island and fight a bunch of ghost ships" voyage. It's not challenging in any way for experienced players.

    Again, why should complexity matter, or who it's for? The complexity comes from your ability to sail and fight. As for experienced pirates - hardly. You can get to level 25 in a company fairly quickly, so I don't think any of these additional voyages unlocked then were made for more experienced pirates. If complexity or difficulty is what you're looking for, well, you have Athena voyages for that...

  • @galactic-geek said in Order of Souls Quest Idea: Dark Ritual Skull Voyage:

    @realstyli said:

    But those other two trade companies have 3 voyage types, the Order of Souls currently has 2.

    Whoever said they had to be equal? You're imagining an issue where there is none...

    Look, I'm not going to get into the merits of this. You either like the idea or you don't. I'm done arguing with folks on the internet over stuff that doesn't matter.

    Happy Sailing

  • @realstyli said in Order of Souls Quest Idea: Dark Ritual Skull Voyage:

    @galactic-geek said in Order of Souls Quest Idea: Dark Ritual Skull Voyage:

    @realstyli said:

    But those other two trade companies have 3 voyage types, the Order of Souls currently has 2.

    Whoever said they had to be equal? You're imagining an issue where there is none...

    Look, I'm not going to get into the merits of this. You either like the idea or you don't. I'm done arguing with folks on the internet over stuff that doesn't matter.

    Happy Sailing

    But I edited/added my post! 😅

  • I’d love a more multi-step OoS voyage akin to the other trading companies with lots of loot at the end.

    OoS definitely takes the longest to collect the most loot and raise a Grade 5 emm, which is a shame as it’s my favourite company to represent.

    Unlike other loot that remains static as you sail, the Dark Ritual Skull, as if possessed, will always try to face the altar when it’s not held or confined in a chest.

    ^ This is a great idea. A mechanic we’re used to, but presented another way 👏

    Perhaps these rituals could take place on inactive forts, and we’re challenged with waves of Guardians and Skeleton Lords (though less bullet-spongey) too? Of course, would make sense to have the loot in the vault.

  • @galactic-geek lost shipments and vault voyages always give grade 5, ghostly fleets do not always give you grade 5

  • this sounds like a fun voyage similar to the vaults and lost shipments, though i think a note being attached to the skull similar to the vault keys leading u to the island you need to be at could be easier? and maybe instead of calling it a note just call it a memory

  • @galactic-geek said in Order of Souls Quest Idea: Dark Ritual Skull Voyage:

    @sweetsandman said in Order of Souls Quest Idea: Dark Ritual Skull Voyage:

    It's not bad...but I wish it was taken one step further... something that would ignite all the flames of the FoTD.

    We already have a means to do that though. Why add another that requires a voyage?

    Because the current means of getting all the lights is lame and is at least part of the reason the FoTD rarely gets done.

    I'd rather see a complete overhaul of the FoTD but that's another topic... My addition was just a way to spice up the world.

  • @fat-guy8633 said in Order of Souls Quest Idea: Dark Ritual Skull Voyage:

    @galactic-geek lost shipments and vault voyages always give grade 5, ghostly fleets do not always give you grade 5

    Getting grade 5 is not always the goal though, nor should it be.

  • @galactic-geek ahh well all the other companies have a voyage that gets you to grade 5 i dont see why OOS cant have one as well :P

  • @fat-guy8633 said in Order of Souls Quest Idea: Dark Ritual Skull Voyage:

    @galactic-geek ahh well all the other companies have a voyage that gets you to grade 5 i dont see why OOS cant have one as well :P

    I rarely get to grade 5vwith any voyage by itself. Most of the time, it's defeating PvE that does it for me.

  • @galactic-geek thats a shame, i wish you luck on ur next voyage then so u can get grade 5. im lucky enough to always get grade 5 through the voyages without any pve usuaully

  • @fat-guy8633 said in Order of Souls Quest Idea: Dark Ritual Skull Voyage:

    this sounds like a fun voyage similar to the vaults and lost shipments, though i think a note being attached to the skull similar to the vault keys leading u to the island you need to be at could be easier? and maybe instead of calling it a note just call it a memory

    Indeed. That had occurred to me as I was thinking about it. But I decided to go a different route for a number of reasons.

    Skelly memories are what the Order of Souls extract in lore, and skelly orders would be a bit too simplistic, I felt. I didn't want it to be an easy voyage for experienced players, I wanted it to reward experience and knowledge - similar to the Sudds' LotV modules I mentioned.

    The Dark Wayfinder addendum was really me considering a middle ground in terms of difficulty, as it's something that could be held rather than the crew watching a skull for movement.

    @sweetsandman said in Order of Souls Quest Idea: Dark Ritual Skull Voyage:

    @galactic-geek said in Order of Souls Quest Idea: Dark Ritual Skull Voyage:

    @sweetsandman said in Order of Souls Quest Idea: Dark Ritual Skull Voyage:

    It's not bad...but I wish it was taken one step further... something that would ignite all the flames of the FoTD.

    We already have a means to do that though. Why add another that requires a voyage?

    Because the current means of getting all the lights is lame and is at least part of the reason the FoTD rarely gets done.

