Fix your game, Rare.

  • Mouse and keyboard support on Xbox was meant to have been fixed and yet I spent the better part of 45 minutes having to quit and restart the game to get both the mouse and keyboard to work and even then my mouse cursor disappeared for the majority of our time sailing, making grabbing resources out of barrels and crates a sluggish undertaking.

    I also stood below deck for a solid 8 seconds spamming left mouse click to scoop up water while my pirate stood there and did NOTHING causing us to almost sink.

    Then 1 guy with a sword managed to kill 2 of us despite us blocking his attacks and then attacking him, his attacks somehow took priority and despite 2 people hitting him his combos were not interrupted but ours were.

    Still get mast bugs that don't show the mast drop after being chainshot, that's 3 months now that this bug has persisted.

    You people are beyond a joke when it comes to the maintenance of this game.

    I hope this game flops so hard for PS and that Rare wasted millions on a port that will see no significant support due to the utterly disgusting state of the game.

  • 26
  • @goofycs-811

    I hope this game flops so hard for PS and that Rare wasted millions on a port that will see no significant support due to the utterly disgusting state of the game.

    If the issues are fixed before the PS release (likely), then PS players aren’t going to notice the difference. You also assume millions were spent on porting a game? lol.

  • How sour I personally love this game and hope the investment works out so I can continue to play it

  • @goofycs-811 said in Fix your game, Rare.:

    I hope this game flops so hard for PS and that Rare wasted millions on a port that will see no significant support due to the utterly disgusting state of the game.

    The people that pay the price for that are the ones that live paycheck to paycheck and the ones that use the game as a resource to temporarily escape from whatever they are temporarily escaping from.

    There is no frustration in this game that justifies hoping for failure.

  • I dont see how "Xbox M&K" support will effect PS players :P They are console..Console players using Controller ^_^"

    You people are beyond a joke when it comes to the maintenance of this game.

    I find this Topic funny, good stand up.

  • Rare. you have tons of people that pay money for this game. You need to fix your latency and server performance issues. When your game doesn't work, it wastes my time and all the other players time. You have plenty of funding. I shouldnt be constantly teleporting from cannon to prawn during hourglass. Upstairs to downstairs and so on. I know its not my connection when my opponents and teammates are saying the same thing.

  • The devs are aware of the issue. While i dont like how rare treat updates by releasing vital fixes with major updates, i like this game and cant understand the wild logic of some people who when they simply become frustrated, they hope that the worst happens just because they were inconvenienced.

    It is not healthy for your own state of mind to be so negative about something that should not affect you so much.

  • I play mainly on PC and this issue doesnt affect me but this issue should have been a top priority for hotfixing, its a game breaking issue for those who play M/KB shouldnt have been more than a month without a fix.

  • It's been 9 weeks since the bug came out and no improvements have been made. Expected Rare L.

  • @I-Slxshie-I Please avoid engaging in personal arguments and derailing the topic of the thread. It is fine to debate the content of the post, and the viewpoints therein, but disrespecting any of your fellow pirates personally is against the pirate code, and our forum rules.

  • @burnbacon You can use a keyboard and mouse on PS5, there is a chance it will affect them.

  • I disagree just as a player but im going to say this i personally think the ghost/skelton curaeshould be fixed im saying in grinding for the ghost curse is rigged i hope RARE see this i think 2 hourglass matches gets you 2 reputations up and a loss gets you up half a level #Rare

  • @goldsmen
    You don't understand the logic behind a game I have supported for 6 years getting worse and worse with game-breaking bugs?

    I expect games I have spent good money on to work as intended, not to constantly disconnect me, not have basic features working when those features have been perfectly fine for 4 years.

    I don't take slop lying down, clearly the same cannot be said for many others who will vehemently defend a game that is incredibly broken.

  • @h0nor-b0y that's only at the earlier levels the further up the numbers you get the more wins you need to go up a level and the loss exp eventually become barley noticeable

  • @goofycs-811 said in Fix your game, Rare.:

    You don't understand the logic behind a game I have supported for 6 years getting worse and worse with game-breaking bugs?

