Hackers teleporting on my ship

  • I know this game has anti-cheat but some nakeds spawned on my ship without a ship of there own blundered me through walls when ever I spawned knowing exactly where and when I would spawn and had infinite health I was wondering if other people having this issue is there gonna be a patch to fix this?

  • 20
  • Report and move on.

  • Unfortunately we are having the same problem and they are the only ones we are coming across. 2 cheaters and one player they are trying to boost. We reported all three over a couple hours ago and they are still going hard.

  • @ractk00n said in Hackers teleporting on my ship:

    I know this game has anti-cheat but some nakeds spawned on my ship without a ship of there own blundered me through walls when ever I spawned knowing exactly where and when I would spawn and had infinite health I was wondering if other people having this issue is there gonna be a patch to fix this?

    I came across a cheater who was completely invisible and had infinite health, kept spam killing us and nothing could hit him

  • unfortunately hackers are like the flu; they mutate to bypass anticheat software

  • @ractk00n
    They are bad at the game so they cheat. Clip it, report them and wait for their tears.

  • @belphegor1384 said in Hackers teleporting on my ship:

    unfortunately hackers are like the flu; they mutate to bypass anticheat software

    That isnt even the biggest problem.
    The problem is that cheats that exist in sot make the game look like its open source.
    I think the developers should take one season to figure out whats wrong with their game in a core level and try to eliminate those issues.
    Fight against aimbotters and wallhackers is common in every game, but I dont see people flying around and teleporting in csgo.

  • @papatankers2041 while i partly agree, i don’t think players will be happy with a season full of no content for what, 3months? like season 9 the player count will drop drastically. we don’t want a repeat of season nine.

  • @belphegor1384 said in Hackers teleporting on my ship:

    @papatankers2041 while i partly agree, i don’t think players will be happy with a season full of no content for what, 3months? like season 9 the player count will drop drastically. we don’t want a repeat of season nine.

    Joy in the long run is better than joy in the short term. Everyone gets bored of the new gimmick of the season within the first month but if cheating can be properly tackled that's good for the long-term health of the game and its player base. Sacrifice a bit now for the sake of the future.

  • @pyerack This is more than pathetic.
    I just started playing and I dont like this at all !
    You should call it how to cheat for a better moment pfff
    No this is just a looser move.
    Fight without fear, hunt treasure and dont cheat. Isnt it easy to try ?

  • Yeah, I sunk a hacker this evening (he was so bad he never fired a single cannonball), yet after he sunk, he was able to get on my ship thru the hull.

    It is what it is. They have to cheat cause they can't compete or get better. Record and report. It's only a matter of time til you find another, yawn.

  • @belphegor1384 said in Hackers teleporting on my ship:

    i don’t think players will be happy with a season full of no content for what, 3months? like season 9 the player count will drop drastically. we don’t want a repeat of season nine.

    Quite the opposite.

    Season 9 was a high QoL season. The people that played it had fun. That was the season where they started really improving world events and people were still focused on HG which allowed people to organically move around a lot of treasure. This allowed Fofs to do well and Fotds to return to being common.

    The only thing really negative about season 9 was content creators were engagement farming with "game is sunsetting" "game is in trouble". That never happened and it was never gonna happen, it was all just made up drama for clicks.

    The experience of actually playing season 9 was very solid for adventurers and those that wanted to steal without being caught up in twitter/twitch/youtube stuff.

    A bunch of partners were doing it too which is disappointing because they have a direct line to the devs, engagement farming with nonsense when literally having a way to communicate with the people that work on the game is pretty offputting conduct, imo. It's putting bad comms out there by people that many see as messengers.

    Just depends on what kind of season they pause things on. This recent patch ain't the one but the game changes all the time.

    I hope the game sees another season as strong in quality of experience as season 9 was.

