Gold-to-Doubloon exchange through Larinna?

  • As we now have a lot of seasons' worth of cosmetics available to purchase for Doubloons, it would make sense to make it a little easier to accrue them (but not too easy). You can currently exchange Doubloons for gold through Larinna, and it would make sense to offer the reverse but at an exchange rate so as to not devalue the rarity of Doubloons. It would also give players a gold sink who have nothing left to buy with gold (I'm currently on 63.5m gold without anything to purchase). I'd propose the following, which matches the discounts available for the existing exchange and inflates the perceived value of Doubloon (600/1500) items vs expensive gold (60-165k) items to ensure acquiring doubloons is not too easy:

    • 25,000g to obtain 25 Doubloons
    • 35,000g to obtain 50 Doubloons
    • 50,000g to obtain 100 Doubloons
  • 13
  • Keeps gifts and reaper chests relevant by not offering an exchange, so I’m down for keeping things the way they are. Plus, long term objectives = reasons to come back and keep playing.

  • The game economy has changed since the introduction of Gifts, Reaper's Chests and Ashen Chest contents. We didn't have the highly priced cosmetics from previous seasons back then. If you're serious about acquiring everything and started playing today. you would need to spend around 145,000 Doubloons. Yes, that should take a long time to acquire, but selling Rag & Bone crates for 5d, Generous Gifts for 10d or Reaper's Chests at 25d makes little dent in it. Even as a Grade V Reaper emissary that's going to be over 2,300 Reaper's Chests. A generous haul from a Skeleton Fleet comes to ~100d (or 175d as Guild emi or 250d as Reaper emi) but does the game loop really benefit from me server hopping for a fleet, completing it, then scuttling for a new one?

    Rare should consider reducing the grind, not retaining it. If I can acquire Doubloons with gold albeit at a very heavy cost, I'm incentivised to engage with content organically to obtain a mix of gold and Doubloons instead of streamlining and min-maxing a process to mine a purposelessly scarce currency. That is the problem with a lot of SoT's commendations - they do not incentivise organic play. It also gives gold a greater value as a veteran player. Instead of sinking someone and ignoring their loot because gold is worthless past a point, I would scoop it up and become another player on the seas with something to steal.

  • @loinbread said in Gold-to-Doubloon exchange through Larinna?:

    The game economy has changed since the introduction of Gifts, Reaper's Chests and Ashen Chest contents. We didn't have the highly priced cosmetics from previous seasons back then. If you're serious about acquiring everything and started playing today. you would need to spend around 145,000 Doubloons. Yes, that should take a long time to acquire, but selling Rag & Bone crates for 5d, Generous Gifts for 10d or Reaper's Chests at 25d makes little dent in it. Even as a Grade V Reaper emissary that's going to be over 2,300 Reaper's Chests. A generous haul from a Skeleton Fleet comes to ~100d (or 175d as Guild emi or 250d as Reaper emi) but does the game loop really benefit from me server hopping for a fleet, completing it, then scuttling for a new one?

    Rare should consider reducing the grind, not retaining it. If I can acquire Doubloons with gold albeit at a very heavy cost, I'm incentivised to engage with content organically to obtain a mix of gold and Doubloons instead of streamlining and min-maxing a process to mine a purposelessly scarce currency. That is the problem with a lot of SoT's commendations - they do not incentivise organic play. It also gives gold a greater value as a veteran player. Instead of sinking someone and ignoring their loot because gold is worthless past a point, I would scoop it up and become another player on the seas with something to steal.

    You also get doubloons every season for gaining levels of renown, also ashen keys and chests (and the books in them).
    Not to mention loads of Bilge Rat commendations that a new player will just get, I think even visiting islands in the Roar gives you doubloons. Some might need a bit more work, but there's plenty to get.

    The argument that a new player needs many doubloons: a new player needs millions and millions of gold to acquire all of the things that cost gold ... and in the process of doing that they will acquire doubloons as well.

  • So maybe just 1k gold = 1 dubloon?

    Now we paring all returning set on same price table as DA and it's good.

  • I dont think they will add a reverse exchange since im pretty sure doubloons are supposed to be hard to get and some people already have literal hundreds of millions worth of gold. That said, if they ever did decide to add a reverse exchange rate i believe it needs to be at a pretty heavy loss compared to how much gold you get from doubloons on a gold and glory event, that way if you did do it, you would have to be very sure about it.

    I dont know the conversion rate from doubloons to gold on either gold and glory or a normal day since i dont do it, but the above rates seem to be a bit unbalanced as is, considering you will get 2x as many buying the 50k to doubloon rate compared to the 25k, it should be an even conversion rate across the board if they were even to consider this system.

