[Mega Thread] Custom Servers

  • @bloodybil if rare wants to lose out on the money pvers would pay to buy the game with the option of pve servers thats their choice. and its truly sad, they have an amazing game on their hands that a ton of players will never see or experience because they believe sea of thieves should force social interaction. their forced social interaction results in crews of gankers sinking regular casual players just to be toxic. but hey, thats their choice. sad thing is, all the mechanics are there, its no extra programming to turn pvp off on a server. there are tons fo games where you can play both pve and pvp and just keep them separate so pve grinders dont out gold the toxic gankers. but it is what it is, so if rare wants to give up on several million dollars its their choice.

    its the wrong choice but its theirs.

  • @trathan1955 and im not sure if you know this, even Rockstar got it through their heads finally and gave fully working invite only server sessions to its players in july and its numbers are back on the rise with all the pve'ers knowing they can play the game with friends and not have to deal with toxic random pvpers screwing up their game time.

  • @pteth, [Mega Thread] Custom Servers içinde yazdı:

    @trathan1955 and im not sure if you know this, even Rockstar got it through their heads finally and gave fully working invite only server sessions to its players in july and its numbers are back on the rise with all the pve'ers knowing they can play the game with friends and not have to deal with toxic random pvpers screwing up their game time.

    Thats the whole point. Every game does this. Sea Of Thieves does not however. Which makes it uniqe. Creating player interaction that you can't see in any other game. Sure, bringing PVE servers may let Rare make bank but thats not what they want. They want their game to be uniqe and stand out. This comes with some side effects such as spawncamping trolls but it also lets uniqe player interaction.

  • Is this a PvE server thread or a custom server thread? Those are two different things.

    PvE servers will never happen thankfully. It would kill the game. You sheep wouldn't play any more after you had 400 million gold and were alone the whole time. 90% of this game is interaction with other pirates. The treasure, and the experience of collecting it, is more valuable if its hard to get. Its hard to get when contested by other players. If you want a PvE server just open up the calculator on your computer press '1' '+' '1' then 'enter' on your keyboard. You can watch that number go up forever. If you're smart you can code a little "ching" sound every time it gets another digit.

    Custom servers are completely different. No rewards given. You don't make gold. That will be freakin' awesome one day. We will see competitions and tournaments and all kinds of cool stuff. But, can't have that until we can block with our swords and hits register.

  • @tenriak two things. first, your toxicity is typical and why alot of players dont want to touch this game. secondly, how would pve servers even effect you as most players who want sea of thieves pve dont even play the game now? youre just touting your opinions about whats valuable, its a freaking video game and i feel extremely sad for you and your life if thats what you need to validate your existence by there being a value to a virtual treasure. and you OBVIOUSLY know nothing about pve experience or hanging out with good people. so run along and be toxic on your stream with your 12 viewers. im done with ya.

  • @thorumsu their game stands out alright, its second only to rust in reputation for toxicity. no wonder the player base for SOT is declining.

  • Hello. I would like a change to be applied to the installation of Sea of ​​Thives in the Xbox App for PC since this does not allow the installation of it in a custom folder like other games or this same one in Steam and this is my main reason why which I don't play since I don't want to use the default folders of the Launcher. I haven't played for a few months because of this. And in feedback they have not listened to this suggestion. Please, can you communicate this to the development team or that they remove the game from Xbox and give it to me for Steam since this problem affects me when managing my files. Thank you.

  • any updates?

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