BootyHunters Are recruiting! Level 20 Guild. We welcome all. 12/24 members

  • 49
  • @goodguyandy4012 I as a new player would love to be in a guild,but by what do you mean somewhat active? As I am only free on weekends and maybe some weekdays in a month. So,with that information,would I be able to be recruited? If so,please let me know.

  • @crazygamerboi35

    Of course no problem :D

    If ur on ps5 just add me and ill invite you when im on.

  • @goodguyandy4012 Just wanted to hear if it's also fine if I added you on Xbox, I see your currntly, at the time I'm typing this, online and my gamertag or username is CrazyGamerBoi35, and I am free for the rest of tonight to play. Also notice I don't own a microphone and I don't use voice chat. I do still use the pirate speak radial menu and type to talk too. Hope that doesn't limit my ability to still be apart of your guild. Please respond once you read this. Thank you from CrazyGamerBoi35.

  • Added and invited you :D

  • @goodguyandy4012 me and a friend are revisiting SOT after a long break, both of us are athena 8 and will be pretty active for a good few months
    my name on xbox is Megamage15, i can add my friend to save you the trouble :)

  • @megamage15

    Added :D

  • I would like to join your guild. My psn is the_one1125 and I sent you a request.

  • @goodguyandy4012 Please don't keep creating new Threads for the same topic, you can simply add any additional updates/information with a post on this Thread.
    This Thread will be left open but any future Threads will be locked/deleted.

    Thank you.

  • Level 22 and 14/22 members now

  • Level 26 and 6 more available spots now!

  • I’m on xbox but i just sent you a friend request so i can join.

  • Can you invite me too? I wrote to your xbox profile Reserpente9852

  • @reserpente9852

    I’ll invite you later today when im on :D

  • @GoodGuyAndy4012 I'm looking to join if there are still any open slots!

  • I will be able to join but I play on pc so I don't know if that is a problem but also have a captained ship so you are free to pledge that.👍

  • My at is @averagperson1 btw

  • me and my friend are interested if you have 2 spots open, we play on pc, our gamertags are MikeOxAverage55 and smokybread17665, my discord is also smokybread if you want to talk there

  • @smokybread17665 ok

  • @smokybread17665 I have my own faction so we can play on there

  • @smokybread17665 I've sent you a discord friend request

  • Hello! Returning to the game after a little while, but have played the game on and off since release (500h). Would love to be part of the crew! mushy#8325 on Xbox

  • If you have space id like to join.

  • Hey GoodGuyAndy4012, i am CanadianZap and have been playing sea of theves for a bit, i have about 350 hours, I am a chill and usually looking to sail casually and join a guild. Would love to be part of your guild here.

  • Xbox gamertag SomecallTim?
    Have my own ships

  • @canadianzap
    Will invite you later today, 6-7 hours approx

  • I’d be interested in joining via Xbox. Returning player looking to get back into the swing of things

  • Level 37 and still room for 6 more active members! :D

  • Im interested in joining, are there any more spaces? Gamertag is Beltedsage

  • @beltedsage

    Yeah still have spots, just add me on Xbox and ill invite you

  • i am interested my gamertag is Chinese cat3267

  • hi i would like to join your guild (if possible) i have around 650 hours in the game user : broodjebal42196

  • 5 more spots open for active players! :D

    Level 42 right now

1 out of 49