    Personally i would argue not to implement this just because the sparsity of doubloons is what makes them and the items gained from them fairly special, its supposed to be a slow process to gain them so that each item or set owned that costs them is testament to how much work or time some one has put into things, somewhat like the da set, especially with them re-releasing the old season items that now cost a pretty penny in doubloons like sudds jacket.

  • @lem0n-curry said in Gold-to-Doubloon exchange through Larinna?:

    @loinbread said in Gold-to-Doubloon exchange through Larinna?:

    The game economy has changed since the introduction of Gifts, Reaper's Chests and Ashen Chest contents. We didn't have the highly priced cosmetics from previous seasons back then. If you're serious about acquiring everything and started playing today. you would need to spend around 145,000 Doubloons. Yes, that should take a long time to acquire, but selling Rag & Bone crates for 5d, Generous Gifts for 10d or Reaper's Chests at 25d makes little dent in it. Even as a Grade V Reaper emissary that's going to be over 2,300 Reaper's Chests. A generous haul from a Skeleton Fleet comes to ~100d (or 175d as Guild emi or 250d as Reaper emi) but does the game loop really benefit from me server hopping for a fleet, completing it, then scuttling for a new one?

    Rare should consider reducing the grind, not retaining it. If I can acquire Doubloons with gold albeit at a very heavy cost, I'm incentivised to engage with content organically to obtain a mix of gold and Doubloons instead of streamlining and min-maxing a process to mine a purposelessly scarce currency. That is the problem with a lot of SoT's commendations - they do not incentivise organic play. It also gives gold a greater value as a veteran player. Instead of sinking someone and ignoring their loot because gold is worthless past a point, I would scoop it up and become another player on the seas with something to steal.

    You also get doubloons every season for gaining levels of renown, also ashen keys and chests (and the books in them).
    Not to mention loads of Bilge Rat commendations that a new player will just get, I think even visiting islands in the Roar gives you doubloons. Some might need a bit more work, but there's plenty to get.

    The argument that a new player needs many doubloons: a new player needs millions and millions of gold to acquire all of the things that cost gold ... and in the process of doing that they will acquire doubloons as well.

    You might remember that bilge rats commendations give doubloons but the devs seem to have forgotten since only some old commendations give doubloons as the new commendations only work as unlock requirements to buy more stuff.
    Also, there's a few doubloon sinks that old players will have used doubloons there when the cosmetics available weren't interesting and now with new stuff costing 1500 doubloons and RNG, old hard commendations or the plunder pass as the only ways to get doubloons makes me regret using the level ups specially when Ashen chests might be the only thing in it worth doubloons since you can get ashen treasure instead.
    I also am now trying to get the sit on a throne commendations but it's hard to find a crew that isn't trying to kill you on sight since it seems like you need to get someone from another crew to sit with you or it was bugged for me.

  • @astralenigma said in Gold-to-Doubloon exchange through Larinna?:

    I also am now trying to get the sit on a throne commendations but it's hard to find a crew that isn't trying to kill you on sight since it seems like you need to get someone from another crew to sit with you or it was bugged for me.

    There are two types of thrones; the smaller ones only need you, while the larger ones require persons of two crews (or more).

  • @lem0n-curry
    Thanks so I guess it's working as intended I just need to find a non-"blood thirsty" crew easy as pie.

  • @astralenigma said in Gold-to-Doubloon exchange through Larinna?:

    @lem0n-curry said in Gold-to-Doubloon exchange through Larinna?:

    @loinbread said in Gold-to-Doubloon exchange through Larinna?:

    The game economy has changed since the introduction of Gifts, Reaper's Chests and Ashen Chest contents. We didn't have the highly priced cosmetics from previous seasons back then. If you're serious about acquiring everything and started playing today. you would need to spend around 145,000 Doubloons. Yes, that should take a long time to acquire, but selling Rag & Bone crates for 5d, Generous Gifts for 10d or Reaper's Chests at 25d makes little dent in it. Even as a Grade V Reaper emissary that's going to be over 2,300 Reaper's Chests. A generous haul from a Skeleton Fleet comes to ~100d (or 175d as Guild emi or 250d as Reaper emi) but does the game loop really benefit from me server hopping for a fleet, completing it, then scuttling for a new one?

    Rare should consider reducing the grind, not retaining it. If I can acquire Doubloons with gold albeit at a very heavy cost, I'm incentivised to engage with content organically to obtain a mix of gold and Doubloons instead of streamlining and min-maxing a process to mine a purposelessly scarce currency. That is the problem with a lot of SoT's commendations - they do not incentivise organic play. It also gives gold a greater value as a veteran player. Instead of sinking someone and ignoring their loot because gold is worthless past a point, I would scoop it up and become another player on the seas with something to steal.

