Official Sea of Thieves Bilge Rat Adventures: Gunpowder Skeletons

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  • @mad-jack-ketch We got a new @Musicmee over here. You guys must live on their youtube page lol.

  • @xcalypt0x I use google chrome with it's youtube notification extension so it pops up and I just copy and paste :) Then get on with what I was doing. Unless it's tavern talk or something that I can write stuff up.

  • @mad-jack-ketch said in Official Sea of Thieves Bilge Rat Adventures: Gunpowder Skeletons:

    @xcalypt0x I use google chrome with it's youtube notification extension so it pops up and I just copy and paste :) Then get on with what I was doing. Unless it's tavern talk or something that I can write stuff up.

    Lol ah gotchya. That must be way more responsive that the youtube app on my phone. Doesn't notify me for a few hours.

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