People do not understand this video game UFO

  • It's just a UFO on the Landscape video game people are not used to having non-scripted games and not directed you need tutorials, you need scripted stories otherwise the average player is lost more to appreciate this It takes creativity, imagination, being inventive and cunning, and few people are, you also have to have the soul of a big child and of course love the universe of piracy, so that's it. is a bit like the Fisher Price toys you throw a party, you can not predict what is happening and the game you generate situations as it is a dynamic World, you have to think in real time, you can even to have fun doing trips that are useless, last night we went to get pigs a good twenty it took us 3 hours to find the cages, we gave a course to the ship because we saw the Kraken far ( the tentacles) and pigs were offered as an offering to the Kraken, we watched the ship leave alone at the horizon was going against the Kraken, we were playing music on the bridge of an outpost, a friend was emulating the sign, I was playing becalmed on the instrument and another friend watching the show through its long View, and we saw the Kraken engulf our ship with pigs, it seems very con said like that but we had a lot of fun doing it it brings absolutely nothing but it leaves a memory a story and without a Script.

    I think the game becomes repetitive when your imagination stops.

  • 34
  • Eat bananas before taking screenshots!

  • Yes, WoW's relentless hand-holding has indeed spawned a generation of gamers who have no clue what the hell a "sandbox" is and how you're supposed to play in one.


  • @therealdestian

    Did you even play wow vanilla? There is a difference between hand-holding and imagination bound content. Wow was the best thing that ever happened to the gaming industry, it showed us the best and the worst there can be.

    Your point is irrelevant: we are talking about the relationship between fun and video games. Video games by definition are about hand-holding, grab a stick and a stone and go play outside then.... video games tell you how to have fun in the first place...

    Without Wow, Sea of Thieves would not exist.

  • Roleplay will only take you so far.

  • It always amuses me to see the defenders of games in situations where the critical voice is far louder than theirs. Plenty of people know how games should work and what a good "sandbox" should entail, look to Eve-Online or countless others. If Sea of Thieves is a sandbox, it's more empty than early access sandbox titles on steam. People from early beta, including devs apparently, have been talking about this from the beginning. But in the beginning, there was hope that content was being created and perfected, at this point it's clear it never existed.

    If you have fun, great; but thinking all the critical voices don't come from a logical place is an indicator that you don't understand their point.

  • Na mate, not for me.

  • @offycakes i am playing games since i am 6 now i am 31 and i can clearly see a that the loudest people are those who contribute the least to a community. Look at this forum, reddit or discord many suggestions are just bad, twisting the core mechanic or just unreasonable.

    screaming „more content“ isnt helping, everyone knows we want more but this stuff wont pop up from behind a bush, it has to be made and tested under pressure and a timeframe.

    Stuff had to be done, to do so it had to be cut. Its s**t, i admit it but people constantly saying „we told them they just ignored us“ is just ignorant.

  • @Finanzminister

    You're right...
    Sadly... It's the loud crowd that has the loose wallet.

  • @capt-baguette cant argue that!

  • @finanzminister

    hmm, missing 'with', or not ^^ ?

    You're also right about content. That's why I reckon that the best shot they have at this point is to make the game a tad more competitive... while making it ok for casuals nonetheless.

    I keep repeating the same stuff everywhere...
    I am in my 30's also and I have seen many great games die in the past, this one's next on the list, I guess the child in me wants it to die a proper death: old age, lots of grand kids xD...

    Ok bye now =p


  • @finanzminister
    I'm not sure how you could argue that the 'loudest' people contribute the least to a community, clearly the least contributing part of the community would be those who say nothing?

    How exactly is it ignorant? If people are telling you that there is a problem with your product (in closed testing) and then you release it and you hear that problem continues to be voiced, magnified by a much larger audience; wouldn't the devs be the ignorant ones for not listening? I never referred to any specific suggestions, my point was that thinking people who are complaining about the lack of content don't understand the game is pretty idiotic to say the least.

  • People are looking at this game like a single player offline RPG that only has fetch quests, when its really more of a Co-op and PvP sandbox game that happens to have quests to do while you and your crew are looking for other players to interact with.

  • @offycakes its ignorant because you ignore how much effort it takes to make good content, i wrote it before, Blizzard needs several months to create a few raids, which get completed in hours after release.

    Just sitting infront your computer and tellig devs to „just dot it“ is simply unreasonable.

    and about that „loudest thing“ there is a HUGE difference between crying whale babies who want the game changing everything the game should be and spamming the general subforum every 20 nano seconds and people who can contribute constructive criticism.

