Official Sea of Thieves Inn-side Story #26: Content Plans

  • @dumahmorton said in Official Sea of Thieves Inn-side Story #26: Content Plans:

    Hungering Deep sounds like its going to be a big monster, something like Charbydis, a real ship sinker.

    Kraken cough dissapointment cough
    I sure hope these ai will actually be a challenge

  • Well fair play to Rare, that all sounds like it hits pretty much all of the main beats that I have seen raised since launch. I'll keep invested till May at least to see how this plays out. I'm going to stop hassling them and let them get back to fixing their game for now.

    Brig anyone??
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    Also "Cursed Sails" new AI threat sounds like Ghost/Skelly Ship... maybe Skellies have a Man O War you can steal?


    I'm excited for this game again! All this sounds amazing!

  • This was refreshing to see. It appears we will have 6 major content updates this year. 1 in may, 2 in the summer months and 3 more in the fall winter months. Plus weekly events, new ships so 4 man sloops not happening. Good! Def excited to see what's in store.

  • @Musicmee I dunno man it definitely sounds like cannibals to me too

  • @musicmee
    New AIs : One of them could be the crawling things mentioned several times. I remember reading this somewhere on the forum.
    New ship type: @ShootHere4EXP 's boats be a good start.
    Hungering Deep: A mermaid themed quest/event ?

  • @th3xr34p3r skeleton crews are what you are sent out to hunt in OoS....

  • new ship sounds cool I guess, assuming it's a decision made to replace the 4 man sloop idea.

    I'm hoping that I'm wrong thinking some of this sounds like an NPC ship.

    Kinda bummed about the pets, but I'm sure most people want content over cash shop items, and I can't argue with that.

    I hope the captaincy update being pushed out doesn't mean more pirate legend stuff is also being pushed back. I seem to remember those being tied together, but I may be wrong.

    New events sound cool. I hope they aren't abusable by server hopping, or my crew will probably hardly get to participate.

    New unique rewards to claim is an interesting addition. Hopefully this means cosmetic rewards for activities, rather than gold.

    I wonder if the hungering deep will have us finally face the entire kraken. Dunno what else it could be in relation to, but that's the first thing that comes to my mind.

    Good stuff.

  • Love the weekly events plans and the new boss AI battle--I wonder what it will be in the "deep."

    Cursed sails-- I wonder if that will include the "ship of the damned" plans they had talked about a while back, or a new enemy AI ship?

    Overall, sounds like a lot of event-based content with a few major DLC content drops over the next year. Sounds good to me.

    Reading the rest of the comments, it sounds like some people wanted a Sears-catalog-like video outline exactly what is coming. I don't think that was ever reasonable to expect as it is in Rare's best interest to tease but not show what is coming.

  • @dazed898 said in Official Sea of Thieves Inn-side Story #26: Content Plans:

    @th3xr34p3r skeleton crews are what you are sent out to hunt in OoS....

    I don't think that's the case, simply because I have 0 crews killed under commendations.

  • **** I’m so hyped!!!! Thank you!!!!!

  • Sounds promising looking forward to it🙂

  • Ok I watch this video 3/4 way through and turned the c**p off, firstly and this goes to the presenters. LOOK and talk to your customers through the camera, you were both talking to your selves and trying to convince yourselves what your talking about was great. Sorry but I heard nothing about real content for this game, feel bad for saying this but this is so amateurish. They have no intentions of adding what people want, it's all make your own game in sea of thieves. like I said in past posts, they've given an empty box and expect you the customer to make your own fun out of that. Was great when I was 5, but I'm now 54 and expect allot more for £50 quid, guess I'll put this game in the bloody bin.

  • That all sounds great to me, thanks for the update guys.

  • Looks like Rare is actually listening to people, so that's cool. Despite all the annoying fan boys who say not to change anything. I'm liking the thought of ways to team up with other crews, something I've been complaining about. And also adding more AI threats in the world, another thing I've been complaining about. Good job Rare, thanks for listening to people.

  • @codebreaker1963

  • @codebreaker1963
    Do it! Put it in the bin... There's alot of us who don't want you playing anyways....

    Bye bye! don't let the door hit you on the way out... We don't want the door damaged....

  • thx Damian for the post.

    I guess I'm getting a bit hyped again. I don't know. My attention span is usualy really... oh look something shiny, brb...

