SOT's biggest flaw (my opinion)

  • I love the game don't get me wrong but there is one aspect of it that makes me really put down the control and walk away.
    Some friends of mine that used to play SOT left because of this and never came back as well. I am talking about how a lot of the actions fail to work or activate when you need them to.
    Example you pull out your gun and it fails or fails to fire (you lose because of this), you have to press the button multiple times and then it finally responds but by then it's to late.
    Same thing with the bucket or many other items and seems to happen quite often when you are in the heat of battle and when you needed to fail the least.
    Just wondering if there is any input from developers on this and if there is any plans to resolve it or simple will be part of the game?

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  • That's either an input issue or severe lag. Not necessarily a problem with Sea of Thieves itself. I, personally have never experienced this level of input delay.

  • @blam320 Well not just talking about me when it comes to the issue and does not happen with any other online pvp game except with SOT, i have also seen it happen to players on youtube so it seems to be a common problem.

  • Sounds more a connection with servers or player connection. Not the overall game itself.

    (Example I’ve never experienced this)

  • Could buffering settings cause this?

    Like if you have triple it says there could be a delay between press and action

  • @eva1977 said in SOT's biggest flaw (my opinion):

    @blam320 Well not just talking about me when it comes to the issue and does not happen with any other online pvp game except with SOT, i have also seen it happen to players on youtube so it seems to be a common problem.

    Which YouTubers describe having input lag lasting several seconds? I've heard plenty about hit registration issues - which are going to be a problem so long as Microsoft forces Rare to rely on previous-gen server hardware for the sake of Consoles - but nothing about severe input lag.

  • @burnbacon i mean it could be that, i don't know but it happens quite often and like i said does not happen in any other game but when i have lag its evident, it's more like it becomes unresposive for seconds. The other day i invited one of my friends to play and sure enough it failed for him and he said "now i remember why i stopped playing this game". he just went back to COD and will not return along with my entire crew we all have decent speed and never experience this in any other game.
    There's also a clip of a youtuber experiencing this issue in the middle of an intense battle, i'll see if i can find the clip as he has tons of videos and don't remember exactly on which clip this happened.
    The youtuber is called "Cliff the Story guy" but he has tons of videos i don't know where it happened as i would have to rewatch all videos that i've watched from him but it was a fairly recent one.

  • Nothing I've ever experienced.
    What client do you play on? I use the Xbox app on PC.

  • @scheneighnay I play both on pc and xbox series s
    I mean it's refreshing to know it doesn't happen to many other users maybe it is a problem on my end.

  • Can’t say I’ve experienced this issue either. Xbox Series X.

  • Found the clip at minute 6:50 the same exact thing happens to me consistently maybe for him it was a one time thing

  • @eva1977 said in SOT's biggest flaw (my opinion):

    @scheneighnay I play both on pc and xbox series s
    I mean it's refreshing to know it doesn't happen to many other users maybe it is a problem on my end.

    Check your NAT type, Xbox and Microsoft apps freak out when it's not open.

    Pretty sure there are built-in tools in box Xbox and the app to test it.

  • @scheneighnay Cool thank you i will look in to that to see if there's an issue there.

  • @eva1977 One issue I've consistently dealt with is the prompt to release my spirit upon death. I hit the "r" button and it starts to activate, only to cancel. I try a second time and it cancels. The third time is typically when it works, but today I had it fail to activate 5 times, and seconds matter when you're taking on water. I spawned back in with bucket in hand just to hear the sound of my ship sinking. This has been an issue I've dealt with literally forever. Now after equipping my bucket, I experience a 1-1.5 second delay on the initial animation. Again, seconds matter when you're taking on water and seeing my ping be consistently 65-70 with everything else working just fine is infuriating. It's bad when a large portion of my sinks are attributed to inexplicably delayed animations that should work when everything else does.

  • @antwonobi Similar issue happens to me with the bucket and animations, just frustrating.

  • I semi-frequently experience this ‘jamming’. It happens the most when I’m about to be attacked or am being attacked with a sword. It’s infuriating

  • @scurvywoof i got sometimes simillar "jamming" when cannon is not reolading properly but i think it's something with connection.

  • Insane how many people here act like certain issues don't exist because they didn't stumble upon them (i.e. cheaters).

    The clunky, inconsistent delay between shooting and pulling out your gun is absolutely awful and does happen on occasion, typically losing me the board. And I have seen content creators' guns refusing to fire too.

  • Yup, it's an issue. Infuriating when you finally get that board and then you die because your pirate doesn't ADS or the gun doesn't fire. Same for bucket. My internet connection is good, I have a 250mbit connection and my ping is rarely above 50. FPS is pretty much 144 all the time. You see streamers have this issue all the time as well.

    There's also the thing where sometimes you can ADS directly without delay and sometimes you have to wait. As soon as you've waited it out once, it works without delay. Seems to happen most often when you grab something like a ladder, wheel etc. Extremely weird and inconsistent.

