I'm freaking done with this....

  • I walked away for literally less than 6 minutes. I'm a smoker, and I have serious OCD. I am a counter. I was outside smoking for just barely under 4 minutes (212 seconds to be exact). I then went to take a [mod edit]. That took me 26 seconds. 212 seconds plus 26 seconds is 238 seconds. That is well UNDER 5 minutes yet, everything online says Lazybeard hits you at 10 minutes... I was AFK for LESS then 5 minutes... LAZYBEARD

    So 212 seconds (because I counted), plus the 26 seconds it took me to relieve myself; I walk back into my office as I am being hit with LAZYBEARD............

    I play on Safer Seas........ I am [mod edit] SICK of this.

    Everything online says that it's a 10 minute auto-logout; that is understandable. I was away from my keyboard for literally less then 6 minutes. LAZYBEARD, BYE, KICK ROCKS; the last 4 hours, all that treasure on your ship BYEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    [mod edit].

    Extend the Lazybeard [mod edit] when a SINGLE / SOLO player is playing on SAFER SEAS.

  • 31
  • it for sure was a lazybeard and not a sleepybeard?

    a sleepybeard will occur if you afk regularly but don't really move your character much, so even if you move the controller/m/kb a bit it can still trigger a sleepybeard.

    Can happen while fishing and playing music and comparable low movement stuff.

  • Yes, I know it was Lazybeard, because it popped up on my screen literally was I was walking back to my desk.

    Did you even read what I said? Obviously not. I, literally said I was hit with lazybeard. I am just frustrated because everywhere you read online (even from devs, on dev posts) have stated, you will be hit with lazybeard after 10 minutes of inactivity.

    Go back at ACTUALLY read what I wrote. I was AFK for literally less than 5 minutes (300 seconds is 5 minutes, to give you an idea).

    I was afk for LESS THAN 5 MINUTES (238 seconds) and walked back into my office to physically see my screen go black and see lazybeard on my monitor. I'm not an idiot, dude.

  • I don't actively go afk.

    I have never seen Sleepybeard. So no idea what you're talking about (not saying it's not a thing, I've just never put myself in a position to see that error)

  • I was active for 3 hours straight. Decided I wanted a smoke. Had my smoke (less than 4 minutes). As I returned to my office, I stopped off at the bathroom to [mod edit] (26 seconds). I hate OCD. I then walked back into my office after being afk for less than 5 minutes.. Lazybeard... The last 3 hours, and the MASSIVE haul on my ship.... BYEEEEEEEEEEE.

    Devs: LAZYBEARD!!!!! Kick rocks!

    Me: W.T.F.

  • @tru-wayne-brady while a lazy beard can be annoying, maybe its lowered on safer seas (as the servers for that are already 6 or more times more expensive to run per player then it is to run high seas servers i don't know.

    What i don’t get, why didn’t you sell before taking a break of any kind ?

  • @tru-wayne-brady said in I'm freaking done with this....:

    Yes, I know it was Lazybeard, because it popped up on my screen literally was I was walking back to my desk.

    Did you even read what I said? Obviously not. I, literally said I was hit with lazybeard. I am just frustrated because everywhere you read online (even from devs, on dev posts) have stated, you will be hit with lazybeard after 10 minutes of inactivity.

    Go back at ACTUALLY read what I wrote. I was AFK for literally less than 5 minutes (300 seconds is 5 minutes, to give you an idea).

    I was afk for LESS THAN 5 MINUTES (238 seconds) and walked back into my office to physically see my screen go black and see lazybeard on my monitor. I'm not an idiot, dude.

    I did read what you said. The issue is that what you described fits more in with a sleepybeard than a lazybeard unless you were inaccurate about the time or if safer seas functions differently than high seas.

    I afk a lot because I get busy with other things so I know the lazybeard/sleepybeard stuff pretty well.

  • @tru-wayne-brady Some of your posts have been edited as they go against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.

    Circumventing the Forum Profanity Filter

    A profanity filter is in place to support our commitment to our community to create the world’s friendliest multiplayer game. Topics and posts which attempt to circumvent the filter will be edited or deleted and the users involved warned. Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

    Thank you.

    1. Could be you miscounted. Even by a few
    2. Safer Seas could have shorter afk. If that is true, NOW you know and should prepare for it.