    ... but somehow, even tho after all the betas and scale tests I've been a bit dissapointed on release, I still really like this game. I'm looking forward to all the new content.

    I won't lie, my expectations for this announcement were unrealisticaly high, so I'm a little torn between hyped and disapointed, (with no real valid reason to feel like that) but that's probably a side effect of how much I care about the success of this game and Rare in general. (again, with no valid reason for it :D )

  • @haltingstream22 They need to be vague. They were a bit too eager pre-release to show off stuff like the legendary hideout, which was shown off almost in its entirety a month before launch. Giving us a timeline and teases for the content themes plus confirmation of specific types of things. Speaking trumpet coming next month is basically confirmed. :D

  • Excited for the new content! Sounds awesome. And it's all included in the $60. Not sure why people continue to complain when it's obvious Rare really cares and is listening to feedback.

    Here's to more Sea of Thieves! :D

  • @xgodkevin Was no 4 man sloops confirmed here? I didn't notice them saying that anywhere (hope it's true because that sounded like a terrible idea).

  • Really hoping, with the naming of the first content update, that this means that the new AI threat will be an additional sea monster.

  • @thor-von-blitz
    Don't get too hyped yet m8, don't forget we haven't seen the Legendary Ship yet, so this could possibly just be that!!

  • Ok,, there were a lot of ‘words’ to start and then they kicked in a real roadmap. Content, weeklys, new ways to level npc rep, skins. Boom, there you go.

    Yet some of you are still whining and b******g in this thread, What the hell else did you want? They are providing more content than many other AAA games in the same timeframe.

    Now, if you want them to change the entire horizontal progression and be more rpg, or make this a fps probably need to go find a different game cause it ain’t gonna happen.

    My only concern is, will players who started this journey still be around when this conent hits. Not so sure abiut that.

  • @codebreaker1963 said in Official Sea of Thieves Inn-side Story #26: Content Plans:

    Ok I watch this video 3/4 way through and turned the c**p off, firstly and this goes to the presenters. LOOK and talk to your customers through the camera, you were both talking to your selves and trying to convince yourselves what your talking about was great. Sorry but I heard nothing about real content for this game, feel bad for saying this but this is so amateurish. They have no intentions of adding what people want, it's all make your own game in sea of thieves. like I said in past posts, they've given an empty box and expect you the customer to make your own fun out of that. Was great when I was 5, but I'm now 54 and expect allot more for £50 quid, guess I'll put this game in the bloody bin.

    Haha, I stopped my baby tantrums when I was 5.

  • @tavishhill2003 they mentioned a new ship, nothing about modifying existing ship player counts.

  • Sounds really good!
    It's almost everything I wanted. Hope it all turns well!

  • Sounds promising, looking forward to seeing what the weekly updates bring in between.

  • STOOOKKEDD I didn't get the vibe that their vagaries were anything but not wanting to spoil the reveal, they care, they have a plan, and it seems like we have content for the rest of the year! F#@!$% YES RARE THANK YOU!

  • @dazed898 said in Official Sea of Thieves Inn-side Story #26: Content Plans:

    @th3xr34p3r skeleton crews are what you are sent out to hunt in OoS....


    Exactly but in this case they are ones for the ships since guess what they are locked, they had plenty of chances to fix it if it was bugged since launch, not to mention the name, cursed crews.. cursed sails, pretty obvious to me that is.

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  • Man O War! Man O War!
    Banjo Kazooie and Perfect Dark Shanties!
    Man O War!
    ShootHere4EXP's Man O War! It looks amazing!
    Flying Dutchman!
    More Map!
    Im the map! Swiper No Swiping! Swiper No Swipi...just realized I could've been yelling that at other players trying to steal my loot...
    Liar's dice? Gambling with Liar's Dice for ingame coin? Fun for my gambling addiction and to make my fellow crewmates to go broke.
    Did I mention...Man O War? Yea...I think I make it more clear...I WANT A MAN O WAR! Also Flying Dutchman possibly?

  • Me explaining to my nongamer wife why I'm in such a good mood today:

  • @touchdown1504 definitely fair and probably advisable haha. But it just gives us SOMETHING to look forward to. before it was just sailing into the sunset. I can't wait for specifics. I'm sure that the may thing will be like may 30th haha but I am hopeful we can at least get some cosmetics trickling in. I want to have so many combinations of pirate clothes out there it makes our head spin.

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