Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2

  • Ahoy there Pirates!

    Patch Notes - 1.0.2

    Download size:
    Around 450MB for all platforms.

    Xbox Installation Instructions can be found here.

    PC Installation Instructions can be found here.

    Maintenance Window

    The game will be unavailable due to necessary maintenance at these times:

    • Wednesday 4th April 9am – 1pm BST


    • Ship respawn distance - When a ship sinks, we have significantly increased the distance at which the crews new ship will respawn. Ships will now respawn outside of visible view of the ship that sank them. This is in response to lots of player feedback which highlighted that the previous spawn distance was resulting in "griefing" behaviour and stalemates at the forts!
    • Mermaid Teleport - Pirates will now have to drop any treasure item they are carrying before being able to see the 'Teleport back to ship' option from the mermaid. We saw feedback that players were accidentally leaving treasure behind in the sea, so wanted to make it more clear that when you teleport you leave your treasure behind!

    Fixed Issues

    • [PC Only] Players should no longer experience the 0x80070005 error or get stuck at 99% during installation.
    • Players are no longer able to fall through the ship geometry and into the sea if they are to repeatedly jump on the chests/barrel located mid deck
    • The voyage image on the captain’s table now displays the rank (promotion) banner in the top right corner, to keep in line with other areas of the game UI.
    • When accepting a game invitation whilst matchmaking, the game no longer enters a temporary unresponsive state.
    • Bounty Captains will no longer spawn multiple times.

    Performance Improvements

    • Multiple server and client crash fixes.

    Further improvements and optimisations for all platforms are ongoing.

    Known Issues

    • Players may experience details of their pirate (such as hair colour / scars) looking different from their initial selection.
    • Achievements earned prior to March 29th are delayed, but will be awarded once our fix is applied.
    • Some players are unable to equip a second weapon. For a potential workaround see our Support Article.
      For an update on these three issues, please read our Launch Update written by Executive Producer, Joe Neate.
    • Some players have not received their Black Dog Pack code.
      If you pre-ordered from the official Microsoft Store, please submit a Support ticket through Support. If you pre-ordered from another retailer, please contact them to receive your code.
    • Some players cannot see their downloadable content in game.
      Please read our Support Article for a potential workaround for this issue.
    • Bounty quest skeletons sometimes do not spawn or cannot be found.
      If you encounter this bug, a potential work around is to sail away from the island until it’s out of range, and then sail back in to trigger the Island Name banners.

    That covers the release notes for Patch Notes - 1.0.2

  • 473
  • GJ, but where is the content?

  • @khaleesibot Nice job on the second patch in two weeks :) Thanks for the hard work.

  • And you know, i never have this problem before the fix...


  • Lit. :D!!!


    SOOOOOOO HYPE!!!!!!!!!

    This goes out to everyone on my threads "Nope, PvP is legit, and fine as is, and the devs should be worried about actual issues"

    This is my Obligatory "In your face" post. ;)



    They said the word. Stick it in your pipe, and smoke it!

  • @zeo PvP is fine, the respawns were bad lol

  • @khaleesibot How are you a founder but not a pioneer?

  • Please fix this in the next patch.

  • Looks good to me, thank you. 😊

  • Increasing the ship respawn distance is among the most important updates this game could receive, in my opinion. Now when we sink ships it will feel like we actually rid ourselves of their presence (for a time, at least).

    Nicely done so far, team! Keep it up!

  • Known Issues
    Players may experience details of their pirate (such as hair colour / scars) looking different from their initial selection.

    Wasn't this supposed to be fixed with the first patch? Why is it still an issue after the second?

    Gonna have to see what the revised respawning actually means. Outside of the players view can mean behind an island. They really should at least also start with zero cannonballs at an outpost.

  • It just dawned on me...

    How much SKILL is going to be needed to take a fort, now.

    Woot. Lit. 1337.


  • Great work, keep it up. Don't let all these "content" and "more game" nay sayers get yinz down. Games going great. TONS of fun times, lovin it. Thanks for all yinzs hard work.

  • Thank you for changing the Respawn, and thank you at least in this instance, for listening to your consumers. We are the consumers and you are the creators, this is your dream and your project.