  • @ractk00n said in Hackers teleporting on my ship:

    I know this game has anti-cheat but some nakeds spawned on my ship without a ship of there own blundered me through walls when ever I spawned knowing exactly where and when I would spawn and had infinite health I was wondering if other people having this issue is there gonna be a patch to fix this?

    Anyway, yeah I just got attacked randomly by a teleporting dude, said he did so because I was "labeled as a streamer"
    But because I wasn't recording the entire thing and didn't catch it the moment, he teleported into my ship, I cannot report him. Honestly this game is actually so pathetic I do not understand why I do this to myself. The only reason people are able to use cheats regardless of the anti-cheat is because the devs are only using the free trial version of EAC.

    I'm not even angry anymore, I'm just disappointed in myself for touching this piece of garbage again and again and again.

  • @wolfmanbush what are you talking about? season 9 was so lacklustre; plunder pass was trash, no new content. just a lot of community weeks and small events. It was a bland 7+months

  • @belphegor1384 said in Hackers teleporting on my ship:

    @papatankers2041 while i partly agree, i don’t think players will be happy with a season full of no content for what, 3months? like season 9 the player count will drop drastically. we don’t want a repeat of season nine.

    I completely disagree with you there - I know many people who play the game and would love to see a focus on bug fixes, cheaters, exploit fixes instead of new content. I personally would be glad for the focus on game health from Rare at the cost of whatever new content they are trying to jam on top of the existing problems currently

  • @belphegor1384 said in Hackers teleporting on my ship:

    @wolfmanbush what are you talking about? season 9 was so lacklustre; plunder pass was trash, no new content. just a lot of community weeks and small events. It was a bland 7+months

    To you. The game did just fine and those that played it largely did just fine.

    The context you are leaving out is that risk/reward in this game was terrible and getting worse all the way through season 7. People played but they weren't taking risks and there was little going on outside of ultra casual play and coordinated play.

    Season 8 was a long overdo change to the meta that was driving people out of the organic experience.

    Season 9 was the first time in a very long time that players that play organically could grind again without constant pressure from hopping and content creation that was low on exciting content.

    In season 8 they specifically said that they were trying to take pressure off the pvers, they said that because they were acknowledging something that had long been an issue.

    Season 8 worked in that way and season 9 very much worked in that way.

    To you it may have been boring, to others it was the first time in a long time they could enjoy this game without the risk/reward being so terrible and so in favor of hopping and content creation.

    If they took time to improve the game the game would be fine as long as it has healthy risk/reward and opportunity for those that defend.

  • @bekkbloodaxe96 don’t lie…you thought season 9 was boring. even if just a little bit

  • @belphegor1384

    Not in the slightest! There were loads of QoL updates that really added to my experience on the waves!

  • @bekkbloodaxe96 well, glad someone was able to find joy in possibly the driest season in the history of SOT

  • @bekkbloodaxe96 said in Hackers teleporting on my ship:

    @belphegor1384 said in Hackers teleporting on my ship:

    @papatankers2041 while i partly agree, i don’t think players will be happy with a season full of no content for what, 3months? like season 9 the player count will drop drastically. we don’t want a repeat of season nine.

    I completely disagree with you there - I know many people who play the game and would love to see a focus on bug fixes, cheaters, exploit fixes instead of new content. I personally would be glad for the focus on game health from Rare at the cost of whatever new content they are trying to jam on top of the existing problems currently

    you couldnt say it better!!game needs fixing asap!i quit buyng stuff from emporium long time until they do something about it...they fix this and that...i cant feel the diference to be honest,i think it get day by day worst the state of the game...been on brig this morning trying to do hourglass...couldnt find players...the cheating problem its easy to resolve....Block 3rd party hardware´s (xim,chronus,all that cheating garbage),and stop forced crossplay!!...like it was before phill cheater spencer open the doors to PC´s with consoles!Crossplay its okay,if we want to crossplay...forced,its a complete garbage!cheaters in this game its a very common thing,i see cheaters every single day on sea of thieves,and about that anti cheat...i dont bealive it!

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