So I made me (and me matey Katt) a potion bottle

  • Using a glass bottle with b**g, a necklace and charm, led strip (with remote control) and USB I made me a colour changing potion bottle :D Just got to paint the base and it will be finished.

  • 40
  • would love to see what you made. but the video is unavailable.

  • @lizalaroo I think yer video still be uploading, matey. It say "unavailable" upon opening it.

  • @vilksian @Karsanto can you try it now plz?

  • Good job love it looks great

  • @lizalaroo Ah, that be a nice work o' art ye got there.

  • great job!

  • @lizalaroo Now i want one..... It is amazing! you can send it to me.. thank u! ;)

  • Well done...indeed :-D

  • Amazing as always lizalaroo. I love your creations, and always look forward to a new one!

  • @clumsy-george The led strip is in the base under the bottle and the charm I bought :D I'm not that clever hehe! This bottle is for Katt. I'm going to pass it on when we meet up with you all.

  • @lizalaroo I want it!!!!💗

  • @lizalaroo

    Once again, I'm completely amazed at your cleverness and artistry.

    Maybe you should start a business making props...

  • @lizalaroo

    It's just brilliant.
    I'm not sure I can think of enough superlatives to describe either your skill and ingenuity in managing to make this fantastic thing or your wonderful generosity in creating one for me.

    From the bottom o' me scurvy heart -

  • @lizalaroo You M'lady are one very talented Pirate Queen, it's epic. Utterly gobsmacked how lovely that is.

  • @katttruewalker Least I can do with you handing me grog 'n' hardtack last time we met up! lol

  • @lizalaroo Plenty more where that came from :D

  • @lizalaroo Wow! This is awesome! Is there anything you can't do? haha 😊

  • @lizalaroo You are too good! The next Pirates movie crew needs to hire you for props :)

  • This looks very familiar... Ahh yes! you can purchase these online ! alt text

    Think geek

  • Dang thats epic! Wish i had 10% of your creativity! Well done :)

  • @lizalaroo you are far too talented Liz! Amazing work I love it!

    In before “Lizalaroo Craft Shop” is an Easter Egg.

  • @lizalaroo Totally awesome work as always! Is there anything you cant turn your hands to?

  • @solepepper3145 Yeah I live in the UK and they don't deliver international so I had to make me own :D But mine is bigger at around 6 inches in diameter, whereas the thinkGeek one is only 4 inches

  • @lizalaroo Its still very impressive but for the lot of us uncreative scaliwags I thought I'd share that :) very nice work!

  • @lizalaroo
    Awesome as always!

    What's going to be next, a Musicbox? 😀

  • @thor-von-blitz Oooooh a music box... from the tavern...

    for a music-related friend perhaps ;)

  • @lizalaroo

    Oh my god that is so cool! I would ADORE that in green. My god you're talented. Keep it up. <

  • @capta1n-cr0ss With the remote you can have it any colour you like! :D

  • @lizalaroo

    I don't have a remote, or an orby thingy! But yes, I saw that and went a little b*****s. -Drooling-

  • @capta1n-cr0ss They're easy to make, believe me :)

  • That looks sick! Great job

  • @lizalaroo

    HA! The "make everything connoisseur" said it's easy to make. Maybe for you. ;)

  • @lizalaroo Beautiful work!

  • Already mentioned this to you else where but it’s another great piece @lizalaroo! I wish I had even a small fraction of your creative talent!

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