Noob question regarding Emissary Flags

  • So as I understand it, you reach Emissary level 5 until you either lower the flag or sink (perish the thought!) Upon reaching level 5 you get a level 5 mission which can be completed only once.

    So is it more lucrative to lower the flag and start again to get the mission again, or keep it u with the associated 150% emissary bonus until your play session is over?

  • 27
  • Unless I missed it, don't think you get a mission at level 5. Just best reward bonus. I hand in all loot on board when hit 5, then lower the flag and start again. Do it mainly for safety as appear on the map at level 5.

  • @captainwilks Depends on your goals and the time you have. The emissary quests you get at level 5 from the companies are just a bonus in the end.

  • @sideshowz1ggy

    I found this:

    “Once a Crew has achieved Grade V as a Company's Emissary, special Emissary Quests will become available for the Crew. These are collections of Quests with high-value rewards for that Company. Emissary Quests can be claimed at a Company Representative on Outposts. An Emissary Quest can be claimed for reaching Grade V just once, meaning that players will have to return their flag and work their way back to Grade V to claim another Quest in one session.”

  • @metal-ravage

    How lucrative are they in comparison to retaining your L5 emissary vs starting from L0 again mate?

  • @captainwilks Imo is better to keep your level 5 if you just want to keep grinding. The loot value multiplier at level 5 is more profitable than anything else.

  • @captainwilks ok, thanks for details. I'll have to pay more attention next time hit 5 and check mission.

  • @metal-ravage

    Thanks for the tip.

  • @captainwilks
    The gold hoarders, merchant alliance, and order of souls will offer you an emissary quest once you reach grade 5 with their respective emissary flags, however you have to acquire the voyage from the correct representative at an outpost after reaching grade 5, and you have to keep your flag to keep the voyage. If you lower your flag or sink and lose your flag, you'll lose the emissary voyage.

    Reaper grade 5 emissaries gain the ability to see all other emissaries on their ship's map table, instead of receiving a voyage.

    Grade 5 guild emissaries don't receive any bonus by reaching grade 5, but they do appear on everyone's map once they hit grade 5. The multiplier for guild emissaries is also maxed at +75% instead of +150%.

    I will likely never do a merchant emissary quest. They are not worth it at all.

    The order of souls emissary quests are ok but you are unable to get other voyages to appear at the same islands as your emissary quests, so if you have an order of souls emissary voyage at an island, it will likely only be that voyage at that location.

    Good hoarder emissary voyages can actually double up with normal gold hoarder voyages. If you vote on a gold hoarder voyage right before sailing to an island that has your gold hoarder emissary voyage on it, you can increase the amount of chests avaliable on that island. These are usually the only way I do emissary voyages now.

  • @testakleze

    Thanks - top tips.

    I’m itching to get at that loot now haha.

  • @testakleze sagte in Noob question regarding Emissary Flags:

    The gold hoarders, merchant alliance, and order of souls will offer you an emissary quest once you reach grade 5 with their respective emissary flags, however you have to acquire the voyage from the correct representative at an outpost after reaching grade 5, and you have to keep your flag to keep the voyage. If you lower your flag or sink and lose your flag, you'll lose the emissary voyage.

    Reaper grade 5 emissaries gain the ability to see all other emissaries on their ship's map table, instead of receiving a voyage.

    Grade 5 guild emissaries don't receive any bonus by reaching grade 5, but they do appear on everyone's map once they hit grade 5. The multiplier for guild emissaries is also maxed at +75% instead of +150%.

    I will likely never do a merchant emissary quest. They are not worth it at all.

    The order of souls emissary quests are ok but you are unable to get other voyages to appear at the same islands as your emissary quests, so if you have an order of souls emissary voyage at an island, it will likely only be that voyage at that location.

    Good hoarder emissary voyages can actually double up with normal gold hoarder voyages. If you vote on a gold hoarder voyage right before sailing to an island that has your gold hoarder emissary voyage on it, you can increase the amount of chests avaliable on that island. These are usually the only way I do emissary voyages now.

    Edit: you forgot that Athena's Fortune also gets a voyage for reaching level 5


  • @schwammlgott
    I knew I was forgetting something. Good eye

  • Pitching in with some more noob Emissary flag-related questions:

    If you are in an Alliance do all parties get Emissary rep for loot/actions?

    If so, is it same ratio of 100% for primary, and 50% for other Alliance/party members?

    Do all members of the Alliance have to have the same faction Emissary flag up from the start?

  • @old-jumby said in Noob question regarding Emissary Flags:

    Pitching in with some more noob Emissary flag-related questions:

    If you are in an Alliance do all parties get Emissary rep for loot/actions?

    Nope. The others get 50% of the core value, so you might get 1,000 gold plus 1,500 emissary bonus, the others will get 500 gold. Not sure if one of the others is the same emissary if they'll get a bonus on the 50% though, I don't think they should.

    If so, is it same ratio of 100% for primary, and 50% for other Alliance/party members?

    Do all members of the Alliance have to have the same faction Emissary flag up from the start?

    Nope, the emissary flag and alliance flag work separately. Alliance members can raise or lower every emissary flag they want.

    It may be more profitable to exchange loot with each other, e.g. if you're gold hoarder and the other is order of souls, I would gladly give the other skulls I have for some chests they might have. If you're stingy you might exchange only items that are about the same value, but getting 250% of the chests they'll give you (instead of the 50% you would have gotten) for the 50% of the value of the skulls you collected (instead of the 100% you would have gotten) and give to them is IMO better.
    Obviously if they have a dozen kingly chests and all you have is a foul bounty skull the exchange probably won't take place 😁.

  • @lem0n-curry

    Thanks for your input.

  • I just learned a lot from this post 😁

  • @slimmmmcity

    Glad to hear it :)

  • Why on ps5 can't I purchase an emissary flag or licence it does not give me the option anywhere even though I'm rank 15

  • @watson2201 said in Noob question regarding Emissary Flags:

    Why on ps5 can't I purchase an emissary flag or licence it does not give me the option anywhere even though I'm rank 15

    Did you buy the promotions for level 5, 10 and 15 ?

  • @lem0n-curry

    This. When I hit PL. I was scratching my head in the tavern as to why the secret stairs wouldn’t appear. It transpired that I hadn’t done this haha.

  • @lem0n-curry how do I go about doing that

  • @lem0n-curry said in Noob question regarding Emissary Flags:

    @watson2201 said in Noob question regarding Emissary Flags:

    Why on ps5 can't I purchase an emissary flag or licence it does not give me the option anywhere even though I'm rank 15

    Did you buy the promotions for level 5, 10 and 15 ?
    It just says about the promotion for rank 20 now and I can't find where to become an emissary

  • @watson2201
    It must be somehere in the menu of the shopkeeper, buy a Emissary licence or an Emissary flag.

    They changed the interface since I did it.

  • @watson2201

    Go to the relevant alliance merchant (gold hoarder / OOS / Merchant), if you chat to them. From there you can open a menu with ‘claim promotion’ at the top.

  • If you're in an Alliance and you have a grade 2 through 5 emissary flag up for any of the five companies, you DO get the associated multiplication bonus added to the base value if someone in your Alliance cashes in the corresponding loot (i.e. your running Gold Hoarder and someone turns in chests/artefacts). It doesn't matter if the crew turning in the loot has an emissary flag or not, as long as you do, you get the multiplier added.

  • @sideshowz1ggy you do not appear when you hit grade 5 unless you are reapers or guild

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