The most boring thing in sea of thieves

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    Should we do something to prevent it from lasting hours?

    Unfortunately, people think it's a good thing even though it's PvEvP. Escaping is okay. But for how long??? That's the problem. No way to catch up to the enemy unless they're not very good at sailing.

  • 69
  • I doubt I've spent more than an hour chasing boats total in the last couple of years.

    The only times I run for longer than a few minutes are entirely to secure my win conditions. Loot/comms/megs/krakens. Most of the time it's not necessary but sometimes it is.

    We choose how we approach our sessions. We don't owe anyone anything and they don't owe us anything in gameplay.

    At the amount of time I have played and still play it's immeasurable how much frustration I have prevented and how many rewarding experiences I have found because I don't spend hours doing stuff I do not want to do.

    People do what they don't want to do and then they take it out on everyone else through trying to change the game and through trying to force obligations. People get to play how they want to play and people are choosing to do stuff they don't want to do.

    SoT ego, it's gotta go to have fun, it's the only way. That applies to the cat and the mouse.

    If it ain't fun or rewarding, don't do it. There are other servers and other boats.

  • If you don't want to chase for hours, realize you can't catch them and take the L.

    If you don't want to be chased for hours, realize you need to turn and fight.

    No one is making you chase or run. You are doing it to yourself, so if you don't want to do that then stop.

  • No-one needs to turn round and fight if they don't want too. The choice is there's just like there's a choice to chase someone. If you want PvP with no ability to escape, hourglass fulfills that role, otherwise ambush better.

  • You have no solution, that's funny.

    It's not possible to chase a runner without wasting your time.

    Just today, I had to chase a brig for 30 minutes. It's not possible to catch up to it if they know what they're doing.

    They go around islands, go against the wind. Take no chances of turning back. It's frustrating, and you know it. At the same time, it's hard to impose the reality of things here.

  • @wolfmanbush a dit dans The most boring thing in sea of thieves :

    I doubt I've spent more than an hour chasing boats total in the last couple of years.

    Yeah, because you know it's a waste of time, and maybe you're not even trying to PvP. Correct me if I'm wrong. But in any case, the game is PvEvP. If we can't even catch up to fleeing ships, then how do we fight? No ship wants to face us? It's a game design problem.

    And that's okay! We just need to admit it and try to find something together!

  • Should we do something to prevent it from lasting hours?

    @subduedsneeze35 Good news! There is something you can do to 'keep it form lasting hours'; Stop chasing.

    Escaping is okay. But for how long??? That's the problem.

    It's only a problem if you think you're owed PvP just because you're chasing them. Which you're not.

    No way to catch up to the enemy unless they're not very good at sailing.

    Be better at sailing. Try to catch the wind at a different angle. Hope they have to lose their perfect angle to avoid rocks, islands, or emergent events.

    Your post is, oddly, just like a recently-banned persons who also claimed 'chasing for hours' is bad. Hmm...

  • @guildar9194

    It's only a problem if you think you're owed PvP just because you're chasing them. Which you're not.

    Is it a PvEvP game?

  • @subduedsneeze35 said in The most boring thing in sea of thieves:


    It's only a problem if you think you're owed PvP just because you're chasing them. Which you're not.

    Is it a PvEvP game?

    It is. But that does not mean someone has to be forced to fight you. So your question has no bearing on my statement.

  • Ahoy maties!

    Just dropping by to remind players that Sea of Thieves is a PvPvE game and a Shared World Adventure Game (SWAG).

    A sandbox where players of all types and playstyles are dropped into an open world. There is no requirement for a player to partake in any feature they don't want to.

    And, because of this, there are mechanics available to all ships that they can use to avoid and partake in PVP at their own will.

  • @musicmee

    So you can play it like a PvE? With no risk?

    Everyone on Reddit agrees that chasing someone is exhausting and a waste of time for both crews. So, are we just leaving it like that? Are you okay with the runner always winning?

  • I agree with OP.

    Running should be nerfed or made WAY harder to pull off.
    If you want to experience some of the most miserable gameplay SoT has to offer, try emissary hunting on a sloop. Everyone can, and most likely will run away for you.
    Plundering shouldn't be such a timesink in a pirate game, for both parties involved.

    Part of the solution in my opinion would be to incentivize people to fight back. Maybe giving a high amount of rep for whatever faction you're representing or a set amount of gold for sinking a reaper ship.

  • Disagree

    If you're chasing and they're running and get away, then they get away.