    I expect games I have spent good money on to work as intended, not to constantly disconnect me, not have basic features working when those features have been perfectly fine for 4 years.

    I don't take slop lying down, clearly the same cannot be said for many others who will vehemently defend a game that is incredibly broken.

    The money angle makes sense for new players that bought the game. If they bought it recently and it's just a bunch of crashes and more extreme bugs then that makes sense.

    From a veteran player I don't think it makes much sense at all. At most, players bought the game and then chose to purchase cosmetics they wanted after that. Many players just use gamepass which has been a wild good deal so far. All the content has been free. Frustrations aside all of us veteran players got a very very good deal on this ride.

    It's frustrating to play this game sometimes but it's not expensive frustration, time compared to price makes the original cost pretty irrelevant imo.

    And if people are on gamepass they are getting all sorts of other options with that price tag.

  • @goofycs-811 said in Fix your game, Rare.:

    You don't understand the logic behind a game I have supported for 6 years getting worse and worse with game-breaking bugs?

    I expect games I have spent good money on to work as intended, not to constantly disconnect me, not have basic features working when those features have been perfectly fine for 4 years.

    I don't take slop lying down, clearly the same cannot be said for many others who will vehemently defend a game that is incredibly broken.

    No, i understand that has been happening, and i do get being frustrated, but not being so angry about it that you want said thing you supported for so long to fail and for everyone else who loves it to just deal with it failing.

    You arnt some higher authority who understands what is best for the game over everyone else and others dont just "take slop lying down", as i said, im not happy with how they treat things in this case, and most people are frustrated with the game now more than ever and are vocal about it. The difference being, most people want the game to get better rather than want it to fail just because the game is in a frustrating state.

    You can be angry with something without hoping it fails. Even many partners express frustrations about things that get totally messed up, and state that they want rare to do better when it happens. No one is "taking slop lying down" just because they dont agree with your verdict.

  • @wolfmanbush said:

    From a veteran player I don't think it makes much sense at all. At most, players bought the game and then chose to purchase cosmetics they wanted after that. Many players just use gamepass which has been a wild good deal so far. All the content has been free. Frustrations aside all of us veteran players got a very very good deal on this ride.

    Got my money's worth back when Arena was around. 60 bucks (or whatever full price was at the time) for the hours I spent in that mode was definitely a deal.

    I stopped supporting the game through emporium purchases shortly after they discontinued the mode. And they won't see another dollar from me until I see a change in the right direction. This is such a chronically mismanaged company that I almost want to do a case study to find out why.

    I have witnessed mods telling folks to fill support tickets, and support directing people back to the forums with their issues. I've witnessed conflicting PR messaging over their social media. Season after season of issues ignored, now to the point where some folks can't play without crashing. No follow-up from Rare on the matter, but that's not surprising, because communication is abysmal in general. I've witnessed how they utilize Insiders and without violating NDA, I will say I'm disappointed.

    When the folks writing the checks say "make a Monkey Island TT," the devs can't come back with "no I'd rather work on fixing bugs instead."

    I wish there was a way to fund the devs without funding Rare directly haha. Also art + music team needs a raise.

  • @theblackbellamy said in Fix your game, Rare.:

    @wolfmanbush said:

    From a veteran player I don't think it makes much sense at all. At most, players bought the game and then chose to purchase cosmetics they wanted after that. Many players just use gamepass which has been a wild good deal so far. All the content has been free. Frustrations aside all of us veteran players got a very very good deal on this ride.

    Got my money's worth back when Arena was around. 60 bucks (or whatever full price was at the time) for the hours I spent in that mode was definitely a deal.

    I stopped supporting the game through emporium purchases shortly after they discontinued the mode. And they won't see another dollar from me until I see a change in the right direction. This is such a chronically mismanaged company that I almost want to do a case study to find out why.

    I have witnessed mods telling folks to fill support tickets, and support directing people back to the forums with their issues. I've witnessed conflicting PR messaging over their social media. Season after season of issues ignored, now to the point where some folks can't play without crashing. No follow-up from Rare on the matter, but that's not surprising, because communication is abysmal in general. I've witnessed how they utilize Insiders and without violating NDA, I will say I'm disappointed.

