Make weapons more than just skins

  • I know that there won't be any upgrades for weapons, but what about give them some flavor?

    Maybe have the admiral pistol do a bit more damage but have slower reload times.
    Or make so the muskets have different kinds of sights.

    I can promise you that people will be more inclined to buy new gear if they actually affects the player.

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  • @zynthetikk86
    i like how you said i know there won't be any upgrades to weapons and immediately suggested an upgrade xD

  • Chicken cannon. ‘Nuff said.

  • @y0ujerk

  • @zynthetikk86 nope, bad idea.

  • @jack-littleshoe please tell me how a gun that works different is an upgrade? It's called balance.

    an upgrade would be if the gun both fires faster and does more damage.

  • @zynthetikk86 Rare has already stated that they don't want upgrades of any kind so while a gun that does more damage and has a slower reload sounds okay it's still an upgrade, Rare want's new players to have the same equipment as veteran players.

  • never going to happen. Rare already stated it wont.

  • @jack-littleshoe how is it an upgrade if it isn't better?

  • One of the best things about this game is that all players are always on the same level when it comes to gear and weapons.

    It really places the focus on skill!

  • @zynthetikk86 your changing the base stats of the weapon so everyone would be running with different stat weapons. Thats not the balancing Rare wants. They stated when you see a pistol/cannon etc you know its just a pistol/cannon. Nothing more nothing less.

  • @zynthetikk86
    Dude it IS an upgrade it is better in one area where the basic flintlock isn't, DMG, any type of upgrade whether that be a sidegrade or not most likely will not be in game.

  • @boaton said in Make weapons more than just skins:

    @zynthetikk86 nope, bad idea.

    You always give the most constructive feedback.

  • @jack-littleshoe and it's worse in another, I don't think you know what what the word "upgrade" means. Look at games like BF4 for example, you can unlock guns but they arn't better than the ones you start with.

  • @y0ujerk and you’re virtue signaling😂

  • @zynthetikk86 ok, i'm just gonna try and explain this one last time.
    Rare has stated they don't want Upgrades, Downgrades, Sidegrades, Or basicly any type of Grade to weapons, equipment, and ship components,
    so while your idea is nice enough it WILL NOT happen, as rare is pretty against any kind of grading that seperates the playerbase, even weapons that are not "better" like you're suggesting is out. and yes i know what the word upgrade means, I was using it in the context that rare is using it. which is NO UPGRADES SIDEGRADES OR DOWNGRADES OF ANY KIND!!! the only thing they are going to add is stuff like the blunderbuss which is mechanicly different then say a pistol.
    there will be nothing like Pistol 1 has decent dmg and decent reload while pistol 2 has great dmg and s**t reload.

  • B...b....but what about different sights? Like a little dot, or a tiny little spike? I wouldn't consider this an upgrade, just a little tiny feature. Does it do different damage? No, everything is the same, just a little notch on the gun. alt text

    The little brown dots.

  • @jack-littleshoe well then the game will fail if the devs won't even consider changing it. Actually it seems like the devs just wants to make their own game and not even listen to the people who plays it. Just look at the IPG.

  • @ikirrex the barrel is already a sight tho O.O

  • @zynthetikk86 umm yea and thats kind of the point, i actually respect them for not changing their game to the whim of every d**k billy and joe, if they did that the game would become a mess of ideas with no cohesion, and the IPG has a reason to exist, because otherwise we would have about 5-100 jack sparrows swaggering around, and no one wants that, now every pirate is unique.

  • @jack-littleshoe Yea but a tiny little notch, only with the admiral pistol or one of the skinned ones only. idk its just an idea :)

  • @ikirrex meh i'm sure something will be added xD after all that really is just a cosmetic :P

  • @jack-littleshoe and is that really a problem? I think only you and the devs don't want that and IPG has gotten more s**t than praises, just look a the mega thread.

    I also think the devs give the players too little credit, I would make my own pirate that fits me and the tagline "become the pirate you want to be" becomes a joke if you can't even control the looks of your pirate.

  • @zynthetikk86 One if the things that both draws me to SoT and also combats some of the worst PVP abuses is that it’s 100% skill based.

    I’m not against new weapons that have differing performance, like more damage while sacrificing speed...but they need to be accessible to everyone from the get go.

    I feel this alone is one of the biggest blocks to severe trolling and therefore am happy the Devs are not budging.

  • @zynthetikk86 You might not play, but the game won't fail.

    There are WAY more people who are fine with, and even happy about, the path the developers are taking. We just aren't coming on the forums to post something that's been discussed TO DEATH!

    There are plenty of games that operate on a cosmetic only system. Most MMOs now have a cosmetic system because of how important appearance is to players.

    I for one am really glad that I can be away from the game for a while and still be on the same level as everyone else.

  • @ikirrex brilliant!!

  • @zynthetikk86
    Nope, upgrading damage on one pistol vs another is an incredibly bad idea.
    Most players, if you are smart enough to understand how the combat will end up working in this game. You shoot once and than go in with your sword.

    So reload time makes no difference, but the damage buff would be huge.

    I have the upgraded pistol and you have the standard pistol, we shoot each other and we both hit each other. It will take fewer sword hits for me to kill you since my pistol does more damage. This is unbalanced and also removes any skillgap.

    Now if we both have standard pistols and I hit you in the head and you hit me in the chest. It will take me fewer sword hits to kill you. This is a skillgap, I was able to hit you in the head which gives me the advantage.

    Where as the upgraded pistol just always gives you an advantage regardless of it being a headshot or not.

    Therefore no upgraded weapons should ever be added to the game. They can add different weapons that do different things. But never 2 of the same and give damage buffs to one.

  • Wow alot of hate straight up on this one.

    I'd suggest maybe that the different pistols could take on different shapes so there is a more physical difference then just cosmetic, like most I'm against the change to weapon stats as what you've discribed is basically the blunderbuss.

    I think the balance of power is pretty good as is, as they have covered the three main power points desired in firearms in games (damage, handeling time & accuracy) being the flintlock, eye of reach and blunderbuss.

    That said, minor tweaks could be something looked into to adapt the weapon uses as a horizontal progression sort of thing however the big question remains : would it be enough to notice, without unballancing gameplay.

  • @zynthetikk86 Then make your own game. Problem solved

  • the different guns in the game already do different amounts of damage and have different reload times. this was an era where firearms were cutting edge technology, the scoped musket didn't even actually exist. there's not much to pull from without it feeling phony. different skins is about the only thing that makes sense. sorry.

  • @laughsmaniacaly this is why I find it a bit funny, devs say that they don't want players to be able to "upgrade" their gear, yet the most powerful weapons are locked behind a paywall.

    I just think it's hypocrital to say that they want horizontal progression when you'll most certainly meet people with stronger weapons.

  • @zynthetikk86 said in Make weapons more than just skins:

    @laughsmaniacaly this is why I find it a bit funny, devs say that they don't want players to be able to "upgrade" their gear, yet the most powerful weapons are locked behind a paywall.

    I just think it's hypocrital to say that they want horizontal progression when you'll most certainly meet people with stronger weapons.

    What weapons are locked behind a paywall? So far the only thing they've announced on microtransactions are pets.

    The weapons they've provided so far in the beta and scale tests are all that's needed. They don't need any upgrades or adjustments. Keep everything on the same playing level.

  • @zynthetikk86 You already have that in game. It's called a blunderbuss, or snipe rifle. Gain in one area, lose in another. We just need a few more weapon types.

  • @zynthetikk86
    there are no weapons behind pay wallls. Why make things up?

  • @DarkestHour138 @godz-stoney I'm talking about ingame gold, not microtransactions

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