    Even you get frustrated at people running, it doesn't mean they should be forced to fight.

    Incentives might work but tbh most people who don't want to fight, won't fight.

  • @subduedsneeze35 said in The most boring thing in sea of thieves:


    Should we do something to prevent it from lasting hours?

    Unfortunately, people think it's a good thing even though it's PvEvP. Escaping is okay. But for how long??? That's the problem. No way to catch up to the enemy unless they're not very good at sailing.

    Oh but there is a better at sailing instead of taking ham-fisted approaches to enemy ships.

    Also Rare nerfed the running options considerably when they made it so the Red Sea basically gives you the loot when a ship sinks there. So if you are unable to trap them in a map corner, then maybe work on your own strategy and sailing skills as that seems to be what is lacking here. Increase your own skill instead of asking for the game to hand it to you on a platter - Rare already did that for you with the Red Sea nerf.

    No one owes you a fight, if you want it you need to do a better approach to catch or trap them. The game is not at fault, your strategy may be though.

  • @gotszu said in The most boring thing in sea of thieves:

    I agree with OP.

    Running should be nerfed or made WAY harder to pull off.
    If you want to experience some of the most miserable gameplay SoT has to offer, try emissary hunting on a sloop. Everyone can, and most likely will run away for you.
    Plundering shouldn't be such a timesink in a pirate game, for both parties involved.

    Part of the solution in my opinion would be to incentivize people to fight back. Maybe giving a high amount of rep for whatever faction you're representing or a set amount of gold for sinking a reaper ship.


    No amount of reward will incentivize people who don't feel like PvP at that time.
    All making running harder to do is 2 things:

    1. Anyone who dislikes PvP will leave the game, as they are now unable to run without being punished for it.
    2. Tell anyone who dislikes PvP to not try the game, as they will be forced into PvP via mechanics that favor the chaser.

    PvP players need to learn that they're not owed PvP.
    And that's all this is; Someone deciding "People running from me is boring for me. Make them fight me!"

    @subduedsneeze35 said in The most boring thing in sea of thieves:


    So you can play it like a PvE? With no risk?

    Everyone on Reddit agrees that chasing someone is exhausting and a waste of time for both crews. So, are we just leaving it like that? Are you okay with the runner always winning?

    Everyone on Reddit agrees that chasing someone is exhausting and a waste of time for both crews.

    Did someone pass a rule stating reddit speaks for everyone? No?

    So, are we just leaving it like that?

    Yes, we are leaving it 'like that'. Because PvPers are not owed PvP.

    Are you okay with the runner always winning?

    The runner does not always win. Your argument is hyperbole.

  • @subduedsneeze35 said in The most boring thing in sea of thieves:

    @wolfmanbush a dit dans The most boring thing in sea of thieves :

    I doubt I've spent more than an hour chasing boats total in the last couple of years.

    Yeah, because you know it's a waste of time, and maybe you're not even trying to PvP. Correct me if I'm wrong. But in any case, the game is PvEvP. If we can't even catch up to fleeing ships, then how do we fight? No ship wants to face us? It's a game design problem.

    And that's okay! We just need to admit it and try to find something together!

    It's gotten to the point where I can't stand brigs. I think they are too fast, they don't have weaknesses and brigs enable specific types of crews that I don't think are doing the game any favors. Their speed has largely made brig/sloop fights and cat and mouse scenarios irrelevant. Used to be fun to fight solo v brig and it's not fun anymore so I opt out.

    I'll hurl my chains at 'em (if I have any) and bag a few first but once they start doing what a large majority of aggressive brigs do now in SoT I leave or sink by not repairing during the fight.

    They get to play how they wanna play and I get to move on to more enjoyable scenarios.

    If it ever changes I'll opt back in but until then I'm not investing time in something I don't enjoy.

    That's how it goes in a sandbox.

  • @dlchief58

    You can't be better at sailing than someone who knows how. It's easy to navigate in SOT. It's just hard for noobs.

    So, are you telling me that the only ones I can catch are the beginners who know nothing about navigation?

    Explain to me how you catch a runner if their crew knows how to navigate

  • This is an entirely self-imposed problem. No one owes another crew a fight, or their time. Just as they can choose to run from you, you can choose to back off, and go after someone else.

  • @Guildar9194

    Wether it's them escaping or the pursuer catching up to them, a chase shouldn't last for hours as it can very much be the case right now. It's just objectively boring gameplay.