    But with respawning at the next island over, with supplies each time just meant people could hammer one someone, repeatedly, for hours with nothing to lose and everything to gain. Especially at Strongholds.

    Can't wait to see what content will be added soon. Maybe diving for giant clams with big shiny pearls to sell?

  • @zeo said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    It just dawned on me...

    How much SKILL is going to be needed to take a fort, now.

    Woot. Lit. 1337.


    Ahem ... no? If you camp out a crew that is doing the fort for you and kill their ship at the right time, they will spawn so far away that they can't get revenge. And the camper will succeed. This only helps against those griefers that just send ship after ship towards you, not the campers.

  • @x1-two
    Ahem, I'll come sink you while you camp, kthxbai.

  • @zeo said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    Ahem, I'll come sink you while you camp, kthxbai.

    Sorry, I don't do forts because of campers.

  • @khaleesibot Now we cannot leave our boat unattended on a fort, because another player can come up with a gunpowder barrel and sink it while we are completing the fort. so the new strat is just let the fool on the island do all the work then move in to snipe the treasure

  • Thanks for the patch notes. The respawn distance is especially appreciated.

    Under known issues, it says; Achievements earned prior to March 29th are delayed, but will be awarded once our fix is applied.

    I figure since it is still a known issue, it won't be fixed in this update. I am just wondering if achievements will start working correctly before this upcoming fix is applied?

  • Good on respawn. I just wish that the crew needed to scavenge for supplies as well.

  • @x1-two "Gonna have to see what the revised respawning actually means. Outside of the players view can mean behind an island. They really should at least also start with zero cannonballs at an outpost." If they used to spawn 500 meters away, it means they increased it to ,say, 800-1000 meters away. Not "hidden from view", but further from view

  • @s1ictrck Say that again without crying.

  • I'd like to point out: One time being sank is not something that is out of the ordinary.
    That is a legitimate strategy.

    SMASHING your ship against another ship's hull every 2 minuets, due to constantly sinking, however, is griefing.

    Being blown up because you were sneaky, is however, legit.

    It's shady, but legit.

    So..... Point stands. No more respawn tanking.

  • Really disappointed.

    Still no different types of food, still no other musical instruments, still no community events.

    I could go on. My question is: why are people viewing this as a productive update? Ship respawn distance? Something that has been complained about since last July, just now gets a fix?

  • What about bounty quests not spawning skeletons? Also why am I still getting a ton of castaway chests doing lvl 35 gold hoarders quests?

  • @zeo
    How is ramming griefing?
    It was a valid tactic in naval battles for a long time.

    Seconding this.
    I'm not playing on a 1080 to see some ugly LODs. I know UE likes to scramble LODs and materials when reimporting, and it can be a PITA, but this really kills immersion and makes the spyglass virtually useless.

  • @diamondvp sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    GJ, but where is the content?

    in the content room!

  • Cool fix for the respawn, I think it would have been better if you would respawn once close to where you died, and then further away as you keep dying but I'm okay with this fix.
    But still no fix for that annoying bug with weapons slots ? I hope we don't have to wait another full week just to see that resolved...

    And mandatory question... where is the roadmap ?

  • @nebenkuh
    Sorry, you've seem to have missed the point, and are completely out of your element. If you would like to go search the context of the point I was making, it would benefit you to scroll up.

  • Waiting to pounce on a galleon doing a fort is a legit strategy and exactly what a pirate game is all about. Zerg rushing them till they run out of supplies was griefing and Rare have confirmed it. Good change, hopefully we'll hear more about content in the Dev video this week (there will be one right?)

  • Why isn't the "Push To Talk" bug in the known issues, same with proximity chat sometimes broadcasting to the entire instance through a mermaid, dock, or other points on the map?

  • @zeo sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    I'd like to point out: One time being sank is not something that is out of the ordinary.
    That is a legitimate strategy.

    SMASHING your ship against another ship's hull, however, is griefing.

    Being blown up because you were sneaky, is however, legit.

    It's shady, but legit.

    So..... Point stands. No more respawn tanking.

    Ramming is the best you can do, it bring the other ship in a bad angle for them... its legit for me!

4 out of 473