The Hungering Deep coming May 29th

  • That trailer was great, Merrick reminds me of Quint from the film Jaws!

  • @wturok its a joke... more teasing cause this will have NOTHING TO DO... all they do is say is vague stuff and nothing of any value...

  • So, Merfolk have been ruled out as the new AI threat. I wholeheartedly believe that while Merfolk were part of their original plans for early updates, that was quickly shifted back, as was Ship Captaincy, in favor of fan-requested content. In this case a Megalodon.

    As for the one confirmed new item (revealed in the roadmap video), I still firmly believe it's the Shouting Trumpet, as it's function fits exactly what the Devs described the new item was supposed to be used for. There is still the possibility that we could get the Drums, Banjo, and Spear/Boarding Pike as additional items.

  • Some things I noticed

    Content roadmap listed the following for this update

    • New AI threat
    • New item
    • New things to unlock

    Obviously the new AI threat looks like a megalodon. New things to unlock are probably the shark based ship cosmetics that could be seen in the betas and alpha.

    New item could be spears/harpoons that were seen in the trailer. The content roadmap does say that the item can be used to bring crews together, which makes me think there is probably a better chance that it is the megaphone-like item they talked about.

    As @King-Brouille pointed out, you can see two crews playing music together to summon a creature. The content roadmap talks a lot about crews working together to defeat this new AI threat. It mentions having to work together to find this threat in the world, which definitely seems to make sense that Rare would add the megaphone to make it easier to work together with other crews and summon the megalodon.

    Trailer also had stacked gunpowder barrels. Maybe a tool for fighting megalodon?

  • @jetorchidee97 said in The Hungering Deep coming May 29th:

    That's great! Really well made! I could watch a movie like this.
    Crabs confirmed?

    Would make a great animated movie!
    No m8, just a bit itchy ;)

  • @a-trusty-mango there is nothing in the video that looks like this lol

  • The trailer looks soo great and is really different of other games. As Merrick says, it's just stories! If Rare doesn't show directly the gameplay it's not to influence us. It's for players make their own stories. People will experience it in so many different way. The fact that the first legendary pirate was so much discussed broke somehow this magic, I think. Almost everyone knew how to get to the tavern and how it was.
    I really look forward to sail and figure it out with my crew may 29 and read all your different stories.
    Thank you Rare, can't wait!

  • @muse986 I can't wait!!!! Keep it coming rare and we are all loyal to the cause!!! ARGHHHHHH!!!!!

  • Sweet :) I'm looking forward to this and the weekly updates! Best thing about the trailer imo, is having some new being discussed on the forums for 2 weeks :)

    Nice work! Let the speculation continue.

  • alt text

    Mosasaur possibly?

  • @natsu-v2 They have nothing... they have to do this to keep ppl interested... they play games... we been bitc...err complaining about nothing to do since launch and they still show up with stupid smiles saying "just wait it’s goanna be good... oooh we have a surprise for you just wait.. We can’t get basic updates to work on time but this one things is goanna be awesome just wait and see what it is

  • @muse986 Looking good

  • From the Sea of Thieves Twitter profile:


  • @jackal1370 I bet my money on leviathan

  • @knightx13 I won't swim alone anymore 👀

  • New achievements maybe? Like the 'Smile you son of a...' kill a shark with a boom barrel achievement?

  • Yees! Crabs! Now i can finally say that i got the crabs. Excited!

  • Do unbelievably stoked for this...

    -Spear fishing?
    -A new hook?
    -Drums? Time for my pirate to freestyle challenge people
    -A new giant fish?(I knew it that huge fish was on the road map)
    -New ai crabs?
    -summoning a monster with a sacrifice? Probably captured animals or a crewmates. Really hoping you don't have to work with other crew's people tend to make that problematic.

    Can't wait that long!

  • More swimming in a sea of speculation.

    A spectacular, speculative soup. Teasing is so often frustrating for the teased.

    However I didn’t really feel teased. I just felt ... nothing actually.

    Creates some threads though I guess and it strangely hasn’t diminished my interest in the possible content.

    This giant shark thing ... whatever. If we gain some new mechanics, fishing perhaps, some new instruments, tattoos, harpooning, some new animals, some more customisation, a new ship ... I’ll be well happy.

    A giant shark though? Meh. Kraken mark ii.

  • Looking forward to it! Love this game!

  • @knightx13 gun pow in mouth and shoot with gun maybe?

  • @ve111a that hook is already in game.

  • Super excited!!! Great trailer!!! What time do we think it will be rolled out on the 29th??

  • So far there is a lot to unpack from this trailer. This post is a lot of speculation but here is just a small list of little things that could also be included other than the obvious leviathan/megalodon. I have included time stamps.

    new chest? - 0:07 on the right
    crabs for merchant quests? - 0:09 on the left
    dual peg legs/hooks - 0:11
    jewelry - 0:22 earing
    harpoon - 0:33
    3 man ships with two masts - 0:55
    drums - 0:55 left musician
    parrots - 1:25

    anything I missed?

  • @oni2anza
    All speculation from a CG "teaser"... a lot to unpack hey??

  • Personally, I wish there were more types of outfits such as the ones on racks at the clothing shops, and I'd love to see a new purchase-able feathered triangle hat instead of the purple legendary one.

  • Fantastic work. Excited for what it has to offer! Thank you, RARE.

  • yay! loved the tall tale by the camp fire... wish it was next week on the 22nd tho, for I start a new design contract on the 29th so won't be able to play much.

  • Why can't I run into that guy on an island at Midnight or something and have him tell the tale!? Good trailer though. Im ready to kill some big sharks.

  • @gnarllama yeah we need to find him marooned on an isle somewhere and be able to have a grog or tune while sitting by the campfire as he tells us tales.

  • I almost wonder if everyone is reading too much into this with all the:

    "Drums Confirmed!"

    Type posts.
    I don't know that a cave painting confirms anything really. It's a cool idea and all but I think any features you saw here were merely hinted at and maybe take it at face value. It promised a new monster, that's roundabout the only fact I can derive from it.

    Still, it looks fantastic!!

  • @ricklames02 Well it just so happens I'm off on the 29th anyway, so we'll see how it goes! :)

  • I just noticed there is a cave painting with two masts and three people on it... Hhmmmmmm

  • @psych0-knightro CAVE CONFIRMED!

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