add manatees. plz k thx. bye.

  • manatee.

  • 5
  • Since it's likely open sea (or they're confined to Sharkbait [ooh ah ah]) can we call them dugongs at least? 😁

    I'm from Florida. I hate manatees lol.

    Preferably make them background so players can't kill/pet/harass them.

    I don't want them dead or extinct btw. They're just river cows.

  • Finally some sense, I second this

  • @th3-tater said in add manatees. plz k thx. bye.:

    ......can we call them dugongs at least? 😁

    I'm from Florida. I hate manatees lol.

    Nope. They're different. Look at the tails.

  • @kinishlol I'd like more ambient ocean life in general.

    Whales, dolphins, manatees, squid, octopi, manta rays...just stuff swimming around in the ocean that we can't necessarily interact with but is still cool to see there and breathes more life into the world.

3 out of 5