    Extend the Lazybeard when a SINGLE / SOLO player is playing on SAFER SEAS.

    Nah. You shouldnt be afk in that type of server anyways.
    But its a good learning experience. Before you venture out, Sell often

  • Not sure if it helps or not but do repeatable emote (like dancing) before you go afk and it’ll give you the 10ish minute timer.

  • I don't get why they just don't have an extended timer on Safer Seas.
    There's no one else but your ship on the server.

  • @veronik5682 said in I'm freaking done with this....:

    I don't get why they just don't have an extended timer on Safer Seas.
    There's no one else but your ship on the server.

    Because server resources are expensive, and even more so when they are only being used by one person.

  • How does Lazybeard work on Safer Seas?
    Lazybeard will be the same in Safer Seas as it is on High Seas, if you are not active then you are removed from the game. This makes the experience equal between High Seas and Safer Seas, and helps prevent gameplay exploits such as earning Commendations whilst you aren’t even present (for example Sailing X Miles).

    I did some research and this is from the FAQ

    So you should not be getting disconnected at the times you are saying.

    It's the same as high seas. My guess is that if people were regularly getting disconnected at 5 or 6 minutes on safer seas there would be more talk about it.

  • So who's going to safer seas with a timer and do the science?

  • @karkona said in I'm freaking done with this....:

    So who's going to safer seas with a timer and do the science?

    Probably would have heard a lot more about it when people were afk farming horns in season 12 on safer seas, lol.

    There wasn't any chatter about low times then.

  • @tru-wayne-brady

    Or… you counted wrong? In my experience, people tend to self diagnose being ocd/perfectionist/photographic memory/you name it, yet aren’t those things at all.

    Next time use the timer from your phone or elsewhere. The afk timer in High Seas is certainly not less than 5 minutes, and the timers are supposed to be the same.

  • @callmebackdraft
    Hi, I'm a solo player. All you have to do to take a break. It's turn your controller upside down. And have it on movement pushing up, down whatever. So your in constant motion. No guarantee where you will end up! I suggest going downstairs. Upstairs for some reason I'm in the water, and sharks seem to love to bite! This works! Happy hunting ! Actually I love to fish.. never people..

  • @d3adst1ck said

    @veronik5682 said

    I don't get why they just don't have an extended timer on Safer Seas.
    There's no one else but your ship on the server.

    Because server resources are expensive, and even more so when they are only being used by one person.

    So your saying it's taxing on the server to increase the number from 10 to say 20 minutes?
    Ok bud. I think there's much more going on in Sea of Thieves servers in this day and age that need drastic attention to it's performance rather then an increase in AFK timers in Safer Seas.
    So your saying they didn't take into account the extra servers needed when they launched safer seas to accommodate solo players in safer seas?
    If im playing solo in a server I KNOW for a fact I am solo, I expect the AFK timer to be a bit longer then 10 mins.

    Let me go ahead a step further, they claimed a reason for Arena's removal is the server upkeep, yet they went ahead and launched safer seas which contains less players in it per average server? There's probably 100 live safer sea servers for every one Arena server that was live and had a filled lobby.
    Safer Seas just confirmed to people that RARE where deceitful regarding Arena's excuse to remove it on the server topic of things.

    Either way this convo is pointless as we all know deepdown, they are not going to change it.

  • @veronik5682 said in I'm freaking done with this....:

    @d3adst1ck said

    @veronik5682 said

    I don't get why they just don't have an extended timer on Safer Seas.
    There's no one else but your ship on the server.

    Because server resources are expensive, and even more so when they are only being used by one person.

    So your saying it's taxing on the server to increase the number from 10 to say 20 minutes?
    Ok bud. I think there's much more going on in Sea of Thieves servers in this day and age that need drastic attention to it's performance rather then an increase in AFK timers in Safer Seas.
    So your saying this didn't take into account the extra servers needed when they launched safer seas to accommodate solo players in safer seas?

    Let me go ahead a step further, they claimed a reason for Arena's removal is the server upkeep, yet they went ahead and launched safer seas which contains less players in it per average server? There's probably 100 live safer sea servers for every one Arena server that was live and had a filled lobby.
    Safer Seas just confirmed to people that RARE where deceitful regarding Arena's excuse to remove it on the server topic of things.