  • @eva1977 said in SOT's biggest flaw (my opinion):

    I love the game don't get me wrong but there is one aspect of it that makes me really put down the control and walk away.
    Some friends of mine that used to play SOT left because of this and never came back as well. I am talking about how a lot of the actions fail to work or activate when you need them to.
    Example you pull out your gun and it fails or fails to fire (you lose because of this), you have to press the button multiple times and then it finally responds but by then it's to late.
    Same thing with the bucket or many other items and seems to happen quite often when you are in the heat of battle and when you needed to fail the least.
    Just wondering if there is any input from developers on this and if there is any plans to resolve it or simple will be part of the game?

    Sounds like input lag and from your response to the other guy there you say its just this game?

    I had similar issues.
    I fixed it by uninstalling mozilla firefox and clearing cache.

    Give it a try.
    No idea why it worked but it did for me.

  • @shadow20642 sound's crazy i will try it too!

  • So looks like it is a known issue and not alone on this, so this mostly happens to me when fighting other players and when you need it to work perfectly so it is extremely frustrating.

  • @obamaswettoe said in SOT's biggest flaw (my opinion):

    Insane how many people here act like certain issues don't exist because they didn't stumble upon them (i.e. cheaters).

    The clunky, inconsistent delay between shooting and pulling out your gun is absolutely awful and does happen on occasion, typically losing me the board. And I have seen content creators' guns refusing to fire too.

    Don't be disingenuous. We're not saying that certain issues outright don't exist, we're trying to get people to stop spewing hyperbole. These issues might happen, but some will claim that they're so widespread that surely everyone must be encountering them, which simply isn't true.

  • Let's not forget the ever-common cannonball reload issues when you're trying to rapid fire...

  • Thats IT! I'm quitting SOT! IM over ALL THESE BUGS! SEA OF BUGS!!! IM OVER IT!

  • Sometimes they are all rage quit material, and when food is not being consumed in the middle of the battle...... this one drives me crazy!

  • Yeah happens to me too, I never really experienced this issue before, but now it feels to be happening very often. I don't take this game too serious to rage quit over this, also I find this to be similar to sports where you blame the person who took the last shot and missed, forgetting that there was a myriad of opportunities throughout the whole game and that last second should wouldn't have mattered if the team capitalized on opportunities and finished the job earlier.

    I did rage quit yesterday when I engaged a skelly galleon and mid fight a meg attacked me. I tried to finish off the gally quick, but could not put enough holes into them, later I was just bailing and fixing the ever increasing amount of holes before sinking ^^

  • @blam320 said in SOT's biggest flaw (my opinion):

    @eva1977 said in SOT's biggest flaw (my opinion):

    @blam320 so long as Microsoft forces Rare to rely on previous-gen server hardware for the sake of Consoles

    Please kindly stop spreading this misinformation. That is not the cause of the hit registration issues.

    The hit registration issue is caused by many complex system interacting with one another and the boats. The boats are the most intensive things on the servers. Bullets and their drop are calculated by the system in real time. There are tons of complex calculations going on, that contribute to the hit registration issue.

    It literally has zero to do with support for last generation consoles.

    I know it is has been brought up in the official discord and it has been brought up on the official podcast.

  • I usually get my weapon refusing to fire if I cancelled it's reload animation by changing mid amination. It should replay the reload but instead it just leaves it empty which I guess is kind of realistic but annoying in the heat of battle. The one I've been getting the most since season 8 is my bucket not working straight away on first usage.

  • @eva1977 after many thousounds of hours and multiple pl accounts I was about to write a similar post. The servers are becoming so bad that I almost gave up the game now if I do its so laggy and the input so bad that it's not fun anymore it's a chore to play sot I don't know what happend. It it used to be great now I upgrade to. Series x and the game gets worse and worse to the point I don't even play now it's very frustrating. Pretty much just a rant and a message to sort the game out. On a lighter note much also much frustration @sot

  • @eva1977 anyone with an opinion will have there 2 cents. But I fully agree its getting bad

  • @hornet-hill-19 Just yesterday i experienced the dreaded bucket delay where i attempted to scoop up some water and just did nothing for about 3 seconds while pressing the button about 5 times.

  • Lol "muSt bE aN iSsUe wItH jUsT yOu"

    Anyone who has any experience with this game knows of this issue. It doesn't happen ALL the time but it does happen enough that it should really be addressed.

    Super annoying. I've gotten in the habit of double tapping just to be certain

  • @paparug420 I can understand lag and even though can make a game unplayable for a bit or even have to restart your console or router etc, it doesn't happen often but having your gun misfire or some other randome mechanic fail on a regular basis causing you to lose matches especially in the new pvp mode then something definitely needs to be done about it.
    At one point i was secondguessing my ability in SOT and saying am i really that bad? Which i am, but then the game also keeps throwing this wrench at me.
    Not to elevate my ego or anything but if i play COD or Battlefield i know i can hold my own and if i lose it is because other players are better which is how it should be. Not because of unresponsive controls.

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