    You also get doubloons every season for gaining levels of renown, also ashen keys and chests (and the books in them).
    Not to mention loads of Bilge Rat commendations that a new player will just get, I think even visiting islands in the Roar gives you doubloons. Some might need a bit more work, but there's plenty to get.

    The argument that a new player needs many doubloons: a new player needs millions and millions of gold to acquire all of the things that cost gold ... and in the process of doing that they will acquire doubloons as well.

    You might remember that bilge rats commendations give doubloons but the devs seem to have forgotten since only some old commendations give doubloons as the new commendations only work as unlock requirements to buy more stuff.

    I wouldn't mind if upcomming Bilge Rat commendations will give some doubloons again. New players (as that was the argument of the other poster I replied to), will get a nice amount from them though.

    Also, there's a few doubloon sinks that old players will have used doubloons there when the cosmetics available weren't interesting and now with new stuff costing 1500 doubloons and RNG, old hard commendations or the plunder pass as the only ways to get doubloons makes me regret using the level ups specially when Ashen chests might be the only thing in it worth doubloons since you can get ashen treasure instead.

    That's on you (and others) though, you spend the doubloons for levels or for gold and now those are gone. Levels and gold are far more easy to come by. It took Rare a long time to come up with another way to spend doubloons, they should have putting old Season cosmetics much earlier in the shops.

    I did the gold conversion as well at times when we'd get a bonus an I was "low" on gold, I just sold around 2k doubloons though, around the amount I'd probably get until the next Gold & Glory event and keeping several thousands in reserve until there would be better things to spend on.

  • maybe it would work if they did it once a month for 1 hour u could exchange kinda like the golden rush but once a month

  • @lem0n-curry said in Gold-to-Doubloon exchange through Larinna?:

    @loinbread said in Gold-to-Doubloon exchange through Larinna?:

    The game economy has changed since the introduction of Gifts, Reaper's Chests and Ashen Chest contents. We didn't have the highly priced cosmetics from previous seasons back then. If you're serious about acquiring everything and started playing today. you would need to spend around 145,000 Doubloons. Yes, that should take a long time to acquire, but selling Rag & Bone crates for 5d, Generous Gifts for 10d or Reaper's Chests at 25d makes little dent in it. Even as a Grade V Reaper emissary that's going to be over 2,300 Reaper's Chests. A generous haul from a Skeleton Fleet comes to ~100d (or 175d as Guild emi or 250d as Reaper emi) but does the game loop really benefit from me server hopping for a fleet, completing it, then scuttling for a new one?

    Rare should consider reducing the grind, not retaining it. If I can acquire Doubloons with gold albeit at a very heavy cost, I'm incentivised to engage with content organically to obtain a mix of gold and Doubloons instead of streamlining and min-maxing a process to mine a purposelessly scarce currency. That is the problem with a lot of SoT's commendations - they do not incentivise organic play. It also gives gold a greater value as a veteran player. Instead of sinking someone and ignoring their loot because gold is worthless past a point, I would scoop it up and become another player on the seas with something to steal.

    You also get doubloons every season for gaining levels of renown, also ashen keys and chests (and the books in them).
    Not to mention loads of Bilge Rat commendations that a new player will just get, I think even visiting islands in the Roar gives you doubloons. Some might need a bit more work, but there's plenty to get.

    The argument that a new player needs many doubloons: a new player needs millions and millions of gold to acquire all of the things that cost gold ... and in the process of doing that they will acquire doubloons as well.

    I have acquired a total of 400 million gold and have bought everything that costs gold with nearly 70 million to spare but have only acquired enough doubloons to purchase 40% of what's available from previous seasons (I started in S7). I feel my point remains unaddressed: as someone who's unlocked nearly all Bilge Rat comms and obtained doubloons through Insiders and obtained doubloons from previous season passes, acquiring the rest of the doubloons will be a boring grind that can be alleviated by adding an exchange or more doubloon items to other world events. I enjoy playing the game but need an endgame goal. Acquiring all the cosmetics is, for me, this goal. The goal is unpleasant to achieve because I can't accomplish it by doing what is fun about the game: interacting with others and vying over world events.

    After considering the numbers I'd probably double the exchange rate I originally proposed.

  • Gifts need to show up more often before using them to counter this.

    Bad idea tho.
    Plenty of Dubs about still. Island hop for Ashen Guardians. Reaper chests. Older commendations for the newer players. They're abundant but not quite enough if you've not been playing for half a decade.

    Make gifts more available. Nice boost to the environment...

    I'm all for deleting selling dubloons for gold. Kind of bad when they were super rare too lol.

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