    I'd rather see a complete overhaul of the FoTD but that's another topic... My addition was just a way to spice up the world.

    Aye, I agree to an extent and early version of this I wrote incorporated all the flames of fate at the end instead of a Soulflame. But I felt that was getting too far from the idea for this voyage so streamlined it to be self-contained as just an Order of Souls voyage.

  • Well this is an awesome idea! You’ve got my vote! Great job on the skull design too

  • @galactic-geek the payout is way less and it only gets you to grade 3. The other two voyages get you to Grade 4 and 5 respectively. It also attracts the most attention since you’re firing off cannonballs around a big island. Also OOS is the only faction out of the main 3 to only have 2 voyage types.

  • @fat-guy8633 vault voyages usually net you grade 4, while ghost fleet net you grade 3 if you’re lucky

  • @ninja-naranja ive always gotten to grade five at the end of the vault voyages so this is something new to me

  • Actually, I'd like that. A vault voyage without the tedium of vaults.

  • @fat-guy8633 I’m surprised. I’ve done maybe 120+ vaults and I’ve never gotten to grade 5 with a single voyage alone.

  • @ninja-naranja maybe its cause my crew takes a little extra time with digging up the key we tend to get all the treasures the skeletons drop and whatever else we find on the island

  • @realstyli I’ve always wanted a sort of Dark Relic Hunt quest for OoS where you receive two bounty parchments, each bearing whereabouts for a Skeleton Ship, such as the island they were near, or between two islands, etc.

    Upon reaching one of the locations, you will face off against either a galleon or a sloop, and the other location will bear the opposite. These ships will have only skulls, and will each have a few stolen Dark Relics. But the key cargo aboard them is their paper containing half of a coordinate pair. Both ships have one, and combining them gives you the island of the Relic Thieves’ hiding place.

    On the island, a group of 3 skeleton captains all with sacks full of stolen relics will be waiting to fight. Defeating each of them will drop their skull and 1-3 Dark Relics

    I’d make the voyage be relatively high payout for the time it takes, but I think it’d be pretty fun to have a skelly ship hunt while also making Dark Relics finally a second treasure for the OoS again. Just having skulls is sorta boring.

  • @galactic-geek and you wonder why you were removed from Insiders? I’d start with evaluating your attitude on the forums. Kind of condescending towards everyone

  • @klutchxking518

    Yeah, I find it quite odd that the Order of Souls are the only trading company now that has only one size of loot as well. The skulls are well done and designed but that's all they really have. Would be nice to have some variety and I really do like the designs of the Dark Relics. Maybe add some crate sized items with contents they need for their rituals as well.

  • @klutchxking518 said in Order of Souls Quest Idea: Dark Ritual Skull Voyage:

    @galactic-geek and you wonder why you were removed from Insiders? I’d start with evaluating your attitude on the forums. Kind of condescending towards everyone

    Condescending? No! Of course not!

    I just try to logically rationalize things by looking at the bigger picture and keeping an open mind! Better that than to be emotionally narrow-minded like many pirates that I see post on these boards.

    And my decorum on this forum towards others has NOTHING to do with being banned from Insider.

  • @realstyli said in Order of Souls Quest Idea: Dark Ritual Skull Voyage:


    Yeah, I find it quite odd that the Order of Souls are the only trading company now that has only one size of loot as well. The skulls are well done and designed but that's all they really have. Would be nice to have some variety and I really do like the designs of the Dark Relics. Maybe add some crate sized items with contents they need for their rituals as well.

    We got enough crates for the MA, IMO. Just give the OoS all of the Damned loot - that way they can remove the cursed effects off of them, and return them to the material realm for the other companies.. 😉

  • @galactic-geek

    That would have made sense to a lot of us when they first introduced Damned loot, but I think it might have confused many others who don't know what the Order of Souls do.

    I just imagine once we sell that loot to the Merchant Alliance or Gold Hoarders that it's up to them to bring it to the Order of Souls to be "cleansed".

    Anyway, none of that is really on topic. And, to your earlier point, I don't see any harm in bringing back Dark Relics in a voyage, considering we already went in search of them before in a less-involved way and they were very common during those voyages.

    It was also brought up by @MintHarp184509 about the existing altars, which hadn't really been what I had initially intended.

    But it did get me thinking that maybe the end ritual could re-purpose those and, in addition to a Dark Ritual Skull, something else would need to be placed on the other altar spot.

    It would only really make sense though if the other item was a chalice of some kind though - as the skeleton symbols on those altars are for "skull" and "chalice".

  • @realstyli said:

    Anyway, none of that is really on topic. And, to your earlier point, I don't see any harm in bringing back Dark Relics in a voyage, considering we already went in search of them before in a less-involved way and they were very common during those voyages.

    It was also brought up by @MintHarp184509 about the existing altars, which hadn't really been what I had initially intended.

    But it did get me thinking that maybe the end ritual could re-purpose those and, in addition to a Dark Ritual Skull, something else would need to be placed on the other altar spot.

    It would only really make sense though if the other item was a chalice of some kind though - as the skeleton symbols on those altars are for "skull" and "chalice".

    Despite my comments earlier, I honestly wouldn't mind either of these happening. I'm sure Rare could figure out some sort of spin to make it work lorewise. 😉

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