    When the folks writing the checks say "make a Monkey Island TT," the devs can't come back with "no I'd rather work on fixing bugs instead."

    I wish there was a way to fund the devs without funding Rare directly haha. Also art + music team needs a raise.

    I like putting clues together and looking for the patterns in general but I have no idea. A big ole mystery to me.

    Such a cool experience though, even when something about it is irritating me.

    This season has been very frustrating for me but I still love it.

    One thing they have been consistent with is commitment to letting people do what they want to do and I very much enjoy that. Doing my own thing, pirates out there sailing around doing their thing. Will they attack? will they go on a stealth mission? Will they cost me my win conditions?

    The hunting is still too good and the shenanigans are still too random for me to abandon ship.

    Lots of issues that bug me to varying degrees but the organic experience in SoT is as good as gaming gets for me.

  • Reading this thread I hate to say it is like seeing anything in the state of the world and commenting on it. I would say many of use are disappointed in the state of the game; The bugs, server issues, exploits, EAC not working properly etc.. I was gone for a long time and came back off and on but before i came back full time around the last weeks of season 10 I noticed that something felt really off and it was the server issues. I at first blamed myself thinking reset the router and modem and kept troubleshooting everything just to learn no it's now the game. I was kind of disappointed to find out the game I loved in the past that I stopped playing due to not having a reasonable amount of time was in a bad state. When I was off and on the only real problems was just not much content to keep you playing. Now i came back to shots not registering servers rubber banding and randomly lagging and ship parts not loading or being interactable.

    I am still annoyed with the state of this and wondered what happened while I was gone and I started reading and found it. However here is where the problems always exist. It's the feedback cycle and it has three loops with customers then you have the executive feedback loop. You will always have the white knight that says XYZ company can never do any wrong and this creates problems and often these people should be ignored. There is nothing wrong with being positive however there is a lot of wrong letting yourself misplace blame and drinking the kool aid and listening to it's always ok and they work hard all the time etc. This creates complacency and ruins anything it touches. Then you will always have the negative nancy that anything you say, do, and fix will never be enough. These people usually mean well just like the white knight but at least they may tell you the problem so that gives you something but usually it's a general fix your stuff or this is awful etc.

    I have seen both types here and the third that keeps trying to help by stating what they see and try to give good and useful input. The problem here is these people are not as vocal/loud as the other two groups. Then we get into the lack of communication, infighting, and various other issues. So in the video they have addressed the fact that they realized the state/health of the game is not in the best place and are making a team for it. I commend them for saying it and noticing it HOWEVER when you do this it's expected that things will be communicated as of what's on this list as first on and what is the timeline to expect things to start changing. So far we don't know if the team has been built or still being built. We don't know the priority of the list other then general statements made on march 20th. Right now we are 7 days away from season 12 and the PS5 launch and on the 30th roughly 40 days past the sea of thieves preview video. It would be nice to have an update on the state of the game.

  • @burnbacon You are a rare employee who, with an alternate account, defends the team of developers at all costs. You are very sad arguing with the players who are trying to obtain a game without the millions of errors that SOT has and if you are not, then sadly, get a life.

  • @chip-hazard8275 I can guarantee you that BurnBacon is not an alt of a developer and while I'm at it, I can promise you no developer is going 'undercover' with alts on the forums to 'argue with players'.

  • @goofycs-811

    I understand you are frustrated but going on a mini-tantrum and curse them to hell is just silly.

  • @goofycs-811 said in Fix your game, Rare.:

    You people are beyond a joke when it comes to the maintenance of this game.

    I hope this game flops so hard for PS and that Rare wasted millions on a port that will see no significant support due to the utterly disgusting state of the game.

    Listen to me. Stay with me, goofycs-811.
    Now, repeat after me, goofycs-811:
    That sound is a derivation of an old Eskimo word that mothers used to calm their children.

3 out of 26