  • Nothing wrong with being a Roleplayer with a vivid imagination, but no one should build a AAA priced game where you have to use your imagination to find the content.

  • @capt-baguette said in People do not understand this video game UFO:


    Did you even play wow vanilla? There is a difference between hand-holding and imagination bound content. Wow was the best thing that ever happened to the gaming industry, it showed us the best and the worst there can be.

    Your point is irrelevant: we are talking about the relationship between fun and video games. Video games by definition are about hand-holding, grab a stick and a stone and go play outside then.... video games tell you how to have fun in the first place...

    Without Wow, Sea of Thieves would not exist.

    Dude, why don't you and WoW get a room. I didn't even think it was a particularly good mmorpg. It wasn't the best thing to ever happen to the gaming industry, it was basically an everquest clone. Like most blizzard games it wasn't particularly innovative or inspired it just took what someone else did and did it with better art, sound, style and interface. I'm pretty sure if WoW never existed it wouldn't have had any impact on gaming what so ever.

  • @capt-baguette said in People do not understand this video game UFO:

    Did you even play wow vanilla?

    Closed beta, actually.

    Your point is irrelevant: we are talking about the relationship between fun and video games. Video games by definition are about hand-holding

    Videogames are about literally whatever the hell you want them to be, which is the true beauty of videogames. If you believe games are about hand holding, you need to seriously broaden your gaming horizons.

    The point here is this: many games have fallen into a trend of the player not progressing based upon their own ability to discover the next part of the game, but via a constant HUD element that says "Pick up the sword", "Slay the goblin", "Talk to that old dude", etc., making games less a form of interactive, choice-driven entertainment and more a checklist with cutscenes.

    Conversely, SoT gives players the absolute bare minimum when it comes to guidance. You don't have a HUD indicator on your map to show you where your ship, the objective, your crew, etc. are. You have to rely upon your own situational awareness, chart reading, and teamwork to get things done.

    Without Wow, Sea of Thieves would not exist.

    Sorry. but I don't see much of WoW in SoT at all.

    If there's any ONE game SoT wouldn't exist without, it's probably this one:'s_Pirates!

  • @FlowerOfCarnage

    I married wow and divorced long ago mate, I guess you never liked blizzard or the warcraft franchise, to each his/her own. I used to be a big fan, not anymore. Everquest clone (lol), blizzard as a copy cat... I have never come across such original arguments... 'wow'!... ^^
    On top of that you say:

    "I'm pretty sure if WoW never existed it wouldn't have had any impact on gaming what so ever."

    I guess you don't even realise that your statement supports mine...


  • @capt-baguette Erm, you replied to the wrong person...

  • @therealdestian I did

    my bad.

  • @capt-baguette No worries. Just letting you know that s/he likely didn't see it.

  • @timidobserver Triple A is just a stupid term.

  • @finanzminister
    Like Donald Trump supporters, I'm not sure why some people feel such allegiance to defend someone undeserving of their allegiance. It's much better to try and find an unbiased point for analysis. You're free to your opinion though, but it doesn't seem to be helping you understand the legitimacy of the counter argument.

    Also, the term 'triple A' (referring to game development), has a very specific connotation. Whether you think it's stupid or not doesn't change the fact that the point is to differentiate the potential resources of one type of developer to another with far less resources.

  • @offycakes i am just sick of overexaggerated b******t. I am not defending the game, i am sick of the behavior of many gamers.

    Call me arrogant, but i do have experience in gaming no matter how you turn it.

    I play games, if you prefer categorizing games on their budget go ahead, but its still a stupid term.

  • @xredx-harlow Thank you for this post.

  • @finanzminister
    That's a crucial point, which is why it's mentioned constantly by people. Indie developers with far less resources produce far more in some cases. When a studio has a AAA budget, there are certain expectations.

    Also, I think everyone here has experience with gaming, I'm not sure why that seems relevant to mention. Finally, calling their complaints as overexaggerated is to fully discount any value in them. I don't specifically read content ideas, but the source of those ideas is what matters - a common belief that SoT shipped with too little content to justify the price tag.

  • @offycakes sry if you not even care to understand whats my point it’s pointless to argue anymore, open your eyes look at reddit, this forum and/or discord and you can see it.

  • @xredx-harlow a bit off topic but damn you got lucky with that character model. looks like a decent good looking person. how many refreshes did you have to do to get that one?

