Add The Ability To Release Animals From Their Cage Without Killing Them

  • Currently to get animals out of Cages you have to kill the animal inside.
    Please make this opinional by adding a way to release them without killing it.

  • 47
  • I believe they have already said that they will be adding this.

    I don't know if it will be in at launch or sometime soon after though...

  • This would be helpful. I kept getting the wrong chickens, and then I had to set the cage down and kill them I felt so bad! :( Being able to let animals go free from their cages would stop a lot of animal death.

  • @axiom2213

    I agree. Whenever my crew sunk an enemy ship that had animals, we took them on board as well just so they didn't have to drown. Would be nice to be able to drop them off back at an island so they can go along their happy little animal lives.

  • It would also make them harder to loot if you let them out on your ship as looters would have to pick up the empty cage and recapture them first

  • i can see people catching animals and releasing them on their ships haha. or board enemy ships with snakes and releasing them for laughs

  • @axiom2213 I'm glad that I wasn't the only one who felt bad about killing the poor animals!

  • @realbadhor5e

    Yes that would be awesome. Can you imagine someone trying to take your treasure and them being attached by 10 Cobras that would be so great.

  • Haha, yeah... I wondered if this wasn't implemented (yet), because they didn't want us to be capable of releasing the animals on our ships (or other people's ships). The animals would need a lot of AI pathing to be able to navigate on the ships too.
    Haha, when I realized that was the only way to get rid of the wrong type of chicken I just caught... lol. First time I had to do that, I used my cutlass. The next time, I used my blunderbuss... that was much better and somewhat hilarious... BLAST!! big puff of feathers XD (and I am a vegetarian, lol)

  • @pdt-mindstream

    (Shack My Head)
    It's always the vegetarians, to go wild on NPC animals. Lol

  • @axiom2213 said in Add The Ability To Release Animals From Their Cage Without Killing Them:


    (Shack My Head)
    It's always the vegetarians, to go wild on NPC animals. Lol

    I've got years of pent up pacifism, LOL!

    Haha, I actually wondered if those tiny cages, and rough capturing and transporting, was all going to bother me (ever-so-slightly), but it didn't from what I tested. And, yeah... point-blank-blasting those chickens into feathers and dust kind of cinched the deal... muhahahahaha (I guess this means I am going to go full carnivore now, if certain anti-video-game violence advocates are right). :P

  • @pdt-mindstream

    dO.Ob I don't think your a vegetarian anymore.......Run Chickens Run!!!!
    Feather everywhere.

  • Also- from a resource pov- on a larger chicken haul, the more mistakes you make using your coops, the more ammo you expend correcting it... Suddenly skellies spawn around you & your gun's empty from all your chicken culling...
    Letting them go keeps you armed & dangerous (& protected...)

  • I have had pigs turn into skeletons during the final beta. 🐷☠
    I won't hesitate to kill them if I accidentally cage the wrong one. 😄

  • I just wish that they'd give you chicken legs when you shoot them. That way I could at least have a tasty snack while I s*b over my bloodied hands.

  • It's normal to feel bad about killing animals (even virtually). If you enjoy it then you're probably a sociopath.

  • Told my fellow crew, be careful not to grab the wrong animal, as I have an itchy trigger finger.

  • I don't feel bad about killing digital animals. Just like drinking all that digital grog doesn't make me an alcoholic.

    The actual downside of killing an animal you caught by mistake is that if you get a Merchant Alliance voyage later that asks for the animal you just killed then finding a replacement would take longer.

  • P**A will drop their balls when they hear of this.

  • alt text

  • As Zippy out said, Joe Neate already confirm that after feedback complains after the final beta, they worked on it. It was not in the beta but it will be on game release.

  • @dje-la-planque said in Add The Ability To Release Animals From Their Cage Without Killing Them:

    As Zippy out said, Joe Neate already confirm that after feedback complains after the final beta, they worked on it. It was not in the beta but it will be on game release.

    Sweet! When I feel like just messing around, I’ll become Captain Ventura, chicken liberator.

  • What do you all think happens to the animals when you deliver them?

  • @themuckypaw said in Add The Ability To Release Animals From Their Cage Without Killing Them:

    It's normal to feel bad about killing animals (even virtually). If you enjoy it then you're probably a sociopath.

    Haha, what does that say about those who enjoy PvP? :D
    The animals, especially the pig, are cute though and I prefer them to be living... :P

  • @jkodis sagte in Add The Ability To Release Animals From Their Cage Without Killing Them:

    P**A will drop their balls when they hear of this.

    No, P**A loves killing animals that are sheltered. It's their idea of freeing them from a miserable life. Read up on P**A and what they do with cats and dogs that are brought to their shelters, it's eye opening.

  • @axiom2213 was funny last beta my friend catch the wrong chicken was like damn we cant get them out i think he just put the cage down and shoot ! I was like great its working lol we laughed a lot

  • Look if you can't tell a Red chicken from a Black Chicken.....
    I agree with @PDT-Mindstream big puff of feathers for birds would be funny.
    But we need more food variety to eat. Chicken meat would per say give you more health, Snake meat would make you puke like grog without the drunk, Pork would give you a face pasted with bbq sauce. Fun little things.

  • @oldsk00l1964 said above:

    Look if you can't tell a Red chicken from a Black Chicken.....

    They all look the same at night.

    All the foilage on the island means I have to track them by ear and spam the capture button. If I hear fancy Merchant Alliance music then I know I got the right one.

  • @nos37 said in Add The Ability To Release Animals From Their Cage Without Killing Them:

    @oldsk00l1964 said above:

    Look if you can't tell a Red chicken from a Black Chicken.....

    They all look the same at night.

    All the foilage on the island means I have to track them by ear and spam the capture button. If I hear fancy Merchant Alliance music then I know I got the right one.

    We hunted in teams at night one with lantern one with cage. Lantern guy led the way. Easy at Night

  • @oldsk00l1964
    The solo sloop guy should just put down the cage, pull out his lantern, chase the sounds until he spots the right animal, run back to the cage, pick it up, and then head to the last place they saw the animal, and hope the animal hasn't run off?

  • Let's call P**A, it's going to be a scandal!

  • I have a vegetarian friend who is actually annoyed by the idea of capturing animals for Merchant Alliance quests. I tried to lie to her, saying "don't worry, they won't kill them and eat them, it's just some rich people ordering for... pets". She didn't believed me... :(

  • I just want this so I can sneak on people's ships and let all of their animals out.

  • @axiom2213

    I told my sister this; she wants to release a red chicken on board and sail with it like Moana.

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