Ending fights that draw on for too long. (Hourglass PvP Suggestion)

  • Yo, so i posted this idea under another persons forum post, but i liked it enough that i felt like expanding on it and putting it under it's own heading.

    So the idea is that if a fight is dragging on for too long (A length of time tbd by rare) that a new emergent encounter will spawn.

    My idea is that the commotion caused by the drawn out fight will capture the attention of Flameheart and Ramsey, who'll appear as spectral heads directly above the arena of combat.

    The two will support their faction by throwing down fireballs and bolts of lightning, to help with sinking the opposing ship. (Not to mention trash talking the other.)

    If somehow both ships are still standing, even after the support of their respective lords, then a whirlpool will form, dragging both ships towards the center of their arena and damaging them every few seconds.

    On top of this, the two spectral heads will of course be a beacon for any passing ship that feels like joining the fray.

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  • @cpt-redmane

    I like the original bit without the whirlpool. I was thinking after a long losing streak your faction boss's ship could accompany you on a single battle. Like 25 or so consecutive losses. They feel sorry for you but make fun of you the whole time.

    Get them outside for a bit and make them exercise.

  • No, we are fighting with sailing ships, so slow speeds ,slow tyrning angles , bobbing waves and so on and on add various playing situations that needs certain tactics ...A few days ago a long fight dragged on untill the other sloop ran out of cannonballs , three party invites , a few messages were used to try to convince us to stop firing , but... we still had canonballs , so we kept fighting on....After all, they could still win by boarding us... Even if both ships ran out of cannonballs , then boarding ,ramming or crashing ships is still available ...These Pvp arrangements are meant that there will come out one winner and by their own tactics and not by help from the IA in whatever shape , just be sure you bring enough with you when you activate that hourglass...Don't bring a knife to a gunfight...

  • @pithyrumble said in Ending fights that draw on for too long. (Hourglass PvP Suggestion):


    I like the original bit without the whirlpool. I was thinking after a long losing streak your faction boss's ship could accompany you on a single battle. Like 25 or so consecutive losses. They feel sorry for you but make fun of you the whole time.

    Get them outside for a bit and make them exercise.

    Fair enough, i just really want to live out this scene in SoT.

    I will always campaign for whirlpools and will add them into an idea whenever i can. :P

  • @clumsy-george said in Ending fights that draw on for too long. (Hourglass PvP Suggestion):

    No, we are fighting with sailing ships, so slow speeds ,slow tyrning angles , bobbing waves and so on and on add various playing situations that needs certain tactics ...A few days ago a long fight dragged on untill the other sloop ran out of cannonballs , three party invites , a few messages were used to try to convince us to stop firing , but... we still had canonballs , so we kept fighting on....After all, they could still win by boarding us... Even if both ships ran out of cannonballs , then boarding ,ramming or crashing ships is still available ...These Pvp arrangements are meant that there will come out one winner and by their own tactics and not by help from the IA in whatever shape , just be sure you bring enough with you when you activate that hourglass...Don't bring a knife to a gunfight...

    Sure, that's your opinion.

    I personally don't want to have hour long fights that drag on forever. I prefer quick turnover.

    I don't have all the time in the world to play, an hr is usually my entire play session in a day after all.

    And seeing as they said themselves that most matches are supposed to be around the 15 minute mark, i don't think rare was wanting or expecting hour long showdowns either. xD

  • Someone mentioned before that the time limit could be cheesed by sailing it out. The activation of "endgame" could have the same effect tho. Cool as it sounds lol

  • after having a few matches go for a hour or so I think having something get thrown into the mix to speed things up would be ideal. fire and lighting raining from the sky isn't a bad idea could add to the chaos. additionally the game could spawn some skeleton sloops that each chase down a player and continually pester and re spawn till the match ends.

    I thought a shrinking map might be the way to go but its hard to keep track of the boundary as it is and i think getting ringed out would be frustrating.

  • It Would be too easy to abuse if it had a time limit or ended in draw

  • If a fight is too long and gets boring/tedious/standoffish, I usually just leave. Easy solution.

  • Don’t know how to feel about this, but I wouldn’t count it out

  • The solution is supply limitations.

    The current meta is going into battle with 400+ cannonballs, 50+ blunderbombs & fireboms, 30+ chainshots, and most annoyingly...200+ planks.

    Two evenly matched crews with 200+ planks means a hilarious number of fight resets.

  • True, I’ve solo sloop and I’ve seen others with lots of sups.. like what

  • @cpt-redmane you can quit :)

  • @captain-fob4141 said in Ending fights that draw on for too long. (Hourglass PvP Suggestion):

    @cpt-redmane you can quit :)

    lol, that shouldn't EVER be a solution to any problem besides perhaps spawn camping.

  • @cpt-redmane if they're sailing around too good for you to beat them in a reasonable ammount of time. Do somthing risky that can put you at an advantage.

  • My fights never last more than 15 minutes, win or lose, but I do think a 30-minute timer would be great. It would encourage more slug fests and less hit-and-run. Slug fests are more appropriate in this PvP mode. Let hit-and-run stay in open adventure.

  • @captain-fob4141 said in Ending fights that draw on for too long. (Hourglass PvP Suggestion):

    @cpt-redmane if they're sailing around too good for you to beat them in a reasonable ammount of time. Do somthing risky that can put you at an advantage.

    I've won most of my fights pretty quickly, the first one was a cluster(Insert bad word here @.@) that took awhile and ate up my entire play session, because every single ship on the server was there.

    But aside from that i've been winning sub 20 minutes, but just because i haven't encountered this issue as much as others doesn't mean it doesn't exist, and rare SHOULD be held accountable for fixing it and making the game better and more enjoyable overall. It does not fall onto the players shoulders to improve a game but the devs.

    The fact of the matter is, PvP games have time limits imposed to avoid taking up too much of the players time.

    Rare has stated that 15 minutes is the average they expect, so i do not believe hour long PvP matches are something they want.

    It is NOT a players fault for having a match take too long, but a failure in game design that SHOULD be addressed.

  • This doesn’t make it proper pvp anymore with the two heads throwing stuff. But I do think that the zone should shrink after time.

  • Fair enough, i just really want to live out this scene in SoT.

    I will always campaign for whirlpools and will add them into an idea whenever i can. :P

    I do like the whirlpool idea but maybe just as a world event. Not so much in the battle.

    (I also want to live out that scene in SoT 😁)

  • I really like the idea of short battles. For me, 15-20 minutes is a good enough for a short battle. In complement, I can suggest that after a period of time (like 15-20 minutes or whatever Rare wants), the ship cannot be repaired.

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