    Either way this convo is pointless as we all know deepdown, they are not going to change it.

    You're combining several different issues together into a mess that doesn't make sense.

    Arena was closed because it required developer maintenance whenever they updated the game to make sure it didn't break completely. It didn't have anything to do with the number of servers running. We saw this when they added the sirens, the quest board, and other things to the world and would have to make specific fixes to arena because of it. They no longer had the team they contracted out to handle Arena, so every time something needed to be fixed they had to pull members from one of their internal teams to deal with it.

    Increasing idle time on any server is going to increase the cost to run it, because you are going to have more instances alive for longer that aren't really doing anything. It has nothing to do with being 'taxing' on the server, it's just a monetary decision.

  • @d3adst1ck said in I'm freaking done with this....:

    Increasing idle time on any server is going to increase the cost to run it, because you are going to have more instances alive for longer that aren't really doing anything. It has nothing to do with being 'taxing' on the server, it's just a monetary decision.

    You wording that makes sense, because I thought you meant otherwise, as it in the AFK timer was specifically taxing server resources.

    If RARE has a deal with Azure in having 1000 Safer Seas servers at a set rent, then it doesn't matter what players do on those servers, the issue creeps in when more and more players start playing safer seas where the demand exceeds 1000 set server limit, where yes they will have to open more servers for the game/players which ends up costing more.
    The performance stays the same, instances like you mentioned are just that, instances. Which are efficient. Again I'm not sure if you are using that terminology as is, or in Unreal Engine terms of what Instances are in the definition of the game engine.

    . They no longer had the team they contracted out to handle Arena, so every time something needed to be fixed they had to pull members from one of their internal teams to deal with it.

    And who where the studio responsible for handling Arena? I'm asking this because to THIS DAY not one soul could tell me the name of the studio that managed Arena, I'm not sure why it's apparently a closely guarded secret. I'm curious as to if you know who they were/are.
    I find it odd in their dev video about Arena back in the day, they put this much care and attention to the game mode to suddenly supposedly outsource to a studio midway through and not care about it's upkeep. What went wrong? And what's the purpose of that outsource studio if they couldn't do their jobs to upkeep and update Arena?

  • @veronik5682 said

    And who where the studio responsible for handling Arena? I'm asking this because to THIS DAY not one soul could tell me the name of the studio that managed Arena, I'm not sure why it's apparently a closely guarded secret. I'm curious as to if you know who they were/are.

    I'm also curious because the folks I talked to kept saying it was a separate studio that ''made'' Arena, RARE made Arena. Not some studio, so that already peaks my interest as who were that studio lol.
    I thought LucidGames, but they teamed up with RARE long after the Arena died. So I genuinely don't know and want to know the studio that got Arena outsourced to.

    I find it odd in their dev video about Arena back in the day, they put this much care and attention to the game mode to suddenly supposedly outsource to a studio midway through and not care about it's upkeep. What went wrong? And what's the purpose of that outsource studio if they couldn't do their jobs to upkeep and update Arena?

    Yep. They hosted in real life tournaments in England and the USA dedicated to the Arena. Once a month before Corona hit...
    Had 2 dedicated sails to the competitive community and officially supported NAL, SOC and Race of Legends.
    So something must of happened behind the scenes more then just ''Not enough players were playing it'' coupled with other flaky excuses they used.
    Coupled with how they handled the afermath with NAL/SoC and other competitive hubs. To me it's one big fishy play from RARE, They handled it so poorly which is why most comp players left the game, and/or created distrust and hate in some that turned into creating cheat programs. 99% of casuals don't know this side of Sea of Thieves lore lol.

    I think I have a very good grasp as to why they removed the Arena.
    The biggest was fulfilling a devs dream of having Hourglass implemented that was an idea they wanted to bring into the game since the very start, which was proven in their developer updates video about Hourglass.
    Arena was it's competition....

    Anyway this topic is way off OP's thread lol.

  • @karkona said in I'm freaking done with this....:

    So who's going to safer seas with a timer and do the science?

    I got almost 15 minutes standing on a stationary sloop with waves.
    So. Uh. I failed? I started a session in Safer. Got on my boat and was going to go hide in the corner....lol... so I stopped and just jumped up and down and started my timer. Ended up at 14 minutes before I moved again. Set the controller down and all that. My Xbox screen dimmer kicked in.