  • Little late reply =p

    @therealdestian a dit dans People do not understand this video game UFO :

    @capt-baguette said in People do not understand this video game UFO:

    Did you even play wow vanilla?

    Closed beta, actually.

    Oh ok! My bad^^ (So you missed out on the alpha leak ? =p)

    Your point is irrelevant: we are talking about the relationship between fun and video games. Video games by definition are about hand-holding

    Videogames are about literally whatever the hell you want them to be, which is the true beauty of videogames. If you believe games are about hand holding, you need to seriously broaden your gaming horizons.

    Yes rhetorically, you are right... but come on, video games also are a bit about content aren't they ;) ... ?

    The point here is this: many games have fallen into a trend of the player not progressing based upon their own ability to discover the next part of the game, but via a constant HUD element that says "Pick up the sword", "Slay the goblin", "Talk to that old dude", etc., making games less a form of interactive, choice-driven entertainment and more a checklist with cutscenes.

    Conversely, SoT gives players the absolute bare minimum when it comes to guidance. You don't have a HUD indicator on your map to show you where your ship, the objective, your crew, etc. are. You have to rely upon your own situational awareness, chart reading, and teamwork to get things done.

    100% agree, but can you honestly say that the game would be worse with a tiny backstory? With say unique epic quests every 5 or 10 levels with each faction or something THAT basic? I mean .. sorry to go back to that but wow's beta had more pve content that sot will ever dream of. That lack of content could badly hurt the game in the (not so) long run.

    Without Wow, Sea of Thieves would not exist.

    Sorry. but I don't see much of WoW in SoT at all.

    If there's any ONE game SoT wouldn't exist without, it's probably this one:'s_Pirates!

    I guess you got a very good point there with Sid Meier's (though The cartonish immersion maybe ? =p). My point was merely about how wow, in my opinion, opened up a new era in terms of mmo games and whatever one may think about wow itself, it's hard to deny that.

    Yes I am biased about wow anyway for me it was the best game ever I played, with more than 10 real life close friends of mine, which made it very special.

    All in all I wouldn't be suprised if we think similarly about S.O.T anyway =p


  • @finanzminister
    Perhaps you should open your eyes, since you're part of the minority. ;)

  • Can I ask for full stops please to make this easier to read?

  • @offycakes said in People do not understand this video game UFO:

    Like Donald Trump supporters, I'm not sure why some people feel such allegiance to defend someone undeserving of their allegiance. It's much better to try and find an unbiased point for analysis. You're free to your opinion though, but it doesn't seem to be helping you understand the legitimacy of the counter argument.

    Also, the term 'triple A' (referring to game development), has a very specific connotation. Whether you think it's stupid or not doesn't change the fact that the point is to differentiate the potential resources of one type of developer to another with far less resources.

    Dont mix politics in this, if you lean to either side they feed you, left or right, you're still a good sheep. Keep politics out or this will become way worse that the usual "hurr durr pyrate gayme. git gud scrub"

  • the game is a Game as Services. If you do not understand what it is to make it simple it is a game that we pay once full pot then all future additions will be "free" or included in the price of the game so no DLC Pay, in 3 month they will put a cash shop online for cosmetics, pets this cash shop is not intended to create an imbalance by making a player more powerful. the devs are already planning to expand the content, introduce new threats, new factions, new mechanics, new events. Sea of ​​Thieves is a game that will revolve around its random and social events we find ourselves in a non-dirigiste and scripted game, where in a classic game we follow a path all drawn and we advance linearly a point At point B in Sea of ​​Thieves it's not that each trip becomes unique thanks to random events and players who act as "NPCs" in our Adventures so yes I agree with you in appearance the content is lean but in depth the game is one of the richest with Minecraft, Sea of ​​Thieves is not a Sandbox it's a Shared World Adventure Game A game of Shared World Adventures and that's exactly what the game is sending us looking for things, we can never predict what will happen we will cross other players, will they be friendly or hostile, we will betray you they? There are really an infinity of scenarios that can emerge from our parts so the reviews on the content, I do not understand Minecraft at first it was a pick, an ax, a torch and cubes + 2-3 kinds of mobs and what worked in Minecraft? its mechanics and its random and yet the game to evolve even though its center remains the cubes, I am certain that people who say that the content is weak do not yet capture snakes to protect their treasures, or have still not used a cursed chest to cause damage to an opposing crew ... Sea of ​​Thieves is extremely deep just have to be creative, the game becomes repetitive when your imagination stops.

  • @jarofpeachz it took me about 15 minutes to find it was pretty fast ^^

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