    Nobody owes anybody anything, but chasing should be made more dynamic, even skill based if possible and shouldn't be about who's willing to waste the most of their evening.

    Playing as the "pirate" in a pirate game shouldn't be such a dreadful experience for anyone that's not playing the brigantine.

  • @valor-omega a dit dans The most boring thing in sea of thieves :

    This is an entirely self-imposed problem. No one owes another crew a fight, or their time. Just as they can choose to run from you, you can choose to back off, and go after someone else.

    So, if you're looking for someone to fight/steal in the sandbox, what do you do? Because HG is separate. There's not much loot to steal. It's very rare to see loot on a ship in HG.

  • @gotszu said in The most boring thing in sea of thieves:


    Wether it's them escaping or the pursuer catching up to them, a chase shouldn't last for hours as it can very much be the case right now. It's just objectively boring gameplay.

    Nobody owes anybody anything, but chasing should be made more dynamic, even skill based if possible and shouldn't be about who's willing to waste the most of their evening.

    Playing as the "pirate" in a pirate game shouldn't be such a dreadful experience for anyone that's not playing the brigantine.

    Wether it's them escaping or the pursuer catching up to them, a chase shouldn't last for hours as it can very much be the case right now.

    That's your fault for chasing 'for hours'.
    Why should they be forced to fight you just because you don't want to drop the chase?

    chasing should be made more dynamic, even skill based if possible and shouldn't be about who's willing to waste the most of their evening.

    Good news; It is! Whoever manages their sails better, & keeps an eye on the wind, will do better!
    IE: Skill! Wow!

    How would you make it 'more dynamic'?
    As far as I can see, that's just code for 'Make people fight me, because I can't win chases.'

  • @gotszu said in The most boring thing in sea of thieves:


    Wether it's them escaping or the pursuer catching up to them, a chase shouldn't last for hours as it can very much be the case right now. It's just objectively boring gameplay.

    Nobody owes anybody anything, but chasing should be made more dynamic, even skill based if possible and shouldn't be about who's willing to waste the most of their evening.

    Playing as the "pirate" in a pirate game shouldn't be such a dreadful experience for anyone that's not playing the brigantine.

    So if two equal skill crews are involved in a chase, what should happen?

  • @guildar9194

    That's your fault for chasing 'for hours'.
    Why should they be forced to fight you just because you don't want to drop the chase?

    It's the fault of the game design, not the fault of the players. We play as the game intends. So, are you telling us that we should stop chasing for good? Then how do we fight PvP in a PvEvP if we cant catch up anybody?

  • @subduedsneeze35 As a primarily solo sloop player, I go after whoever I feel like, depending on my mood. If they want to fight, cool, I'll happily fight them. On the flip side, if someone runs off, I will try a couple tactics to secure an anchor and boarding attempts, but if goes south I will move on - got bigger fish to fry.

    I'm not going to waste my time chasing someone who's not interested, nor am I going to come onto forums, and whine about how supposedly unfair it is, and demand devs to add some kind of stipulation to make it easier for me to catch prey.

  • @guildar9194

    That's your fault for chasing 'for hours'.
    Why should they be forced to fight you just because you don't want to drop the chase?

    That's their fault for running "for hours"! Bad argument, this is not about people owing me a fight, but, as OP pointed out, the chase/chaser dynamic being essentially about who's willing to waste the most of their time. It's very stale gameplay.

    Good news; It is! Whoever manages their sails better, & keeps an eye on the wind, will do better!
    IE: Skill! Wow!

    Not even gonna bother commenting on that. Dishonest take at best, litteral 12 hours played take at worst.

  • @valor-omega

    I'm not going to waste my time chasing someone who's not interested, nor am I going to come onto forums, and whine about how supposedly unfair it is, and demand devs to add some kind of stipulation to make it easier for me to catch prey.

    Over 5k player is whining about it on reddit. And the courent player base on SOT is 10k to 15k(max) every day.

  • @subduedsneeze35 Guess those players should git gud, or quit going on needlessly long chases ¯\ (ツ)

  • @subduedsneeze35 said in The most boring thing in sea of thieves:


    That's your fault for chasing 'for hours'.
    Why should they be forced to fight you just because you don't want to drop the chase?

    It's the fault of the game design, not the fault of the players. We play as the game intends. So, are you telling us that we should stop chasing for good? Then how do we fight PvP in a PvEvP if we cant catch up anybody?

    So, are you telling us that we should stop chasing for good?

