🏴‍☠️ 🎉 Party of Five ~ The Party for All | Distinction VII | Mature and Social ~ Dutch and English EU pirates

  • Ahoy, brave buccaneers! Are you looking for an adventure with a mature and social crew?

    We are an active bunch of silly pirates who enjoy sailing together. Being active in open world PVE / PVP, hourglass and hunting commendations.
    A healhty mix of male and female players; everyone should feel safe and welcome within our ranks. No exceptions!

    Most of us are based in the EU (Holland, England, Hungary, Belgium....)

    While we are out on the seas, we use our dedicated voicechannels on our own guild Discord. We like to talk and hang around together....

    Quick overview of what we have to offer you:

    • Active pirates who like to sail together with you in open world PVE / PVP, hourglass or helping you with commendations
    • The assembly of larger crews to experience the thrill of fighting on dedicated brig- and galleon crews
    • A mature and social place to hang around. Where toxic behaviour among our crew is not permitted.
    • Our own Discord with actively used voicechannels. Come in and hang around, even if you don't intend to set sail
    • We occasionally organise guild fleets on the same server during special game events or when there is enough interest

    Guild requirements for all members:

    • Be active in the game at least a few times per week. No sweaty minimum requirements, we just like to see you
    • Sail with us as your MAIN guild; raise the guild emmisary flag and sell to the sovereigns once in a while
    • Pledge your active ships to our guild, so you help contribute to a higher guild level
    • Join our discord and be visible when you set sail; its easy to meet & greet with fellow members

    If you like what you read and think this is the place for you, then you can drop us a note in this thread.
    Tell us why we should recruit you.

    You can also click my name here and start a private chat with me. Share your gamertag and discord name as well.

    Everytime we have a spot open on our roster, we will contact those who catches our attention.

  • 32
    communityjust for fun
  • Hello.
    Still have spots available?
    I usually play 3/4 times a week and have around 3K hours.

    If yes, please send me invite.

  • Hi @EIR4S

    See your chat on here (bell in the upper right). Additional info has been sent.

  • Currently we have two open spots. See the info on top.

  • I would like to join, got 60+ days and play almost daily.

  • Hi @Mr-Klepperr

    see your chat. Click the bell icon on the upper right.

    For all others, we have another open spot.

  • @t3nb3rg GT: SomanAsmon Discord: asmno0607
    I'm super interested in your guild you guys sound great. I've been playing the game since day one on and off but only recently became pirate legend. Right now I'm spending every hour I can on the game so you'd see me on nearly every day. I'm a 20 year old from America, east coast, if your interested please let me know ill get back to you asap.

  • Hi ,

    we still have a few open positions within our ranks.

    Drop us a note in here :) See the top post for further details.

  • Hi
    Wana sail with you guys id: Luffy2202
    Discord : lb9885

  • Hi
    I've been playing starting from first year of game - only 2 years of break - age 29. I'm located in Italy and searching for an ACTIVE guild that has ambition.. since I'm bored without a good crew for me it is important to have people according to centeral EU time zone..

    If you think I'm suitable for you: ByForce3

    Tbh it seems your guild is really suitable for me :)

  • Hi @ByForce3

    see your chat (bell upper right), as I have sent you some additional info.

    We still have two open spots, so drop us a note if you are interested to join us.

  • Hello, do you still have spots?

    I would love to join!

    Day 1 SOT player from the UK

  • @bburn1995

    See your chat on here :)

  • @t3nb3rg


  • Welcome aboard Burn!

    Let me know if you are interested, as we keep our eyes open in here for really interesting and social pirates who apply for a spot with us :)

  • Hello T3nB3rg, been playing since release, trying to find an awesome guild to join up with, would love to join. Xbox GT- AMOPERTINAX

  • Hi, I'm pretty new to the game, I have been playing only for a few weeks. I mostly play solo, so I'd love to have some friend to sail and get rich with :))

  • Hi @AMOKPERTINAX and @StarryNight4801

    Check the private chat that I have started with the both of you. Click the bell icon in the upper right...

    If anyone else is interested, drop us a note in here. As soon as we get spots, we check this thread for possible new members.

  • Current status: Distinction VII

    A few openings might be happening soon.

    We are currently pre-recruiting Dutch active players.

  • @t3nb3rg would love to join if there's still spots

  • Two open spots available soon.
    Dutch or EU based pirates are welcome.

    Check the first post for further details.

  • After an action packed community weekend, we are aiming for some fresh pirate blood for our guild.

    Check the first post for all details.

    Are you Dutch or an english speaking EU based player, then let yourself be heard.... A solid introduction always gives you an edge over others ;)

    You can send a reply in here or DM me directly....

  • @t3nb3rg I'm English speaking. Meanwhile, what's the guild level currently?

  • We are currently lvl 774 @GlitchThatLives

  • hey I would like to join if there is a spot. I usually play 3-4 times in a week and Im tired of trying to find people on open crew. It would be nice to have the option of joining and active guild session thx in advance :))

  • @nehot

    See the notification bell on the top. Lets have a small chat :)

  • Welcome aboard Vampiregirl!

    Nice session we had. Welcome in the guild.

    We made some room for new active members. Feel free to drop us a note when you meet the requirements which you can read the the first post.

    Dutch and English EU players are welcome...

  • @t3nb3rg 2,6k hrs, I play almost every day, same GT.

  • Hey!
    EU player here! If you still have open positions i would be super interested joining! Im very active player, playing almost daily. Looking to 100% the game so lots of commendations and trophies to hunt and with active guild that would make the adventure so much better and rewarding.

  • Hello @Cerberum and @jontiusss ,

    lets meet up on the chat here. See the notification bell in the upper right. See you there!

communityjust for fun
22 out of 32