    I did go on shore and just stood there holding a banjo....10 minutes and like 20 seconds or so. Lazy Beard.

    Doing one more on ship

    Edit. Got 15 minutes... sooo...ymmv apparently

  • @veronik5682 said in I'm freaking done with this....:

    And who where the studio responsible for handling Arena? I'm asking this because to THIS DAY not one soul could tell me the name of the studio that managed Arena, I'm not sure why it's apparently a closely guarded secret. I'm curious as to if you know who they were/are.
    I find it odd in their dev video about Arena back in the day, they put this much care and attention to the game mode to suddenly supposedly outsource to a studio midway through and not care about it's upkeep. What went wrong? And what's the purpose of that outsource studio if they couldn't do their jobs to upkeep and update Arena?

    They rarely ever announce what a team is working on exactly, except for Lucid Games which they said were helping with the PS5 port.

    Searching for these other studios is kind of a pain because as soon as they are no longer contracted, their info gets removed and no one talks about them. I know Flix Interactive was involved for a long time but I don't know if they did any work on Arena. There's been 2-3 other studios involved with either Arena, Tall Tales, Pirate's Life, or Seasonal Content but what they work on is never really specified. Whoever was contracted to work on Arena wasn't actively involved in running it, since it barely got any updates beyond release and the v2.0 revamp so it's likely that they just outsourced those specific updates and then left it to rot like they do for all of their other content that doesn't become an immediate hit (see quest board, hourglass, merchant commodities, shrines, siren skull, etc...).

    Then, when they decided to do Adventures which were supposed to have the potential to change the world over time, realized that they'd have to do upkeep on Arena to make sure it was still barely playable and decided that it wasn't worth it to dedicate developer resources to doing that so it got cut.

    Then they abandoned the Adventures idea later.

  • @wolfmanbush that is so dumb that it would trigger when doing an activity especially one that has a form of progression behind it (hunters) like I guess I understand it if you just stand on the harpoon or something but it also sounds like if you manage to find a clean run with no rocks in the way from just before the world border takes you and sail all the way to the other side you will end up disconnecting before you go to the other side

  • @callmebackdraft see i would personally expect this to be the other way round personally, have the longer time on safer seas cause a lot of people would be like "well i guess im going to take a lil extra time cause im not gonna get hit with anything"

  • @d3adst1ck simple solution to that, have safer seas be like high seas in the regards of "there are multiple ships on safer" just change it by making it so that you have to agree to a fight in order to fight other players or even make it so you cant fight other players at all

  • @quickhakker that's not simple at all

  • @d3adst1ck turns 50+ servers into 5 servers, taking strain off both high seas and every safer seas player, and tbh if people treat safer seas as pve i doubt you would need to even switch pvp off cause no one would do it intentionally, so basically clone high and rename the clone safer boom sorted

  • @quickhakker You need to fiddle with the core part of the game to turn damage on and off between players, which has a high potential to introduce bugs that will affect everyone, and even after doing that you are still left with a ton of edge cases where players can cause problems. Grabbing onto your ship wheel or anchor, standing in a doorway, driving your ship into rocks or kegs, picking up your treasure, following you around, plus likely hundreds of other ways that would be discovered.

    You have a very narrow and limited view of exactly what you are changing if you think it's "boom sorted" easy.

  • @d3adst1ck said in I'm freaking done with this....:

    Because server resources are expensive, and even more so when they are only being used by one person.

    Being an afk player would use less server resources then an active player moving around and doing stuff etc. Extending the time wouldn't make a negative impact on the server resources, probably a positive impact on server resources if anything.

  • @captdirtyoar said in I'm freaking done with this....:

    @d3adst1ck said in I'm freaking done with this....:

    Because server resources are expensive, and even more so when they are only being used by one person.

    Being an afk player would use less server resources then an active player moving around and doing stuff etc. Extending the time wouldn't make a negative impact on the server resources, probably a positive impact on server resources if anything.

    We aren't talking about just being AFK.

    A Safer Seas server instance is inherently more expensive to run because it's servicing less users while utilizing at minimum the basic server overhead that normally services 6-17 players.

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