    More hyperbole, because you lack a real argument.
    I'm telling you to get better at chases. I have both won and lost chases as the chaser & the chasee. So your 'Chasers never win' stance is factually wrong.

    Then how do we fight PvP in a PvEvP if we cant catch up anybody?

    Again; Get better at chases.

    • Learn how to ambush by using islands to block line of sight.
    • Learn how to use the wind.
    • Learn when you can turn broadside and pop off a shot or two mid-chase.
    • Learn how to use the Eye of Reach to snipe the other ship.
    • Learn how to launch yourself (or teammates) at the enemy ship.

    Or, you know, keep incorrectly claiming it's impossible & demand other players in the sandbox do what you want, I guess.

    @gotszu said in The most boring thing in sea of thieves:


    That's your fault for chasing 'for hours'.
    Why should they be forced to fight you just because you don't want to drop the chase?

    That's their fault for running "for hours"! Bad argument, this is not about people owing me a fight, but, as OP pointed out, the chase/chaser dynamic being essentially about who's willing to waste the most of their time. It's very stale gameplay.

    Good news; It is! Whoever manages their sails better, & keeps an eye on the wind, will do better!
    IE: Skill! Wow!

    Not even gonna bother commenting on that. Dishonest take at best, litteral 12 hours played take at worst.

    You mean you had no argument, so you're going to ignore it and attack me.
    Good to know I'm right and you're wrong. Thanks for making it clear.

  • @guildar9194

    We're not the only ones finding it dull and boring. It's a game of ships where no one wants to take the risk of fighting? It's bad. Not fun. A waste of time.

    One day, we'll have to admit that the game lacks maturity. Nobody wants to chase for hours, right? So, if it's not fun, it's the fault of the game design. If a feature is poorly balanced and extremely unpleasant, we should fix it.

  • @subduedsneeze35 And so the solution is to add artificial stipulation/rules to punish runners who are not interested in entertaining you, who elects to unendingly chase? Rules for thee, but not for me, apparently.

  • @gotszu That stale gameplay only happens, because people z-target another ship for hours on end, instead of taking the L and either swapping servers, or going after someone else. Entirely self-imposed issue.

  • @subduedsneeze35 said in The most boring thing in sea of thieves:


    You can't be better at sailing than someone who knows how. It's easy to navigate in SOT. It's just hard for noobs.

    So, are you telling me that the only ones I can catch are the beginners who know nothing about navigation?

    Explain to me how you catch a runner if their crew knows how to navigate

    ???? So you are admitting you suck at sailing then and want it nerfed so you do not have to improve either your skill or strategy? That is what I am hearing here.

    You know how to get better? Work at it and play smarter instead of bee-lining to the first ship you see. If you can't do that, I don't know what to tell you as you've already lost mentally.

    If you can't think past chasing someone, don't expect me to help you on that one. You have other options, it is up to you to figure out what works best for you and your crew since out-sailing others is beyond your scope.

  • @subduedsneeze35 said in The most boring thing in sea of thieves:


    We're not the only ones finding it dull and boring. It's a game of ships where no one wants to take the risk of fighting? It's bad. Not fun. A waste of time.

    One day, we'll have to admit that the game lacks maturity. Nobody wants to chase for hours, right? So, if it's not fun, it's the fault of the game design. If a feature is poorly balanced and extremely unpleasant, we should fix it.

    It's a game of ships where no one wants to take the risk of fighting?

    Except other players will fight. So all you're doing is using more hyperbole.

    Nobody wants to chase for hours, right? So, if it's not fun, it's the fault of the game design.

    Then. Don't. Chase. For. Hours! YOU ARE NOT OWED PVP!

    If a feature is poorly balanced and extremely unpleasant, we should fix it.

    A feature is not 'poorly balanced and extremely unpleasant' just because a few ego-driven PvP players can't understand that they won't get what they want every time.

    One day, we'll have to admit that the game lacks maturity.

    The game is not the one lacking maturity, mate.

  • @guildar9194

    Good to know I'm right and you're wrong. Thanks for making it clear.

    What a childish attitude you're displaying.

    I'm trying to show you you're missing the point of the thread. Nobody cares that people run, let them. But as of right now, yes, chasing someone is boring gameplay that can stretch on for extremely long time and that's a problem.

    Through gameplay or incentives, escaping/catching up should be settled faster or be made more fun to engage in.

  • @valor-omega

    I could be saying the same thing the other way around.

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